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 * @brief        Text input class for Form Builder
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        18 Feb 2013

namespace IPS\Helpers\Form;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Text input class for Form Builder
class _Text extends TextArea
     * @brief    Default Options
     * @code
         $defaultOptions = array(
             'minLength'            => 1,            // Minimum number of characters. NULL is no minimum. Default is NULL.
             'maxLength'            => 255,            // Maximum number of characters. NULL is no maximum. Default is NULL.
             'size'                => 20,            // Text input size. NULL will use default size. Default is NULL.
             'disabled'            => FALSE,        // Disables input. Default is FALSE.
             'autocomplete'        => array(        // An array of options for autocomplete.
                 'source'            => array(),            // An array of values, or a URI which will be passed an 'input' parameter and return a JSON array of autocomplete values,
                 'freeChoice'        => TRUE,            // If FALSE, users will only be able to choose from autocomplete values
                 'maxItems'            => 5,                // Maximum number of items (if it should be unlimited, do not specify this element)
                 'minItems'            => 2,                // Minimum number of items (if it should be unlimited, do not specify this element) - if field is not required, 0 items will be allowed
                 'unique'            => TRUE,            // Specifies if the values must be unique
                 'forceLower'        => TRUE,            // If TRUE, all values will be converted to lowercase
                 'minLength'            => 5,                // The minimum length of each tag (characters) - if not specified, will be unlimited
                 'maxLength'            => 10,                // The maximum length of each tag (characters) - if not specified, will be unlimited
                 'prefix'            => TRUE,            // If TRUE, user will have option to specify one tag as a prefix
                 'resultItemTemplate'=> '',    // Can be used to specify a custom JavaScript template to use for the result
                 'minAjaxLength'        => 3,                // Minimum length of value before sending AJAX lookup call
                 'disallowedCharacters' => array(),         // An array of disallowed characters (default < > ' ")
                 'minimized'            => TRUE             // Whether the autocomplete shows a 'choose' link to activate. Existing values or required = true will always override this.
             'placeholder'        => 'e.g. ...',    // A placeholder (NB: Will only work on compatible browsers)
             'regex'                => '/[A-Z]+/i',    // RegEx of acceptable value
             'nullLang'            => 'no_value',    // If provided, an "or X" checkbox will appear with X being the value of this language key. When checked, NULL will be returned as the value.
             'accountUsername'    => TRUE,        // If TRUE or an \IPS\Member, additional checks will be performed to ensure provided value is acceptable for use as a username. Pass an \IPS\Member object to exclude that member from the duplicate checks
             'trim'                => TRUE,        // If TRUE (which is the default), whitespace will be stripped from the start and end of the value
             'bypassProfanity'    => FALSE,        // If TRUE, profanity filter will be bypassed when it is not appropriate to do so (ex: on the login form). Defaults to FALSE.
     * @endcode
protected $defaultOptions = array(
'minLength'            => NULL,
'maxLength'            => NULL,
'size'                => NULL,
'disabled'            => FALSE,
'autocomplete'        => NULL,
'placeholder'        => NULL,
'regex'                => NULL,
'nullLang'            => NULL,
'accountUsername'    => FALSE,
'trim'                => TRUE,
'bypassProfanity'    => FALSE,
     * @brief    Child default Options
protected $childDefaultOptions = array();
     * @brief    Form type
public $formType = 'text';

     * Constructor
     * Sets that the field is required if there is a minimum length and vice-versa
     * @see        \IPS\Helpers\Form\FormAbstract::__construct
     * @return    void
public function __construct()
/* Pull in default options from child class */
$this->defaultOptions = array_merge( $this->defaultOptions, $this->childDefaultOptions );

/* Set username regex */
$args = func_get_args();
        if ( isset(
$args[3]['accountUsername'] ) and $args[3]['accountUsername'] !== FALSE )
$args[3]['minLength'] = \IPS\Settings::i()->min_user_name_length;
$args[3]['maxLength'] = \IPS\Settings::i()->max_user_name_length;
            if ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->username_characters )
$args[3]['regex'] =  '/^[' . str_replace( '\-', '-', preg_quote( \IPS\Settings::i()->username_characters, '/' ) ) . ']*$/iu';
/* Call parent constructor */
call_user_func_array( 'parent::__construct', $args );

/* Add JS */
if ( isset( $this->options['autocomplete']['prefix'] ) and $this->options['autocomplete']['prefix'] )
IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'global_core.js', 'core', 'global' ) );
/* Set the form type */
$this->formType = mb_strtolower( mb_substr( get_called_class(), mb_strrpos( get_called_class(), '\\' ) + 1 ) );
     * Get HTML
     * @return    string
     * @note    We cannot pass the regex to the HTML5 'pattern' attribute for two reasons:
     *    @li    PCRE and ECMAScript regex are not 100% compatible (though the instances this present a problem are admittedly rare)
     *    @li    You cannot specify modifiers with the pattern attribute, which we need to support on the PHP side
public function html()
/* 10/19/15 - adding htmlspecialchars around value if autocomplete is enabled so that html tag characters can be used (e.g. for members) */
        /* This value is decoded by the JS widget before use */
if( $this->options['autocomplete'] and !empty( $this->value ) and is_array( $this->value ) )
$this->value as $key => $value )
$this->value[ $key ] = htmlspecialchars( $value, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_DISALLOWED, 'UTF-8', FALSE );

        return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->text( $this->name, $this->formType, $this->value, $this->required, $this->options['maxLength'], $this->options['size'], $this->options['disabled'], $this->options['autocomplete'], $this->options['placeholder'], NULL, $this->options['nullLang'], $this->htmlId );
     * Get Value
     * @return    mixed
public function getValue()
$name = $this->name . '_noscript';
        if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->$name ) )
$return = \IPS\Request::i()->$name;
$return = parent::getValue();

        if (
$this->options['trim'] )
            if (
is_array( $return ) )
$return = array_map( 'trim', $return );
$return = trim( $return );
        if ( isset(
$this->options['autocomplete'] ) )
$return = htmlspecialchars_decode( $return, ENT_QUOTES );

            if ( !
is_array( $return ) and ( !isset( $this->options['autocomplete']['maxItems'] ) or $this->options['autocomplete']['maxItems'] != 1 ) )
$return = array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( "\n", $return ) ) );
/* Remove all invisible characters if this is a username */
if( $this->options['accountUsername'] )
            if ( !
is_array( $return ) )
$return = preg_replace( '/\p{C}+/u', '', $return );
$return as $k => $v )
$return[ $k ] = preg_replace( '/\p{C}+/u', '', $v );

        if ( isset(
$this->options['autocomplete']['prefix'] ) and $this->options['autocomplete']['prefix'] )
$return = is_array( $return ) ? $return : ( $return ? array( $return ) : array() );
$firstAsPrefix = $this->name . '_first_as_prefix';
$freechoicePrefixCheckbox = $this->name . '_freechoice_prefix';
$freechoicePrefix = $this->name . '_prefix';
$noscriptPrefix = $this->name . '_noscript_prefix';
            if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->$noscriptPrefix ) and \IPS\Request::i()->$noscriptPrefix )
$currentIndex = array_search( \IPS\Request::i()->$noscriptPrefix, $return );
                if (
$currentIndex !== FALSE )
$return[ $currentIndex ] );
$return['prefix'] = \IPS\Request::i()->$noscriptPrefix;
            elseif ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->$freechoicePrefixCheckbox ) and \IPS\Request::i()->$freechoicePrefixCheckbox and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$freechoicePrefix ) and \IPS\Request::i()->$freechoicePrefix )
$currentIndex = array_search( \IPS\Request::i()->$freechoicePrefix, $return );
                if (
$currentIndex !== FALSE )
$return[ $currentIndex ] );
$return['prefix'] = \IPS\Request::i()->$freechoicePrefix;
            elseif ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->$firstAsPrefix ) and \IPS\Request::i()->$firstAsPrefix )
$return = array_merge( array( 'prefix' => array_shift( $return ) ), $return );

     * Format Value
     * @return    mixed
public function formatValue()
        if (
$this->options['autocomplete'] !== NULL and ( !isset( $this->options['autocomplete']['maxItems'] ) or $this->options['autocomplete']['maxItems'] != 1 ) and !is_array( $this->value ) and $this->value !== NULL )
array_filter( array_map( 'trim', explode( "\n", $this->value ) ) );
     * Validate
     * @throws    \InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws    \DomainException
     * @return    TRUE
public function validate()

/* Check it isn't just invisible characters (we don't strip them, because things like zero-width-joiners when in between other characters have a special meaning */
if ( $this->required and is_string( $this->value ) and mb_strlen( preg_replace( '/\p{C}+/u', '', $this->value ) ) === 0 )
            throw new \

/* skip validation if it's an username field and if the name wasn't changed */
if ( $this->options['accountUsername'] AND $this->options['accountUsername'] instanceOf \IPS\Member AND $this->options['accountUsername']->name == $this->value )

        if( \
IPS\Dispatcher::i() instanceof \IPS\Dispatcher\Front and !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['g_bypass_badwords'] )
$looseProfanity = array();
$exactProfanity = array();
/* Set up profanity filters */
foreach( \IPS\core\Profanity::getProfanity() AS $profanity )
                if (
$profanity->m_exact )
$exactProfanity[ $profanity->type ] = $profanity;
$looseProfanity[ $profanity->type ] = $profanity;

$exactProfanity as $key => $value )
$exactProfanity[ mb_strtolower( $key ) ] = $value;

/* Construct break points */
$exactProfanityBreakpoints = array();
count( $exactProfanity ) )
$array = array();
array_keys( $exactProfanity ) as $entry )
$array[] = preg_quote( $entry, '/' );

$exactProfanityBreakpoints[] = '((?=<^|\b)(?:' . implode( '|', $array ) . ')(?=\b|$))';

/* Regex */
if ( $this->options['regex'] !== NULL and $this->value and !preg_match( $this->options['regex'], $this->value ) )
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException( 'form_bad_value' );

/* Username */
if ( $this->options['accountUsername'] )
/* Check if it exists */
if ( !( $this->options['accountUsername'] instanceof \IPS\Member ) or mb_strtolower( $this->options['accountUsername']->name ) !== mb_strtolower( $this->value ) )
                if (
$error = \IPS\Login::usernameIsInUse( $this->value, ( $this->options['accountUsername'] instanceof \IPS\Member ) ? $this->options['accountUsername'] : NULL, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() ) )
                    throw new \
DomainException( $error );
/* Check it's not banned */
foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'ban_content', 'core_banfilters', array("ban_type=?", 'name') ) as $bannedName )
preg_match( '/^' . str_replace( '\*', '.*', preg_quote( $bannedName, '/' ) ) . '$/i', $this->value ) )
                        throw new \
DomainException( 'form_name_banned' );

/* Tags */
if ( $this->options['autocomplete'] !== NULL )
$this->value )
$values = ( is_array( $this->value ) ) ? $this->value : array( $this->value );
$values = array();

            if ( isset(
$this->options['autocomplete']['maxItems'] ) and count( $values ) > $this->options['autocomplete']['maxItems'] )
                throw new \
DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'form_tags_max', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( $this->options['autocomplete']['maxItems'] ) ) ) );
            if ( isset(
$this->options['autocomplete']['minItems'] ) and ( $this->required or count( $values ) > 0 ) and count( $values ) < $this->options['autocomplete']['minItems'] )
                throw new \
DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'form_tags_min', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( $this->options['autocomplete']['minItems'] ) ) ) );

            if ( isset(
$this->options['autocomplete']['minLength'] ) )
                foreach (
$values as $v )
                    if (
mb_strlen( $v ) < $this->options['autocomplete']['minLength'] )
                        throw new \
DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'form_tags_length_min', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( $this->options['autocomplete']['minLength'] ) ) ) );
            if ( isset(
$this->options['autocomplete']['maxLength'] ) )
                foreach (
$values as $v )
                    if (
mb_strlen( $v ) > $this->options['autocomplete']['maxLength'] )
                        throw new \
DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'form_tags_length_max', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( $this->options['autocomplete']['maxLength'] ) ) ) );
            if ( isset(
$this->options['autocomplete']['filterProfanity'] ) AND is_array( $this->value ) AND count( $this->value ) and \IPS\Dispatcher::i() instanceof \IPS\Dispatcher\Front and !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['g_bypass_badwords'] )
                foreach (
$values as $k => $v )
                    if (
array_key_exists( $v, $exactProfanity ) )
                        if (
$exactProfanity[ $v ]->action == 'swap' )
$this->value[ $k ] = $exactProfanity[ $v ]->swop;
                            throw new \
DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'form_tags_not_allowed', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $v ) ) ) );
$swaps    = array();
$looseProfanity AS $type => $row )
                            if (
$row->action == 'swap' )
$swaps[ $row->type ] = $row->swop;
                                if (
mb_stristr( $value, $type ) )
                                    throw new \
DomainException( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'form_tags_not_allowed', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $v ) ) ) );
/* Still here? Normal swaps. */
$this->value[ $k ] = str_ireplace( array_keys( $swaps ), array_values( $swaps ), $this->value[ $k ] );

            if ( isset(
$this->options['autocomplete']['unique'] ) AND $this->options['autocomplete']['unique'] AND is_array( $this->value ) AND count( $this->value ) )
                foreach (
$this->value as $v )
                    if (
is_scalar( $v ) )
$this->value = array_unique( $this->value );

            if (
is_array ( $this->value ) AND isset( $this->options['autocomplete']['source'] ) AND is_array( $this->options['autocomplete']['source'] ) AND ( !isset( $this->options['autocomplete']['freeChoice'] ) OR !$this->options['autocomplete']['freeChoice'] ) )
                if( isset(
$this->options['autocomplete']['forceLower'] ) AND $this->options['autocomplete']['forceLower'] )
$this->value = array_uintersect( array_map( 'mb_strtolower', $this->value ), array_map( 'mb_strtolower', array_map( 'trim', $this->options['autocomplete']['source'] ) ), 'strcasecmp' );
$this->value = array_uintersect( $this->value, array_map( 'trim', $this->options['autocomplete']['source'] ), 'strcasecmp' );

/* Split on profanity */
if( $this->options['bypassProfanity'] === FALSE and is_string( $this->value ) and \IPS\Dispatcher::i() instanceof \IPS\Dispatcher\Front and !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['g_bypass_badwords'] )
$newVal = NULL;
            if (
count( $exactProfanityBreakpoints ) )
/* preg_split can return boolean false*/
$split = preg_split( '/' . implode( '|', $exactProfanityBreakpoints ) . '/iu', $this->value, null, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE );

is_array( $split ) )
                    foreach (
$split as $section )
                        if ( isset(
$exactProfanity[ mb_strtolower( $section ) ] ) )
                            if (
$exactProfanity[ mb_strtolower( $section ) ]->action == 'swap' )
$newVal .= $exactProfanity[ mb_strtolower( $section ) ]->swop;
                                throw new \
DomainException( 'Profanity Filter' );
$newVal .= $section;
$value = $newVal ?: $this->value;
            if (
count( $looseProfanity ) )
$swaps = array();
$looseProfanity AS $type => $row )
                    if (
$row->action == 'swap' )
$swaps[ $row->type ] = $row->swop;
                        if (
mb_stristr( $value, $type ) )
                            throw new \
DomainException( 'Profanity Filter' );
$value = str_ireplace( array_keys( $swaps ), array_values( $swaps ), $value );

$this->value = $value;
