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 * b2evolution - {@link}
 * Released under GNU GPL License - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}
 * @see
 * @package xmlsrv
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$b2newpost_doc='Adds a post, blogger-api like, +title +category +postdate';
$b2newpost_sig = array(array($xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcBoolean, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString));
 * b2.newPost. Adds a post, blogger-api like, +title +category +postdate.
 * b2 API
 * @param xmlrpcmsg XML-RPC Message
 *                    0 ?
 *                    1 ?
 *                    2 username (string): Login for a Blogger user who is member of the blog.
 *                    3 password (string): Password for said username.
 *                    4 content (string): The content of the post.
 *                    5 publish (boolean): If set to true, the post will be published immediately.
 *                    6 title (string): The title of the post.
 *                    7 category (string): The internal name of the category you want to post the post into.
 *                    8 date (string): This is the date that will be shown in the post, give "" for current date.
 * @return xmlrpcresp XML-RPC Response
function b2_newpost($m)
     * @var User
if( ! $current_User = & xmlrpcs_login( $m, 2, 3 ) )
// Login failed, return (last) error:
return xmlrpcs_resperror();

$publish  = $m->getParam(5);
$publish = $publish->scalarval();
$status = $publish ? 'published' : 'draft';

$content = $m->getParam(4);
$title = $m->getParam(6);
$main_cat = $m->getParam(7);
$date = $m->getParam(8);

$params = array(
'title'            => $title->scalarval(),
'content'        => $content->scalarval(),
'main_cat_ID'    => $main_cat->scalarval(),
'date'            => $date->scalarval(),
'status'        => $status,

return xmlrpcs_new_item( $params );

$b2getcategories_doc='given a blogID, gives an array of structs that list categories in that blog, using categoryID and categoryName. categoryName is there so the user would choose a category name from the client, rather than just a number. however, when using b2.newPost, only the category ID number should be sent.';
$b2getcategories_sig = array(array($xmlrpcArray, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString));
 * b2.getCategories
 * Gets also used for mt.getCategoryList. Is this correct?
 * @param xmlrpcmsg XML-RPC Message
 *                    0 blogid (string): Unique identifier of the blog to query
 *                    1 username (string): Login for a Blogger user who is member of the blog.
 *                    2 password (string): Password for said username.
 * @return xmlrpcresp XML-RPC Response
function b2_getcategories( $m )
_b2_or_mt_get_categories('b2', $m);

$b2_getPostURL_doc = 'Given a blog ID, username, password, and a post ID, returns the URL to that post.';
$b2_getPostURL_sig = array(array($xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString, $xmlrpcString));
 * b2.getPostURL
 * @param xmlrpcmsg XML-RPC Message
 *                    0 ? NO LONGER USED (was: blogid (string): Unique identifier of the blog to query)
 *                    1 ? (string)
 *                    2 username (string): Login for a Blogger user who is member of the blog.
 *                    3 password (string): Password for said username.193
 *                    4 post_ID (string): Post to query
 * @return xmlrpcresp XML-RPC Response
function b2_getposturl($m)
     * @var User
if( ! $current_User = & xmlrpcs_login( $m, 2, 3 ) )
// Login failed, return (last) error:
return xmlrpcs_resperror();

     * @var Item
if( ! $edited_Item = & xmlrpcs_get_Item( $m, 4 ) )
// Failed, return (last) error:
return xmlrpcs_resperror();

// CHECK PERMISSION: (user needs to be able to view the item)
if( ! xmlrpcs_can_view_item( $edited_Item, $User ) )
// Permission denied
return xmlrpcs_resperror( 3 );    // User error 3

logIO( 'OK.' );
    return new
xmlrpcresp( new xmlrpcval( $edited_Item->get_permanent_url() ) );

$xmlrpc_procs['b2.newPost'] = array(
'function' => 'b2_newpost',
'signature' => $b2newpost_sig,
'docstring' => $b2newpost_doc );

$xmlrpc_procs['b2.getCategories'] = array(
'function' => 'b2_getcategories',
'signature' => $b2getcategories_sig,
'docstring' => $b2getcategories_doc );

$xmlrpc_procs['b2.getPostURL'] = array(
'function' => 'b2_getposturl',
'signature' => $b2_getPostURL_sig,
'docstring' => $b2_getPostURL_doc );
