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 * @brief        Class for managing RSS documents
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        18 Feb 2013

namespace IPS\Xml;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Class for managing RSS documents
class _Rss extends SimpleXML
     * Create RSS document
     * @param    \IPS\Http\Url    $url            URL to document
     * @param    string            $title            Channel Title
     * @param    string            $description    Channel Description
     * @return    void
     * @see        <a href=''>Allowable values for language in RSS</a>
public static function newDocument( \IPS\Http\Url $url, $title, $description )
$xml = new static( '<rss version="2.0" />' );
$channel = $xml->addChild( 'channel' );
$channel->addChild( 'title', $title );
$channel->addChild( 'link', (string) $url );
$channel->addChild( 'description', $description );
/* Previously we were regexing and whitelisting language codes for some reason - we should just send the language code always */
$locale = mb_strtolower( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->short );
$locale = mb_substr( $locale, 0, mb_strpos( str_replace( '-', '_', $locale ), '_' ) );
$channel->addChild( 'language', $locale );
     * Add Item
     * @param    string                $title            Item title
     * @param    \IPS\Http\Url|NULL    $link            Item link
     * @param    string|NULL            $description    Item description/content
     * @param    \IPS\DateTime|NULL    $date            Item date
     * @param    string                $guid            Item ID
     * @return    void
     * @todo    [Future] The feed will validate now, but unrecognized attribute values cause warnings when validating. Also, the validator recommends using an Atom feed with the atom:link attribute.
public function addItem( $title = NULL, \IPS\Http\Url $link = NULL, $description = NULL, \IPS\DateTime $date = NULL, $guid = NULL )
        if (
$title === NULL and $description === NULL )
            throw new \
$item = $this->channel->addChild( 'item' );
        if (
$title !== NULL )
$item->addChild( 'title', $title );
$item->addChild( 'link', (string) $link );
        if (
$description !== NULL )
$description = preg_replace_callback( "/\s+?(srcset|src)=(['\"])\/\/([^'\"]+?)(['\"])/ims", function( $matches ){
$baseUrl = parse_url( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url );
/* Try to preserve http vs https */
if( isset( $baseUrl['scheme'] ) )
$url = $baseUrl['scheme'] . '://' . $matches[3];
$url = 'http://' . $matches[3];
" {$matches[1]}={$matches[2]}{$url}{$matches[2]}";
$description );
$item->addChild( 'description', $description );
        if (
$guid !== NULL )
$item->addChild( 'guid', $guid )->addAttribute( 'isPermaLink', 'false' );
        if (
$date !== NULL )
$item->addChild( 'pubDate', $date->format('r') );
     * Get title
     * @return    string
public function title()
     * Get articles
     * @param    mixed    $guidKey    In previous versions, we encoded a key with the GUID. For legacy purposes, this can be passed here.
     * @return    array
public function articles( $guidKey=NULL )
$articles    = array();
$items        = $this->getItems();
        foreach (
$items as $item )
$link = NULL;
            if ( isset(
$item->link ) AND $item->link )
$link = \IPS\Http\Url::external( (string) $item->link );
                catch ( \
Exception $e ) {  }
            if ( isset(
$item->guid ) )
$guid = $item->guid;
$guid = '';
                foreach ( array(
'title', 'link', 'description' ) as $k )
                    if ( isset(
$item->$k ) )
$guid .= $item->$k;
$guid = preg_replace( "#\s|\r|\n#is", "", $guid );
$guid = md5( $guidKey . $guid );

$text = isset( $item->description ) ? (string) $item->description : (string) $item->title;

/* If there is a <content:encoded> tag, get the contents of that instead of description */
if( count( $item->children( 'content', true ) ) AND count( $item->children( 'content', true )->encoded ) )
$text = (string) $item->children( 'content', true )->encoded[0];

/* Some feeds may not provide a pubDate for the Item or Channel in the feed. Work out which one exists and if neither do, use the current time */
$pubDate = $this->getDate( $item );
            if (
$pubDate === NULL AND $this->channel->pubDate )
$pubDate = \IPS\DateTime::ts( strtotime( $this->channel->pubDate ), TRUE );

$articles[ $guid ] = array(
'title'        => ( (string) $item->title ) ?: ( mb_substr( $text, 0, 47 ) . '...' ),
'content'    => (string) $text,
'date'        => $pubDate ?: \IPS\DateTime::create(),
'link'        => $link

     * Fetch the date
     * @param    object    $item    RSS item
     * @return    NULL|\IPS\DateTime
protected function getDate( $item )
$pubDate = NULL;
        if (
$item->pubDate )
$pubDate = \IPS\DateTime::ts( strtotime( $item->pubDate ), TRUE );


     * Fetch the items
     * @return    array
protected function getItems()