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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Plugins\PipeTables;


Parser extends ParserBase
    * @var integer Position of the cursor while parsing tables or adding tags
protected $pos;

    * @var array Current table being parsed
protected $table;

    * @var \s9e\TextFormatter\Parser\Tag
protected $tableTag;

    * @var array[] List of tables
protected $tables;

    * @var string Text being parsed
protected $text;

    * {@inheritdoc}
public function parse($text, array $matches)
$this->text = $text;
        if (
        if (



    * Add current line to a table
    * @param  string $line Line of text
    * @return void
protected function addLine($line)
$ignoreLen = 0;

        if (!isset(
$this->table = [];

// Make the table start at the first non-space character
preg_match('/^ */', $line, $m);
$ignoreLen = strlen($m[0]);
$line      = substr($line, $ignoreLen);

// Overwrite the outermost pipes
$line = preg_replace('/^( *)\\|/', '$1 ', $line);
$line = preg_replace('/\\|( *)$/', ' $1', $line);

$this->table['rows'][] = ['line' => $line, 'pos' => $this->pos + $ignoreLen];

    * Process current table's body
    * @return void
protected function addTableBody()
$i   = 1;
$cnt = count($this->table['rows']);
        while (++
$i < $cnt)
$this->addTableRow('TD', $this->table['rows'][$i]);

$this->createBodyTags($this->table['rows'][2]['pos'], $this->pos);

    * Add a cell's tags for current table at current position
    * @param  string $tagName Either TD or TH
    * @param  string $align   Either "left", "center", "right" or ""
    * @param  string $content Cell's text content
    * @return void
protected function addTableCell($tagName, $align, $content)
$startPos  = $this->pos;
$endPos    = $startPos + strlen($content);
$this->pos = $endPos;

preg_match('/^( *).*?( *)$/', $content, $m);
        if (
$ignoreLen = strlen($m[1]);
$this->createIgnoreTag($startPos, $ignoreLen);
$startPos += $ignoreLen;
        if (
$ignoreLen = strlen($m[2]);
$this->createIgnoreTag($endPos - $ignoreLen, $ignoreLen);
$endPos -= $ignoreLen;

$this->createCellTags($tagName, $startPos, $endPos, $align);

    * Process current table's head
    * @return void
protected function addTableHead()
$this->addTableRow('TH', $this->table['rows'][0]);
$this->createHeadTags($this->table['rows'][0]['pos'], $this->pos);

    * Process given table row
    * @param  string $tagName Either TD or TH
    * @param  array  $row
    * @return void
protected function addTableRow($tagName, $row)
$this->pos = $row['pos'];
        foreach (
explode('|', $row['line']) as $i => $str)
            if (
$i > 0)
$this->createIgnoreTag($this->pos, 1);

$align = (empty($this->table['cols'][$i])) ? '' : $this->table['cols'][$i];
$this->addTableCell($tagName, $align, $str);

$this->createRowTags($row['pos'], $this->pos);

    * Capture all pipe tables in current text
    * @return void
protected function captureTables()
$this->tables = [];

$this->pos = 0;
        foreach (
explode("\n", $this->text) as $line)
            if (
strpos($line, '|') === false)
$this->pos += 1 + strlen($line);

    * Create a pair of TBODY tags for given text span
    * @param  integer $startPos
    * @param  integer $endPos
    * @return void
protected function createBodyTags($startPos, $endPos)
$this->parser->addTagPair('TBODY', $startPos, 0, $endPos, 0, -103);

    * Create a pair of TD or TH tags for given text span
    * @param  string  $tagName  Either TD or TH
    * @param  integer $startPos
    * @param  integer $endPos
    * @param  string  $align    Either "left", "center", "right" or ""
    * @return void
protected function createCellTags($tagName, $startPos, $endPos, $align)
        if (
$startPos === $endPos)
$tag = $this->parser->addSelfClosingTag($tagName, $startPos, 0, -101);
$tag = $this->parser->addTagPair($tagName, $startPos, 0, $endPos, 0, -101);
        if (
$tag->setAttribute('align', $align);

    * Create a pair of THEAD tags for given text span
    * @param  integer $startPos
    * @param  integer $endPos
    * @return void
protected function createHeadTags($startPos, $endPos)
$this->parser->addTagPair('THEAD', $startPos, 0, $endPos, 0, -103);

    * Create an ignore tag for given text span
    * @param  integer $pos
    * @param  integer $len
    * @return void
protected function createIgnoreTag($pos, $len)
$this->tableTag->cascadeInvalidationTo($this->parser->addIgnoreTag($pos, $len, 1000));

    * Create a pair of TR tags for given text span
    * @param  integer $startPos
    * @param  integer $endPos
    * @return void
protected function createRowTags($startPos, $endPos)
$this->parser->addTagPair('TR', $startPos, 0, $endPos, 0, -102);

    * Create an ignore tag for given separator row
    * @param  array $row
    * @return void
protected function createSeparatorTag(array $row)
$this->createIgnoreTag($row['pos'] - 1, 1 + strlen($row['line']));

    * Create a pair of TABLE tags for given text span
    * @param  integer $startPos
    * @param  integer $endPos
    * @return void
protected function createTableTags($startPos, $endPos)
$this->tableTag = $this->parser->addTagPair('TABLE', $startPos, 0, $endPos, 0, -104);

    * End current buffered table
    * @return void
protected function endTable()
        if (
$this->table['cols'] = $this->parseColumnAlignments($this->table['rows'][1]['line']);
$this->tables[]      = $this->table;

    * Test whether a valid table is currently buffered
    * @return bool
protected function hasValidTable()
        return (isset(
$this->table) && count($this->table['rows']) > 2 && $this->isValidSeparator($this->table['rows'][1]['line']));

    * Test whether given line is a valid separator
    * @param  string $line
    * @return bool
protected function isValidSeparator($line)
        return (bool)
preg_match('/^ *:?-+:?(?:(?:\\+| *\\| *):?-+:?)+ *$/', $line);

    * Overwrite right angle brackets in given match
    * @param  string[] $m
    * @return string
protected function overwriteBlockquoteCallback(array $m)
strtr($m[0], '!>', '  ');

    * Overwrite escape sequences in current text
    * @return void
protected function overwriteEscapes()
        if (
strpos($this->text, '\\|') !== false)
$this->text = preg_replace('/\\\\[\\\\|]/', '..', $this->text);

    * Overwrite backticks in given match
    * @param  string[] $m
    * @return string
protected function overwriteInlineCodeCallback(array $m)
strtr($m[0], '|', '.');

    * Overwrite Markdown-style markup in current text
    * @return void
protected function overwriteMarkdown()
// Overwrite inline code spans
if (strpos($this->text, '`') !== false)
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('/`[^`]*`/', [$this, 'overwriteInlineCodeCallback'], $this->text);

// Overwrite blockquotes
if (strpos($this->text, '>') !== false)
$this->text = preg_replace_callback('/^(?:>!? ?)+/m', [$this, 'overwriteBlockquoteCallback'], $this->text);

    * Parse and return column alignments in given separator line
    * @param  string   $line
    * @return string[]
protected function parseColumnAlignments($line)
// Use a bitfield to represent the colons' presence and map it to the CSS value
$align = [
0b00 => '',
0b01 => 'right',
0b10 => 'left',
0b11 => 'center'

$cols = [];
preg_match_all('/(:?)-+(:?)/', $line, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
        foreach (
$matches as $m)
$key = (!empty($m[1]) ? 2 : 0) + (!empty($m[2]) ? 1 : 0);
$cols[] = $align[$key];


    * Process current table declaration
    * @return void
protected function processCurrentTable()
$firstRow = $this->table['rows'][0];
$lastRow  = end($this->table['rows']);
$this->createTableTags($firstRow['pos'], $lastRow['pos'] + strlen($lastRow['line']));


    * Process all the captured tables
    * @return void
protected function processTables()
        foreach (
$this->tables as $table)
$this->table = $table;