Seditio Source
Root |
* @constructor
* @param {number} type     Tag's type
* @param {string} name     Name of the tag
* @param {number} pos      Position of the tag in the text
* @param {number} len      Length of text consumed by the tag
* @param {number=} priority This tag's sorting tiebreaker
function Tag(type, name, pos, len, priority)
this.type = +type; = name;
this.pos  = +pos;
this.len  = +len;
this.sortPriority = +priority || 0;

this.attributes = {};
this.cascade    = [];

// Invalidate this tag now if any value is not a number, they could wreck
// havoc in other parts of the program
if (isNaN(type + pos + len))

/** @const */
Tag.START_TAG = 1;

/** @const */
Tag.END_TAG = 2;

/** @const */

* @type {!Object} Dictionary of attributes

* @type {!Array.<!Tag>} List of tags that are invalidated when this tag is invalidated

* @type {?Tag} End tag that unconditionally ends this start tag

* @type {boolean} Whether this tag is be invalid
Tag.prototype.invalid = false;

* @type {number} Length of text consumed by this tag

* @type {string} Name of this tag

* @type {number} Position of this tag in the text

* @type {number} Tiebreaker used when sorting identical tags

* @type {?Tag} Start tag that is unconditionally closed this end tag

* @type {number} Tag type

* Add a set of flags to this tag's
* @param {number} flags
Tag.prototype.addFlags = function(flags)
this.flags |= flags;

* Set given tag to be invalidated if this tag is invalidated
* @param {!Tag} tag
Tag.prototype.cascadeInvalidationTo = function(tag)

// If this tag is already invalid, cascade it now
if (this.invalid)

* Invalidate this tag, as well as tags bound to this tag
Tag.prototype.invalidate = function()
// Only invalidate if this tag is valid to prevent infinite loops
if (!this.invalid)
this.invalid = true;
* @param {!Tag} tag

* Pair this tag with given tag
* @param {!Tag} tag
Tag.prototype.pairWith = function(tag)
if (this.canBePaired(this, tag))
this.endTag  = tag;
tag.startTag = this;

else if (this.canBePaired(tag, this))
this.startTag = tag;
tag.endTag    = this;

* Test whether two tags can be paired
* @param  {!Tag} startTag
* @param  {!Tag} endTag
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.canBePaired = function(startTag, endTag)
return === && startTag.type === Tag.START_TAG && endTag.type === Tag.END_TAG && startTag.pos <= startTag.pos;

* Remove a set of flags from this tag's
* @param {number} flags
Tag.prototype.removeFlags = function(flags)
this.flags &= ~flags;

* Set the bitfield of boolean rules that apply to this tag
* @param {number} flags Bitfield of boolean rules that apply to this tag
Tag.prototype.setFlags = function(flags)
this.flags = flags;

// Getters

* Return this tag's attributes
* @return {!Object}
Tag.prototype.getAttributes = function()
var attributes = {};
for (var attrName in this.attributes)
attributes[attrName] = this.attributes[attrName];

return attributes;

* Return this tag's end tag
* @return {?Tag} This tag's end tag
Tag.prototype.getEndTag = function()
return this.endTag;

* Return the bitfield of boolean rules that apply to this tag
* @return {number}
Tag.prototype.getFlags = function()
return this.flags;

* Return the length of text consumed by this tag
* @return {number}
Tag.prototype.getLen = function()
return this.len;

* Return this tag's name
* @return {string}
Tag.prototype.getName = function()

* Return this tag's position
* @return {number}
Tag.prototype.getPos = function()
return this.pos;

* Return this tag's tiebreaker
* @return {number}
Tag.prototype.getSortPriority = function()
return this.sortPriority;

* Return this tag's start tag
* @return {?Tag} This tag's start tag
Tag.prototype.getStartTag = function()
return this.startTag;

* Return this tag's type
* @return {number}
Tag.prototype.getType = function()
return this.type;

// Tag's status

* Test whether this tag can close given start tag
* @param  {!Tag} startTag
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.canClose = function(startTag)
if (this.invalid
|| !this.canBePaired(startTag, this)
|| (this.startTag && this.startTag !== startTag)
|| (startTag.endTag && startTag.endTag !== this))
return false;

return true;

* Test whether this tag is a br tag
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.isBrTag = function()
return ( === 'br');

* Test whether this tag is an end tag (self-closing tags inclusive)
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.isEndTag = function()
return !!(this.type & Tag.END_TAG);

* Test whether this tag is an ignore tag
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.isIgnoreTag = function()
return ( === 'i');

* Test whether this tag is invalid
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.isInvalid = function()
return this.invalid;

* Test whether this tag represents a paragraph break
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.isParagraphBreak = function()
return ( === 'pb');

* Test whether this tag is a self-closing tag
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.isSelfClosingTag = function()
return (this.type === Tag.SELF_CLOSING_TAG);

* Test whether this tag is a special tag: "br", "i", "pb" or "v"
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.isSystemTag = function()
return ('br i pb v'.indexOf( > -1);

* Test whether this tag is a start tag (self-closing tags inclusive)
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.isStartTag = function()
return !!(this.type & Tag.START_TAG);

* Test whether this tag represents verbatim text
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.isVerbatim = function()
return ( === 'v');

// Attributes handling

* Return the value of given attribute
* @param  {string} attrName
* @return {string}
Tag.prototype.getAttribute = function(attrName)
return this.attributes[attrName];

* Return whether given attribute is set
* @param  {string} attrName
* @return {boolean}
Tag.prototype.hasAttribute = function(attrName)
return (attrName in this.attributes);

* Remove given attribute
* @param {string} attrName
Tag.prototype.removeAttribute = function(attrName)
delete this.attributes[attrName];

* Set the value of an attribute
* @param {string} attrName  Attribute's name
* @param {*}       attrValue Attribute's value
Tag.prototype.setAttribute = function(attrName, attrValue)
this.attributes[attrName] = attrValue;

* Set all of this tag's attributes at once
* @param {!Object} attributes
Tag.prototype.setAttributes = function(attributes)
this.attributes = {};
for (var attrName in attributes)
this.attributes[attrName] = attributes[attrName];