Seditio Source
Root |
var pos, table = null, tableTag, tables, _text = text;

if (config.overwriteMarkdown)
if (config.overwriteEscapes)


* Add current line to a table
* @param {string} line Line of text
function addLine(line)
var ignoreLen = 0;

if (!table)
table = { rows: [] };

// Make the table start at the first non-space character
ignoreLen = /^ */.exec(line)[0].length;
line      = line.substring(ignoreLen);

// Overwrite the outermost pipes
line = line.replace(/^( *)\|/, '$1 ').replace(/\|( *)$/, ' $1');

table.rows.push({ line: line, pos: pos + ignoreLen });

* Process current table's body
function addTableBody()
var i   = 1,
cnt = table.rows.length;
while (++i < cnt)
addTableRow('TD', table.rows[i]);

createBodyTags(table.rows[2].pos, pos);

* Add a cell's tags for current table at current position
* @param {string} tagName Either TD or TH
* @param {string} align   Either "left", "center", "right" or ""
* @param {string} content Cell's text content
function addTableCell(tagName, align, content)
var startPos  = pos,
endPos    = startPos + content.length,
pos = endPos;

var m = /^( *).*?( *)$/.exec(content);
if (m[1])
ignoreLen = m[1].length;
createIgnoreTag(startPos, ignoreLen);
startPos += ignoreLen;
if (m[2])
ignoreLen = m[2].length;
createIgnoreTag(endPos - ignoreLen, ignoreLen);
endPos -= ignoreLen;

createCellTags(tagName, startPos, endPos, align);

* Process current table's head
function addTableHead()
addTableRow('TH', table.rows[0]);
createHeadTags(table.rows[0].pos, pos);

* Process given table row
* @param {string}  tagName Either TD or TH
* @param {!Object} row
function addTableRow(tagName, row)
pos = row.pos;
row.line.split('|').forEach(function(str, i)
if (i > 0)
createIgnoreTag(pos, 1);

var align = (!table.cols[i]) ? '' : table.cols[i];
addTableCell(tagName, align, str);

createRowTags(row.pos, pos);

* Capture all pipe tables in current text
function captureTables()
table  = null;
tables = [];

pos = 0;
if (line.indexOf('|') < 0)
pos += 1 + line.length;

* Create a pair of TBODY tags for given text span
* @param {number} startPos
* @param {number} endPos
function createBodyTags(startPos, endPos)
addTagPair('TBODY', startPos, 0, endPos, 0, -103);

* Create a pair of TD or TH tags for given text span
* @param {string} tagName  Either TD or TH
* @param {number} startPos
* @param {number} endPos
* @param {string} align    Either "left", "center", "right" or ""
function createCellTags(tagName, startPos, endPos, align)
var tag;
if (startPos === endPos)
tag = addSelfClosingTag(tagName, startPos, 0, -101);
tag = addTagPair(tagName, startPos, 0, endPos, 0, -101);
if (align)
tag.setAttribute('align', align);

* Create a pair of THEAD tags for given text span
* @param {number} startPos
* @param {number} endPos
function createHeadTags(startPos, endPos)
addTagPair('THEAD', startPos, 0, endPos, 0, -103);

* Create an ignore tag for given text span
* @param {number} pos
* @param {number} len
function createIgnoreTag(pos, len)
tableTag.cascadeInvalidationTo(addIgnoreTag(pos, len, 1000));

* Create a pair of TR tags for given text span
* @param {number} startPos
* @param {number} endPos
function createRowTags(startPos, endPos)
addTagPair('TR', startPos, 0, endPos, 0, -102);

* Create an ignore tag for given separator row
* @param {!Object} row
function createSeparatorTag(row)
createIgnoreTag(row.pos - 1, 1 + row.line.length);

* Create a pair of TABLE tags for given text span
* @param {number} startPos
* @param {number} endPos
function createTableTags(startPos, endPos)
tableTag = addTagPair('TABLE', startPos, 0, endPos, 0, -104);

* End current buffered table
function endTable()
if (hasValidTable())
table.cols = parseColumnAlignments(table.rows[1].line);
table = null;

* Test whether a valid table is currently buffered
* @return {boolean}
function hasValidTable()
return (table && table.rows.length > 2 && isValidSeparator(table.rows[1].line));

* Test whether given line is a valid separator
* @param  {string}  line
* @return {boolean}
function isValidSeparator(line)
return /^ *:?-+:?(?:(?:\+| *\| *):?-+:?)+ */.test(line);

* Overwrite right angle brackets in given match
* @param  {string} str
* @return {string}
function overwriteBlockquoteCallback(str)
return str.replace(/[!>]/g, ' ');

* Overwrite escape sequences in current text
function overwriteEscapes()
if (_text.indexOf('\\|') > -1)
_text = _text.replace(/\\[\\|]/g, '..');

* Overwrite backticks in given match
* @param  {string} str
* @return {string}
function overwriteInlineCodeCallback(str)
return str.replace(/\|/g, '.');

* Overwrite Markdown-style markup in current text
function overwriteMarkdown()
// Overwrite inline code spans
if (_text.indexOf('`') > -1)
_text = _text.replace(/`[^`]*`/g, overwriteInlineCodeCallback);

// Overwrite blockquotes
if (_text.indexOf('>') > -1)
_text = _text.replace(/^(?:>!? ?)+/gm, overwriteBlockquoteCallback);

* Parse and return column alignments in given separator line
* @param  {string} line
* @return {!Array<string>}
function parseColumnAlignments(line)
// Use a bitfield to represent the colons' presence and map it to the CSS value
var align = [
cols = [],
regexp = /(:?)-+(:?)/g,

while (m = regexp.exec(line))
var key = (m[1] ? 2 : 0) + (m[2] ? 1 : 0);

return cols;

* Process current table declaration
function processCurrentTable()
var firstRow = table.rows[0],
lastRow  = table.rows[table.rows.length - 1];
createTableTags(firstRow.pos, lastRow.pos + lastRow.line.length);


* Process all the captured tables
function processTables()
var i = -1, cnt = tables.length;
while (++i < cnt)
table = tables[i];