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 * @brief        Notification Class
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        23 Apr 2013

namespace IPS;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Notification Class
class _Notification
     * @brief    Default Configuration
protected static $defaultConfiguration = NULL;
     * Get default configuration
     * @return    array
public static function defaultConfiguration()
        if ( static::
$defaultConfiguration === NULL )
$defaultConfiguration = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_notification_defaults' )->setKeyField('notification_key') );
            foreach( \
IPS\Application::allExtensions( 'core', 'Notifications' ) as $group => $class )
$configuration = $class->getConfiguration( NULL );
                if ( !empty(
$configuration ) )
                    foreach (
$configuration as $key => $data )
                        if ( !isset( static::
$defaultConfiguration[ $key ] ) )
/* Row isn't in DB, add it */
\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_notification_defaults', array(
'notification_key' => $key,
'default'           => implode( ',', $data['default'] ),
'disabled'           => implode( ',', $data['disabled'] )
                            ) );
$defaultConfiguration[ $key ] = array_merge( $data, array( 'editable' => TRUE ) );
$defaultConfiguration[ $key ]['default'] = array_filter( explode( ',', static::$defaultConfiguration[ $key ]['default'] ) );
$defaultConfiguration[ $key ]['disabled'] = array_filter( explode( ',', static::$defaultConfiguration[ $key ]['disabled'] ) );
        return static::
     * Build Matrix
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member    The member
     * @return    \IPS\Helpers\Form\Matrix
public static function buildMatrix( \IPS\Member $member )
$matrix = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Matrix();
$matrix->manageable = FALSE;
$matrix->langPrefix = FALSE;
$matrix->columns = array(
'label'        => function( $key, $value, $data )
                if (
mb_substr( $key, 0, -7 ) === 'new_likes' )
                    if ( \
IPS\Content\Reaction::isLikeMode() )
$return = 'notifications__new_likes_like';
$return = 'notifications__new_likes_rep';
$return = 'notifications__' . mb_substr( $key, 0, -7 );
                return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'members', 'core', 'global' )->notificationLabel( $return, $data );
'member_notifications_inline'    => function( $key, $value, $data )
                return new \
IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( $key, in_array( 'inline', ( is_array( $data['selected'] ) ) ? $data['selected'] : array() ), FALSE, array( 'disabled' => ( !$data['editable'] OR in_array( 'inline', $data['disabled'] ) ), 'tooltip' => ( !$data['editable'] OR in_array( 'inline', $data['disabled'] ) ) ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('admin_notification_disabled') : NULL ) );
'member_notifications_email'    => function( $key, $value, $data )
                return new \
IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo( $key, in_array( 'email', ( is_array( $data['selected'] ) ) ? $data['selected'] : array() ), FALSE, array( 'disabled' => ( !$data['editable'] OR in_array( 'email', $data['disabled'] ) ), 'tooltip' => ( !$data['editable'] OR in_array( 'email', $data['disabled'] ) ) ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack('admin_notification_disabled') : NULL ) );
/* Add rows */
$defaultConfiguration = static::defaultConfiguration();
$memberConfiguration = $member->notificationsConfiguration();
        foreach( \
IPS\Application::allExtensions( 'core', 'Notifications' ) as $group => $class )
$configuration = $class->getConfiguration( $member );
            if ( !empty(
$configuration ) )
$lang = "notifications__{$group}";
$header = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $lang );
$matrix->rows[] = $header;
                foreach (
$configuration as $key => $data )
$matrix->rows[ $key ] = array( 'selected' => ( !empty( $memberConfiguration[ $key ] ) ) ? $memberConfiguration[ $key ] : NULL, 'disabled' => $defaultConfiguration[ $key ]['disabled'], 'icon' => isset( $data['icon'] ) ? $data['icon'] : NULL, 'editable' => $defaultConfiguration[ $key ]['editable'] );
     * Save Matrix
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member    The member
     * @param    array        $values    Values from matrix
     * @return    void
public static function saveMatrix( \IPS\Member $member, array $values )
/* Remove the current preferences */
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_notification_preferences', array( 'member_id=?', $member->member_id ) );
/* Get the default configuration so we know what is forced enabled by the admin */
$defaults = static::defaultConfiguration();

/* Now loop over the notifications and set preferences */
$insert = array();
        foreach (
$values['notifications'] as $k => $v )
$pref = array();
            if (
$v['member_notifications_inline'] )
$pref[] = 'inline';
            else if( !
$defaults[ $k ]['editable'] AND in_array( 'inline', $defaults[ $k ]['default'] ) )
$pref[] = 'inline';
            if (
$v['member_notifications_email'] )
$pref[] = 'email';
            else if( !
$defaults[ $k ]['editable'] AND in_array( 'email', $defaults[ $k ]['default'] ) )
$pref[] = 'email';
$insert[] = array(
'member_id'            => $member->member_id,
'notification_key'    => $k,
'preference'        => implode( ',', $pref )

IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_notification_preferences', $insert );
     * @brief    Application
protected $app;
     * @brief    Notification key
protected $key;
     * @brief    Email template key
     * @note    Typically this is "notification__{key}"
protected $emailKey;

     * @brief    Item
protected $item;
     * @brief    An \IPS\Notification\Recipients object which contains \IPS\Member objects and replacements to use for that member in the notification content.
     * @code
         $notification->recipients->attach( $member, array( 'foo' => 'bar' ) );
         $notification->recipients->attach( $member2, array( 'foo' => 'baz' ) );
     * @endcode
public $recipients;
     * @brief    Data for notification emails
protected $emailParams = array();
     * @brief    Extra data to save with inline notifications
protected $inlineExtra = array();
     * @brief    Unsubscribe Type
public $unsubscribeType = 'notification';

     * @brief    Allow merging of notifications
protected $allowMerging = TRUE;

     * Constructor
     * @param    \IPS\Application    $app            The application the notification belongs to
     * @param    string                $key            Notification key
     * @param    object|NULL            $item            The thing the notification is about
     * @param    array                $emailParams    Data for notification emails
     * @param    array                $inlineExtra    Extra data to save with inline notifications. Use sparingly: only in cases where it is not possible to obtain the same data later. Will be merged for duplicate notifications.
     * @param    bool                $allowMerging    Allow two identical notification types to be merged
     * @param    string|NULL            $emailKey        Custom email template to use, or NULL to use default
     * @return    void
public function __construct( \IPS\Application $app, $key, $item=NULL, $emailParams=array(), $inlineExtra=array(), $allowMerging=TRUE, $emailKey=NULL )
$this->app            = $app;
$this->key            = $key;
$this->item            = $item;
$this->recipients    = new \IPS\Notification\Recipients;
$this->emailParams    = $emailParams;
$this->inlineExtra    = $inlineExtra;
$this->allowMerging = $allowMerging;
$this->emailKey        = ( $emailKey === NULL ) ? 'notification_' . $this->key : $emailKey;
     * Send Notification
     * @param    array    $sentTo        Members who have already received a notification and how (same format as the return value) to prevent duplicates
     * @return    array    The members that were notified and how they were notified
public function send( $sentTo = array() )
/* Make a placeholder for emails - we'll need to generate one per language */
$emails = array();
$emailRecipients = array();
$thingsBeingFollowed = array();
/* Loop recipients */
foreach ( $this->recipients as $member )
/* Let's not send notifications to deleted members, banned members or spammers */
if ( $member === NULL or !$member->member_id or $member->isBanned() or $member->members_bitoptions['bw_is_spammer'] )
/* If there's an item, check the user has permission to view it and is not ignoring */
if ( $this->item )
/* Permission check */
$item = $this->item;
                if (
$item instanceof \IPS\Content\Item )
$application = \IPS\Application::load( $item::$application );
                    if ( !
$application->canAccess( $member ) )

/* Skip if member is ignoring the item author but only if this is a new content item.
                    If a member is following content they should still receive reply notifications regardless of author */
if ( $this->key == "new_content" and $member->isIgnoring( $item->author(), 'topics' ) )
/* Not ignoring the comment this is about */
foreach( $this->emailParams AS $param )
                    if (
$param instanceof \IPS\Content\Comment OR $param instanceof \IPS\Content\Review )
                        if (
$member->isIgnoring( $param->author(), 'topics' ) )
                    if (
$param instanceof \IPS\Member )
                        if (
$member->isIgnoring( $param, 'topics' ) )
/* Work out how the user wants to receive this notification */
$notificationPreferences = $member->notificationsConfiguration();
$info = $this->recipients->getInfo();
            if (
$info['follow_app'] === 'core' and $info['follow_area'] === 'member' )
$keyToCheck = 'follower_content';
$keyToCheck = $this->key;
                if (
$this->key === 'new_content_bulk' )
$keyToCheck = 'new_content';
                if (
$this->key === 'unapproved_content_bulk' )
$keyToCheck = 'unapproved_content';
/* They want to receive an email (we don't send until the end once we've collated all the emails to send) */
if ( isset( $notificationPreferences[ $keyToCheck ] ) AND in_array( 'email', $notificationPreferences[ $keyToCheck ] ) and ( !isset( $sentTo[ $member->member_id ] ) or !in_array( 'email', $sentTo[ $member->member_id ] ) ) )
$language = $member->language()->id;

                if ( !isset(
$emails[ $language ] ) )
$email = \IPS\Email::buildFromTemplate( $this->app->directory, $this->emailKey, $this->emailParams, \IPS\Email::TYPE_LIST );
                    if (
$info )
$email->setUnsubscribe( 'core', 'unsubscribeFollow', array( $this->key ) );
$email->setUnsubscribe( 'core', 'unsubscribeNotification', array( $this->key ) );
$emails[ $language ] = $email;
$unsubscribeBlurb = NULL;
$unfollowLink = NULL;
$okToEmail = TRUE;
                if (
$info )
                    if ( !isset(
$thingsBeingFollowed[ $info['follow_app'] ][ $info['follow_area'] ][ $info['follow_rel_id'] ] ) )
                        if (
$info['follow_app'] === 'core' and $info['follow_area'] === 'member' )
$thingsBeingFollowed[ $info['follow_app'] ][ $info['follow_area'] ][ $info['follow_rel_id'] ] = \IPS\Member::load( $info['follow_rel_id'] );
$classname = 'IPS\\' . $info['follow_app'] . '\\' . mb_ucfirst( $info['follow_area'] );
$thingsBeingFollowed[ $info['follow_app'] ][ $info['follow_area'] ][ $info['follow_rel_id'] ] = $classname::load( $info['follow_rel_id'] );
$thingBeingFollowed = $thingsBeingFollowed[ $info['follow_app'] ][ $info['follow_area'] ][ $info['follow_rel_id'] ];
                    if (
$thingBeingFollowed instanceof \IPS\Member )
$unsubscribeBlurb = $member->language()->addToStack( 'unsubscribe_blurb_follow_member', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $thingBeingFollowed->name ) ) );
                    elseif (
$thingBeingFollowed instanceof \IPS\Node\Model )
$unsubscribeBlurb    = $member->language()->addToStack( 'unsubscribe_blurb_follow', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $member->language()->addToStack( $thingBeingFollowed::$nodeTitle . '_sg' ), $thingBeingFollowed->_title ) ) );
$unsubscribeBlurb    = $member->language()->addToStack( 'unsubscribe_blurb_follow', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $member->language()->addToStack( $thingBeingFollowed::$title ), $thingBeingFollowed->mapped('title') ) ) );
$unfollowLink = (string) \IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=core&module=system&section=notifications&do=follow&follow_app={$info['follow_app']}&follow_area={$info['follow_area']}&follow_id={$info['follow_rel_id']}", 'front' );
                    if (
$member->members_bitoptions['email_notifications_once'] and $member->last_activity < $info['follow_notify_sent'] )
$okToEmail = FALSE;
                if (
$okToEmail )
$emailRecipients[ $language ][ $member->email ] = array(
'member_name'        => $member->name,
'unsubscribe_blurb'    => $unsubscribeBlurb,
'unfollow_link'        => $unfollowLink
$sentTo[ $member->member_id ][] = 'email';

/* They want to receive an inline notification... (ignore for report center which is treated special and the 'inline' notification
                preference actually instead controls whether the bubble should be shown on the report center icon at the top or not) */
if ( $this->key != 'report_center' and isset( $notificationPreferences[ $keyToCheck ] ) and in_array( 'inline', $notificationPreferences[ $keyToCheck ] ) and ( !isset( $sentTo[ $member->member_id ] ) or !in_array( 'inline', $sentTo[ $member->member_id ] ) ) )
                if (
$this->item AND $this->allowMerging )
$item = $this->item;
$idColumn = $item::$databaseColumnId;
$notification = \IPS\Notification\Inline::constructFromData( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_notifications', array( 'notification_key=? AND item_class=? AND item_id=? AND member=? AND read_time IS NULL', $this->key, get_class( $this->item ), $item->$idColumn, $member->member_id ) )->first() );
$notification->member = $member;
$notification->updated_time = time();
$notification->extra = array_merge( $notification->extra, $this->inlineExtra );
                    catch ( \
UnderflowException $e ) { }

$notification = new \IPS\Notification\Inline;
$notification->member = $member;
$notification->notification_app = $this->app;
$notification->notification_key = $this->key;
                if (
$this->item )
$notification->item = $this->item;
$notification->member_data = $info;
$this->emailParams AS $param )
                    if (
$param instanceof \IPS\Content )
$subIdColumn = $param::$databaseColumnId;
$notification->item_sub_class    = get_class( $param );
$notification->item_sub_id        = $param->$subIdColumn;

                         * If this is a grouped comment or review, set the sent time to the same time as the comment just in case there is a slight delay
if ( ( $param instanceof \IPS\Content\Comment OR $param instanceof \IPS\Content\Review ) && in_array( $this->key, array( 'new_comment', 'new_review', 'quote', 'new_likes' ) ) )
                            if (
$this->key === 'new_likes' and $this->emailParams[1] instanceof \IPS\Member )
/* Reset the time to the time of the rep to prevent a slight delay from missing this notification */
$where = $param->getReactionWhereClause();
$where[] = array( 'member_id = ?', $this->emailParams[1]->member_id );
$notification->sent_time = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'rep_date', 'core_reputation_index', $where )->join( 'core_reactions', 'reaction=reaction_id' )->first();
                                catch( \
Exception $ex ) { }
$notification->sent_time = $param->mapped('date');

$notification->extra = $this->inlineExtra;
$sentTo[ $member->member_id ][] = 'inline';

/* Send any emails */
$this->sendEmails( $emails, $emailRecipients );
/* And return */
return $sentTo;

     * Send emails
     * @param    array     $emails                Emails to send
     * @param    array     $emailRecipients    Email recipients
     * @return    void
protected function sendEmails( $emails, $emailRecipients )
        foreach (
$emails as $languageId => $email )
            if ( !empty(
$emailRecipients[ $languageId ] ) )
$email->mergeAndSend( $emailRecipients[ $languageId ], NULL, NULL, array(), \IPS\Lang::load( $languageId ) );