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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/infusions/news/classes/news/OpenGraphNews.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: OpenGraphNews.php
| Author: Chubatyj Vitalij (Rizado)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
namespace PHPFusion;

OpenGraphNews extends OpenGraph {
    public static function
ogNews($news_id = 0) {
$settings = fusion_get_settings();
$info = [];

$result = dbquery("SELECT ns.news_subject, ns.news_news, ns.news_keywords, ni.news_image, ni.news_image_t1, ni.news_image_t2
            FROM "
.DB_NEWS." AS ns
            LEFT JOIN "
.DB_NEWS_IMAGES." AS ni ON ni.news_id=ns.news_id
            WHERE ns.news_id = :newsid
, [':newsid' => $news_id]);
        if (
dbrows($result)) {
$data = dbarray($result);
$info['title'] = $data['news_subject'].' - '.$settings['sitename'];
$info['description'] = !empty($data['news_news']) ? fusion_first_words(strip_tags(html_entity_decode($data['news_news'])), 50) : $settings['description'];
$info['url'] = $settings['siteurl'].'infusions/news/news.php?readmore='.$news_id;
$info['keywords'] = !empty($data['news_keywords']) ? $data['news_keywords'] : $settings['keywords'];
$info['type'] = 'article';

            if (!empty(
$data['news_image_t1']) && file_exists(INFUSIONS.'news/images/thumbs/'.$data['news_image_t1'])) {
$info['image'] = $settings['siteurl'].'infusions/news/images/thumbs/'.$data['news_image_t1'];
            } else if (!empty(
$data['news_image_t2']) && file_exists(INFUSIONS.'news/images/thumbs/'.$data['news_image_t2'])) {
$info['image'] = $settings['siteurl'].'infusions/news/images/thumbs/'.$data['news_image_t2'];
            } else if (!empty(
$data['news_image']) && file_exists(INFUSIONS.'news/images/'.$data['news_image'])) {
$info['image'] = $settings['siteurl'].'infusions/news/images/'.$data['news_image'];


    public static function
ogNewsCat($cat_id = 0) {
$settings = fusion_get_settings();
$info = [];

$result = dbquery("SELECT news_cat_name, news_cat_image FROM ".DB_NEWS_CATS." WHERE news_cat_id = :catid", [':catid' => $cat_id]);
        if (
dbrows($result)) {
$data = dbarray($result);
$info['title'] = $data['news_cat_name'].' - '.$settings['sitename'];
$info['description'] = $settings['description'];
$info['url'] = $settings['siteurl'].'infusions/news/news.php?cat_id='.$cat_id;
$info['keywords'] = $settings['keywords'];

            if (!empty(
$data['news_cat_image']) && file_exists(IMAGES_NC.$data['news_cat_image'])) {
$info['image'] = $settings['siteurl'].'infusions/news/news_cats/'.$data['news_cat_image'];
