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 * @brief        Member filter extension
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @subpackage    Nexus
 * @since        20 Apr 2015

namespace IPS\nexus\extensions\core\MemberFilter;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Member filter extension
class _Subscriptions
     * Determine if the filter is available in a given area
     * @param    string    $area    Area to check
     * @return    bool
public function availableIn( $area )
in_array( $area, array( 'bulkmail' ) );
     * Get Setting Field
     * @param    mixed    $criteria    Value returned from the save() method
     * @return    array     Array of form elements
public function getSettingField( $criteria )
        return array(
            new \
IPS\Helpers\Form\Node( 'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs', isset( $criteria['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs'] ) ? array_filter( array_map( function( $val )
                    return \
IPS\nexus\Subscription\Package::load( $val );
                catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
explode( ',', $criteria['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs'] ) ) ) : 0, FALSE, array( 'zeroVal' => 'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_none', 'multiple' => TRUE, 'class' => 'IPS\nexus\Subscription\Package', 'zeroValTogglesOff' => array( 'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_type' ) ) ),
            new \
IPS\Helpers\Form\CheckboxSet( 'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_type', isset( $criteria['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_type'] ) ? explode( ',', $criteria['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_type'] ) : array( 'active' ), FALSE, array( 'toggles' => array( 'expired' => array( 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ) ), 'options' => array( 'active' => 'nexus_bm_filters_type_active', 'expired' => 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired' ) ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_type' ),
            new \
IPS\Helpers\Form\Custom( 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date', array( 0 => isset( $criteria['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date']['range'] ) ? $criteria['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date']['range'] : '', 1 => isset( $criteria['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date']['days'] ) ? $criteria['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date']['days'] : NULL ), FALSE, array(
'getHtml'    => function( $element )
$dateRange = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\DateRange( "{$element->name}[0]", $element->value[0], FALSE );

                    return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'members', 'core', 'global' )->dateFilters( $dateRange, $element );
NULL, NULL, NULL, 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ),
     * Save the filter data
     * @param    array    $post    Form values
     * @return    mixed            False, or an array of data to use later when filtering the members
     * @throws \LogicException
public function save( $post )
        if (
is_array( $post['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs'] ) )
$ids = array();
            foreach (
$post['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs'] as $package )
$ids[] = $package->id;

$return = array(
'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs' => implode( ',', $ids ),
'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_active' => (bool) ( in_array( "active", $post['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_type'] ) ),
'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_canceled' => (bool) ( in_array( "canceled", $post['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_type'] ) ),

            if( isset(
$post['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date'][2] ) AND $post['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date'][2] == 'days' )
$return['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date'] = $post['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date'][1] ? array( 'days' => intval( $post['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date'][1] ) ) : FALSE;
/* Normalize objects to their array form. Bulk mailer stores options as a json array where as member export does not, so $data['range']['start'] is a DateTime object */
$return['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date'] = ( empty($post['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date'][0]) ) ? FALSE : array( 'range' => json_decode( json_encode( $post['nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date'][0] ), TRUE ) );


     * Get where clause to add to the member retrieval database query
     * @param    mixed                $data    The array returned from the save() method
     * @return    string|array|NULL    Where clause
public function getQueryWhereClause( $data )
        if ( isset(
$data['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs'] ) and $data['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs'] )
'nexus_purchases.ps_id IS NOT NULL';
     * Callback for member retrieval database query
     * Can be used to set joins
     * @param    mixed            $data    The array returned from the save() method
     * @param    \IPS\Db\Query    $query    The query
     * @return    void
public function queryCallback( $data, &$query )
        if ( isset(
$data['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs'] ) and $data['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs'] )
$types = array();

            if ( isset(
$data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_active' ]) and $data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_active' ] )
$types[] = 'nexus_purchases.ps_active=1';

            if ( isset(
$data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_canceled' ] ) and $data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_subscription_canceled' ] )
$types[] = 'nexus_purchases.ps_cancelled=1';

            if ( !empty(
$data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ][ 'range' ] ) AND !empty( $data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ][ 'range' ][ 'end' ] ) )
$start = ( $data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ][ 'range' ][ 'start' ] ) ? new \IPS\DateTime( $data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ][ 'range' ][ 'start' ] ) : NULL;
$end = ( $data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ][ 'range' ][ 'end' ] ) ? new \IPS\DateTime( $data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ][ 'range' ][ 'end' ] ) : NULL;

                if (
$start and $end )
$types[] = "( nexus_purchases.ps_active=0 AND nexus_purchases.ps_cancelled=0 AND nexus_purchases.ps_expire BETWEEN {$start->getTimestamp()} AND {$end->getTimestamp()})";
            elseif ( !empty(
$data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ][ 'days' ] ) )
$date = \IPS\DateTime::create()->sub( new \DateInterval( 'P' . $data[ 'nexus_bm_filters_type_expired_date' ][ 'days' ] . 'D' ) );
$types[] = "( nexus_purchases.ps_active=0 AND nexus_purchases.ps_cancelled=0 AND nexus_purchases.ps_expire < {$date->getTimestamp()})";
            if ( !empty(
$types ) )
$types = implode( ' OR ', $types );
$query->join( 'nexus_purchases', "nexus_purchases.ps_app='nexus' AND nexus_purchases.ps_type='subscription' AND nexus_purchases.ps_member=core_members.member_id AND " . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'nexus_purchases.ps_item_id', explode( ',', $data['nexus_bm_filters_subscription_pkgs'] ) ) . " AND ( {$types} )" );