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 * @brief        Upload class for Form Builder
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        18 Feb 2013

namespace IPS\Helpers\Form;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Upload class for Form Builder
class _Upload extends FormAbstract
     * @brief    Default Options
     * @code
         $defaultOptions = array(
             'storageExtension'    => 'Profile',                                        // The file storage extension to use. This is required if postKey is NULL and temporary is FALSE.
            'storageContainer'  => NULL,                                            // The file storage container to use.
             'multiple'            => TRUE,                                            // Specifies if the field should allow multiple file uploads. Default is FALSE.
             'image'                => array( 'maxWidth' => 100, 'maxHeight' => 100 ),    // If the upload must be an image, can pass TRUE or an array with max width and height (in which case, image will be resized appropriately). Default is NULL. Max width/height cannot be used in conjunction with temporary uploads. If it can be, but doesn't have to an image, and you still want to specify max width and height, add an "optional" property set to true
             'checkImage'        => TRUE,                                            // If TRUE, will load uploaded images into the image processing engine to automatically reorient if needed
             'allowedFileTypes'    => array( 'pdf', 'txt' ),                            // Allowed file extensions. NULL allows any. Default is NULL.
             'maxFileSize'        => 100,                                                // Maximum file size in megabytes. NULL is no limit. Default is NULL. Note that there *may* be server limitations regardless of this value which are calculated automatically.
             'totalMaxSize'        => 100,                                                // If this is a "multiple" upload field, the maximum storage space allowed in total in megabytes.
             'maxFiles'            => NULL,                                            // Maximum number of files that can be uploaded
             'postKey'            => 'abc',                                            // If provided, uploads will be treated as post attachments using the given post key
             'temporary'            => TRUE,                                            // If TRUE, the image will not be moved and the filename returned, rather than an \IPS\File object. This should ONLY be used for files which are genuinely
                                                                                          temporary (e.g. importing skins, languages) as the file will be deleted after the script finished executing. Default is FALSE.
             'callback'            => function() { ... },                                // A callback function to run against submitted files
             'minimize'            => TRUE,                                            // Default is minimized. Pass FALSE to show the maximized field. Cannot be used in conjunction with temporary uploads
             'retainDeleted'        => FALSE,                                            // By default, if you specify a default value and the user deletes the files specified, the files will be physically deleted. This option overrides this behaviour.
             'template'            => 'core.attachments.fileItem'                        // The javascript template key to use when rendering uploaded items
             'obscure'            => TRUE,                                            // Controls if an md5 hash should be added to the filename. *Must* be TRUE unless the uploaded files are public to all users (like emoticons)
     * @endcode
protected $defaultOptions = array(
'multiple'            => FALSE,
'image'                => NULL,
'checkImage'        => TRUE,
'allowedFileTypes'    => NULL,
'maxFileSize'        => NULL,
'totalMaxSize'        => NULL,
'maxFiles'            => NULL,
'postKey'            => NULL,
'storageExtension'    => NULL,
'storageContainer'  => NULL,
'temporary'            => FALSE,
'callback'            => NULL,
'minimize'            => TRUE,
'retainDeleted'        => FALSE,
'template'            => 'core.attachments.fileItem',
'default'            => NULL,
'obscure'            => TRUE
     * @brief    Max chunk size (in MB)
protected $maxChunkSize;
     * @brief    Template
public $template;
     * Constructor
     * Sets that the max file size based on PHP's limits as well as the specified one
     * @see        \IPS\Helpers\Form\FormAbstract::__construct
     * @param    string        $name                    Name
     * @param    mixed        $defaultValue            Default value
     * @param    bool        $required                Required?
     * @param    array        $options                Type-specific options
     * @param    callback    $customValidationCode    Custom validation code
     * @param    string        $prefix                    HTML to show before input field
     * @param    string        $suffix                    HTML to show after input field
     * @param    string        $id                        The ID to add to the row
     * @return    void
public function __construct( $name, $defaultValue=NULL, $required=FALSE, $options=array(), $customValidationCode=NULL, $prefix=NULL, $suffix=NULL, $id=NULL )
/* What's PHP's upload limit */
$potentialValues    = array();
        if( (float)
ini_get('upload_max_filesize') > 0 )
$potentialValues[]    = \IPS\File::returnBytes( ini_get('upload_max_filesize') );
        if( (float)
ini_get('post_max_size') > 0 )
$potentialValues[]    = \IPS\File::returnBytes( ini_get('post_max_size') ) - 1048576;
        if( (float)
ini_get('memory_limit') > 0 )
$potentialValues[]    = \IPS\File::returnBytes( ini_get('memory_limit') );
$this->maxChunkSize = min( $potentialValues ) / 1048576;
/* Work out storage extension */
if ( isset( $options['postKey'] ) and $options['postKey'] and ( !isset( $options['storageExtension'] ) or !$options['storageExtension'] ) )
$options['storageExtension'] = 'core_Attachment';
        if ( ( !isset(
$options['storageExtension'] ) or !$options['storageExtension'] ) and ( !isset( $options['temporary'] ) or !$options['temporary'] ) )
            throw new \
/* Does the storage extension support chunking? */
if ( isset( $options['storageExtension'] ) and $options['storageExtension'] )
$storageClass = \IPS\File::getClass( $options['storageExtension'] );
            if( !
$storageClass::$supportsChunking and ( !isset( $options['maxFileSize'] ) or $this->maxChunkSize < $options['maxFileSize'] ) )
$options['maxFileSize'] = $this->maxChunkSize;

        if( isset(
$options['maxFileSize'] ) AND $options['maxFileSize'] <= 0 )
            throw new \

        if( isset(
$options['maxFiles'] ) AND $options['maxFiles'] <= 0 )
            throw new \

/* If this has to be an image, set the allowed file types */
if ( isset( $options['image'] ) and !isset( $options['image']['optional'] ) and !isset( $options['allowedFileTypes'] ) )
$options['allowedFileTypes'] = \IPS\Image::$imageExtensions;
/* Call parent constructor */
parent::__construct( $name, $defaultValue, $required, $options, $customValidationCode, $prefix, $suffix, $id );
/* Add JS */
if ( \IPS\IN_DEV )
IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'plupload/moxie.js', 'core', 'interface' ) );
IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'plupload/', 'core', 'interface' ) );
IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'plupload/plupload.full.min.js', 'core', 'interface' ) );

        if ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_url_filter_option != 'none' )
$links = \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_url_filter_option == "black" ? \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_url_blacklist : \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_url_whitelist;
$links )
$linkValues = array();
$linkValues = explode( "," , $links );
                if( \
IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_url_filter_option == 'white' )
$listValues[]    = "http://" . parse_url( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url, PHP_URL_HOST ) . "/*";
                if ( !empty(
$linkValues ) )
IPS\Output::i()->headJs    = \IPS\Output::i()->headJs . "ips.setSetting( '" . \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_url_filter_option . "list', " . json_encode( $linkValues ) . " );";
/* Are we processing an AJAX upload? */
if( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_PLUPLOAD'] ) AND \IPS\Login::compareHashes( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_PLUPLOAD'], md5( $this->name . session_id() ) ) )
                if (
$storageClass::$supportsChunking and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->chunks ) and \IPS\Request::i()->chunks > 1 )
$chunkName = 'chunk-' . md5( \IPS\Request::i()->name ) . '-' . $this->name . '-' . session_id() . '.txt';
$lastChunk = ( \IPS\Request::i()->chunk == \IPS\Request::i()->chunks - 1 );
                    if ( \
IPS\Request::i()->chunk == 0 )
$url = \IPS\File::create( $this->options['storageExtension'], $chunkName, NULL, $this->options['storageContainer'], FALSE, $_FILES[ $this->name ]['tmp_name'], FALSE );
$url = $storageClass->chunkAppend( $chunkName, $_FILES[ $this->name ]['tmp_name'], $lastChunk ? \IPS\Request::i()->name : NULL, $this->options['storageContainer'] );
                    if (
$lastChunk )
$fileObj = \IPS\File::get( $this->options['storageExtension'], $url );

$fileArray = array(
'error'                => NULL,
'_skipUploadCheck'    => TRUE,
'size'                => $fileObj->filesize(),
'name'                => $fileObj->originalFilename,
'tmp_name'            => $_FILES[ $this->name ]['tmp_name']

/* If there is an error, an exception will be thrown and will be caught below like normal */
\IPS\File::validateUpload( $fileArray, $this->options['allowedFileTypes'], $this->options['maxFileSize'] );
                        if (
$fileObj->isImage() AND ( $this->options['checkImage'] OR is_array( $this->options['image'] ) ) )
$image = \IPS\Image::create( $fileObj->contents() );

$image::exifSupported() )
$image->setExifData( $fileObj->contents() );
is_array( $this->options['image'] ) )
$image->resizeToMax( $this->options['image']['maxWidth'] ?: NULL, $this->options['image']['maxHeight'] ?: NULL );
$fileObj->replace( (string) $image );
                            catch ( \
Exception $e ) { }
$insertId = \IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_files_temp', array(
'upload_key'        => md5( $this->name . session_id() ),
'filename'            => $fileObj->originalFilename,
'mime'                => \IPS\File::getMimeType( $fileObj->originalFilename ),
'contents'            => (string) $fileObj,
'time'                => time(),
'storage_extension' => $this->options['storageExtension']
                        ) );
                        if (
$this->options['callback'] )
$r = call_user_func( $this->options['callback'], $fileObj );
                            if (
$r !== NULL )
$insertId = $r;
IPS\Output::i()->json( array(
'id'        => $insertId,
'key'        => $_SERVER['HTTP_X_PLUPLOAD'],
'imagesrc'    => $fileObj->isImage() ? (string) $fileObj->url : NULL,
'videosrc'    => $fileObj->isVideo() ? (string) $fileObj->url : NULL,
'thumbnail'    => ( $fileObj->isImage() AND $fileObj->attachmentThumbnailUrl !== NULL and is_string( $fileObj->attachmentThumbnailUrl ) ) ? \IPS\File::get( $this->options['storageExtension'], $fileObj->attachmentThumbnailUrl )->url : NULL,
                        )    );
IPS\Output::i()->json( array( 'chunk' => 'OK' ) );
                    foreach (
$this->processUploads() as $insertId => $fileObj )
IPS\Output::i()->json( array(
'id'        => $insertId,
'key'        => $_SERVER['HTTP_X_PLUPLOAD'],
'imagesrc'    => $fileObj->isImage() ? (string) $fileObj->url : NULL,
'videosrc'    => $fileObj->isVideo() ? (string) $fileObj->url : NULL,
'thumbnail'    => ( $fileObj->isImage() AND $fileObj->attachmentThumbnailUrl !== NULL and is_string( $fileObj->attachmentThumbnailUrl ) ) ? \IPS\File::get( $this->options['storageExtension'], $fileObj->attachmentThumbnailUrl )->url : NULL,
                        )    );
            catch ( \
Exception $e )
IPS\Log::log( $e, 'upload_failure' );
$message = $e->getMessage();
                if ( \
IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->checkKeyExists("uploaderr_{$e->getMessage()}_admin") )
$message = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack("uploaderr_{$e->getMessage()}_admin");
                elseif ( \
IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->checkKeyExists("uploaderr_{$e->getMessage()}") )
$message = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack("uploaderr_{$e->getMessage()}");
$message = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack("uploaderr_unspecified");

IPS\Output::i()->json( array(
'error'    => $message,
'extra'    => $e->getCode()
                )    );
/* Set the template */
$this->template = array( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' ), 'upload' );
     * @brief    Build the HTML once or we lose the custom properties sent
protected $builtHtml = NULL;

     * Get HTML without row template
     * @return    string
public function html()
$this->builtHtml !== NULL )

$uploadKey = md5( $this->name . session_id() );

/* Put the value in an array if we need to */
if ( $this->value !== NULL and ! empty( $this->value ) )
            if (
$this->options['multiple'] !== TRUE and !is_array( $this->value ) )
$this->value = array( $this->value );

/* Build JSON version of the existing value, which allows the widget to build the interface */
$existing = array();
$this->value and count( $this->value ) )
$this->value as $id => $file )
/* If this was attachment data, expand */
if( is_array( $file ) )
$attachment    = $file;
$file        = $file['fileurl'];
$attachment['fileurl'] );
/* If last loop was an array, we need to unset it this loop otherwise variable persists */
$attachment );

/* Set existing files */
if ( $this->options['temporary'] )
$existing[] = array(
'id'                => $id,
'insertable'         => (bool) $this->options['postKey'],
'hasThumb'            => false,
'originalFileName'     => $file,
'size'                => \IPS\Output\Plugin\Filesize::humanReadableFilesize( $file, FALSE, TRUE ),
'custom'            => NULL
$existing[] = array(
'id'                => $id,
'insertable'         => (bool) $this->options['postKey'],
'hasThumb'            => ( isset( $attachment ) AND isset( $attachment['attach_is_image'] ) ) ? ( $attachment['attach_is_image'] AND $attachment['attach_thumb_location'] ) : $file->isImage(),
'originalFileName'     => $file->originalFilename,
'thumbnail'            => ( isset( $attachment ) AND isset( $attachment['attach_is_image'] ) AND $attachment['attach_is_image'] AND $attachment['attach_thumb_location'] ) ? ( (string) \IPS\File::get( $this->options['storageExtension'], $attachment['attach_thumb_location'] )->url ) : ( $file->isImage() ? (string) $file->url : NULL ),
'size'                => \IPS\Output\Plugin\Filesize::humanReadableFilesize( $file->filesize(), FALSE, TRUE ),
'default'            => ( isset( $attachment ) AND $attachment['default'] ) ? $attachment['default'] : NULL,
                    catch( \
UnderflowException $e ){}

$this->value as $id => $file )
$this->value[ $id ]    = ( is_array( $file ) ) ? $file['fileurl'] : $file;

/* We want this to use decimals even if locale wants commas for decimal separator, i.e. for uploader */
$maxFileSize    = $this->options['maxFileSize'] ? number_format( $this->options['maxFileSize'], 4, '.', '' ) : $this->options['maxFileSize'];

/* The html() method is called more than once, however $this->value is wiped out so if it was an attachments array all of the array properties are lost */
$this->builtHtml = call_user_func( $this->template, $this->name, $this->value, $this->options['minimize'], $maxFileSize, $this->options['maxFiles'], $this->maxChunkSize, $this->options['totalMaxSize'], $this->options['allowedFileTypes'], $uploadKey, $this->options['multiple'], $this->options['postKey'], $this->options['temporary'] or ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['vle_editor'] ) and \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['vle_editor'] ), $this->options['template'], $existing, $this->options['default'] );

     * Get Value
     * @return    \IPS\File|array|NULL
     * @throws    \LogicException
     * @throws    \DomainException
     * @throws    \RuntimeException
public function getValue()
/* Get the files we had already */
$return = array();
$tempFiles = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'id,contents,filename', 'core_files_temp', array( 'upload_key=?', md5( $this->name . session_id() ) ) )->setKeyField('id') );
        if (
$this->options['storageExtension'] )
$existingName = $this->name . '_existing';
$keepName = $this->name . '_keep';
$keep = \IPS\Request::i()->$keepName;
            if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->$existingName ) and is_array( \IPS\Request::i()->$existingName ) )
                foreach ( \
IPS\Request::i()->$existingName as $id => $tempId )
                    if ( isset(
$keep[ $id ] ) )
                        if (
$tempId and isset( $tempFiles[ $tempId ] ) )
$file = \IPS\File::get( $this->options['storageExtension'], $tempFiles[ $tempId ]['contents'] );
$file->tempId = $tempId;
/* Reset the original filename to the real file name as $this->originalFilename is generated from the now AWS-safe $this->filename */
$file->originalFilename = $tempFiles[ $tempId ]['filename'];
$return[ $id ] = $file;
                            if (
$this->options['multiple'] )
                                if ( isset(
$this->defaultValue[ $id ] ) )
$return[ $id ] = $this->defaultValue[ $id ];
                            elseif (
$id == 0 )
$return[ $id ] = $this->defaultValue;
                    elseif ( !
$this->options['retainDeleted'] )
                        if (
$tempId and isset( $tempFiles[ $tempId ] ) )
IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_files_temp', array( 'id=?', $tempId ) );
IPS\File::get( $this->options['storageExtension'], $tempFiles[ $tempId ]['contents'] )->delete();
                            catch ( \
Exception $e ) { }
                            if (
$this->options['multiple'] )
                                if ( isset(
$this->defaultValue[ $id ] ) )
/* Don't delete file if new file upload has same name */
$okToDelete = TRUE;
$tempFiles as $tid => $tmpFile )
                                        if ( (string)
$this->defaultValue[ $id ] == $tmpFile['contents'] )
$okToDelete = FALSE;
                                    if (
$okToDelete )
$this->defaultValue[ $id ]->delete();
                                        catch ( \
Exception $e ) { }
                                if (
$this->defaultValue )
                                        if (
is_array( $this->defaultValue ) )
$this->defaultValue as $file )
/* Don't delete file if new file upload has same name */
$okToDelete = TRUE;
$tempFiles as $id => $tmpFile )
                                                    if ( (string)
$file == $tmpFile['contents'] )
$okToDelete = FALSE;
                                                if (
$okToDelete )
/* Don't delete file if new file upload has same name */
$okToDelete = TRUE;
$tempFiles as $id => $tmpFile )
                                                if ( (string)
$this->defaultValue == $tmpFile['contents'] )
$okToDelete = FALSE;
                                            if (
$okToDelete )
                                    catch ( \
Exception $e ) { }
/* Process files from noscript fallback - If this is just an AJAX validate, don't do anything so we still have the files when we actually submit  */
if ( !\IPS\Request::i()->ajaxValidate )
/* We used to use array_merge but this reindexes the array - we want to retain the keys */
$return = $return + $this->processUploads( "{$this->name}_noscript" );
            catch ( \
DomainException $e )
/* If there is no file and field is not required, then that's fine */
if( $e->getCode() !== 1 or $this->required )
/* We have to format the message because there are variables to swap out. */
if ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->checkKeyExists( 'pluploaderr_' . $e->getMessage() ) )
$message    = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( 'pluploaderr_' . $e->getMessage() );
$message    = str_replace( '{{max_file_size}}', $this->maxChunkSize, $message );
                        if (
is_array( $this->options['allowedFileTypes'] ) )
$message    = str_replace( '{{allowed_extensions}}', implode( ', ', $this->options['allowedFileTypes'] ), $message );
$message    = str_replace( '{{server_error_code}}', $e->getCode(), $message );
                        throw new \
DomainException( $message, $e->getCode() );
            catch ( \
RuntimeException $e )
                throw new \
DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('upload_error_generic', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $e->getMessage() ) ) ), $e->getCode() );
/* Check we haven't exceeded the maximum total size */
if ( $this->options['totalMaxSize'] !== NULL )
$total = 0;
            foreach (
$return as $file )
$total += $file->filesize();
            if (
$total > $this->options['totalMaxSize'] * 1048576 )
                throw new \
DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('uploaderr_total_size', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $this->options['totalMaxSize'] ) ) ) );

/* Now fix the array in case we are using the defaultValue which was array( fileurl =>, default => ) */
$toReturn = array();

$return as $k => $v )
$toReturn[ $k ] = ( is_array( $v ) AND isset( $v['fileurl'] ) ) ? $v['fileurl'] : $v;

$return = $toReturn;
/* Return */
if ( !$this->options['multiple'] )
array_pop( $return );

     * Process Uploads
     * @param    string    $fieldName    The field name to look for
     * @return    array
     * @throws    \DomainException
protected function processUploads( $fieldName=NULL )
$return = array();

/* Temporary - just process uploads and return paths */
if ( $this->options['temporary'] )
            foreach( \
IPS\File::normalizeFilesArray( $fieldName ) as $file )
IPS\File::validateUpload( $file, $this->options['allowedFileTypes'], $this->options['maxFileSize'] );

$ext = mb_strtolower( mb_substr( $file['name'], ( mb_strrpos( $file['name'], '.' ) + 1 ) ) );

/* Don't allow "XSS" in images */
if( in_array( $ext, \IPS\File::$safeFileExtensions ) AND in_array( $ext, \IPS\Image::$imageExtensions ) )
                    if( \
IPS\File::checkXssInFile( file_get_contents( $file['tmp_name'] ) ) )
                        throw new \
DomainException( "SECURITY_EXCEPTION_RAISED", 99 );

$return[] = $file['tmp_name'];
/* Normal - send to storage extension */
$options = $this->options;
$fileObjects = \IPS\File::createFromUploads( $this->options['storageExtension'], $fieldName, $this->options['allowedFileTypes'], $this->options['maxFileSize'], $this->options['totalMaxSize'], 0, function( $contents, $filename ) use ( $options )
$ext = mb_strtolower( mb_substr( $filename, mb_strrpos( $filename, '.' ) + 1 ) );

/* Resize images */
if ( in_array( $ext, \IPS\Image::$imageExtensions ) AND ( is_array( $options['image'] ) OR $options['checkImage'] ) )
$image = \IPS\Image::create( $contents );

is_array( $options['image'] ) )
$image->resizeToMax( $options['image']['maxWidth'] ?: NULL, $options['image']['maxHeight'] ?: NULL );
                        return (string)
                    catch ( \
Exception $e ) {}
$this->options['storageContainer'], $this->options['obscure'] );
            foreach (
$fileObjects as $fileObj )
$insertId = \IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_files_temp', array(
'upload_key'        => md5( $this->name . session_id() ),
'filename'            => $fileObj->originalFilename,
'mime'                => \IPS\File::getMimeType( $fileObj->originalFilename ),
'contents'            => (string) $fileObj,
'time'                => time(),
'storage_extension' => $this->options['storageExtension']
                ) );

                if (
$this->options['callback'] )
$r = call_user_func( $this->options['callback'], $fileObj );

                    if (
$r !== NULL )
$insertId = $r;
$return[ $insertId ] = $fileObj;

     * Validate
     * @throws    \InvalidArgumentException
     * @return    TRUE
public function validate()
        if (
$this->required and empty( $this->value ) and ( !\IPS\Request::i()->ajaxValidate or !$this->options['temporary'] ) )
            throw new \
     * String Value
     * @param    mixed    $value        The value
     * @return    string|null
public static function stringValue( $value )
        if (
is_array( $value ) )
implode( ',', array_map( function( $v )
                if (
is_object( $v ) )
                    return (string)
$value ) );
        return (
$value ) ? (string) $value->url : NULL;