Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file display the automation form
 * This file is part of the b2evolution/evocms project - {@link}.
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}.
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * @package admin
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$edited_Automation, $admin_url;

$step = param( 'step', 'string', '', true );

$SQL = new SQL( 'Get all users queued for automation #'.$edited_Automation->ID );
$SQL->SELECT( 'aust_autm_ID, aust_user_ID, aust_next_step_ID, aust_next_exec_ts, user_login, step_ID, IF( step_ID IS NULL, 2147483648, step_order ) AS step_order, step_label, step_type, step_info' );
$SQL->FROM( 'T_automation__user_state' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_users ON user_ID = aust_user_ID' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_automation__step ON step_ID = aust_next_step_ID' );
$SQL->WHERE( 'aust_autm_ID = '.$edited_Automation->ID );

$count_SQL = new SQL( 'Get a count of users queued for automation #'.$edited_Automation->ID );
$count_SQL->SELECT( 'COUNT( aust_user_ID )' );
$count_SQL->FROM( 'T_automation__user_state' );
$count_SQL->WHERE( 'aust_autm_ID = '.$edited_Automation->ID );

// Filter by step:
if( strtolower( $step ) === 'finished' )
// Get only the users who finished this automation:
$SQL->WHERE_and( $filter_step = 'aust_next_step_ID IS NULL' );
$count_SQL->WHERE_and( $filter_step );
elseif( (
$step = intval( $step ) ) > 0 )
// Filter by step:
$SQL->WHERE_and( $filter_step = 'step_order = '.$DB->quote( $step ) );
$count_SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_automation__step ON step_ID = aust_next_step_ID' );
$count_SQL->WHERE_and( $filter_step );
set_param( 'step', $step );
$step !== '' )
// Unset wrong step values:
set_param( 'step', '' );

$Results = new Results( $SQL->get(), 'aust_', '-A', NULL, $count_SQL->get() );

$Results->global_icon( T_('Add users...'), 'new', $admin_url.'?ctrl=users', T_('Add users...'), 3, 4 );

$Results->title = T_('Users queued').get_manual_link( 'automation-users-queued' );

 * Callback to add filters on top of the result set
 * @param Form
function filter_automation_users( & $Form )
$Form->text_input( 'step', get_param( 'step' ), 10, T_('Step'), '' );
$Results->filter_area = array(
'callback' => 'filter_automation_users',
'url_ignore' => 'step,results_aust_page',

$Results->register_filter_preset( 'all', T_('All'), '?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit&amp;tab=users&amp;autm_ID='.$edited_Automation->ID );
$Results->register_filter_preset( 'finished', T_('Finished'), '?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit&amp;tab=users&amp;autm_ID='.$edited_Automation->ID.'&amp;step=finished' );

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'       => T_('User'),
'order'    => 'aust_user_ID',
'td'       => '%get_user_identity_link( "", #aust_user_ID# )%',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'    => T_('Step'),
'order' => 'step_order, user_login',
'td'    => '%autm_td_users_step( #aust_next_step_ID#, #step_order#, #step_label#, #step_type#, #step_info# )%',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'       => T_('Next execution time'),
'order'    => 'aust_next_exec_ts',
'td'       => '%mysql2localedatetime_spans( #aust_next_exec_ts# )%',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'timestamp',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'       => T_('Actions'),
'td'       => '%autm_td_users_actions( #aust_autm_ID#, #aust_user_ID#, #user_login#, #step_ID# )%',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',

$Results->display( NULL, 'session' );

// Init JS for form to requeue automation: