Seditio Source
Root |
 * This file implements automation functions.
 * This file is part of the b2evolution/evocms project - {@link}.
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}.
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2004-2005 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * @package evocore
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

 * Display breadcrumb for automation controller
function autm_display_breadcrumb()
$admin_url, $edited_Automation, $edited_AutomationStep;

'<nav aria-label="breadcrumb"><ol class="breadcrumb">';
'<li class="breadcrumb-item'.( isset( $edited_Automation ) || isset( $edited_AutomationStep ) ? '' : ' active' ).'">'
.( isset( $edited_Automation ) || isset( $edited_AutomationStep ) ? '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations">'.TB_('All').'</a>' : TB_('All') )
    if( isset(
$edited_AutomationStep ) )
// Automation step:
$step_Automation = & $edited_AutomationStep->get_Automation();
'<li class="breadcrumb-item"><a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit&amp;autm_ID='.$step_Automation->ID.'">'.$step_Automation->dget( 'name' ).'</a></li>';
'<li class="breadcrumb-item active">'.( $edited_AutomationStep->ID > 0 ? TB_('Step').' #'.$edited_AutomationStep->dget( 'order' ) : TB_('New step') ).'</li>';
    elseif( isset(
$edited_Automation ) )
// Automation:
echo '<li class="breadcrumb-item active">'.( $edited_Automation->ID > 0 ? $edited_Automation->dget( 'name' ) : TB_('New automation') ).'</li>';

 * Get array of status titles for automation
 * @return array Status titles
function autm_get_status_titles()
    return array(
'paused' => TB_('Paused'),
'active' => TB_('Active'),

 * Get status title of automation by status value
 * @param string Status value
 * @return string Status title
function autm_get_status_title( $status )
$statuses = autm_get_status_titles();

    return isset(
$statuses[ $status ] ) ? $statuses[ $status ] : $status;

 * Helper function to display the tied lists to automation on Results table
 * @param string Newsletters data separated by "<", also ID and name are separated by ":"
 * @return string
function autm_td_tied_lists( $newsletters )
check_user_perm( 'emails', 'edit' ) )
// Make icon to action link if current User has a perm to edit this:
global $admin_url;
$r = '';
$newsletters = explode( '<', $newsletters );
$newsletters as $n => $newsletter )
preg_match( '#^(\d+):([01]):([01]):(.+)$#', $newsletter, $newsletter ) )
$r .= '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=newsletters&amp;action=edit'
.( $newsletter[2] ? ' <span class="label label-success" title="'.format_to_js( TB_('auto start on list subscribe') ).'">'./* TRANS: Auto Start automation on list subscribe */TB_('AS').'</span>': '' )
$newsletter[3] ? ' <span class="label label-danger" title="'.format_to_js( TB_('auto exit on list unsubscribe') ).'">'./* TRANS: Auto Exit automation on list unsubscribe */TB_('AE').'</span>': '' )
', ';
substr( $r, 0, -2 );
// Newsletter names without link:
return str_replace( '<', ', ', $newsletter_names );

 * Helper function to display the step of automation users on Results table
 * @param integer Step ID
 * @param integer Step order
 * @param string Step label
 * @param string Step type
 * @param string Step info
 * @return string
function autm_td_users_step( $step_ID, $step_order, $step_label, $step_type, $step_info )
$step_ID === NULL )
'#'.$step_order.' '.step_td_label( $step_ID, $step_label, $step_type, $step_info );

 * Helper function to display automation actions per user on Results table
 * @param integer Automation ID
 * @param integer User ID
 * @param string User login
 * @param integer Step ID
 * @param integer|NULL Step order
 * @return string
function autm_td_users_actions( $autm_ID, $user_ID, $user_login, $step_ID, $step_order = NULL )

$r = '';

// If step order is defined we call this from step edit form, otherwise from tab "Automation" -> "Users":
$is_step_edit_form = ( $step_order !== NULL );

// Append step ID to know the action is from step edit form:
$step_action_url = $admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;autm_ID='.$autm_ID.( $is_step_edit_form ? '&amp;step_ID='.$step_ID : '' ).'&amp;user_ID='.$user_ID.'&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automation' ).'&amp;action=';

$step_ID > 0 )
// Only for active step(excluding finished step):

        // Change execution time:
$r .= action_icon( TB_('Change execution time to now'), 'forward', $step_action_url.'reduce_step_delay' );

// Stop automation :
$r .= action_icon( TB_('Stop automation for this user'), 'stop_square', $step_action_url.'stop_user' );

// Remove user from automation:
$r .= action_icon( TB_('Remove this user from automation'), 'remove', $step_action_url.'remove_user', '', 0, 0, array( 'onclick' => 'return confirm(\''.TS_('Are you sure want to remove this user from automation?').'\');' ) );

// Requeue:
$r .= ' <a href="#" class="btn btn-info btn-xs"'
.' onclick="return requeue_automation( '.$autm_ID.', '.( $is_step_edit_form ? $step_ID : '0' ).', '.( $is_step_edit_form ? $step_order : '0' ).', '.$user_ID.', \''.$user_login.'\' )">'


 * Helper function to display automation status on Results table
 * @param integer Automation ID
 * @param string Automation status
 * @param string Additional URL params
 * @return string
function autm_td_status( $autm_ID, $autm_status, $url_params = '' )

$r = autm_get_status_title( $autm_status );

check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit' ) )
// Display action icon to toggle automation status:
$r .= ' '.action_icon( '', ( $autm_status == 'active' ? 'pause' : 'play' ),
$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action='.( $autm_status == 'active' ? 'status_paused' : 'status_active' )
'&amp;autm_ID='.$autm_ID.'&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automation' ).$url_params );


 * Get array of type titles for automation step
 * @return array Type titles
function step_get_type_titles()
    return array(
'if_condition'     => TB_('IF Condition'),
'send_campaign'    => TB_('Send Campaign'),
'notify_owner'     => TB_('Notify owner'),
'add_usertag'      => TB_('Add Usertag'),
'remove_usertag'   => TB_('Remove Usertag'),
'subscribe'        => TB_('Subscribe User to List'),
'unsubscribe'      => TB_('Unsubscribe User from List'),
'start_automation' => TB_('Start new automation'),
'user_status'      => TB_('Change user account status'),

 * Get type title of automation step by type value
 * @param string Type value
 * @return string Type title
function step_get_type_title( $type )
$types = step_get_type_titles();

    return isset(
$types[ $type ] ) ? $types[ $type ] : $type;

 * Get array of result titles for automation step
 * @return array Result titles per step type
function step_get_result_titles()
    return array(
'if_condition' => array(
'YES'   => 'YES',
'NO'    => 'NO',
'ERROR' => 'ERROR: %s',
'send_campaign' => array(
'YES'   => 'Email SENT',
'NO'    => 'Skipped: %s',
'ERROR' => 'ERROR: Email cannot be sent: %s',
'notify_owner' => array(
'YES'   => 'Notification SENT',
'NO'    => '',
'ERROR' => 'ERROR: Notification cannot be sent: %s',
'add_usertag' => array(
'YES'   => 'Tag %s was added',
'NO'    => 'User already has the tag: %s',
'ERROR' => 'ERROR: %s',
'remove_usertag' => array(
'YES'   => 'Tag %s was removed',
'NO'    => 'User didn\'t have the tag: %s',
'ERROR' => 'ERROR: %s',
'subscribe' => array(
'YES'   => 'User was subscribed to: %s',
'NO'    => 'User was already subscribed to: %s',
'ERROR' => 'List does not exist',
'unsubscribe' => array(
'YES'   => 'User was unsubscribed from: %s',
'NO'    => 'User was already unsubscribed from: %s',
'ERROR' => 'List does not exist',
'start_automation' => array(
'YES'   => 'User started new automation %s successfully',
'NO'    => 'Users was already in the other automation %s',
'ERROR' => 'Automation does not exist',
'user_status' => array(
'YES'   => 'User account status was changed to %s',
'NO'    => 'User account is already in the desired status %s',
'ERROR' => 'ERROR: %s',

 * Get array of result labels for automation step
 * @return array Result labels per step type
function step_get_result_labels()
    return array(
'if_condition' => array(
'YES'   => NT_('Next step if YES'),
'NO'    => NT_('Next step if NO'),
'ERROR' => NT_('Next step if ERROR'),
'send_campaign' => array(
'YES'   => NT_('Next step if Email SENT'),
'NO'    => NT_('Next step if Email was ALREADY sent'),
'ERROR' => NT_('Next step if Email cannot be sent'),
'notify_owner' => array(
'YES'   => NT_('Next step if Notification SENT'),
'NO'    => '',
'ERROR' => NT_('Next step if Notification cannot be sent'),
'add_usertag' => array(
'YES'   => NT_('Next step if Tag was added'),
'NO'    => NT_('Next step if User was already tagged'),
'ERROR' => '',
'remove_usertag' => array(
'YES'   => NT_('Next step if Tag was removed'),
'NO'    => NT_('Next step if User didn\'t have that tag'),
'ERROR' => '',
'subscribe' => array(
'YES'   => NT_('Next step if User was subscribed'),
'NO'    => NT_('Next step if User was already subscribed'),
'ERROR' => NT_('Next step if List does not exist'),
'unsubscribe' => array(
'YES'   => NT_('Next step if User was unsubscribed'),
'NO'    => NT_('Next step if User was already unsubscribed'),
'ERROR' => NT_('Next step if List does not exist'),
'start_automation' => array(
'YES'   => NT_('Next step if User started new automation successfully'),
'NO'    => NT_('Next step if User was already in the other automation'),
'ERROR' => NT_('Next step if Automation does not exist'),
'user_status' => array(
'YES'   => NT_('Next step if User account status was changed successfully'),
'NO'    => NT_('Next step if User account is already in the desired status'),
'ERROR' => NT_('Next step if User account status cannot be changed'),

 * Get result label of automation step by step type and result value
 * NOTE! Return string is not translatable, Use funcs TB_(), TS_() and etc. in that place where you use this func.
 * @param string Step type: 'if_condition', 'send_campaign
 * @param string Step result: 'YES', 'NO', 'ERROR'
 * @return string Result label
function step_get_result_label( $type, $result )
$results = step_get_result_labels();

    return isset(
$results[ $type ][ $result ] ) ? $results[ $type ][ $result ] : $result;

 * Helper function to display step info on Results table
 * @param integer Step ID
 * @param integer Automation ID
 * @param integer Number of user queued
 * @param integer Step order
 * @return string
function step_td_num_users_queued( $step_ID, $autm_ID, $num_users_queued, $step_order )
$num_users_queued > 0 )
$num_users_queued = '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit_step&amp;step_ID='.$step_ID.'">'
.' <a href="#" class="btn btn-info btn-xs" onclick="return requeue_automation( '.$autm_ID.', '.$step_ID.', '.$step_order.' )">'.TB_('Requeue').'</a>';


 * Helper function to display step label on Results table
 * @param integer Step ID
 * @param string Step label
 * @param string Step type
 * @param string Step info
 * @return string
function step_td_label( $step_ID, $step_label, $step_type, $step_info )

$step_type_title = step_get_type_title( $step_type );

// Display step type title as:
$r = check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit' )
// link to edit page if current user has a permission:
? '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit_step&amp;step_ID='.$step_ID.'"><b>'.$step_type_title.'</b></a>: '
// plain text if current user has no permission:
: $step_type_title.': ';

$step_type )
// Display email campaign title as:
$r .= check_user_perm( 'emails', 'edit' )
// link to edit page if current user has a permission:
? '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=campaigns&amp;action=edit&amp;tab=send&amp;ecmp_ID='.intval( $step_info ).'">'.$step_label.'</a>'
// plain text if current user has no permission:
: $step_label;

// Display newsletter name as:
$r .= check_user_perm( 'emails', 'edit' )
// link to edit page if current user has a permission:
? '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=newsletters&amp;action=edit&amp;enlt_ID='.intval( $step_info ).'">'.$step_label.'</a>'
// plain text if current user has no permission:
: $step_label;

// Display automation name as:
$r .= check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit' )
// link to edit page if current user has a permission:
? '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit&amp;tab=settings&amp;autm_ID='.intval( $step_info ).'">'.$step_label.'</a>'
// plain text if current user has no permission:
: $step_label;

$r = check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit' )
// link to edit page if current user has a permission:
? '<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit_step&amp;step_ID='.$step_ID.'"><b>'.$step_type_title.'</b>: '.$step_label.'</a>'
// plain text if current user has no permission:
: $step_type_title.': '.$step_label;


 * Helper function to display next step info on Results table
 * @param integer Step ID
 * @param integer Next step ID
 * @param integer Next step order
 * @param integer Next step delay
 * @return string
function step_td_next_step( $step_ID, $next_step_ID, $next_step_order, $next_step_delay )
$next_step_ID === NULL )
// If next step is not used:
return '';

    if( empty(
$next_step_ID ) )
// Next ordered step:
return '<span class="green">'.TB_('Continue').' ('.seconds_to_period( $next_step_delay ).')</span>';
$next_step_ID == '-1' )
// Stop workflow:
return '<span class="red">'.TB_('STOP').'</span>';
$next_step_ID == $step_ID )
// Loop:
return '<span class="orange">'.TB_('Loop').' ('.seconds_to_period( $next_step_delay ).')</span>';

sprintf( TB_('Go to step %d'), intval( $next_step_order ) ).' ('.seconds_to_period( $next_step_delay ).')';

 * Helper function to display step actions on Results table
 * @param integer Step ID
 * @param boolean Is first step?
 * @param boolean Is last step?
 * @return string
function step_td_actions( $step_ID, $is_first_step, $is_last_step )

$r = '';

$is_first_step )
// First step cannot be moved up, print out blank icon:
$r .= get_icon( 'move_up', 'noimg' );
// Display action icon to move step up:
$r .= action_icon( TB_('Move up'), 'move_up', regenerate_url( 'step_ID,action', 'step_ID='.$step_ID.'&amp;action=move_step_up&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automationstep' ) ) );

$is_last_step )
// Last step cannot be moved down, print out blank icon:
$r .= get_icon( 'move_down', 'noimg' );
// Display action icon to move step down:
$r .= action_icon( TB_('Move down'), 'move_down', regenerate_url( 'step_ID,action', 'step_ID='.$step_ID.'&amp;action=move_step_down&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automationstep' ) ) );

$r .= action_icon( TB_('Edit this step'), 'edit', $admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit_step&amp;step_ID='.$step_ID );

$r .= action_icon( TB_('Duplicate step right below current one'), 'copy', $admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=copy_step&amp;step_ID='.$step_ID );

$r .= action_icon( TB_('Delete this step!'), 'delete', regenerate_url( 'step_ID,action', 'step_ID='.$step_ID.'&amp;action=delete_step&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automationstep' ) ) );


 * Helper function to display step state of user on Results table
 * @param integer|NULL Step ID
 * @param string Step label
 * @param string Step type
 * @param string Step info
 * @param string Step order
 * @return string
function step_td_user_state( $step_ID, $step_label, $step_type, $step_info, $step_order )
$step_ID === NULL )
// If all steps for automation were completed for user:
return TB_('Finished');

'#'.$step_order.' - '.step_td_label( $step_ID, $step_label, $step_type, $step_info );

 * Initialize JavaScript for AJAX loading of popup window to add user to automation
 * @param array Params
function echo_requeue_automation_js()

// Initialize JavaScript to build and open window:

// Initialize variables for the file "evo_user_deldata.js":
echo '<script>
        var evo_js_lang_loading = \''
        var evo_js_lang_requeue_automation_for_finished_steps = \''
.TS_('Requeue automation for finished steps').get_manual_link( 'requeue-automation-for-finished-steps' ).'\';
        var evo_js_lang_requeue_automation_for_step_users = \''
.TS_('Requeue automation for users of step #%s').get_manual_link( 'requeue-automation-for-step' ).'\';
        var evo_js_lang_requeue_automation_for_user = \''
.TS_('Requeue automation for user "%s"').get_manual_link( 'requeue-automation-for-user' ).'\';
        var evo_js_lang_requeue = \''
        var evo_js_requeue_automation_ajax_url = \''

 * Display the campaigns results table
 * @param array Params
function automation_results_block( $params = array() )
$admin_url, $DB;

$params = array_merge( array(
'enlt_ID'               => NULL, // Newsletter ID
'results_title'         => TB_('Automations').get_manual_link( 'automations-list' ),
'results_prefix'        => 'autm_',
'display_create_button' => true
), $params );

// Additional URL param, e-g to change status from newsletter page:
$url_params = '';

$SQL = new SQL( 'Get automations' );
$SQL->SELECT( 'autm_ID, autm_name, autm_status, enlt_ID, enlt_name, COUNT( DISTINCT aust_user_ID ) AS autm_users_num' );
$SQL->SELECT_add( ', ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( en.enlt_ID, ":", an.aunl_autostart, ":", an.aunl_autoexit, ":", en.enlt_name ORDER BY an.aunl_order SEPARATOR "<" )
         FROM T_automation__newsletter AS an
        INNER JOIN T_email__newsletter en ON en.enlt_ID = an.aunl_enlt_ID
        WHERE autm_ID = an.aunl_autm_ID ) AS newsletters'
$SQL->FROM( 'T_automation__automation' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_automation__user_state ON aust_autm_ID = autm_ID' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_automation__newsletter ON autm_ID = aunl_autm_ID' );
$SQL->FROM_add( 'LEFT JOIN T_email__newsletter ON enlt_ID = aunl_enlt_ID' );
$SQL->GROUP_BY( 'autm_ID' );

$count_SQL = new SQL( 'Get a count of automations' );
$count_SQL->SELECT( 'COUNT( autm_ID )' );
$count_SQL->FROM( 'T_automation__automation' );

$params['enlt_ID'] > 0 )
// Restrict by newsletter:
$SQL->WHERE( 'aunl_enlt_ID = '.$params['enlt_ID'] );
$count_SQL->FROM_add( 'INNER JOIN T_automation__newsletter ON autm_ID = aunl_autm_ID' );
$count_SQL->WHERE( 'aunl_enlt_ID = '.$params['enlt_ID'] );
$url_params = '&amp;enlt_ID='.$params['enlt_ID'];

$Results = new Results( $SQL->get(), $params['results_prefix'], 'A', NULL, $count_SQL->get() );

$params['display_create_button'] && check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit' ) )
// User must has a permission to add new automation:
        //$Results->global_icon( TB_('New automation'), 'new', regenerate_url( 'action', 'action=new' ), TB_('New automation').' &raquo;', 3, 4, array( 'class' => 'action_icon btn-primary' ) );
$Results->global_icon( TB_('New automation'), 'new', $admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=new'.( isset( $params['enlt_ID'] ) ? '&amp;enlt_ID='.$params['enlt_ID'] : '' ), TB_('New automation').' &raquo;', 3, 4, array( 'class' => 'action_icon btn-primary' ) );

$Results->title = $params['results_title'];

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'       => TB_('ID'),
'order'    => 'autm_ID',
'td'       => '$autm_ID$',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'    => TB_('Name'),
'order' => 'autm_name',
'td'    => ( check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit' )
'<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit&amp;autm_ID=$autm_ID$"><b>$autm_name$</b></a>'
: '$autm_name$' ),

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'    => TB_('Tied to Lists'),
'order' => 'newsletters',
'td'    => '%autm_td_tied_lists( #newsletters# )%',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'          => TB_('Users'),
'order'       => 'autm_users_num',
'td'          => '$autm_users_num$',
'th_class'    => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class'    => 'shrinkwrap',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'       => TB_('Status'),
'order'    => 'autm_status',
'td'       => '%autm_td_status( #autm_ID#, #autm_status#, "'.$url_params.'" )%',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',

check_user_perm( 'options', 'edit' ) )
// Display actions column only if current user has a permission to edit options:
$Results->cols[] = array(
'th'       => TB_('Actions'),
'td'       => action_icon( TB_('Edit this automation'), 'edit', $admin_url.'?ctrl=automations&amp;action=edit&amp;autm_ID=$autm_ID$' )
action_icon( TB_('Delete this automation!'), 'delete', regenerate_url( 'autm_ID,action', 'autm_ID=$autm_ID$&amp;action=delete&amp;'.url_crumb( 'automation' ) ) ),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',

$Results->display( NULL, 'session' );