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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Plugins\MediaEmbed\Configurator;


abstract class
    * @var array Attributes used to generate current template
protected $attributes;

    * @var array Default attributes
protected $defaultAttributes = [
'height'         => 360,
'padding-height' => 0,
'style'          => [],
'width'          => 640

    * Build the template representing the embedded content
    * @return string
abstract protected function getContentTemplate();

    * Build a template based on a list of attributes
    * @param  array  $attributes
    * @return string
public function getTemplate(array $attributes)
$this->attributes = $attributes + $this->defaultAttributes;

        return (
$this->needsWrapper()) ? $this->getWrappedTemplate() : $this->getUnwrappedTemplate();

    * Format an attribute value to be used in an XPath expression
    * @param  string $expr Original value
    * @return string       Formatted value
protected function expr($expr)
$expr = trim($expr, '{}');

        return (
preg_match('(^[@$]?[-\\w]+$)D', $expr)) ? $expr : "($expr)";

    * Generate xsl:attributes elements from an array
    * @param  array  $attributes Array of [name => value] where value can be XSL code
    * @return string             XSL source
protected function generateAttributes(array $attributes)
        if (isset(
$attributes['style']) && is_array($attributes['style']))
$attributes['style'] = $this->generateStyle($attributes['style']);

$xsl = '';
        foreach (
$attributes as $attrName => $attrValue)
$innerXML = (strpos($attrValue, '<xsl:') !== false) ? $attrValue : AVTHelper::toXSL($attrValue);

$xsl .= '<xsl:attribute name="' . htmlspecialchars($attrName, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '">' . $innerXML . '</xsl:attribute>';


    * Generate a CSS declaration based on an array of CSS properties
    * @param  array  $properties Property name => property value
    * @return string
protected function generateStyle(array $properties)

$style = '';
        foreach (
$properties as $name => $value)
$style .= $name . ':' . $value . ';';

trim($style, ';');

    * Generate and return the padding declaration used in the responsive wrapper
    * @return string
protected function getResponsivePadding()
$height        = $this->expr($this->attributes['height']);
$paddingHeight = $this->expr($this->attributes['padding-height']);
$width         = $this->expr($this->attributes['width']);

// Create the padding declaration for the fixed ratio
$css = 'padding-bottom:<xsl:value-of select="100*(' . $height . '+' . $paddingHeight . ')div' . $width . '"/>%';
// Add the padding declaration for the computed ratio if applicable
if (!empty($this->attributes['padding-height']))
// NOTE: there needs to be whitespace around tokens in calc()
$css .= ';padding-bottom:calc(<xsl:value-of select="100*' . $height . ' div' . $width . '"/>% + ' . $paddingHeight . 'px)';

// If the width is dynamic, use a conditional to protect against divisions by zero
if (strpos($width, '@') !== false)
$css = '<xsl:if test="@width&gt;0">' . $css . '</xsl:if>';


    * Generate and return a responsive template for the embedded content
    * @return string
protected function getUnwrappedTemplate()
$this->attributes['style']['width']     = '100%';
$this->attributes['style']['height']    = $this->attributes['height'] . 'px';
$this->attributes['style']['max-width'] = '100%';

        if (isset(
$this->attributes['style']['max-width'] = $this->attributes['max-width'] . 'px';
        elseif (
$this->attributes['width'] !== '100%')
$property = ($this->hasDynamicWidth()) ? 'width' : 'max-width';
$this->attributes['style'][$property] = $this->attributes['width'] . 'px';

        if (
$this->attributes['style']['width'] === $this->attributes['style']['max-width'])


    * Generate and return a template for the embedded content, complete with a responsive wrapper
    * @return string
protected function getWrappedTemplate()
$this->attributes['style']['width']    = '100%';
$this->attributes['style']['height']   = '100%';
$this->attributes['style']['position'] = 'absolute';
$this->attributes['style']['left']     = '0';

$outerStyle = 'display:inline-block;width:100%;max-width:' . $this->attributes['width'] . 'px';
$innerStyle = 'display:block;overflow:hidden;position:relative;' . $this->getResponsivePadding();

$template  = '<span>' . $this->generateAttributes(['style' => $outerStyle]);
$template .= '<span>' . $this->generateAttributes(['style' => $innerStyle]);
$template .= $this->getContentTemplate();
$template .= '</span></span>';


    * Test whether current template has a dynamic height
    * @return bool
protected function hasDynamicHeight()
        return (isset(
$this->attributes['onload']) && strpos($this->attributes['onload'], '.height') !== false);

    * Test whether current template has a dynamic width
    * @return bool
protected function hasDynamicWidth()
        return (isset(
$this->attributes['onload']) && strpos($this->attributes['onload'], '.width') !== false);

    * Merge two array of attributes
    * @param  array $defaultAttributes
    * @param  array $newAttributes
    * @return array
protected function mergeAttributes(array $defaultAttributes, array $newAttributes)
$attributes = array_merge($defaultAttributes, $newAttributes);
        if (isset(
$defaultAttributes['style'], $newAttributes['style']))
// Re-add the default attributes that were lost (but not replaced) in the merge
$attributes['style'] += $defaultAttributes['style'];


    * Test whether current template needs a wrapper to be responsive
    * @return bool
protected function needsWrapper()
        return (
$this->attributes['width'] !== '100%' && !$this->hasDynamicHeight());