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Root |
 * @brief        Product Package
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @subpackage    Nexus
 * @since        29 Apr 2014

namespace IPS\nexus\Package;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Product Package
class _Product extends \IPS\nexus\Package
     * @brief    Database Table
protected static $packageDatabaseTable = 'nexus_packages_products';
     * @brief    Which columns belong to the local table
protected static $packageDatabaseColumns = array( 'p_physical', 'p_subscription', 'p_shipping', 'p_weight', 'p_lkey', 'p_lkey_identifier', 'p_lkey_uses', 'p_show', 'p_length', 'p_width', 'p_height' );
     * ACP Fields
     * @param    \IPS\nexus\Package    $package    The package
     * @param    bool                $custom        If TRUE, is for a custom package
     * @param    bool                $customEdit    If TRUE, is editing a custom package
     * @return    array
public static function acpFormFields( \IPS\nexus\Package $package, $custom=FALSE, $customEdit=FALSE )
$return = array();
$formId = $package->id ? "form_{$package->id}" : 'form_new';
        if ( !
$customEdit ) // After the package has been created, these are unimportant
$return['package_settings']['physical'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'p_physical', $package->type === 'product' ? $package->physical : FALSE, FALSE, array( 'togglesOn' => array( 'p_weight', 'p_length', 'p_width', 'p_height', 'p_shipping' ) ) );
$return['package_settings']['weight'] = new \IPS\nexus\Form\Weight( 'p_weight', $package->type === 'product' ? new \IPS\nexus\Shipping\Weight( $package->weight ) : NULL, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'p_weight' );
$return['package_settings']['length'] = new \IPS\nexus\Form\Length( 'p_length', $package->type === 'product' ? new \IPS\nexus\Shipping\Length( $package->length ) : NULL, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'p_length' );
$return['package_settings']['width'] = new \IPS\nexus\Form\Length( 'p_width', $package->type === 'product' ? new \IPS\nexus\Shipping\Length( $package->width ) : NULL, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'p_width' );
$return['package_settings']['height'] = new \IPS\nexus\Form\Length( 'p_height', $package->type === 'product' ? new \IPS\nexus\Shipping\Length( $package->height ) : NULL, FALSE, array(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'p_height' );
$availableShippingMethods = array();
            foreach ( \
IPS\nexus\Shipping\FlatRate::roots() as $rate )
$availableShippingMethods[ $rate->_id ] = $rate->_title;
            if ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->easypost_api_key and \IPS\Settings::i()->easypost_show_rates )
$availableShippingMethods['easypost'] = 'enhancements__nexus_EasyPost';
$return['package_settings']['shipping'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'p_shipping', ( $package->type === 'product' and $package->shipping !== '*' ) ? explode( ',', $package->shipping ) : '*', FALSE, array( 'options' => $availableShippingMethods, 'multiple' => TRUE, 'unlimited' => '*' ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'p_shipping' );
$return['package_settings']['show'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'p_show', $package->type === 'product' ? $package->show : TRUE, FALSE, array( 'togglesOn' => array( "{$formId}_tab_package_client_area", "{$formId}_header_package_associations", "{$formId}_header_package_associations_desc", 'p_associate', "{$formId}_header_package_renewals", 'p_renews', 'p_support_severity', 'p_lkey' ) ) );
        if ( !
$custom )
$return['store_permissions']['subscription'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( 'p_subscription', $package->type === 'product' ? !$package->subscription : TRUE );
$licenseKeyOptions = array();
$licenseKeyToggles = array();
        foreach ( new \
DirectoryIterator( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/applications/nexus/sources/Purchase/LicenseKey' ) as $file )
            if ( !
$file->isDot() and $file != 'index.html' )
$key = mb_substr( $file, 0, -4 );
$class = 'IPS\nexus\Purchase\LicenseKey\\' . $key;
$licenseKeyOptions[ mb_strtolower( $key ) ] = 'lkey_' . $key;
$licenseKeyToggles[ mb_strtolower( $key ) ] = array( 'p_lkey_identifier', 'p_lkey_uses' );
        if ( !empty(
$licenseKeyOptions ) )
array_unshift( $licenseKeyOptions, 'lkey_none' );
$return['package_benefits']['lkey'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Radio( 'p_lkey', $package->type === 'product' ? $package->lkey : 0, FALSE, array( 'options' => $licenseKeyOptions, 'toggles' => $licenseKeyToggles ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'p_lkey' );
$return['package_benefits']['lkey_uses'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Number( 'p_lkey_uses', $package->type === 'product' ? $package->lkey_uses : -1, FALSE, array( 'unlimited' => -1 ) );
$identifierOptions = array(
'name'        => 'lkey_identifier_name',
'email'        => 'lkey_identifier_email',
'username'    => 'lkey_identifier_username',
        if (
$package->id )
            foreach ( \
IPS\nexus\Package\CustomField::roots( NULL, NULL, array( array( \IPS\Db::i()->findInSet( 'cf_packages', array( $package->id ) ) ) ) ) as $field )
$identifierOptions[ $field->id ] = $field->_title;
$return['package_benefits']['lkey_identifier'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Select( 'p_lkey_identifier', $package->type === 'product' ? $package->lkey_identifier : '0', FALSE, array( 'options' => $identifierOptions, 'unlimited' => '0', 'unlimitedLang' => 'lkey_identifier_none' ), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'p_lkey_identifier' );
     * [Node] Format form values from add/edit form for save
     * @param    array    $values    Values from the form
     * @return    array
public function formatFormValues( $values )
        if( isset(
$values['p_subscription'] ) )
$values['p_subscription'] = isset( $values['p_subscription'] ) ? !$values['p_subscription'] : FALSE;
        if( isset(
$values['p_weight'] ) )
$values['p_weight'] = is_object( $values['p_weight'] ) ? $values['p_weight']->kilograms : 0;
$values['p_weight'] = 0;

        if( isset(
$values['p_length'] ) )
$values['p_length'] = is_object( $values['p_length'] ) ? $values['p_length']->metres : 0;
$values['p_length'] = 0;

        if( isset(
$values['p_width'] ) )
$values['p_width'] = is_object( $values['p_width'] ) ? $values['p_width']->metres : 0;
$values['p_width'] = 0;

        if( isset(
$values['p_height'] ) )
$values['p_height'] = is_object( $values['p_height'] ) ? $values['p_height']->metres : 0;
$values['p_height'] = 0;
        if( isset(
$values['p_shipping'] ) )
$values['p_shipping'] = is_array( $values['p_shipping'] ) ? implode( ',', $values['p_shipping'] ) : '*';

parent::formatFormValues( $values );
     * Updateable fields
     * @return    array
public static function updateableFields()
array_merge( parent::updateableFields(), array(
) );
     * Update existing purchases
     * @param    \IPS\nexus\Purchase    $purchase                            The purchase
     * @param    array                $changes                            The old values
     * @param    bool                $cancelBillingAgreementIfNecessary    If making changes to renewal terms, TRUE will cancel associated billing agreements. FALSE will skip that change
     * @return    void
public function updatePurchase( \IPS\nexus\Purchase $purchase, $changes, $cancelBillingAgreementIfNecessary=FALSE )
        if (
array_key_exists( 'lkey', $changes ) )
$oldKey = NULL;
            catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e ) { }
$class = 'IPS\nexus\Purchase\LicenseKey\\' . mb_ucfirst( $this->lkey );
$licenseKey = new $class;
$licenseKey->identifier = $this->lkey_identifier;
$licenseKey->purchase = $purchase;
$licenseKey->max_uses = $this->lkey_uses;
        elseif (
array_key_exists( 'lkey_identifier', $changes ) or array_key_exists( 'lkey_uses', $changes ) )
$licenseKey = $purchase->licenseKey();

$licenseKey )
$licenseKey->identifier = $this->lkey_identifier;
$licenseKey->max_uses = $this->lkey_uses;
        if (
array_key_exists( 'show', $changes ) )
$purchase->show = $this->show;
parent::updatePurchase( $purchase, $changes, $cancelBillingAgreementIfNecessary );
/* !Actions */
     * Add To Cart
     * @param    \IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\Package    $item            The item
     * @param    array                                        $values            Values from form
     * @param    string                                        $memberCurrency    The currency being used
     * @return    array    Additional items to add
public function addToCart( \IPS\nexus\extensions\nexus\Item\Package $item, array $values, $memberCurrency )
        if (
$this->subscription )
            if (
$item->quantity > 1 )
IPS\Output::i()->error( 'err_subscription_qty', '1X247/2', 403, '' );
            if (
$this->_memberHasPurchasedSubscription( \IPS\Member::loggedIn() ) )
IPS\Output::i()->error( 'err_subscription_bought', '1X247/1', 403, '' );
            if ( isset(
$_SESSION['cart'] ) )
                foreach (
$_SESSION['cart'] as $_item )
                    if (
$_item->id === $this->id )
IPS\Output::i()->error( 'err_subscription_in_cart', '1X247/3', 403, '' );
parent::addToCart( $item, $values, $memberCurrency );
     * Check for member
     * If a user initially checks out as a guest and then logs in during checkout, this method
     * is ran to check the items they are purchasing can be bought.
     * Is expected to throw a DomainException with an error message to display to the user if not valid
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member    The new member
     * @return    void
     * @throws    \DomainException
public function memberCanPurchase( \IPS\Member $member )
        if (
$this->subscription and $this->_memberHasPurchasedSubscription( $member ) )
            throw new \
DomainException( $member->language()->addToStack( 'err_subscription_bought_login', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $member->language()->addToStack( "nexus_package_{$this->id}" ) ) ) ) );
        if ( ! (
$this->member_groups == "*" or !empty( ( array_intersect( explode( ",", $this->member_groups ), $member->groups ) ) ) ) )
            throw new \
DomainException( $member->language()->addToStack( 'err_group_cant_purchase', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $member->language()->addToStack( "nexus_package_{$this->id}" ) ) ) ) );
     * Check if a member has purchased this subscription product
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member    The new member
     * @return    bool
protected function _memberHasPurchasedSubscription( \IPS\Member $member )
        return (bool) \
IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'nexus_purchases', array( 'ps_app=? AND ps_type=? AND ps_item_id=? AND ps_cancelled=0 AND ps_member=?', 'nexus', 'package', $this->id, $member->member_id ) )->first();
     * Show Purchase Record?
     * @return    bool
public function showPurchaseRecord()
     * Get ACP Page HTML
     * @return    string
public function acpPage( \IPS\nexus\Purchase $purchase )
        if (
$this->lkey and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'nexus', 'customers', 'lkeys_view' ) )
            if (
$lkey = $purchase->licenseKey() )
                return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate('purchases')->lkey( $lkey );
                return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate('purchases')->noLkey( $purchase );
     * ACP Action
     * @param    \IPS\nexus\Purchase    $purchase    The purchase
     * @return    void
public function acpAction( \IPS\nexus\Purchase $purchase )
        switch ( \
IPS\Request::i()->act )
IPS\Dispatcher::i()->checkAcpPermission( 'lkeys_reset' );
$oldKey = NULL;
                    if (
$old = $purchase->licenseKey() )
$oldKey = $old->key;
                catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e ) { }
/* Invalidate License Key Cache so old data is not loaded */
$purchase->licenseKey = NULL;
$class = 'IPS\nexus\Purchase\LicenseKey\\' . mb_ucfirst( $this->lkey );
$licenseKey = new $class;
$licenseKey->identifier = $this->lkey_identifier;
$licenseKey->purchase = $purchase;
$licenseKey->max_uses = $this->lkey_uses;
$purchase->member->log( 'lkey', array( 'type' => 'reset', 'key' => $oldKey, 'new' => $licenseKey->key, 'ps_id' => $purchase->id, 'ps_name' => $purchase->name ) );
parent::acpAction( $purchase );
     * On Purchase Generated
     * @param    \IPS\nexus\Purchase    $purchase    The purchase
     * @param    \IPS\nexus\Invoice    $invoice    The invoice
     * @return    void
public function onPurchaseGenerated( \IPS\nexus\Purchase $purchase, \IPS\nexus\Invoice $invoice )
        if (
$this->lkey )
$class = 'IPS\nexus\Purchase\LicenseKey\\' . mb_ucfirst( $this->lkey );
$licenseKey = new $class;
$licenseKey->identifier = $this->lkey_identifier;
$licenseKey->purchase = $purchase;
$licenseKey->max_uses = $this->lkey_uses;
parent::onPurchaseGenerated( $purchase, $invoice );
     * Warning to display to admin when cancelling a purchase
     * @param    \IPS\nexus\Purchase    $purchase    The purchase
     * @return    string
public function onCancelWarning( \IPS\nexus\Purchase $purchase )