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 * @brief        Converter Software Core Class
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @subpackage    Converter
 * @since        21 Jan 2015

namespace IPS\convert;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

abstract class
     * @brief    \IPS\convert\App instance
public $app            = NULL;
     * @brief    \IPS\Db instance to the source application
public $db            = NULL;
     * @brief    Is UTF8
public $isUtfEight    = TRUE;
     * @brief    Flag to indicate the post data has been fixed during conversion, and we only need to use Legacy Parser
public static $contentFixed = FALSE;
     * Constructor
     * @param    \IPS\convert\App    The application to reference for database and other information.
     * @param    bool                If the database is needed or not.
     * @return    void
     * @throws    \InvalidArgumentException
public function __construct( \IPS\convert\App $app, $needDB=TRUE )
$this->app = $app;
/* If we have a parent and no DB details we need to use that instead */
if ( $this->app->parent > 0 AND !$this->app->db_host )
$this->app->db_host     = $this->app->_parent->db_host;
$this->app->db_port     = $this->app->_parent->db_port;
$this->app->db_user        = $this->app->_parent->db_user;
$this->app->db_pass        = $this->app->_parent->db_pass;
$this->app->db_db        = $this->app->_parent->db_db;
$this->app->db_prefix    = $this->app->_parent->db_prefix;
$this->app->db_charset    = $this->app->_parent->db_charset;
$connectionSettings = array(
'sql_host'            => $this->app->db_host,
'sql_port'          => $this->app->db_port,
'sql_user'            => $this->app->db_user,
'sql_pass'            => $this->app->db_pass,
'sql_database'        => $this->app->db_db,
'sql_tbl_prefix'    => $this->app->db_prefix,
        if (
$this->app->db_charset === 'utf8mb4' )
$connectionSettings['sql_utf8mb4'] = TRUE;
        // Are we connected?
        // (in the great circle of life...)
        /* If we are rebulding, we don't actually need to establish a connection to the source database. This will both help improve speed, as well as avoid an exception if the connection no longer works */
if ( $needDB )
$this->db = \IPS\Db::i( 'convert_' . $this->app->name, $connectionSettings );
/* Are we utf8? */
if ( !in_array( $this->app->db_charset, array( 'utf8', 'utf8mb4' ) ) )
/* Get all db charsets */
$charsets = static::getDatabaseCharsets( $this->db );

/* Set a flag that the data is not UTF8... we need to convert it to UTF8 at conversion time. */
if ( !in_array( mb_strtolower( $this->app->db_charset ), $charsets ) )
/* @todo We need to use a comprehensive conversion system like the UTF8 Converter... or maybe we can provide instructions on how to use it on non-IPS databases if MB can't do it? */
throw new \InvalidArgumentException( 'invalid_charset' );
$this->isUtfEight = FALSE;
$this->db->set_charset( $this->app->db_charset );
            catch( \
IPS\Db\Exception $e )
                throw new \
InvalidArgumentException( "Database Connection Failed: " . $e->getMessage() );
     * Magic __call() method
     * @param    string    $name            The method to call without convert prefix.
     * @param    mixed    $arguements        Arguments to pass to the method
     * @return     mixed
public function __call( $name, $arguments )
        if (
method_exists( $this, 'convert' . $name ) )
call_user_func( array( $this, 'convert' . $name ), $arguments );
        elseif (
method_exists( $this, $name ) )
call_user_func( $this, array( $name, $arguments ) );
IPS\Log::log( "Call to undefined method in " . get_class( $this ) . "::{$name}", 'converters' );
     * Software Name
     * @return    string
     * @throws    \BadMethodCallException
public static function softwareName()
/* Child classes must override this method */
throw new \BadMethodCallException( 'no_name' );
     * Software Key
     * @return    string
     * #throws    \BadMethodCallException
public static function softwareKey()
/* Child classes must override this method */
throw new \BadMethodCallException( 'no_key' );
     * Requires Parent
     * @return    boolean
public static function requiresParent()
     * Possible Parent Conversions
     * @return    NULL|array
public static function parents()
     * Uses Prefix
     * @return    bool
public static function usesPrefix()
     * Content we can convert from this software.
     * @return    array|NULL
     * @throws    \BadMethodCallException
public static function canConvert()
/* Child classes must override this method */
throw new \BadMethodCallException( 'nothing_to_convert' );
     * Can we translate settings over to our Invision Community equivalents?
     * @return    boolean
public static function canConvertSettings()
     * Settings Map
     * @code
         return array(
             'source_setting_key' => array( 'ips_setting_key' );
     * @endcode
     * @return    array
public function settingsMap()
        return array();
     * Settings Map List
     * @code
         return array(
             'source_setting_key' => array(
                 'title'        => 'Human Readable Name as presented in the source',
                 'value'        => 'The value from the source',
     * @endcode
     * @return    array
public function settingsMapList()
        return array();
     * List of Conversion Methods that require more information
     * @return    array
public static function checkConf()
        return array();
     * An array of steps which require more information. This method should return array like below if any steps require additional information. Otherwise, it should return NULL.
     * @param    string    $method    Conversion method
     * @return    array|NULL
     * @code
         return array(
             'convertAttachments' => array(
             'upload_path'    => array( // The key is the name of the field, or the first parameter of the helper class constructor.
                'field_class'         => 'IPS\\Helpers\\Form\\Text', // The form helper class for this field
                'field_default'        => NULL, // The default value for this field.
                'field_required'    => TRUE, // TRUE if this field is required.
                'field_extra'        => array(), // Array of extra data that would normally go in $options for the form helper.
                'field_hint'        => NULL, // A language key of hint text to display after the form (such as path to IPS Suite files). NULL for no additional text.
     * @endcode
public function getMoreInfo( $method )
     * Can we convert passwords from this software.
     * @return     boolean
public static function loginEnabled()
     * Count Source Rows for a specific step
     * @param    string        $table        The table containing the rows to count.
     * @param    array|NULL    $where        WHERE clause to only count specific rows, or NULL to count all.
     * @param    bool        $recache    Skip cache and pull directly (updating cache)
     * @return    integer
     * @throws    \IPS\convert\Exception
public function countRows( $table, $where=NULL, $recache=FALSE )
$cacheKey = 'convert_' . $this->app->app_id . '_' . md5( $table . json_encode( $where ) );

            if( !isset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->$cacheKey ) OR $recache === TRUE )
IPS\Data\Store::i()->$cacheKey = $this->db->select( 'COUNT(*)', $table, $where )->first();

            return \
        catch( \
Exception $e )
            throw new \
IPS\convert\Exception( sprintf( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( 'could_not_count_rows' ), $table ) );
     * Get Library Class
     * @param    string|NULL        $library    Specific library to fetch
     * @return    \IPS\convert\Library
public function getLibrary( $library=NULL )
$library = $library ?: $this->app->sw;
        if ( !
class_exists( 'IPS\\convert\\Library\\' . ucwords( $library ) ) )
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException( 'invalid_library' );
$classname = 'IPS\\convert\\Library\\' . ucwords( $library );
        return new
$classname( $this );

     * Allows software to add additional menu row options
     * @param    array     $rows    Existing rows
     * @return    array
public function extraMenuRows( $rows )
     * Returns a block of text, or a language string, that explains what the admin must do to start this conversion
     * @return    string|NULL
public static function getPreConversionInformation()
     * Fetch Remote Data
     * @param    string                $table        The table to selected data from
     * @param    string                $idColumn    The ID column to sort on, when not using keys.
     * @param    string|array|NULL    $where        WHERE clause for specific data to fetch.
     * @param    string                $what        What to fetch
     * @return    \IPS\Db\Select    An \IPS\Db\Select object that can be further manipulated if necessary (e.g. joins)
public function fetch( $table, $idColumn='id', $where=NULL, $what='*' )
$libraryClass = $this->getLibrary();
        if (
$libraryClass::$usingKeys === FALSE )
$this->db->select( $what, $table, $where, $idColumn . ' ASC', array( $libraryClass::$startValue, $libraryClass::$perCycle ) );
            if ( !isset(
$_SESSION['currentKeyValue'] ) )
$libraryClass->setLastKeyValue( 0 );
$whereClause        = array();
$whereClause[]    = array( $libraryClass::$currentKeyName . '>?', $_SESSION['currentKeyValue'] );
            if ( !
is_null( $where ) )
                if (
is_string( $where ) )
$whereClause[] = array( $where );
$whereClause[] = $where;

$this->db->select( $what, $table, $whereClause, $libraryClass::$currentKeyName . ' ASC', array( 0, $libraryClass::$perCycle ) );

     * Finish - Adds everything it needs to the queues and clears data store
     * @return    array        Messages to display
public function finish()
        return array();

     * Updates Posted Content to work with the parser.
     * @param    string        The post
     * @return    string        The converted post
public static function fixPostData( $post )

     * Get database charsets
     * @param    \IPS\Db        $database    Database connection
     * @return    array
public static function getDatabaseCharsets( $database )
$charsets = array();
$result   = $database->query( "SHOW CHARACTER SET;" );

$row = $result->fetch_assoc() )
$charsets[] = mb_strtolower( $row['Charset'] );

     * Check if we can redirect the legacy URLs from this software to the new locations
     * @return    NULL|\IPS\Http\Url
public function checkRedirects()