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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\Helpers\TemplateParser;


Normalizer extends IRProcessor
    * @var Optimizer
protected $optimizer;

    * @var string Regexp that matches the names of all void elements
    * @link
public $voidRegexp = '/^(?:area|base|br|col|command|embed|hr|img|input|keygen|link|meta|param|source|track|wbr)$/Di';

    * @param  Optimizer $optimizer
    * @return void
public function __construct(Optimizer $optimizer)
$this->optimizer = $optimizer;

    * Normalize an IR
    * @param  DOMDocument $ir
    * @return void
public function normalize(DOMDocument $ir)

    * Add <closeTag/> elements everywhere an open start tag should be closed
    * @param  DOMDocument $ir
    * @return void
protected function addCloseTagElements(DOMDocument $ir)
$exprs = [
        foreach (
$this->query(implode('|', $exprs)) as $node)
$parentElementId = $this->getParentElementId($node);
            if (isset(
->insertBefore($ir->createElement('closeTag'), $node)
setAttribute('id', $parentElementId);

// Append a <closeTag/> to <element/> nodes to ensure that empty elements get closed
if ($node->nodeName === 'element')
$id = $node->getAttribute('id');
$this->appendElement($node, 'closeTag')->setAttribute('id', $id);

    * Add an empty default <case/> to <switch/> nodes that don't have one
    * @return void
protected function addDefaultCase()
        foreach (
$this->query('//switch[not(case[not(@test)])]') as $switch)
$this->appendElement($switch, 'case');

    * Add an id attribute to <element/> nodes
    * @return void
protected function addElementIds()
$id = 0;
        foreach (
$this->query('//element') as $element)
$element->setAttribute('id', ++$id);

    * Get the context type for given output element
    * @param  DOMNode $output
    * @return string
protected function getOutputContext(DOMNode $output)
$contexts = [
'boolean(ancestor::attribute)'             => 'attribute',
'@disable-output-escaping="yes"'           => 'raw',
'count(ancestor::element[@name="script"])' => 'raw'
        foreach (
$contexts as $expr => $context)
            if (
$this->evaluate($expr, $output))


    * Get the ID of the closest "element" ancestor
    * @param  DOMNode     $node Context node
    * @return string|null
protected function getParentElementId(DOMNode $node)
$parentNode = $node->parentNode;
        while (isset(
            if (
$parentNode->nodeName === 'element')
$parentNode = $parentNode->parentNode;

    * Mark switch elements that are used as branch tables
    * If a switch is used for a series of equality tests against the same attribute or variable, the
    * attribute/variable is stored within the switch as "branch-key" and the values it is compared
    * against are stored JSON-encoded in the case as "branch-values". It can be used to create
    * optimized branch tables
    * @return void
protected function markBranchTables()
// Iterate over switch elements that have at least two case children with a test attribute
foreach ($this->query('//switch[case[2][@test]]') as $switch)

    * Mark given switch element if it's used as a branch table
    * @param  DOMElement $switch
    * @return void
protected function markSwitchTable(DOMElement $switch)
$cases = [];
$maps  = [];
        foreach (
$this->query('./case[@test]', $switch) as $i => $case)
$map = XPathHelper::parseEqualityExpr($case->getAttribute('test'));
            if (
$map === false)
$maps     += $map;
$cases[$i] = [$case, end($map)];
        if (
count($maps) !== 1)

$switch->setAttribute('branch-key', key($maps));
        foreach (
$cases as list($case, $values))
$case->setAttribute('branch-values', serialize($values));

    * Mark conditional <closeTag/> nodes
    * @return void
protected function markConditionalCloseTagElements()
        foreach (
$this->query('//closeTag') as $closeTag)
$id = $closeTag->getAttribute('id');

// For each <switch/> ancestor, look for a <closeTag/> and that is either a sibling or
            // the descendant of a sibling, and that matches the id
$query = 'ancestor::switch/'
. 'following-sibling::*/'
. 'descendant-or-self::closeTag[@id = "' . $id . '"]';
            foreach (
$this->query($query, $closeTag) as $following)
// Mark following <closeTag/> nodes to indicate that the status of this tag must
                // be checked before it is closed
$following->setAttribute('check', '');

// Mark the current <closeTag/> to indicate that it must set a flag to indicate
                // that its tag has been closed
$closeTag->setAttribute('set', '');

    * Mark boolean attributes
    * The test is case-sensitive and only covers attribute that are minimized by libxslt
    * @return void
protected function markBooleanAttributes(): void
$attrNames = ['checked', 'compact', 'declare', 'defer', 'disabled', 'ismap', 'multiple', 'nohref', 'noresize', 'noshade', 'nowrap', 'readonly', 'selected'];
        foreach (
$this->query('//attribute') as $attribute)
            if (
in_array($attribute->getAttribute('name'), $attrNames, true))
$attribute->setAttribute('boolean', 'yes');

    * Mark void elements
    * @return void
protected function markVoidElements()
        foreach (
$this->query('//element') as $element)
// Test whether this element is (maybe) void
$elName = $element->getAttribute('name');
            if (
strpos($elName, '{') !== false)
// Dynamic element names must be checked at runtime
$element->setAttribute('void', 'maybe');
            elseif (
preg_match($this->voidRegexp, $elName))
// Static element names can be checked right now
$element->setAttribute('void', 'yes');

    * Fill in output context
    * @return void
protected function setOutputContext()
        foreach (
$this->query('//output') as $output)
$output->setAttribute('escape', $this->getOutputContext($output));