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 * @brief        Matrix Builder
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        26 Feb 2013

namespace IPS\Helpers\Form;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Matrix Builder
 * @code
$matrix = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Matrix;

$matrix->columns = array(
    'foo'    => function( $key, $value, $data )
        return new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( $key, $value );

$matrix->rows = array(
    0    => array(
        'foo'    => TRUE,
        // ...
    // ...

if ( $values = $matrix->values() )


\IPS\Output::i()->output = $matrix;
 * @endcode
class _Matrix extends \IPS\Helpers\Form
     * @brief    Input Elements array
public $elements = NULL;
     * @brief    Columns array
public $columns = array();
     * @brief    Widths
public $widths = array();
     * @brief    Columns to have "check all" checkboxes
public $checkAlls = array();
     * @brief    Should rows have all/none toggles?
public $checkAllRows = FALSE;
     * @brief    Rows array
public $rows = array();
     * @brief    Manageable? (Rows can be added and deleted)
public $manageable = TRUE;

     * @brief    Squash fields? (values in the matrix are json_encode'd as a single value to get around max_post_vars limits)
public $squashFields = TRUE;
     * @brief    Added rows
     * @see        \IPS\Helpers\Form\Matrix::values
public $addedRows = array();
     * @brief    Changed rows
     * @see        \IPS\Helpers\Form\Matrix::values
public $changedRows = array();
     * @brief    Removed rows
     * @see        \IPS\Helpers\Form\Matrix::elements
public $removedRows = array();
     * @brief    Prefix to add to the language keys used for column headers
public $langPrefix = '';

     * @brief    Classnames to add to the table within the matrix
public $classes = array();

     * @brief    Show tooltips in each cell?
public $showTooltips = FALSE;

     * @brief    Form Id, Set it Matrix is part of a form
public $formId = NULL;
     * Get HTML
     * @return    string
public function __toString()
            return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->matrix( $this->id, array_keys( $this->columns ), $this->elements(), $this->action, $this->hiddenValues, $this->actionButtons, $this->langPrefix, $this->calculateWidths(), $this->manageable, $this->checkAlls, $this->checkAllRows, $this->classes, $this->showTooltips, $this->squashFields );
        catch ( \
Exception $e )
IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler( $e );
        catch ( \
Throwable $e )
IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler( $e );
     * Get Nested HTML
     * @return    string
public function nested()
        return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->matrixNested( $this->id, array_keys( $this->columns ), $this->elements(), $this->action, $this->hiddenValues, $this->actionButtons, $this->langPrefix, $this->calculateWidths(), $this->manageable, $this->checkAlls, $this->checkAllRows, $this->classes, $this->showTooltips, $this->squashFields );
     * Calculate widths
     * @return    array
protected function calculateWidths()
$widths = $this->widths;
$width = ( ( 100 - array_sum( $this->widths ) ) / count( $this->columns ) );
        foreach (
array_keys( $this->columns ) as $c )
            if ( !isset(
$widths[ $c ] ) )
$widths[ $c ] = $width;
     * Get elements
     * @param    $bool    Get values?
     * @return    array
public function elements( $getValues=TRUE )
        if (
$this->elements === NULL )
/* Stuff about our form */
$name = "{$this->id}_submitted";
$formName = $this->formId ? "{$this->formId}_submitted" : NULL;
$matrixName = "{$this->id}_matrixRows";
$matrixValues = \IPS\Request::i()->$matrixName;

/* Loop our defined rows */
$this->elements = array();
            foreach (
$this->rows as $rowId => $data )
/* Have we deleted this row? */
$deleteKey = "{$rowId}_delete";
                if (
$this->manageable and ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$name ) or ( $formName and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$formName ) ) ) and ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$deleteKey ) or !isset( $matrixValues[ $rowId ] ) or !$matrixValues[ $rowId ] ) )
$this->removedRows[] = $rowId;
/* Build the row */
$this->elements[ $rowId ] = $this->buildRow( $rowId, $data );
/* Create blank row */
if ( $this->manageable )
$blankRow = $this->buildRow( "_new_[x]", NULL );
/* Look for added ones */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->_new_ ) )
$i = 1;
                foreach ( \
IPS\Request::i()->_new_ as $newId => $data )
$added = TRUE;
                    if (
$newId === 'x_unlimited' )
                    elseif (
$newId === 'x' )
$added = FALSE;
                        foreach (
$data as $k => $v )
                            if ( isset(
$blankRow[$k] ) and $v and $v !== $blankRow[$k]->value )
$added = TRUE;
$blankRow[$k] = $blankRow[$k]->getValue();
                    if (
$added )
/* Select lists can have user-supplied input, so look for that too */
foreach( \IPS\Request::i() as $inputKey => $inputValue )
$pos = mb_strpos( $inputKey, '_new_' ) AND $inputKey !== '_new_' )
is_array( $inputValue ) AND isset( $inputValue[ $newId ] ) )
/* @note This previously used an array_merge() however this was causing elements to be overwritten with a blank value in some cases */
foreach( $inputValue[ $newId ] AS $key => $value )
                                        if (
$value )
$data[ $key ] = $value;

$this->elements["_new_[{$i}]"] = $this->buildRow( "_new_[{$i}]", $data );
$this->addedRows[] = "_new_[{$i}]";
/* Add blank one */
if ( $this->manageable and $getValues )
$this->elements["_new_[x]"] = $blankRow;

     * Build Row
     * @param    mixed    $rowId    Row identifier
     * @param    array    $data    Values
     * @return    array
protected function buildRow( $rowId, $data )
$row = array();
        if (
is_string( $data ) )
        foreach (
$this->columns as $columnName => $columnData )
$inputName = "{$rowId}[{$columnName}]";
/* Create using array */
if ( is_array( $columnData ) )
$classname = '\IPS\Helpers\Form\\' . $columnData[0];
$row[ $columnName ] = new $classname(
$data[ $columnName ] ) ? $data[ $columnName ] : ( isset( $columnData[1] ) ? $columnData[1] : NULL ),
$columnData[2] ) ? $columnData[2] : FALSE,
$columnData[3] ) ? $columnData[3] : array()
/* Create using callback function */
$row[ $columnName ] = call_user_func( $columnData, $inputName, isset( $data[ $columnName ] ) ? $data[ $columnName ] : NULL, $data );
        if ( isset(
$data['_level'] ) )
$row['_level'] = $data['_level'];

     * Get submitted values
     * @param    bool            $force    If true, wil not check if form was submitted (used for nested matrixes)
     * @return    array|FALSE        Array of field values or FALSE if the form has not been submitted or if there were validation errors
public function values( $force=FALSE )
$values = array();
$name = "{$this->id}_submitted";        
$force or ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$name ) and \IPS\Request::i()->csrfKey === \IPS\Session::i()->csrfKey ) )
// Do we need to unsquash any values?
            // Squashed values are json_encoded by javascript to prevent us exceeding max_post_vars
$squashedField = $this->id . '_squashed';
// If 'squashedField' isn't in the request it might indicate the user didn't have JS enabled
if ( $this->squashFields && isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$squashedField ) )
                if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->$squashedField ) )
$unsquashed = json_decode( \IPS\Request::i()->$squashedField, TRUE );
$unsquashed as $key => $value )
IPS\Request::i()->$key = $value;

            foreach (
$this->elements( FALSE ) as $rowId => $columns )
                if (
is_array( $columns ) )
                    foreach (
$columns as $columnName => $element )
/* If this was a ehader or something, skip it */
if ( !is_object( $element ) )
/* Return FALSE on error */
if( $element->error !== NULL )
/* If the "check all" box was checked, set it to TRUE */
if ( $element instanceof Checkbox and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->__all[ $columnName ] ) )
$element->value = TRUE;
/* If our element has an unlimited option, and that's set, set that. */
if ( isset( $element->options['unlimited'] ) )
$unlimitedKey = "{$rowId}[{$columnName}_unlimited]";
                            if (
$value = \IPS\Request::i()->valueFromArray( $unlimitedKey ) )
$element->value = $value;
/* Set value */
$values[ $rowId ][ $columnName ] = $element->value;
/* Not if it's changed */
if ( $element->value !== $element->defaultValue and mb_substr( $rowId, 0, 5 ) !== '_new_' )
$this->changedRows[ $rowId ] = $rowId;