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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\Helpers;


* This class helps the RulesGenerator by analyzing a given template in order to answer questions
* such as "can this tag be a child/descendant of that other tag?" and others related to the HTML5
* content model.
* We use the HTML5 specs to determine which children or descendants should be allowed or denied
* based on HTML5 content models. While it does not exactly match HTML5 content models, it gets
* pretty close. We also use HTML5 "optional end tag" rules to create closeParent rules.
* Currently, this method does not evaluate elements created with <xsl:element> correctly, or
* attributes created with <xsl:attribute> and may never will due to the increased complexity it
* would entail. Additionally, it does not evaluate the scope of <xsl:apply-templates/>. For
* instance, it will treat <xsl:apply-templates select="LI"/> as if it was <xsl:apply-templates/>
* @link
* @link
class TemplateInspector
    * XSL namespace
const XMLNS_XSL = '';

    * @var string[] allowChild bitfield for each branch
protected $allowChildBitfields = [];

    * @var bool Whether elements are allowed as children
protected $allowsChildElements;

    * @var bool Whether text nodes are allowed as children
protected $allowsText;

    * @var array[] Array of array of DOMElement instances
protected $branches;

    * @var string OR-ed bitfield representing all of the categories used by this template
protected $contentBitfield = "\0";

    * @var string Default bitfield used at the root of a branch
protected $defaultBranchBitfield;

    * @var string denyDescendant bitfield
protected $denyDescendantBitfield = "\0";

    * @var \DOMDocument Document containing the template
protected $dom;

    * @var bool Whether this template contains any HTML elements
protected $hasElements = false;

    * @var bool Whether this template renders non-whitespace text nodes at its root
protected $hasRootText;

    * @var bool Whether this template should be considered a block-level element
protected $isBlock = false;

    * @var bool Whether the template uses the "empty" content model
protected $isEmpty;

    * @var bool Whether this template adds to the list of active formatting elements
protected $isFormattingElement;

    * @var bool Whether this template lets content through via an xsl:apply-templates element
protected $isPassthrough = false;

    * @var bool Whether all branches use the transparent content model
protected $isTransparent = false;

    * @var bool Whether all branches have an ancestor that is a void element
protected $isVoid;

    * @var array Last HTML element that precedes an <xsl:apply-templates/> node
protected $leafNodes = [];

    * @var bool Whether any branch has an element that preserves new lines by default (e.g. <pre>)
protected $preservesNewLines = false;

    * @var array Bitfield of the first HTML element of every branch
protected $rootBitfields = [];

    * @var array Every HTML element that has no HTML parent
protected $rootNodes = [];

    * @var DOMXPath XPath engine associated with $this->dom
protected $xpath;

    * Constructor
    * @param string $template Template content
public function __construct($template)
$this->dom   = TemplateLoader::load($template);
$this->xpath = new DOMXPath($this->dom);

$this->defaultBranchBitfield = ElementInspector::getAllowChildBitfield($this->dom->createElement('div'));


    * Return whether this template allows a given child
    * @param  TemplateInspector $child
    * @return bool
public function allowsChild(TemplateInspector $child)
// Sometimes, a template can technically be allowed as a child but denied as a descendant
if (!$this->allowsDescendant($child))

        foreach (
$child->rootBitfields as $rootBitfield)
            foreach (
$this->allowChildBitfields as $allowChildBitfield)
                if (!
self::match($rootBitfield, $allowChildBitfield))

        return (
$this->allowsText || !$child->hasRootText);

    * Return whether this template allows a given descendant
    * @param  TemplateInspector $descendant
    * @return bool
public function allowsDescendant(TemplateInspector $descendant)
// Test whether the descendant is explicitly disallowed
if (self::match($descendant->contentBitfield, $this->denyDescendantBitfield))

// Test whether the descendant contains any elements and we disallow elements
return ($this->allowsChildElements || !$descendant->hasElements);

    * Return whether this template allows elements as children
    * @return bool
public function allowsChildElements()

    * Return whether this template allows text nodes as children
    * @return bool
public function allowsText()

    * Return whether this template automatically closes given parent template
    * @param  TemplateInspector $parent
    * @return bool
public function closesParent(TemplateInspector $parent)
// Test whether any of this template's root nodes closes any of given template's leaf nodes
foreach ($this->rootNodes as $rootNode)
            foreach (
$parent->leafNodes as $leafNode)
                if (
ElementInspector::closesParent($rootNode, $leafNode))


    * Evaluate an XPath expression
    * @param  string     $expr XPath expression
    * @param  DOMElement $node Context node
    * @return mixed
public function evaluate($expr, DOMElement $node = null)
$this->xpath->evaluate($expr, $node);

    * Return whether this template should be considered a block-level element
    * @return bool
public function isBlock()

    * Return whether this template adds to the list of active formatting elements
    * @return bool
public function isFormattingElement()

    * Return whether this template uses the "empty" content model
    * @return bool
public function isEmpty()

    * Return whether this template lets content through via an xsl:apply-templates element
    * @return bool
public function isPassthrough()

    * Return whether this template uses the "transparent" content model
    * @return bool
public function isTransparent()

    * Return whether all branches have an ancestor that is a void element
    * @return bool
public function isVoid()

    * Return whether this template preserves the whitespace in its descendants
    * @return bool
public function preservesNewLines()

    * Analyses the content of the whole template and set $this->contentBitfield accordingly
protected function analyseContent()
// Get all non-XSL elements
$query = '//*[namespace-uri() != "' . self::XMLNS_XSL . '"]';
        foreach (
$this->xpath->query($query) as $node)
$this->contentBitfield |= ElementInspector::getCategoryBitfield($node);
$this->hasElements = true;

// Test whether this template is passthrough
$this->isPassthrough = (bool) $this->evaluate('count(//xsl:apply-templates)');

    * Records the HTML elements (and their bitfield) rendered at the root of the template
protected function analyseRootNodes()
// Get every non-XSL element with no non-XSL ancestor. This should return us the first
        // HTML element of every branch
$query = '//*[namespace-uri() != "' . self::XMLNS_XSL . '"]'
. '[not(ancestor::*[namespace-uri() != "' . self::XMLNS_XSL . '"])]';
        foreach (
$this->xpath->query($query) as $node)
// Store the root node of this branch
$this->rootNodes[] = $node;

// If any root node is a block-level element, we'll mark the template as such
if ($this->elementIsBlock($node))
$this->isBlock = true;

$this->rootBitfields[] = ElementInspector::getCategoryBitfield($node);

// Test for non-whitespace text nodes at the root. For that we need a predicate that filters
        // out: nodes with a non-XSL ancestor,
$predicate = '[not(ancestor::*[namespace-uri() != "' . self::XMLNS_XSL . '"])]';

// ..and nodes with an <xsl:attribute/>, <xsl:comment/> or <xsl:variable/> ancestor
$predicate .= '[not(ancestor::xsl:attribute | ancestor::xsl:comment | ancestor::xsl:variable)]';

$query = '//text()[normalize-space() != ""]' . $predicate
. '|'
. '//xsl:text[normalize-space() != ""]' . $predicate
. '|'
. '//xsl:value-of' . $predicate;

$this->hasRootText = (bool) $this->evaluate('count(' . $query . ')');

    * Analyses each branch that leads to an <xsl:apply-templates/> tag
protected function analyseBranches()
$this->branches = [];
        foreach (
$this->xpath->query('//xsl:apply-templates') as $applyTemplates)
$query            = 'ancestor::*[namespace-uri() != "' . self::XMLNS_XSL . '"]';
$this->branches[] = iterator_to_array($this->xpath->query($query, $applyTemplates));


    * Test whether any branch of this template has an element that has given property
    * @param  string $methodName
    * @return bool
protected function anyBranchHasProperty($methodName)
        foreach (
$this->branches as $branch)
            foreach (
$branch as $element)
                if (


    * Compute the allowChildBitfields and denyDescendantBitfield properties
    * @return void
protected function computeBitfields()
        if (empty(
$this->allowChildBitfields = ["\0"];

        foreach (
$this->branches as $branch)
            * @var string allowChild bitfield for current branch. Starts with the value associated
            *             with <div> in order to approximate a value if the whole branch uses the
            *             transparent content model
$branchBitfield = $this->defaultBranchBitfield;

            foreach (
$branch as $element)
                if (!
// If the element isn't transparent, we reset its bitfield
$branchBitfield = "\0";

// allowChild rules are cumulative if transparent, and reset above otherwise
$branchBitfield |= ElementInspector::getAllowChildBitfield($element);

// denyDescendant rules are cumulative
$this->denyDescendantBitfield |= ElementInspector::getDenyDescendantBitfield($element);

// Add this branch's bitfield to the list
$this->allowChildBitfields[] = $branchBitfield;

    * Compute the allowsChildElements property
    * A template allows child Elements if it has at least one xsl:apply-templates and none of its
    * ancestors have the text-only ("to") property
    * @return void
protected function computeAllowsChildElements()
$this->allowsChildElements = ($this->anyBranchHasProperty('isTextOnly')) ? false : !empty($this->branches);

    * Compute the allowsText property
    * A template is said to allow text if none of the leaf elements disallow text
    * @return void
protected function computeAllowsText()
        foreach (
array_filter($this->branches) as $branch)
            if (
$this->allowsText = false;

$this->allowsText = true;

    * Compute the isFormattingElement property
    * A template is said to be a formatting element if all (non-zero) of its branches are entirely
    * composed of formatting elements
    * @return void
protected function computeFormattingElement()
        foreach (
$this->branches as $branch)
            foreach (
$branch as $element)
                if (!
ElementInspector::isFormattingElement($element) && !$this->isFormattingSpan($element))
$this->isFormattingElement = false;

$this->isFormattingElement = (bool) count(array_filter($this->branches));

    * Compute the isEmpty property
    * A template is said to be empty if it has no xsl:apply-templates elements or any there is a empty
    * element ancestor to an xsl:apply-templates element
    * @return void
protected function computeIsEmpty()
$this->isEmpty = ($this->anyBranchHasProperty('isEmpty')) || empty($this->branches);

    * Compute the isTransparent property
    * A template is said to be transparent if it has at least one branch and no non-transparent
    * elements in its path
    * @return void
protected function computeIsTransparent()
        foreach (
$this->branches as $branch)
            foreach (
$branch as $element)
                if (!
$this->isTransparent = false;

$this->isTransparent = !empty($this->branches);

    * Compute the isVoid property
    * A template is said to be void if it has no xsl:apply-templates elements or any there is a void
    * element ancestor to an xsl:apply-templates element
    * @return void
protected function computeIsVoid()
$this->isVoid = ($this->anyBranchHasProperty('isVoid')) || empty($this->branches);

    * Compute the preservesNewLines property
    * @return void
protected function computePreservesNewLines()
        foreach (
$this->branches as $branch)
$style = '';
            foreach (
$branch as $element)
$style .= $this->getStyle($element, true);

            if (
preg_match('(.*white-space\\s*:\\s*(no|pre))is', $style, $m) && strtolower($m[1]) === 'pre')
$this->preservesNewLines = true;

$this->preservesNewLines = false;

    * Test whether given element is a block-level element
    * @param  DOMElement $element
    * @return bool
protected function elementIsBlock(DOMElement $element)
$style = $this->getStyle($element);
        if (
preg_match('(\\bdisplay\\s*:\\s*block)i', $style))
        if (
preg_match('(\\bdisplay\\s*:\\s*(?:inli|no)ne)i', $style))


    * Retrieve and return the inline style assigned to given element
    * @param  DOMElement $node Context node
    * @param  bool       $deep Whether to retrieve the content of all xsl:attribute descendants
    * @return string
protected function getStyle(DOMElement $node, $deep = false)
$style = '';
        if (
$style .= 'white-space:pre;';
$style .= $node->getAttribute('style');

// Add the content of any descendant/child xsl:attribute named "style"
$query = (($deep) ? './/' : './') . 'xsl:attribute[@name="style"]';
        foreach (
$this->xpath->query($query, $node) as $attribute)
$style .= ';' . $attribute->textContent;


    * Test whether given node is a span element used for formatting
    * Will return TRUE if the node is a span element with a class attribute and/or a style attribute
    * and no other attributes
    * @param  DOMElement $node
    * @return boolean
protected function isFormattingSpan(DOMElement $node)
        if (
$node->nodeName !== 'span')

        if (
$node->getAttribute('class') === '' && $node->getAttribute('style') === '')

        foreach (
$node->attributes as $attrName => $attribute)
            if (
$attrName !== 'class' && $attrName !== 'style')


    * Store the names of every leaf node
    * A leaf node is defined as the closest non-XSL ancestor to an xsl:apply-templates element
    * @return void
protected function storeLeafNodes()
        foreach (
array_filter($this->branches) as $branch)
$this->leafNodes[] = end($branch);

    * Test whether two bitfields have any bits in common
    * @param  string $bitfield1
    * @param  string $bitfield2
    * @return bool
protected static function match($bitfield1, $bitfield2)
        return (
trim($bitfield1 & $bitfield2, "\0") !== '');