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 * @brief        Venue Node

namespace IPS\calendar;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Calendar Node
class _Venue extends \IPS\Node\Model
     * @brief    [ActiveRecord] Multiton Store
protected static $multitons;

     * @brief    [ActiveRecord] Database Table
public static $databaseTable = 'calendar_venues';

     * @brief    [ActiveRecord] Database Prefix
public static $databasePrefix = 'venue_';

     * @brief    [Node] Order Database Column
public static $databaseColumnOrder = 'position';

     * @brief    [Node] Node Title
public static $nodeTitle = 'venues';

     * @brief    URL Base
public static $urlTemplate = 'calendar_venue';

     * @brief    URL Base
public static $urlBase = 'app=calendar&module=calendar&controller=venue&id=';

     * @brief    [Node] ACP Restrictions
     * @code
    'app'        => 'core',                // The application key which holds the restrictrions
    'module'    => 'foo',                // The module key which holds the restrictions
    'map'        => array(                // [Optional] The key for each restriction - can alternatively use "prefix"
    'add'            => 'foo_add',
    'edit'            => 'foo_edit',
    'permissions'    => 'foo_perms',
    'delete'        => 'foo_delete'
    'all'        => 'foo_manage',        // [Optional] The key to use for any restriction not provided in the map (only needed if not providing all 4)
    'prefix'    => 'foo_',                // [Optional] Rather than specifying each  key in the map, you can specify a prefix, and it will automatically look for restrictions with the key "[prefix]_add/edit/permissions/delete"
     * @endcode
protected static $restrictions = array(
'app'        => 'calendar',
'module'    => 'venues',
'prefix' => 'venues_'

     * @brief    [Node] Title prefix.  If specified, will look for a language key with "{$key}_title" as the key
public static $titleLangPrefix = 'calendar_venue_';

     * @brief    [Node] Description suffix.  If specified, will look for a language key with "{$titleLangPrefix}_{$id}_{$descriptionLangSuffix}" as the key
public static $descriptionLangSuffix = '_desc';

     * @brief    [Node] Moderator Permission
public static $modPerm = 'calendar_venues';

     * [Node] Get whether or not this node is enabled
     * @note    Return value NULL indicates the node cannot be enabled/disabled
     * @return    bool|null
protected function get__enabled()
        return (bool)

     * [Node] Set whether or not this node is enabled
     * @param    bool|int    $enabled    Whether to set it enabled or disabled
     * @return    void
protected function set__enabled( $enabled )
$this->enabled    = $enabled;

     * @brief    Cached URL
protected $_url    = NULL;

     * Get SEO name
     * @return    string
public function get_title_seo()
        if( !
$this->_data['title_seo'] )
$this->title_seo    = \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::seoTitle( \IPS\Lang::load( \IPS\Lang::defaultLanguage() )->get( 'calendar_venue_' . $this->id ) );

$this->_data['title_seo'] ?: \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::seoTitle( \IPS\Lang::load( \IPS\Lang::defaultLanguage() )->get( 'calendar_venue_' . $this->id ) );

     * [Node] Add/Edit Form
     * @param    \IPS\Helpers\Form    $form    The form
     * @return    void
public function form( &$form )
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Translatable( 'venue_title', NULL, TRUE, array( 'app' => 'calendar', 'key' => ( $this->id ? "calendar_venue_{$this->id}" : NULL ) ) ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Translatable( 'venue_description', NULL, FALSE, array( 'app' => 'calendar', 'key' => ( $this->id ? "calendar_venue_{$this->id}_desc" : NULL ), 'editor' => array( 'app' => 'calendar', 'key' => 'Venue', 'autoSaveKey' => ( $this->id ? "calendar-venue-{$this->id}" : "calendar-new-venue" ), 'attachIds' => $this->id ? array( $this->id, NULL, 'description' ) : NULL ) ) ) );
$form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Address( 'venue_address', $this->id ? \IPS\GeoLocation::buildFromJson( $this->address ) : NULL, TRUE, array( 'minimize' => FALSE, 'requireFullAddress' => FALSE ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'venue_address' ) );

     * [Node] Format form values from add/edit form for save
     * @param    array    $values    Values from the form
     * @return    array
public function formatFormValues( $values )
        if ( !
$this->id )
IPS\File::claimAttachments( 'calendar-new-venue', $this->id, NULL, 'description', TRUE );

        if( isset(
$values['venue_title'] ) )
IPS\Lang::saveCustom( 'calendar', 'calendar_venue_' . $this->id, $values['venue_title'] );
$values['title_seo']    = \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::seoTitle( $values['venue_title'][ \IPS\Lang::defaultLanguage() ] );

$values['venue_title'] );

        if( isset(
$values['venue_description'] ) )
IPS\Lang::saveCustom( 'calendar', 'calendar_venue_' . $this->id .'_desc', $values['venue_description'] );
$values['venue_description'] );

$values['venue_address'] = ( $values['venue_address'] !== NULL ) ? json_encode( $values['venue_address'] ) : NULL;


     * @brief    SEO Title Column
public static $seoTitleColumn = 'title_seo';

     * [ActiveRecord] Delete Record
     * @return    void
public function delete()
IPS\Lang::deleteCustom( 'calendar', 'calendar_venue_' . $this->id );
IPS\Lang::deleteCustom( 'calendar', 'calendar_venue_' . $this->id . '_desc' );


     * Return the map for the venue
     * @param    int        $width    Width
     * @param    int        $height    Height
     * @return    string
     * @note    \BadMethodCallException can be thrown if the google maps integration is shut off - don't show any error if that happens.
public function map( $width, $height )
$this->address )
                return \
IPS\GeoLocation::buildFromJson( $this->address )->map()->render( $width, $height );
            catch( \
BadMethodCallException $e ){}


     * Get output for API
     * @param    \IPS\Member|NULL    $authorizedMember    The member making the API request or NULL for API Key / client_credentials
     * @return    array
     * @apiresponse    int                        id                ID number
     * @apiresponse    string                    title            Title
     * @apiresponse    \IPS\GeoLocation        address        The address
public function apiOutput( \IPS\Member $authorizedMember = NULL )
        return array(
'id'            => $this->id,
'title'            => $this->_title,
'address'        => \IPS\GeoLocation::buildFromJson( $this->address )->apiOutput( $authorizedMember )