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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\Helpers;


abstract class
    * XSL namespace
const XMLNS_XSL = '';

    * Replace parts of a template that match given regexp
    * Treats attribute values as plain text. Replacements within XPath expression is unsupported.
    * The callback must return an array with two elements. The first must be either of 'expression',
    * 'literal' or 'passthrough', and the second element depends on the first.
    *  - 'expression' indicates that the replacement must be treated as an XPath expression such as
    *    '@foo', which must be passed as the second element.
    *  - 'literal' indicates a literal (plain text) replacement, passed as its second element.
    *  - 'passthrough' indicates that the replacement should the tag's content. It works differently
    *    whether it is inside an attribute's value or a text node. Within an attribute's value, the
    *    replacement will be the text content of the tag. Within a text node, the replacement
    *    becomes an <xsl:apply-templates/> node. A second optional argument can be passed to be used
    *    as its @select node-set.
    * @param  string   $template Original template
    * @param  string   $regexp   Regexp for matching parts that need replacement
    * @param  callable $fn       Callback used to get the replacement
    * @return string             Processed template
public static function replaceTokens($template, $regexp, $fn)
$dom   = TemplateLoader::load($template);
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
        foreach (
$xpath->query('//@*') as $attribute)
self::replaceTokensInAttribute($attribute, $regexp, $fn);
        foreach (
$xpath->query('//text()') as $node)
self::replaceTokensInText($node, $regexp, $fn);


    * Create a node that implements given replacement strategy
    * @param  DOMDocument $dom
    * @param  array       $replacement
    * @return DOMNode
protected static function createReplacementNode(DOMDocument $dom, array $replacement)
        if (
$replacement[0] === 'expression')
$newNode = $dom->createElementNS(self::XMLNS_XSL, 'xsl:value-of');
$newNode->setAttribute('select', $replacement[1]);
        elseif (
$replacement[0] === 'passthrough')
$newNode = $dom->createElementNS(self::XMLNS_XSL, 'xsl:apply-templates');
            if (isset(
$newNode->setAttribute('select', $replacement[1]);
$newNode = $dom->createTextNode($replacement[1]);


    * Replace parts of an attribute that match given regexp
    * @param  DOMAttr  $attribute Attribute
    * @param  string   $regexp    Regexp for matching parts that need replacement
    * @param  callable $fn        Callback used to get the replacement
    * @return void
protected static function replaceTokensInAttribute(DOMAttr $attribute, $regexp, $fn)
$attrValue = preg_replace_callback(
            function (
$m) use ($fn, $attribute)
$replacement = $fn($m, $attribute);
                if (
$replacement[0] === 'expression' || $replacement[0] === 'passthrough')
// Use the node's text content as the default expression
$replacement[] = '.';

'{' . $replacement[1] . '}';
$attribute->value = htmlspecialchars($attrValue, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');

    * Replace parts of a text node that match given regexp
    * @param  DOMText  $node   Text node
    * @param  string   $regexp Regexp for matching parts that need replacement
    * @param  callable $fn     Callback used to get the replacement
    * @return void
protected static function replaceTokensInText(DOMText $node, $regexp, $fn)
// Grab the node's parent so that we can rebuild the text with added variables right
        // before the node, using DOM's insertBefore(). Technically, it would make more sense
        // to create a document fragment, append nodes then replace the node with the fragment
        // but it leads to namespace redeclarations, which looks ugly
$parentNode = $node->parentNode;
$dom        = $node->ownerDocument;

preg_match_all($regexp, $node->textContent, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$lastPos = 0;
        foreach (
$matches as $m)
$pos = $m[0][1];

// Catch-up to current position
$text = substr($node->textContent, $lastPos, $pos - $lastPos);
$parentNode->insertBefore($dom->createTextNode($text), $node);
$lastPos = $pos + strlen($m[0][0]);

// Get the replacement for this token
$replacement = $fn(array_column($m, 0), $node);
$newNode     = self::createReplacementNode($dom, $replacement);
$parentNode->insertBefore($newNode, $node);

// Append the rest of the text
$text = substr($node->textContent, $lastPos);
$parentNode->insertBefore($dom->createTextNode($text), $node);

// Now remove the old text node