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* Set a URL or IMG tag's attributes
* @param {!Tag}    tag      URL or IMG tag
* @param {string} linkInfo Link's info: an URL optionally followed by spaces and a title
* @param {string} attrName Name of the URL attribute
function setLinkAttributes(tag, linkInfo, attrName)
var url   = linkInfo.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, ''),
title = '',
pos   = url.indexOf(' ');
if (pos !== -1)
title = url.substring(pos).replace(/^\s*\S/, '').replace(/\S\s*$/, '');
url   = url.substring(0, pos);
if (/^<.+>$/.test(url))
url = url.replace(/^<(.+)>$/, '$1').replace(/\\>/g, '>');

tag.setAttribute(attrName, decode(url));
if (title > '')
tag.setAttribute('title', decode(title));