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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/vendor/christian-riesen/otp/src/OtpInterface.php

namespace Otp;

 * Interface for HOTP and TOTP
 * HMAC-Based One-time Password(HOTP) algorithm specified in RFC 4226
 * @link
 * Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) algorithm specified in RFC 6238
 * @link
 * @author Christian Riesen <>
 * @link
 * @license MIT License see LICENSE file

interface OtpInterface
     * Returns OTP using the HOTP algorithm (counter based)
     * @param string  $secret  Base32 Secret String
     * @param integer $counter Counter
     * @return string One Time Password
function hotp($secret, $counter);

     * Returns OTP using the TOTP algorithm (time based)
     * @param string  $secret      Base32 Secret String
     * @param integer $timecounter Optional: Uses current time if null
     * @return string One Time Password
function totp($secret, $timecounter = null);

     * Checks Hotp against a key
     * This is a helper function, but is here to ensure the Totp can be checked
     * in the same manner.
     * @param string  $secret  Base32 Secret String
     * @param integer $counter Counter
     * @param string  $key     User supplied key
     * @return boolean True if key is correct
function checkHotp($secret, $counter, $key);

     * Checks Hotp against a key for a provided counter window
     * @param string  $secret        Base32 Secret String
     * @param integer $counter       Counter
     * @param string  $key           User supplied key
     * @param integer $counterwindow (optional) Size of the look-ahead window. Default value is 2
     * @return int|boolean the counter if key is correct else false
function checkHotpResync($secret, $counter, $key, $counterwindow = 2);

     * Checks Totp against a key
     * @param string  $secret    Base32 Secret String
     * @param string  $key       User supplied key
     * @param integer $timedrift How large a drift to use beyond exact match
     * @return boolean True if key is correct within time drift
function checkTotp($secret, $key, $timedrift = 1);