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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\Helpers;


abstract class
    * Generate a regexp that matches any single character allowed in a regexp
    * This method will generate a regexp that can be used to determine whether a given character
    * could in theory be allowed in a string that matches the source regexp. For example, the source
    * regexp /^a+$/D would generate /a/ while /^foo\d+$/D would generate /[fo\d]/ whereas the regexp
    * /foo/ would generate // because it's not anchored so any characters could be found before or
    * after the literal "foo".
    * @param  string $regexp Source regexp
    * @return string         Regexp that matches any single character allowed in the source regexp
public static function getAllowedCharacterRegexp($regexp)
$def = self::parse($regexp);

// If the regexp is uses the multiline modifier, this regexp can't match the whole string if
        // it contains newlines, so in effect it could allow any content
if (strpos($def['modifiers'], 'm') !== false)

        if (
substr($def['regexp'], 0, 1) !== '^'
|| substr($def['regexp'], -1)   !== '$')

// Append a token to mark the end of the regexp
$def['tokens'][] = [
'pos'  => strlen($def['regexp']),
'len'  => 0,
'type' => 'end'

$patterns = [];

// Collect the literal portions of the source regexp while testing for alternations
$literal = '';
$pos     = 0;
$skipPos = 0;
$depth   = 0;
        foreach (
$def['tokens'] as $token)
// Skip options
if ($token['type'] === 'option')
$skipPos = max($skipPos, $token['pos'] + $token['len']);

// Skip assertions
if (strpos($token['type'], 'AssertionStart') !== false)
$endToken = $def['tokens'][$token['endToken']];
$skipPos  = max($skipPos, $endToken['pos'] + $endToken['len']);

            if (
$token['pos'] >= $skipPos)
                if (
$token['type'] === 'characterClass')
$patterns[] = '[' . $token['content'] . ']';

                if (
$token['pos'] > $pos)
// Capture the content between last position and current position
$tmp = substr($def['regexp'], $pos, $token['pos'] - $pos);

// Append the content to the literal portion
$literal .= $tmp;

// Test for alternations if it's the root of the regexp
if (!$depth)
// Remove literal backslashes for convenience
$tmp = str_replace('\\\\', '', $tmp);

// Look for an unescaped | that is not followed by ^
if (preg_match('/(?<!\\\\)\\|(?!\\^)/', $tmp))

// Look for an unescaped | that is not preceded by $
if (preg_match('/(?<![$\\\\])\\|/', $tmp))

            if (
substr($token['type'], -5) === 'Start')
            elseif (
substr($token['type'], -3) === 'End')

$pos = max($skipPos, $token['pos'] + $token['len']);

// Test for the presence of an unescaped dot
if (preg_match('#(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\\\\\)*\\.#', $literal))
            if (
strpos($def['modifiers'], 's') !== false
|| strpos($literal, "\n") !== false)

$patterns[] = '.';

// Remove unescaped dots
$literal = preg_replace('#(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\\\\\)*)\\.#', '$1', $literal);

// Remove unescaped quantifiers *, + and ?
$literal = preg_replace('#(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\\\\\)*)[*+?]#', '$1', $literal);

// Remove unescaped quantifiers {}
$literal = preg_replace('#(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\\\\\)*)\\{[^}]+\\}#', '$1', $literal);

// Remove backslash assertions \b, \B, \A, \Z, \z and \G, as well as back references
$literal = preg_replace('#(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\\\\\)*)\\\\[bBAZzG1-9]#', '$1', $literal);

// Remove unescaped ^, | and $
$literal = preg_replace('#(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\\\\\)*)[$^|]#', '$1', $literal);

// Escape unescaped - and ] so they are safe to use in a character class
$literal = preg_replace('#(?<!\\\\)((?:\\\\\\\\)*)([-^\\]])#', '$1\\\\$2', $literal);

// If the regexp doesn't use PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY, it could end with a \n
if (strpos($def['modifiers'], 'D') === false)
$literal .= "\n";

// Add the literal portion of the regexp to the patterns, as a character class
if ($literal !== '')
$patterns[] = '[' . $literal . ']';

// Test whether this regexp actually matches anything
if (empty($patterns))

// Build the allowed characters regexp
$regexp = $def['delimiter'] . implode('|', $patterns) . $def['delimiter'];

// Add the modifiers
if (strpos($def['modifiers'], 'i') !== false)
$regexp .= 'i';
        if (
strpos($def['modifiers'], 'u') !== false)
$regexp .= 'u';


    * Return the name of each capture in given regexp
    * Will return an empty string for unnamed captures
    * @param  string   $regexp
    * @return string[]
public static function getCaptureNames($regexp)
$map        = [''];
$regexpInfo = self::parse($regexp);
        foreach (
$regexpInfo['tokens'] as $tok)
            if (
$tok['type'] === 'capturingSubpatternStart')
$map[] = $tok['name'] ?? '';


    * @param  string $regexp
    * @return array
public static function parse($regexp)
        if (!
preg_match('#^(.)(.*?)\\1([a-zA-Z]*)$#Ds', $regexp, $m))
            throw new
RuntimeException('Could not parse regexp delimiters');

$ret = [
'delimiter' => $m[1],
'modifiers' => $m[3],
'regexp'    => $m[2],
'tokens'    => []

$regexp = $m[2];

$openSubpatterns = [];

$pos = 0;
$regexpLen = strlen($regexp);

        while (
$pos < $regexpLen)
            switch (
// skip next character
$pos += 2;

                    if (!
preg_match('#\\[(.*?(?<!\\\\)(?:\\\\\\\\)*+)\\]((?:[+*][+?]?|\\?)?)#A', $regexp, $m, 0, $pos))
                        throw new
RuntimeException('Could not find matching bracket from pos ' . $pos);

$ret['tokens'][] = [
'pos'         => $pos,
'len'         => strlen($m[0]),
'type'        => 'characterClass',
'content'     => $m[1],
'quantifiers' => $m[2]

$pos += strlen($m[0]);

                    if (
preg_match('#\\(\\?([a-z]*)\\)#iA', $regexp, $m, 0, $pos))
// This is an option (?i) so we skip past the right parenthesis
$ret['tokens'][] = [
'pos'     => $pos,
'len'     => strlen($m[0]),
'type'    => 'option',
'options' => $m[1]

$pos += strlen($m[0]);

// This should be a subpattern, we just have to sniff which kind
if (preg_match("#(?J)\\(\\?(?:P?<(?<name>[a-z_0-9]+)>|'(?<name>[a-z_0-9]+)')#A", $regexp, $m, \PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos))
// This is a named capture
$tok = [
'pos'  => $pos,
'len'  => strlen($m[0][0]),
'type' => 'capturingSubpatternStart',
'name' => $m['name'][0]

$pos += strlen($m[0][0]);
                    elseif (
preg_match('#\\(\\?([a-z]*):#iA', $regexp, $m, 0, $pos))
// This is a non-capturing subpattern (?:xxx)
$tok = [
'pos'     => $pos,
'len'     => strlen($m[0]),
'type'    => 'nonCapturingSubpatternStart',
'options' => $m[1]

$pos += strlen($m[0]);
                    elseif (
preg_match('#\\(\\?>#iA', $regexp, $m, 0, $pos))
/* This is a non-capturing subpattern with atomic grouping "(?>x+)" */
$tok = [
'pos'     => $pos,
'len'     => strlen($m[0]),
'type'    => 'nonCapturingSubpatternStart',
'subtype' => 'atomic'

$pos += strlen($m[0]);
                    elseif (
preg_match('#\\(\\?(<?[!=])#A', $regexp, $m, 0, $pos))
// This is an assertion
$assertions = [
'='  => 'lookahead',
'<=' => 'lookbehind',
'!'  => 'negativeLookahead',
'<!' => 'negativeLookbehind'

$tok = [
'pos'     => $pos,
'len'     => strlen($m[0]),
'type'    => $assertions[$m[1]] . 'AssertionStart'

$pos += strlen($m[0]);
                    elseif (
preg_match('#\\(\\?#A', $regexp, $m, 0, $pos))
                        throw new
RuntimeException('Unsupported subpattern type at pos ' . $pos);
// This should be a normal capture
$tok = [
'pos'  => $pos,
'len'  => 1,
'type' => 'capturingSubpatternStart'


$openSubpatterns[] = count($ret['tokens']);
$ret['tokens'][] = $tok;

                    if (empty(
                        throw new
RuntimeException('Could not find matching pattern start for right parenthesis at pos ' . $pos);

// Add the key to this token to its matching token and capture this subpattern's
                    // content
$k = array_pop($openSubpatterns);
$startToken =& $ret['tokens'][$k];
$startToken['endToken'] = count($ret['tokens']);
$startToken['content']  = substr(
$startToken['pos'] + $startToken['len'],
$pos - ($startToken['pos'] + $startToken['len'])

// Look for quantifiers after the subpattern, e.g. (?:ab)++
$spn = strspn($regexp, '+*?', 1 + $pos);
$quantifiers = substr($regexp, 1 + $pos, $spn);

$ret['tokens'][] = [
'pos'  => $pos,
'len'  => 1 + $spn,
'type' => substr($startToken['type'], 0, -5) . 'End',
'quantifiers' => $quantifiers


$pos += 1 + $spn;


        if (!empty(
            throw new
RuntimeException('Could not find matching pattern end for left parenthesis at pos ' . $ret['tokens'][$openSubpatterns[0]]['pos']);
