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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/vendor/laminas/laminas-mail/src/Storage/Writable/WritableInterface.php

 * @see for the canonical source repository
 * @copyright
 * @license New BSD License

namespace Laminas\Mail\Storage\Writable;


     * create a new folder
     * This method also creates parent folders if necessary. Some mail storages
     * may restrict, which folder may be used as parent or which chars may be
     * used in the folder name
     * @param string $name global name of folder, local name if $parentFolder
     *     is set.
     * @param string|Storage\Folder $parentFolder parent folder for new folder,
     *     else root folder is parent.
     * @throws Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function createFolder($name, $parentFolder = null);

     * remove a folder
     * @param string|Storage\Folder $name name or instance of folder.
     * @throws Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function removeFolder($name);

     * rename and/or move folder
     * The new name has the same restrictions as in createFolder()
     * @param string|Storage\Folder $oldName name or instance of folder.
     * @param string $newName new global name of folder.
     * @throws Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function renameFolder($oldName, $newName);

     * append a new message to mail storage
     * @param  string|Message|Mime\Message $message message as string or
     *     instance of message class.
     * @param  null|string|Storage\Folder $folder folder for new message, else
     *     current folder is taken.
     * @param  null|array $flags set flags for new message, else a default set
     *     is used.
     * @throws Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function appendMessage($message, $folder = null, $flags = null);

     * copy an existing message
     * @param  int $id number of message
     * @param  string|Storage\Folder $folder name or instance of target folder
     * @throws Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function copyMessage($id, $folder);

     * move an existing message
     * @param  int $id number of message
     * @param  string|Storage\Folder $folder name or instance of target folder
     * @throws Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function moveMessage($id, $folder);

     * set flags for message
     * NOTE: this method can't set the recent flag.
     * @param int $id number of message
     * @param array $flags new flags for message
     * @throws Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function setFlags($id, $flags);