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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\Helpers\TemplateParser;


Optimizer extends IRProcessor
    * Optimize an IR
    * @param  DOMDocument $ir
    * @return void
public function optimize(DOMDocument $ir)

// Get a snapshot of current internal representation
$xml = $ir->saveXML();

// Set a maximum number of loops to ward against infinite loops
$remainingLoops = 10;

// From now on, keep looping until no further modifications are applied
$old = $xml;
$xml = $ir->saveXML();
        while (--
$remainingLoops > 0 && $xml !== $old);


    * Clone closeTag elements that follow a switch into said switch
    * If there's a <closeTag/> right after a <switch/>, clone the <closeTag/> at the end of
    * the every <case/> that does not end with a <closeTag/>
    * @return void
protected function cloneCloseTagElementsIntoSwitch()
$query = '//switch[name(following-sibling::*[1]) = "closeTag"]';
        foreach (
$this->query($query) as $switch)
$closeTag = $switch->nextSibling;
            foreach (
$this->query('case', $switch) as $case)
                if (!
$case->lastChild || $case->lastChild->nodeName !== 'closeTag')

    * Clone closeTag elements from the head of a switch's cases before said switch
    * If there's a <closeTag/> at the beginning of every <case/>, clone it and insert it
    * right before the <switch/> unless there's already one
    * @return void
protected function cloneCloseTagElementsOutOfSwitch()
$query = '//switch[case/closeTag][not(case[name(*[1]) != "closeTag"])]';
        foreach (
$this->query($query) as $switch)
$case = $this->query('case/closeTag', $switch)->item(0);
$switch->parentNode->insertBefore($case->cloneNode(), $switch);

    * Merge consecutive literal outputs
    * @return void
protected function mergeConsecutiveLiteralOutputElements()
        foreach (
$this->query('//output[@type="literal"]') as $output)
$disableOutputEscaping = $output->getAttribute('disable-output-escaping');
            while (
$this->nextSiblingIsLiteralOutput($output, $disableOutputEscaping))
$output->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($output->nodeValue . $output->nextSibling->nodeValue, ENT_COMPAT);

    * Test whether the next sibling of an element is a literal output element with matching escaping
    * @param  DOMElement $node
    * @param  string     $disableOutputEscaping
    * @return bool
protected function nextSiblingIsLiteralOutput(DOMElement $node, $disableOutputEscaping)
        return isset(
$node->nextSibling) && $node->nextSibling->nodeName === 'output' && $node->nextSibling->getAttribute('type') === 'literal' && $node->nextSibling->getAttribute('disable-output-escaping') === $disableOutputEscaping;

    * Optimize closeTags elements
    * @return void
protected function optimizeCloseTagElements()

    * Remove redundant closeTag siblings after a switch
    * If all branches of a switch have a closeTag we can remove any closeTag siblings of the switch
    * @return void
protected function removeCloseTagSiblings()
$query = '//switch[not(case[not(closeTag)])]/following-sibling::closeTag';

    * Remove content from void elements
    * For each void element, we find whichever <closeTag/> elements close it and remove everything
    * after
    * @return void
protected function removeContentFromVoidElements()
        foreach (
$this->query('//element[@void="yes"]') as $element)
$id    = $element->getAttribute('id');
$query = './/closeTag[@id="' . $id . '"]/following-sibling::*';

$this->removeNodes($query, $element);

    * Remove empty default cases (no test and no descendants)
    * @return void
protected function removeEmptyDefaultCases()
$query = '//case[not(@test)][not(*)][. = ""]';

    * Remove all nodes that match given XPath query
    * @param  string  $query
    * @param  DOMNode $contextNode
    * @return void
protected function removeNodes($query, DOMNode $contextNode = null)
        foreach (
$this->query($query, $contextNode) as $node)
            if (
$node->parentNode instanceof DOMElement)

    * Remove redundant closeTag elements from the tail of a switch's cases
    * For each <closeTag/> remove duplicate <closeTag/> nodes that are either siblings or
    * descendants of a sibling
    * @return void
protected function removeRedundantCloseTagElements()
        foreach (
$this->query('//closeTag') as $closeTag)
$id    = $closeTag->getAttribute('id');
$query = 'following-sibling::*/descendant-or-self::closeTag[@id="' . $id . '"]';

$this->removeNodes($query, $closeTag);

    * Remove redundant closeTag elements from the tail of a switch's cases
    * If there's a <closeTag/> right after a <switch/>, remove all <closeTag/> nodes at the
    * end of every <case/>
    * @return void
protected function removeRedundantCloseTagElementsInSwitch()
$query = '//switch[name(following-sibling::*[1]) = "closeTag"]';
        foreach (
$this->query($query) as $switch)
            foreach (
$this->query('case', $switch) as $case)
                while (
$case->lastChild && $case->lastChild->nodeName === 'closeTag')