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 * @brief        Redis Session Handler
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        6 September 2017

namespace IPS\Session\Store;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Redis Session Handler
class _Redis extends \IPS\Session\Store
     * @brief    Default expiration for keys in seconds
static protected $ttl = 1800; #30 mins
     * Load the session from the storage engine
     * @param    string    $sessionId    Session ID
     * @return    array
public function loadSession( $sessionId )
        if (
$result = \IPS\Redis::i()->hGetAll( $this->_key( 'session_id_' . md5( $sessionId . \IPS\Settings::i()->sql_pass ) ) ) )
            return \
IPS\Redis::i()->decode( $result['data'] );
     * Update the session storage engine
     * @param    array    $data    Session data to store
     * @return void
public function updateSession( $data )
/* Groups are loaded into memory so this does not cause a query */
$group = \IPS\Member\Group::load( $data['member_group'] );

/* Update the specific session */
\IPS\Redis::i()->delete( $this->_key( 'session_id_' . md5( $data['id'] . \IPS\Settings::i()->sql_pass ) ) );
IPS\Redis::i()->hMSet( $this->_key( 'session_id_' . md5( $data['id'] . \IPS\Settings::i()->sql_pass ) ), array(
'member_id'        => $data['member_id'],
'member_name'    => $data['member_name'],
'seo_name'        => $data['seo_name'],
'member_group'    => $data['member_group'],
'login_type'    => $data['login_type'],
'in_editor'        => $data['in_editor'],
'data'             => \IPS\Redis::i()->encode( $data )
        ), static::
$ttl );
/* Update the list of sessions for the online list [ microtime => sessionID ] */
\IPS\Redis::i()->zAdd( $this->_key( 'session_map' ), time(), 'session_id_' . md5( $data['id'] . \IPS\Settings::i()->sql_pass ), static::$ttl );
/* Update users list */
if ( $data['uagent_type'] == 'search' )
/* Make a unique row based on IP and user-agent to prevent multiple rows for each spider */
\IPS\Redis::i()->zAdd( $this->_key( 'session_online_spiders' ), time(), md5( $data['ip_address'] . $data['browser'] ), static::$ttl );
        else if (
$data['member_id'] )
IPS\Redis::i()->zAdd( $this->_key( 'session_online_users' ), time(), $data['member_id'] . '__' . 'session_id_' . md5( $data['id'] . \IPS\Settings::i()->sql_pass ), static::$ttl );
/* A guest may have one ip address but multiple devices, but we don't really need to track that */
\IPS\Redis::i()->zAdd( $this->_key( 'session_online_guests' ), time(), md5( $data['ip_address'] ), static::$ttl );
/* Delete old items */
if ( ! \IPS\Redis::i()->get( $this->_key( 'session_cleanup' ) ) )
/* Do a little clean up */
\IPS\Redis::i()->zRemRangeByScore( $this->_key( 'session_map' ), 0, time() - static::$ttl );
IPS\Redis::i()->zRemRangeByScore( $this->_key( 'session_online_spiders' ), 0, time() - static::$ttl );
IPS\Redis::i()->zRemRangeByScore( $this->_key( 'session_online_users' ), 0, time() - static::$ttl );
IPS\Redis::i()->zRemRangeByScore( $this->_key( 'session_online_guests' ), 0, time() - static::$ttl );
/* And do it again in 3ish mins */
\IPS\Redis::i()->setEx( $this->_key( 'session_cleanup' ), 180, time() );
     * Delete from the session engine
     * @param    string    $sessionId    Session ID
     * @return    void
public function deleteSession( $sessionId )
$data = $this->loadSession( $sessionId );
IPS\Redis::i()->delete( $this->_key( 'session_id_' . md5( $sessionId . \IPS\Settings::i()->sql_pass ) ) );
IPS\Redis::i()->zDelete( $this->_key( 'session_map' ), 'session_id_' . md5( $sessionId . \IPS\Settings::i()->sql_pass ) );
IPS\Redis::i()->zDelete( $this->_key( 'session_online_spiders' ), md5( $data['ip_address'] . $data['browser'] ) );
IPS\Redis::i()->zDelete( $this->_key( 'session_online_users' ), $data['member_id'] . '__' . 'session_id_' . md5( $data['id'] . \IPS\Settings::i()->sql_pass ) );
IPS\Redis::i()->zDelete( $this->_key( 'session_online_guests' ), md5( $data['ip_address'] ) );
     * Delete from the session engine
     * @param    int            $memberId    You can probably figure this out right?
     * @param    string|NULL    $userAgent    User Agent [optional]
     * @param    array|NULL    $keepSessionIds    Array of session ids to keep [optional]
     * @return    void
public function deleteByMember( $memberId, $userAgent=NULL, $keepSessionIds=NULL )
        if ( !
is_array( $keepSessionIds ) )
$keepSessionIds = array( $keepSessionIds );
$sessionMap = \IPS\Redis::i()->zRange( 'session_map', 0, -1 );

$sessionMap as $index => $redisKey )
$session = \IPS\Redis::i()->hMGet( $redisKey, array( 'data' ) );

$sessionMap[ $index ] = \IPS\Redis::i()->decode( $session['data'] );

$sessionMap as $session )
$delete = false;
            if (
$session['member_id'] == $memberId )
$delete = true;
            if (
$userAgent and $userAgent != $session['browser'] )
$delete = false;
            if (
$keepSessionIds and in_array( $session['id'], $keepSessionIds ) )
$delete = false;
            if (
$delete )
$this->deleteSession( $session['id'] );
     * Fetch all active session keys
     * @return    array of session IDs
public function getSessionIds()
        if (
$result = \IPS\Redis::i()->zRangeByScore( 'session_map', '-inf', '+inf', array( 'withscores' => false ) ) )
        return array();
     * Delete from the session engine
     * @param    int        $memberId    You can probably figure this out right?
     * @return    array|FALSE
public function getLatestMemberSession( $memberId )
$redis = \IPS\Redis::i()->zRevRangeByScore( 'session_online_users', '+inf', '-inf', array('withscores' => FALSE, 'alpha' => TRUE ) );

$redis as $data )
$id, $sessionKey ) = explode( '__', $data );
            if (
$id == $memberId )
                if (
$result = \IPS\Redis::i()->hGetAll( $this->_key( $sessionKey ) ) )
                    return \
IPS\Redis::i()->decode( $result['data'] );
     * Clear sessions - abstracted so it can be called externally without initiating a session
     * @param    int        $timeout    Sessions older than the number of seconds provided will be deleted
     * @return void
public static function clearSessions( $timeout )
/* Remove the public facing items. This is only called by PHP's session gc so individual sessions do not need removing as they are cleaned by Redis' TTL */
\IPS\Redis::i()->zRemRangeByScore( 'session_map', 0, time() - $timeout );
IPS\Redis::i()->zRemRangeByScore( 'session_online_spiders', 0, time() - $timeout );
IPS\Redis::i()->zRemRangeByScore( 'session_online_users', 0, time() - $timeout );
IPS\Redis::i()->zRemRangeByScore( 'session_online_guests', 0, time() - $timeout );
     * Returns a key to be stored with Redis
     * @param    string    $key        Key suffix
     * @return    string
protected function _key( $key )

     * Fetch all online users (but not spiders)
     * @param    int            $flags                Bitwise flags
     * @param    string        $sort                Sort direction
     * @param    array|NULL    $limit                Limit [ offset, limit ]
     * @param    int            $memberGroup        Limit by a specific member group ID
     * @param    boolean        $showAnonymous        Show anonymously logged in peoples?    
     * @return array
public function getOnlineUsers( $flags=0, $sort='desc', $limit=NULL, $memberGroup=NULL, $showAnonymous=FALSE )
$results = \IPS\Redis::i()->lRange('session_onlinelist', 0, -1 );
        if ( !
$results )
$options = array(
'sort'  => $sort === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc',
'store' => \IPS\Redis::i()->prefix . 'session_onlinelist',
'alpha' => true,
'by'    => 'nosort ' . $sort === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc',
'ttl'   => 60,
'get'   => array(
$this->_key( \IPS\Redis::i()->prefix ) . '*->member_id',
$this->_key( \IPS\Redis::i()->prefix ) . '*->member_name',
$this->_key( \IPS\Redis::i()->prefix ) . '*->seo_name',
$this->_key( \IPS\Redis::i()->prefix ) . '*->member_group',
$this->_key( \IPS\Redis::i()->prefix ) . '*->login_type',
$this->_key( \IPS\Redis::i()->prefix ) . '*->data'
IPS\Redis::i()->sort( $this->_key( 'session_map' ), $options );
$results = \IPS\Redis::i()->lRange('session_onlinelist', 0, -1 );

/* Sort returns a flat array, so [ 1, matt, matt, 4, 0, 2, Joe, joe, 3, 0 .. ] so we need to build that into an associative array we can work with */
$return = array();
$i = 0;
$i < count( $results ) )
$fields = array();
$data = NULL;
            foreach( array(
'member_id', 'member_name', 'seo_name', 'member_group', 'login_type', 'data' ) as $field )
                if (
$field === 'data' )
$data = \IPS\Redis::i()->decode( $results[ $i++ ] );
$fields[ $field ] = $results[ $i++ ];
            if (
is_array( $data ) AND count( $data ) )
/* Have we already fetched this member? */
if ( $fields['member_id'] and isset( $return[ $fields['member_id'] ] ) )
$return[ $fields['member_id'] ? $fields['member_id'] : $data['ip_address'] ] = array_merge( $data, $fields );

        if (
$flags )
$members = array();
$return as $id => $data )
/* No members */
if ( ! ( $flags & static::ONLINE_MEMBERS ) )
                    if (
$data['member_id'] )
                if ( ! (
$flags & static::ONLINE_GUESTS ) )
                    if ( !
$data['member_id'] )
                if (
$memberGroup and $data['member_group'] != $memberGroup )
                if ( !
$showAnonymous and $data['login_type'] == \IPS\Session\Front::LOGIN_TYPE_ANONYMOUS )
$members[ $id ] = $data;
/* Count only? */
if ( $flags & static::ONLINE_COUNT_ONLY )
count( $members );
            if (
$limit )
array_slice( $members, $limit[0], $limit[1], TRUE );
     * Fetch all members active at a specific location
     * @param    string    $app        Application directory (core, forums, etc)
     * @param    string    $module        Module
     * @param    string    $controller Controller
     * @param    int        $id            Current item ID (empty if none)
     * @param    string    $url        Current viewing URL
     * @return array
public function getOnlineMembersByLocation( $app, $module, $controller, $id, $url )
$members = array();
$this->getOnlineUsers( 0, 'desc' ) as $member )
            if (
$member['current_appcomponent'] == $app and $member['current_module'] == $module and $member['current_controller'] = $controller and $member['current_id'] = $id )
                if (
$url and mb_stristr( $member['location_url'], $url ) )
$members[ $member['member_id'] ] = array(
'member_id'        => $member['member_id'],
'member_name'    => $member['member_name'],
'seo_name'        => $member['seo_name'],
'member_group'    => $member['member_group'],
'login_type'    => $member['login_type'],
'in_editor'        => $member['in_editor']