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 * This file display the Antispam IP ranges
 * This file is part of the b2evolution/evocms project - {@link}.
 * See also {@link}.
 * @license GNU GPL v2 - {@link}
 * @copyright (c)2003-2020 by Francois Planque - {@link}.
 * Parts of this file are copyright (c)2005 by Daniel HAHLER - {@link}.
 * @package admin
if( !defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT') ) die( 'Please, do not access this page directly.' );

$admin_url, $UserSettings, $Plugins, $tab, $blog;

$tab_param = empty( $tab ) ? '' : '&amp;tab='.$tab.( empty( $blog ) ? '' : '&amp;blog='.$blog );

$ip_address = param( 'ip_address', 'string', '', true );

$SQL = new SQL();
$SQL->SELECT( '*' );
$SQL->FROM( 'T_antispam__iprange' );

$count_SQL = new SQL();
$count_SQL->SELECT( 'SQL_NO_CACHE COUNT( aipr_ID )' );
$count_SQL->FROM( 'T_antispam__iprange' );

if( !empty(
$ip_address ) )
// Filter by IP address
if( is_valid_ip_format( $ip_address ) )
// If full IP address is entered:
$start_ip_address = ip2int( $ip_address );
$end_ip_address = $start_ip_address;
preg_match( '/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){0,2}\.?$/', $ip_address, $part_ip_address ) )
// Part of IP address is entered like "127.0", we should find "127.0.*.*":
$part_ip_address = explode( '.', rtrim( $part_ip_address[0], '.' ) );
$start_ip_address = $part_ip_address;
$end_ip_address = $part_ip_address;
$i = 0; $i < 4 - count( $part_ip_address ); $i++ )
$start_ip_address[] = '255';
$end_ip_address[] = '0';
$start_ip_address = ip2int( implode( '.', $start_ip_address ) );
$end_ip_address = ip2int( implode( '.', $end_ip_address ) );

    if( isset(
$start_ip_address, $end_ip_address ) )
// Filter only with correct entered IP address:
$SQL->WHERE( 'aipr_IPv4start <= '.$DB->quote( $start_ip_address ) );
$SQL->WHERE_and( 'aipr_IPv4end >= '.$DB->quote( $end_ip_address ) );

$count_SQL->WHERE( 'aipr_IPv4start <= '.$DB->quote( $start_ip_address ) );
$count_SQL->WHERE_and( 'aipr_IPv4end >= '.$DB->quote( $end_ip_address ) );

// Create result set:
$Results = new Results( $SQL->get(), 'aipr_', 'A', $UserSettings->get( 'results_per_page' ), $count_SQL->get() );

$Results->title = T_('IP Ranges').' ('.$Results->get_total_rows().')'.get_manual_link( 'ip-ranges' );
$Results->Cache = get_IPRangeCache();

 * Callback to add filters on top of the result set
 * @param Form
function filter_email_blocked( & $Form )
$Form->text_input( 'ip_address', get_param( 'ip_address' ), 40, T_('IP address') );
$Results->filter_area = array(
'callback' => 'filter_email_blocked',

$Results->register_filter_preset( 'all', T_('All'), $admin_url.'?ctrl=antispam'.$tab_param.'&amp;tab3=ipranges' );

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('ID'),
'td' => '$aipr_ID$',
'order' => 'aipr_ID',
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Status'),
'td' => /* Check permission: */check_user_perm( 'spamblacklist', 'edit' ) ?
/* Current user can edit IP ranges */'<a href="#" rel="$aipr_status$">%aipr_status_title( #aipr_status# )%</a>' :
/* No edit, only view the status */'%aipr_status_title( #aipr_status# )%',
'td_class' => 'jeditable_cell iprange_status_edit',
'order' => 'aipr_status',
'extra' => array ( 'style' => 'background-color: %aipr_status_color( "#aipr_status#" )%;', 'format_to_output' => false )

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('IP Range Start'),
'td' => /* Check permission: */check_user_perm( 'spamblacklist', 'edit' ) ?
/* Current user can edit IP ranges */'<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=antispam'.$tab_param.'&amp;tab3=ipranges&amp;iprange_ID=$aipr_ID$&amp;action=iprange_edit&amp;filter=new">%int2ip( #aipr_IPv4start# )%</a>' :
/* No edit, only view the IP address */'%int2ip( #aipr_IPv4start# )%',
'order' => 'aipr_IPv4start',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('IP Range End'),
'td' => /* Check permission: */check_user_perm( 'spamblacklist', 'edit' ) ?
/* Current user can edit IP ranges */'<a href="'.$admin_url.'?ctrl=antispam'.$tab_param.'&amp;tab3=ipranges&amp;iprange_ID=$aipr_ID$&amp;action=iprange_edit&amp;filter=new">%int2ip( #aipr_IPv4end# )%</a>' :
/* No edit, only view the IP address */'%int2ip( #aipr_IPv4end# )%',
'order' => 'aipr_IPv4end',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('User count'),
'td' => '$aipr_user_count$',
'order' => 'aipr_user_count',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Anon. contact form submits'),
'td' => '$aipr_contact_email_count$',
'order' => 'aipr_contact_email_count',
'default_dir' => 'D',

$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Block count'),
'td' => '$aipr_block_count$',
'order' => 'aipr_block_count',
'default_dir' => 'D',

// Get additional columns from the Plugins
$Plugins->trigger_event( 'GetAdditionalColumnsTable', array(
'table'   => 'ipranges',
'column'  => 'aipr_IPv4start',
'Results' => $Results ) );

check_user_perm( 'spamblacklist', 'edit' ) )
// Check permission to edit IP ranges:

     * Get actions links for IP range
     * @param integer IP range ID
     * @param string Current tab value
     * @return string HTML links to edit and delete IP range
function antispam_ipranges_actions( $aipr_ID, $tab_param )
// A link to edit IP range
$r = action_icon( T_('Edit this IP range...'), 'properties',
$admin_url.'?ctrl=antispam'.$tab_param.'&amp;tab3=ipranges&amp;iprange_ID='.$aipr_ID.'&amp;action=iprange_edit&amp;filter=new' );

// A link to delete IP range
$r .= action_icon( T_('Delete this IP range!'), 'delete',
regenerate_url( 'iprange_ID,action', 'iprange_ID='.$aipr_ID.'&amp;action=iprange_delete&amp;'.url_crumb( 'iprange' ) ) );


$Results->cols[] = array(
'th' => T_('Actions'),
'th_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td_class' => 'shrinkwrap',
'td' => '%antispam_ipranges_actions( #aipr_ID#, "'.$tab_param.'" )%',

check_user_perm( 'spamblacklist', 'edit' ) )
// Check permission to edit IP ranges:
$Results->global_icon( T_('Add a new IP range...'), 'new', regenerate_url( 'action', 'action=iprange_new'), T_('New IP range').' &raquo;', 3, 4, array( 'class' => 'action_icon btn-primary' ) );


check_user_perm( 'spamblacklist', 'edit' ) )
// Check permission to edit IP ranges:
    // Print JS to edit status of IP range
echo_editable_column_js( array(
'column_selector' => '.iprange_status_edit',
'ajax_url'        => get_htsrv_url().'async.php?action=iprange_status_edit&'.url_crumb( 'iprange' ),
'options'         => aipr_status_titles(),
'new_field_name'  => 'new_status',
'ID_value'        => 'jQuery( ":first", jQuery( this ).parent() ).text()',
'ID_name'         => 'iprange_ID',
'colored_cells'   => true ) );
