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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\RendererGenerators\PHP;


    * Generate the Quick renderer's source
    * @param  array  $compiledTemplates Array of tagName => compiled template
    * @return string
public static function getSource(array $compiledTemplates)
$map         = ['dynamic' => [], 'php' => [], 'static' => []];
$tagNames    = [];
$unsupported = [];

// Ignore system tags

        foreach (
$compiledTemplates as $tagName => $php)
$renderings = self::getRenderingStrategy($php);
            if (empty(
$unsupported[] = $tagName;

            foreach (
$renderings as $i => list($strategy, $replacement))
$match = (($i) ? '/' : '') . $tagName;
$map[$strategy][$match] = $replacement;

// Record the names of tags whose template does not contain a passthrough
if (!isset($renderings[1]))
$tagNames[] = $tagName;

$php = [];
$php[] = '    /** {@inheritdoc} */';
$php[] = '    public $enableQuickRenderer=true;';
$php[] = '    /** {@inheritdoc} */';
$php[] = '    protected $static=' . self::export($map['static']) . ';';
$php[] = '    /** {@inheritdoc} */';
$php[] = '    protected $dynamic=' . self::export($map['dynamic']) . ';';

$quickSource = '';
        if (!empty(
$quickSource = SwitchStatement::generate('$id', $map['php']);

// Build a regexp that matches all the tags
$regexp  = '(<(?:(?!/)(';
$regexp .= ($tagNames) ? RegexpBuilder::fromList($tagNames) : '(?!)';
$regexp .= ')(?: [^>]*)?>.*?</\\1|(/?(?!br/|p>)[^ />]+)[^>]*?(/)?)>)s';
$php[] = '    /** {@inheritdoc} */';
$php[] = '    protected $quickRegexp=' . var_export($regexp, true) . ';';

// Build a regexp that matches tags that cannot be rendered with the Quick renderer
if (!empty($unsupported))
$regexp = '((?<=<)(?:[!?]|' . RegexpBuilder::fromList($unsupported) . '[ />]))';
$php[]  = '    /** {@inheritdoc} */';
$php[]  = '    protected $quickRenderingTest=' . var_export($regexp, true) . ';';

$php[] = '    /** {@inheritdoc} */';
$php[] = '    protected function renderQuickTemplate($id, $xml)';
$php[] = '    {';
$php[] = '        $attributes=$this->matchAttributes($xml);';
$php[] = "        \$html='';" . $quickSource;
$php[] = '';
$php[] = '        return $html;';
$php[] = '    }';

implode("\n", $php);

    * Export an array as PHP
    * @param  array  $arr
    * @return string
protected static function export(array $arr)
$exportKeys = (array_keys($arr) !== range(0, count($arr) - 1));

$entries = [];
        foreach (
$arr as $k => $v)
$entries[] = (($exportKeys) ? var_export($k, true) . '=>' : '')
                       . ((
is_array($v)) ? self::export($v) : var_export($v, true));

'[' . implode(',', $entries) . ']';

    * Compute the rendering strategy for a compiled template
    * @param  string  $php Template compiled for the PHP renderer
    * @return array[]      An array containing 0 to 2 pairs of [<rendering type>, <replacement>]
public static function getRenderingStrategy($php)
$phpRenderings = self::getQuickRendering($php);
        if (empty(
            return [];
$renderings = self::getStringRenderings($php);

// Keep string rendering where possible, use PHP rendering wherever else
foreach ($phpRenderings as $i => $phpRendering)
            if (!isset(
$renderings[$i]) || strpos($phpRendering, '$this->attributes[]') !== false)
$renderings[$i] = ['php', $phpRendering];


    * Generate the code for rendering a compiled template with the Quick renderer
    * Parse and record every code path that contains a passthrough. Parse every if-else structure.
    * When the whole structure is parsed, there are 2 possible situations:
    *  - no code path contains a passthrough, in which case we discard the data
    *  - all the code paths including the mandatory "else" branch contain a passthrough, in which
    *    case we keep the data
    * @param  string     $php Template compiled for the PHP renderer
    * @return string[]        An array containing one or two strings of PHP, or an empty array
    *                         if the PHP cannot be converted
protected static function getQuickRendering($php)
// xsl:apply-templates elements with a select expression and switch statements are not supported
if (preg_match('(\\$this->at\\((?!\\$node\\);)|switch\()', $php))
            return [];

// Tokenize the PHP and add an empty token as terminator
$tokens   = token_get_all('<?php ' . $php);
$tokens[] = [0, ''];

// Remove the first token, which is a T_OPEN_TAG
$cnt = count($tokens);

// Prepare the main branch
$branch = [
// We purposefully use a value that can never match
'braces'      => -1,
'branches'    => [],
'head'        => '',
'passthrough' => 0,
'statement'   => '',
'tail'        => ''

$braces = 0;
$i = 0;
// Test whether we've reached a passthrough
if ($tokens[$i    ][0] === T_VARIABLE
&& $tokens[$i    ][1] === '$this'
&& $tokens[$i + 1][0] === T_OBJECT_OPERATOR
&& $tokens[$i + 2][0] === T_STRING
&& $tokens[$i + 2][1] === 'at'
&& $tokens[$i + 3]    === '('
&& $tokens[$i + 4][0] === T_VARIABLE
&& $tokens[$i + 4][1] === '$node'
&& $tokens[$i + 5]    === ')'
&& $tokens[$i + 6]    === ';')
                if (++
$branch['passthrough'] > 1)
// Multiple passthroughs are not supported
return [];

// Skip to the semi-colon
$i += 6;


$key = ($branch['passthrough']) ? 'tail' : 'head';
$branch[$key] .= (is_array($tokens[$i])) ? $tokens[$i][1] : $tokens[$i];

            if (
$tokens[$i] === '{')

            if (
$tokens[$i] === '}')

                if (
$branch['braces'] === $braces)
// Remove the last brace from the branch's content
$branch[$key] = substr($branch[$key], 0, -1);

// Jump back to the parent branch
$branch =& $branch['parent'];

// Copy the current index to look ahead
$j = $i;

// Skip whitespace
while ($tokens[++$j][0] === T_WHITESPACE);

// Test whether this is the last brace of an if-else structure by looking for
                    // an additional elseif/else case
if ($tokens[$j][0] !== T_ELSEIF && $tokens[$j][0] !== T_ELSE)
$passthroughs = self::getBranchesPassthrough($branch['branches']);
                        if (
$passthroughs === [0])
// No branch was passthrough, move their PHP source back to this branch
                            // then discard the data
foreach ($branch['branches'] as $child)
$branch['head'] .= $child['statement'] . '{' . $child['head'] . '}';

$branch['branches'] = [];

                        if (
$passthroughs === [1])
// All branches were passthrough, so their parent is passthrough


// Mixed branches (with/out passthrough) are not supported
return [];


// We don't have to record child branches if we know that current branch is passthrough.
            // If a child branch contains a passthrough, it will be treated as a multiple
            // passthrough and we will abort
if ($branch['passthrough'])

            if (
$tokens[$i][0] === T_IF
|| $tokens[$i][0] === T_ELSEIF
|| $tokens[$i][0] === T_ELSE)
// Remove the statement from the branch's content
$branch[$key] = substr($branch[$key], 0, -strlen($tokens[$i][1]));

// Create a new branch
$branch['branches'][] = [
'braces'      => $braces,
'branches'    => [],
'head'        => '',
'parent'      => &$branch,
'passthrough' => 0,
'statement'   => '',
'tail'        => ''

// Jump to the new branch
$branch =& $branch['branches'][count($branch['branches']) - 1];

// Record the PHP statement
$branch['statement'] .= (is_array($tokens[$i])) ? $tokens[$i][1] : $tokens[$i];
                while (
$tokens[++$i] !== '{');

// Account for the brace in the statement
        while (++
$i < $cnt);

$head, $tail) = self::buildPHP($branch['branches']);
$head  = $branch['head'] . $head;
$tail .= $branch['tail'];

// Convert the PHP renderer source to the format used in the Quick renderer
self::convertPHP($head, $tail, (bool) $branch['passthrough']);

// Test whether any method call was left unconverted. If so, we cannot render this template
if (preg_match('((?<!-|\\$this)->)', $head . $tail))
            return [];

        return (
$branch['passthrough']) ? [$head, $tail] : [$head];

    * Convert the two sides of a compiled template to quick rendering
    * @param  string &$head
    * @param  string &$tail
    * @param  bool    $passthrough
    * @return void
protected static function convertPHP(&$head, &$tail, $passthrough)
// Test whether the attributes must be saved when rendering the head because they're needed
        // when rendering the tail
$saveAttributes = (bool) preg_match('(\\$node->(?:get|has)Attribute)', $tail);

// Collect the names of all the attributes so that we can initialize them with a null value
        // to avoid undefined variable notices. We exclude attributes that seem to be in an if block
        // that tests its existence beforehand. This last part is not an accurate process as it
        // would be much more expensive to do it accurately but where it fails the only consequence
        // is we needlessly add the attribute to the list. There is no difference in functionality
                function (
str_replace('$node->getAttribute(' . $m[1] . ')', '', $m[0]);
$head . $tail
$attrNames = array_unique($matches[1]);

// Replace the source in $head and $tail

        if (!
$passthrough && strpos($head, '$node->textContent') !== false)
$head = '$textContent=$this->getQuickTextContent($xml);' . str_replace('$node->textContent', '$textContent', $head);

        if (!empty(
$head = "\$attributes+=['" . implode("'=>null,'", $attrNames) . "'=>null];" . $head;

        if (
$head .= '$this->attributes[]=$attributes;';
$tail  = '$attributes=array_pop($this->attributes);' . $tail;

    * Replace the PHP code used in a compiled template to be used by the Quick renderer
    * @param  string &$php
    * @return void
protected static function replacePHP(&$php)
// Expression that matches a $node->getAttribute() call and captures its string argument
$getAttribute = "\\\$node->getAttribute\\(('[^']+')\\)";

// Expression that matches a single-quoted string literal
$string       = "'(?:[^\\\\']|\\\\.)*+'";

$replacements = [
'$this->out' => '$html',

// An attribute value escaped as ENT_NOQUOTES. We only need to unescape quotes
'(htmlspecialchars\\(' . $getAttribute . ',' . ENT_NOQUOTES . '\\))'
=> "str_replace('&quot;','\"',\$attributes[\$1]??'')",

// One or several attribute values escaped as ENT_COMPAT can be used as-is
'((\\.?)htmlspecialchars\\((' . $getAttribute . '(?:\\.' . $getAttribute . ')*),' . ENT_COMPAT . '\\)(\\.?))'
=> function ($m) use ($getAttribute)
$replacement = (strpos($m[0], '.') === false) ? '($attributes[$1]??\'\')' : '$attributes[$1]';

$m[1] . preg_replace('(' . $getAttribute . ')', $replacement, $m[2]) . $m[5];

// Character replacement can be performed directly on the escaped value provided that it
            // is then escaped as ENT_COMPAT and that replacements do not interfere with the escaping
            // of the characters &<>" or their representation &amp;&lt;&gt;&quot;
'(htmlspecialchars\\(strtr\\(' . $getAttribute . ",('[^\"&\\\\';<>aglmopqtu]+'),('[^\"&\\\\'<>]+')\\)," . ENT_COMPAT . '\\))'
=> 'strtr($attributes[$1]??\'\',$2,$3)',

// A comparison between two attributes. No need to unescape
'(' . $getAttribute . '(!?=+)' . $getAttribute . ')'
=> '$attributes[$1]$2$attributes[$3]',

// A comparison between an attribute and a literal string. Rather than unescape the
            // attribute value, we escape the literal. This applies to comparisons using XPath's
            // contains() as well (translated to PHP's strpos())
'(' . $getAttribute . '===(' . $string . '))s'
=> function ($m)
'$attributes[' . $m[1] . ']===' . htmlspecialchars($m[2], ENT_COMPAT);

'((' . $string . ')===' . $getAttribute . ')s'
=> function ($m)
htmlspecialchars($m[1], ENT_COMPAT) . '===$attributes[' . $m[2] . ']';

'(strpos\\(' . $getAttribute . ',(' . $string . ')\\)([!=]==(?:0|false)))s'
=> function ($m)
'strpos($attributes[' . $m[1] . "]??''," . htmlspecialchars($m[2], ENT_COMPAT) . ')' . $m[3];

'(strpos\\((' . $string . '),' . $getAttribute . '\\)([!=]==(?:0|false)))s'
=> function ($m)
'strpos(' . htmlspecialchars($m[1], ENT_COMPAT) . ',$attributes[' . $m[2] . "]??'')" . $m[3];

'(str_(contains|(?:end|start)s_with)\\(' . $getAttribute . ',(' . $string . ')\\))s'
=> function ($m)
'str_' . $m[1] . '($attributes[' . $m[2] . "]??''," . htmlspecialchars($m[3], ENT_COMPAT) . ')';

'(str_(contains|(?:end|start)s_with)\\((' . $string . '),' . $getAttribute . '\\))s'
=> function ($m)
'str_' . $m[1] . '(' . htmlspecialchars($m[2], ENT_COMPAT) . ',$attributes[' . $m[3] . "]??'')";

// An attribute value used in an arithmetic comparison or operation does not need to be
            // unescaped. The same applies to empty(), isset() and conditionals
'(' . $getAttribute . '(?=(?:==|[-+*])\\d+))'  => '$attributes[$1]',
'(\\b(\\d+(?:==|[-+*]))' . $getAttribute . ')' => '$1$attributes[$2]',
'(empty\\(' . $getAttribute . '\\))'           => 'empty($attributes[$1])',
"(\\\$node->hasAttribute\\(('[^']+')\\))"      => 'isset($attributes[$1])',
'if($node->attributes->length)'                => 'if($this->hasNonNullValues($attributes))',

// In all other situations, unescape the attribute value before use
'(' . $getAttribute . ')' => 'htmlspecialchars_decode($attributes[$1]??\'\')'

        foreach (
$replacements as $match => $replace)
            if (
$replace instanceof Closure)
$php = preg_replace_callback($match, $replace, $php);
            elseif (
$match[0] === '(')
$php = preg_replace($match, $replace, $php);
$php = str_replace($match, $replace, $php);

    * Build the source for the two sides of a templates based on the structure extracted from its
    * original source
    * @param  array    $branches
    * @return string[]
protected static function buildPHP(array $branches)
$return = ['', ''];
        foreach (
$branches as $branch)
$return[0] .= $branch['statement'] . '{' . $branch['head'];
$return[1] .= $branch['statement'] . '{';

            if (
$head, $tail) = self::buildPHP($branch['branches']);

$return[0] .= $head;
$return[1] .= $tail;

$return[0] .= '}';
$return[1] .= $branch['tail'] . '}';


    * Get the unique values for the "passthrough" key of given branches
    * @param  array     $branches
    * @return integer[]
protected static function getBranchesPassthrough(array $branches)
$values = [];
        foreach (
$branches as $branch)
$values[] = $branch['passthrough'];

// If the last branch isn't an "else", we act as if there was an additional branch with no
        // passthrough
if ($branch['statement'] !== 'else')
$values[] = 0;


    * Get a string suitable as a preg_replace() replacement for given PHP code
    * @param  string     $php Original code
    * @return array|bool      Array of [regexp, replacement] if possible, or FALSE otherwise
protected static function getDynamicRendering($php)
$rendering = '';

$literal   = "(?<literal>'((?>[^'\\\\]+|\\\\['\\\\])*)')";
$attribute = "(?<attribute>htmlspecialchars\\(\\\$node->getAttribute\\('([^']+)'\\),2\\))";
$value     = "(?<value>$literal|$attribute)";
$output    = "(?<output>\\\$this->out\\.=$value(?:\\.(?&value))*;)";

$copyOfAttribute = "(?<copyOfAttribute>if\\(\\\$node->hasAttribute\\('([^']+)'\\)\\)\\{\\\$this->out\\.=' \\g-1=\"'\\.htmlspecialchars\\(\\\$node->getAttribute\\('\\g-1'\\),2\\)\\.'\"';\\})";

$regexp = '(^(' . $output . '|' . $copyOfAttribute . ')*$)';
        if (!
preg_match($regexp, $php, $m))

// Attributes that are copied in the replacement
$copiedAttributes = [];

// Attributes whose value is used in the replacement
$usedAttributes = [];

$regexp = '(' . $output . '|' . $copyOfAttribute . ')A';
$offset = 0;
        while (
preg_match($regexp, $php, $m, 0, $offset))
// Test whether it's normal output or a copy of attribute
if ($m['output'])
// 12 === strlen('$this->out.=')
$offset += 12;

                while (
preg_match('(' . $value . ')A', $php, $m, 0, $offset))
// Test whether it's a literal or an attribute value
if ($m['literal'])
// Unescape the literal
$str = stripslashes(substr($m[0], 1, -1));

// Escape special characters
$rendering .= preg_replace('([\\\\$](?=\\d))', '\\\\$0', $str);
$attrName = end($m);

// Generate a unique ID for this attribute name, we'll use it as a
                        // placeholder until we have the full list of captures and we can replace it
                        // with the capture number
if (!isset($usedAttributes[$attrName]))
$usedAttributes[$attrName] = uniqid($attrName, true);

$rendering .= $usedAttributes[$attrName];

// Skip the match plus the next . or ;
$offset += 1 + strlen($m[0]);
$attrName = end($m);

                if (!isset(
$copiedAttributes[$attrName] = uniqid($attrName, true);

$rendering .= $copiedAttributes[$attrName];
$offset += strlen($m[0]);

// Gather the names of the attributes used in the replacement either by copy or by value
$attrNames = array_keys($copiedAttributes + $usedAttributes);

// Sort them alphabetically

// Keep a copy of the attribute names to be used in the fillter subpattern
$remainingAttributes = array_combine($attrNames, $attrNames);

// Prepare the final regexp
$regexp = '(^[^ ]+';
$index  = 0;
        foreach (
$attrNames as $attrName)
// Add a subpattern that matches (and skips) any attribute definition that is not one of
            // the remaining attributes we're trying to match
$regexp .= '(?> (?!' . RegexpBuilder::fromList($remainingAttributes) . '=)[^=]+="[^"]*")*';

$regexp .= '(';

            if (isset(
self::replacePlaceholder($rendering, $copiedAttributes[$attrName], ++$index);
$regexp .= '?>';

$regexp .= ' ' . $attrName . '="';

            if (isset(
$regexp .= '(';

self::replacePlaceholder($rendering, $usedAttributes[$attrName], ++$index);

$regexp .= '[^"]*';

            if (isset(
$regexp .= ')';

$regexp .= '")?';

$regexp .= '.*)s';

        return [
$regexp, $rendering];

    * Get a string suitable as a str_replace() replacement for given PHP code
    * @param  string      $php Original code
    * @return bool|string      Static replacement if possible, or FALSE otherwise
protected static function getStaticRendering($php)
        if (
$php === '')

$regexp = "(^\\\$this->out\.='((?>[^'\\\\]|\\\\['\\\\])*+)';\$)";
        if (
preg_match($regexp, $php, $m))


    * Get string rendering strategies for given chunks
    * @param  string $php
    * @return array
protected static function getStringRenderings($php)
$chunks = explode('$this->at($node);', $php);
        if (
count($chunks) > 2)
// Can't use string replacements if there are more than one xsl:apply-templates
return [];

$renderings = [];
        foreach (
$chunks as $k => $chunk)
// Try a static replacement first
$rendering = self::getStaticRendering($chunk);
            if (
$rendering !== false)
$renderings[$k] = ['static', $rendering];
            elseif (
$k === 0)
// If this is the first chunk, we can try a dynamic replacement. This wouldn't work
                // for the second chunk because we wouldn't have access to the attribute values
$rendering = self::getDynamicRendering($chunk);
                if (
$rendering !== false)
$renderings[$k] = ['dynamic', $rendering];


    * Replace all instances of a uniqid with a PCRE replacement in a string
    * @param  string  &$str    PCRE replacement
    * @param  string   $uniqid Unique ID
    * @param  integer  $index  Capture index
    * @return void
protected static function replacePlaceholder(&$str, $uniqid, $index)
$str = preg_replace_callback(
'(' . preg_quote($uniqid) . '(.))',
            function (
$m) use ($index)
// Replace with $1 where unambiguous and ${1} otherwise
if (is_numeric($m[1]))
'${' . $index . '}' . $m[1];
'$' . $index . $m[1];