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var attrName       = config.attrName,
hasSingleQuote = (text.indexOf("'") >= 0),
hasDoubleQuote = (text.indexOf('"') >= 0),
tagName        = config.tagName;

if (typeof config.disableQuotes === 'undefined')
if (typeof config.disableGuillemets === 'undefined')
if (typeof config.disableMathSymbols === 'undefined')
if (typeof config.disablePunctuation === 'undefined')
if (typeof config.disableSymbols === 'undefined')

* Add a fancy replacement tag
* @param  {number} tagPos Position of the tag in the text
* @param  {number} tagLen Length of text consumed by the tag
* @param  {string} chr    Replacement character
* @param  {number=} prio   Tag's priority
* @return {!Tag}
function addTag(tagPos, tagLen, chr, prio)
var tag = addSelfClosingTag(tagName, tagPos, tagLen, prio || 0);
tag.setAttribute(attrName, chr);

return tag;

* Parse dashes and ellipses
* Does en dash –, em dash — and ellipsis …
function parseDashesAndEllipses()
if (text.indexOf('...') < 0 && text.indexOf('--') < 0)

var chrs = {
'--'  : "\u2013",
'---' : "\u2014",
'...' : "\u2026"
regexp = /---?|\.\.\./g,
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
addTag(m.index, m[0].length, chrs[m[0]]);

* Parse pairs of double quotes
* Does quote pairs “” -- must be done separately to handle nesting
function parseDoubleQuotePairs()
if (hasDoubleQuote)
parseQuotePairs('"', /(?:^|\W)".+?"(?!\w)/g, "\u201c", "\u201d");

* Parse vulgar fractions
function parseFractions()
if (text.indexOf('/') < 0)

/** @const */
var map = {
'0/3'  : "\u2189",
'1/10' : "\u2152",
'1/2'  : "\u00BD",
'1/3'  : "\u2153",
'1/4'  : "\u00BC",
'1/5'  : "\u2155",
'1/6'  : "\u2159",
'1/7'  : "\u2150",
'1/8'  : "\u215B",
'1/9'  : "\u2151",
'2/3'  : "\u2154",
'2/5'  : "\u2156",
'3/4'  : "\u00BE",
'3/5'  : "\u2157",
'3/8'  : "\u215C",
'4/5'  : "\u2158",
'5/6'  : "\u215A",
'5/8'  : "\u215D",
'7/8'  : "\u215E"

var m, regexp = /\b(?:0\/3|1\/(?:[2-9]|10)|2\/[35]|3\/[458]|4\/5|5\/[68]|7\/8)\b/g;
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
addTag(m.index, m[0].length, map[m[0]]);

* Parse guillemets-style quotation marks
function parseGuillemets()
if (text.indexOf('<<') < 0)

var m, regexp = /<<( ?)(?! )[^\n<>]*?[^\n <>]\1>>(?!>)/g;
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
var left  = addTag(m.index,                   2, "\u00AB"),
right = addTag(m.index + m[0].length - 2, 2, "\u00BB");


* Parse the not equal sign
* Supports != and =/=
function parseNotEqualSign()
if (text.indexOf('!=') < 0 && text.indexOf('=/=') < 0)

var m, regexp = /\b (?:!|=\/)=(?= \b)/g;
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
addTag(m.index + 1, m[0].length - 1, "\u2260");

* Parse pairs of quotes
* @param {string}  q          ASCII quote character
* @param {!RegExp} regexp     Regexp used to identify quote pairs
* @param {string}  leftQuote  Fancy replacement for left quote
* @param {string}  rightQuote Fancy replacement for right quote
function parseQuotePairs(q, regexp, leftQuote, rightQuote)
var m;
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
var left  = addTag(m.index + m[0].indexOf(q), 1, leftQuote),
right = addTag(m.index + m[0].length - 1, 1, rightQuote);

// Cascade left tag's invalidation to the right so that if we skip the left quote,
// the right quote remains untouched

* Parse pairs of single quotes
* Does quote pairs ‘’ must be done separately to handle nesting
function parseSingleQuotePairs()
if (hasSingleQuote)
parseQuotePairs("'", /(?:^|\W)'.+?'(?!\w)/g, "\u2018", "\u2019");

* Parse single quotes in general
* Does apostrophes ’ after a letter or at the beginning of a word or a couple of digits
function parseSingleQuotes()
if (!hasSingleQuote)

var m, regexp = /[a-z]'|(?:^|\s)'(?=[a-z]|[0-9]{2})/gi;
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
// Give this tag a worse priority than default so that quote pairs take precedence
addTag(m.index + m[0].indexOf("'"), 1, "\u2019", 10);

* Parse symbols found after digits
* Does symbols found after a digit:
*  - apostrophe ’ if it's followed by an "s" as in 80's
*  - prime ′ and double prime ″
*  - multiply sign × if it's followed by an optional space and another digit
function parseSymbolsAfterDigits()
if (!hasSingleQuote && !hasDoubleQuote && text.indexOf('x') < 0)

/** @const */
var map = {
// 80's -- use an apostrophe
"'s" : "\u2019",
// 12' or 12" -- use a prime
"'"  : "\u2032",
"' " : "\u2032",
"'x" : "\u2032",
'"'  : "\u2033",
'" ' : "\u2033",
'"x' : "\u2033"

var m, regexp = /[0-9](?:'s|["']? ?x(?= ?[0-9])|["'])/g;
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
// Test for a multiply sign at the end
if (m[0][m[0].length - 1] === 'x')
addTag(m.index + m[0].length - 1, 1, "\u00d7");

// Test for an apostrophe/prime right after the digit
var str = m[0].substring(1, 3);
if (map[str])
addTag(m.index + 1, 1, map[str]);

* Parse symbols found in parentheses such as (c)
* Does symbols ©, ® and ™
function parseSymbolsInParentheses()
if (text.indexOf('(') < 0)

var chrs = {
'(c)'  : "\u00A9",
'(r)'  : "\u00AE",
'(tm)' : "\u2122"
regexp = /\((?:c|r|tm)\)/gi,
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
addTag(m.index, m[0].length, chrs[m[0].toLowerCase()]);