Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file display the automation diagram view
 * This file is part of the b2evolution/evocms project - {@link}.
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}.
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * @package admin
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$edited_Automation, $admin_url;

// Get data of all steps for diagram view:
$steps = $edited_Automation->get_diagram_steps_data();

// Check if current automation is active:
$is_automation_active = ( $edited_Automation->get( 'status' ) == 'active' );

// Display a button to play/pause current Automation:
if( $is_automation_active )
// To pause:
echo action_icon( T_('Pause'), 'pause',
$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;tab='.get_param( 'tab' ).'&amp;action=status_paused&amp;autm_ID='.$edited_Automation->ID.'&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automation' ),
' '.T_('Pause'), 3, 4, array( 'class' => 'btn btn-danger' ) )
' <span class="red">('.T_('RUNNING').')</span>';
// To play:
echo action_icon( T_('Play'), 'play',
$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;tab='.get_param( 'tab' ).'&amp;action=status_active&amp;autm_ID='.$edited_Automation->ID.'&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automation' ),
' '.T_('Play'), 3, 4, array( 'class' => 'btn btn-success' ) )
' <span class="orange">('.T_('PAUSED').')</span>';

count( $steps ) > 0 )
// Display a button to reset a diagram layout to default positions:
echo '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=reset_diagram&amp;autm_ID='.$edited_Automation->ID.'&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automationstep' ).'"'
.' class="btn btn-default pull-right" style="margin-left:5px"'
.' onclick="return confirm( \''.TS_('Are you sure you want to reset step positions to the default layout?').'\' )">'
.T_('Reset layout')

'<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=reset_diagram&amp;autm_ID='.$edited_Automation->ID.'&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automationstep' ).'"'
.' class="btn btn-primary pull-right"'
.' onclick="return evo_add_new_automation_step()">'
.get_icon( 'new' ).' '.T_('New step')

// Print out HTML boxes for steps and Initialise steps data to build connectors between steps by JS code below:
echo '<div>';
'<div class="evo_panzoom__buttons">
    <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm evo_panzoom_btn_in"><span class="fa fa-plus"></span></button><br>
    <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm evo_panzoom_btn_out"><span class="fa fa-minus"></span></button><br>
    <button class="btn btn-default btn-sm evo_panzoom_btn_reset"><span class="fa fa-repeat"></span></button>
'<div id="evo_automation__diagram_panzoom">';
'<div id="evo_automation__diagram_canvas" class="jtk-surface jtk-surface-nopan clear">';
$steps as $step )
// Print box of step with data:
echo '<div'.get_field_attribs_as_string( $step['attrs'] ).'>'
.'<b>#'.$step['order'].' '.step_get_type_title( $step['type'] ).':</b><br>'


// Initialize JavaScript to build and open window:
function evo_add_new_automation_step()
    openModalWindow( '<span class="loader_img loader_file_edit absolute_center" title="<?php echo T_('Loading...'); ?>"></span>',
        '80%', '', true,
        '<?php echo TS_('New step').get_manual_link( 'automation-step-form' ); ?>',
        '<?php echo TS_('Record'); ?>', true, true );
        type: 'POST',
        url: '<?php echo $admin_url; ?>',
            'ctrl': 'automations',
            'action': 'new_step',
            'tab': 'diagram',
            'autm_ID': <?php echo $edited_Automation->ID; ?>,
            'display_mode': 'js',
        success: function( result )
            openModalWindow( result, '80%', '',true,
                '<?php echo TS_('New step').get_manual_link( 'automation-step-form' ); ?>',
                '<?php echo TS_('Record'); ?>', false, true );
    } );

    return false;

jQuery( document ).ready( function()
{    // CSS fix to make diagram canvas full height:
    var min_step_bottom_position = 0;
    jQuery( '.evo_automation__diagram_step_box' ).each( function()
    {    // Find the most bottom step:
        var step_bottom_position = jQuery( this ).position().top + jQuery( this ).height();
        if( min_step_bottom_position < step_bottom_position )
            min_step_bottom_position = step_bottom_position;
    } );
    jQuery( '#evo_automation__diagram_canvas' ).css( 'height', min_step_bottom_position + 100 );

    // Open modal window to edit the automation step:
    jQuery( document ).on( 'click', '.evo_automation__diagram_step_box', function()
        if( typeof( evo_automation__diagram_step_is_dragging ) != 'undefined' && evo_automation__diagram_step_is_dragging )
        {    // Ignore event "mouseup" of the end of the dragging:
            evo_automation__diagram_step_is_dragging = false;
            return false;

        openModalWindow( '<span class="loader_img loader_file_edit absolute_center" title="<?php echo T_('Loading...'); ?>"></span>',
            '80%', '', true,
            '<?php echo TS_('Step').get_manual_link( 'automation-step-form' ); ?>',
            '<?php echo TS_('Save Changes!'); ?>', true, true );
            type: 'POST',
            url: '<?php echo $admin_url; ?>',
                'ctrl': 'automations',
                'action': 'edit_step',
                'tab': 'diagram',
                'step_ID': jQuery( this ).attr( 'id' ).replace( 'step_', '' ),
                'display_mode': 'js',
            success: function( result )
                openModalWindow( result, '80%', '',true,
                    '<?php echo TS_('Step').get_manual_link( 'automation-step-form' ); ?>',
                    '<?php echo TS_('Save Changes!'); ?>', false, true );
        } );
    } );
} );

jsPlumb.ready( function ()
    var instance = jsPlumb.getInstance(
        DragOptions: { cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 2000 },
        Container: 'evo_automation__diagram_canvas',
        <?php echo $is_automation_active ? 'ConnectionsDetachable: false,' : ''; ?>
   } );

    // General properties for connectors and source points:
    var point_source = {
        endpoint: 'Dot',
        paintStyle: { radius: 7 },
        hoverPaintStyle: { radius: 10 },
        isSource: <?php echo $is_automation_active ? 'false' : 'true'; ?>,
        connector: [ 'Flowchart', { gap: 5, cornerRadius: 10, alwaysRespectStubs: true } ],
        connectorStyle: {
            strokeWidth: 4,
            joinstyle: 'round',
            outlineStroke: 'white',
            outlineWidth: 1
        connectorHoverStyle: { strokeWidth: 7 },
        connectorOverlays: [
            [ 'Arrow', {
                location: 1,
            } ],
            [ 'Label', {
                location: 0.3,
                id: 'label',
            } ]
    // "YES" green connector and source point:
    var point_source_yes = jQuery.extend( true, {}, point_source );
    point_source_yes.connectionType = 'yes';
    point_source_yes.paintStyle.fill = point_source_yes.connectorStyle.stroke = '#61bd4f';
    point_source_yes.connector[1].stub = [70, 70];
    point_source_yes.connectorOverlays[0][1].width = 20;
    point_source_yes.connectorOverlays[0][1].length = 20;
    point_source_yes.connectorOverlays[1][1].cssClass = 'jtk-label jtk-label-yes';
    // "NO" blue connector and source point:
    var point_source_no = jQuery.extend( true, {}, point_source );
    point_source_no.connectionType = 'no';
    point_source_no.paintStyle.fill = point_source_no.connectorStyle.stroke = '#0079bf';
    point_source_no.connector[1].stub = [50, 50];
    point_source_no.connectorOverlays[0][1].width = 15;
    point_source_no.connectorOverlays[0][1].length = 15;
    point_source_no.connectorOverlays[1][1].cssClass = 'jtk-label jtk-label-no';
    point_source_no.connectorOverlays[1][1].location = 0.55;
    // "ERROR" red connector and source point:
    var point_source_error = jQuery.extend( true, {}, point_source );
    point_source_error.connectionType = 'error';
    point_source_error.paintStyle.fill = point_source_error.connectorStyle.stroke = '#eb5a46';
    point_source_error.connector[1].stub = [30, 30];
    point_source_error.connectorOverlays[0][1].width = 10;
    point_source_error.connectorOverlays[0][1].length = 10;
    point_source_error.connectorOverlays[1][1].cssClass = 'jtk-label jtk-label-error';
    point_source_error.connectorOverlays[1][1].location = 0.5;
    // Target black point:
    var point_target = {
        endpoint: 'Dot',
        paintStyle: { fill: '#000', radius: 7 },
        hoverPaintStyle: { radius: 10 },
        maxConnections: -1,
        isTarget: true

    // Initialise listen events:
    instance.batch( function ()
        // listen for new connections; initialise them the same way we initialise the connections at startup.
        instance.bind( 'connection', function( connInfo, originalEvent )
            connInfo.connection.getOverlay( 'label' ).setLabel( jQuery( '#' + connInfo.sourceId ).data( 'info-' + connInfo.sourceEndpoint.connectionType ) );
        } );

        // Make all step boxes draggable:
        instance.draggable( jsPlumb.getSelector( '.evo_automation__diagram_step_box' ),
            grid: [20, 20],
            start: function( e )
            {    // Set a flag to know we are dragging the automation step instead of a clicking:
                evo_automation__diagram_step_is_dragging = true;
            stop: function( e )
            {    // Store the changed step box position in DB by AJAX:
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: '<?php echo $admin_url; ?>',
                        'ctrl': 'automations',
                        'action': 'update_step_position',
                        'step_ID': 'step_', '' ),
                        'pos': e.pos,
                        'crumb_automationstep': '<?php echo get_crumb( 'automationstep' ); ?>',
                } );
        } );

        instance.bind( 'connectionDrag', function (connection)
        {    // Store vars to know what connector has been dragged in the event "connectionDragStop" below:
            b2evo_diagram_source_step_ID = connection.sourceId.replace( /^step_/, '' );
            b2evo_diagram_connection_type = connection.endpoints[0].connectionType;
            b2evo_diagram_target_step_ID = ( === null || ! connection.targetId.match( /^step_/g ) ? 0 : connection.targetId.replace( /^step_/, '' ) );
        } );

        instance.bind( 'connectionDragStop', function (connection)
            // Get new target step ID:
            var updated_target_step_ID = ( === null || ! connection.targetId.match( /^step_/g ) ? 0 : connection.targetId.replace( /^step_/, '' ) );

            if( b2evo_diagram_target_step_ID != updated_target_step_ID )
            {    // If the target step has been really changed to another:
                {    // Store the changed steps connection in DB by AJAX:
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: '<?php echo $admin_url; ?>',
                        'ctrl': 'automations',
                        'action': 'update_step_connection',
                        'step_ID': b2evo_diagram_source_step_ID,
                        'connection_type': b2evo_diagram_connection_type,
                        'target_step_ID': updated_target_step_ID,
                        'crumb_automationstep': '<?php echo get_crumb( 'automationstep' ); ?>',
                } );
        } );

if( $is_automation_active )
// Display an alert message if user tries to change a connector for active Automation:
       instance.bind( 'endpointClick', function()
        {    // Display an alert message if user tries to change a connector for active Automation:
            alert( '<?php echo TS_('You should pause this Automation in order to edit it.'); ?>' );
        } );
        <?php } ?>

    } );

    var evo_jsplumb_init_step_box = function( step_box_ID )
        if( jQuery( '#' + step_box_ID ).data( 'info-yes' ) != undefined )
        {    // Add "YES" red source point:
            instance.addEndpoint( step_box_ID, point_source_yes, { anchor: [ 0.33, 1, 0, 1 ], uuid: step_box_ID + '_yes' } );
        if( jQuery( '#' + step_box_ID ).data( 'info-no' ) != undefined )
        {    // Add "NO" blue source point:
            instance.addEndpoint( step_box_ID, point_source_no, { anchor: [ 0.67, 1, 0, 1 ], uuid: step_box_ID + '_no' } );
        if( jQuery( '#' + step_box_ID ).data( 'info-error' ) != undefined )
        {    // Add "ERROR" red source point:
            instance.addEndpoint( step_box_ID, point_source_error, { anchor: 'RightMiddle', uuid: step_box_ID + '_error' } );
        // Add target black point:
        instance.addEndpoint( step_box_ID, point_target, { anchor: 'TopCenter', uuid: step_box_ID } );
        // Make whole step box is a target place to connect:
        instance.makeTarget( step_box_ID, { anchor: 'TopCenter', endpoint: 'Blank' } );

    // Initialise step boxes:
foreach( $steps as $step_ID => $step )
'evo_jsplumb_init_step_box( \'step_'.$step_ID.'\' );'."\n\t";

    // Initialise connections between steps:
foreach( $steps as $step_ID => $step )
$step['next_steps'] as $next_step_type => $next_step_ID )
'instance.connect( { uuids: [\'step_'.$step_ID.'_'.$next_step_type.'\', \'step_'.$next_step_ID.'\'] } );'."\n\t";

    // Initialise pan & zoom for diagram:
    $panzoom = jQuery( '#evo_automation__diagram_panzoom' ).panzoom(
        $zoomIn:    jQuery( '.evo_panzoom_btn_in' ),
        $zoomOut:   jQuery( '.evo_panzoom_btn_out' ),
        $reset:     jQuery( '.evo_panzoom_btn_reset' ),
        minScale:   0.1,
        maxScale:   2,
        increment:  0.1,
        cursor:     '',
        onStart:    function() { jQuery( '#evo_automation__diagram_canvas' ).css( 'cursor', 'move' ) },
        onEnd:      function() { jQuery( '#evo_automation__diagram_canvas' ).css( 'cursor', '' ) },
    } );
} );