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 * @brief        Nexus Package Content Item Model
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @subpackage    Nexus
 * @since        29 Apr 2014

namespace IPS\nexus\Package;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Package Item Model
class _Item extends \IPS\Content\Item implements \IPS\Content\Featurable, \IPS\Content\Shareable, \IPS\Content\Embeddable, \IPS\Content\MetaData, \IPS\Content\Searchable
     * @brief    Application
public static $application = 'nexus';
     * @brief    Module
public static $module = 'store';
     * @brief    Database Table
public static $databaseTable = 'nexus_packages';
     * @brief    Database Prefix
public static $databasePrefix = 'p_';
     * @brief    Multiton Store
protected static $multitons;
     * @brief    Node Class
public static $containerNodeClass = 'IPS\nexus\Package\Group';
     * @brief    Review Class
public static $reviewClass = 'IPS\nexus\Package\Review';
     * @brief    Database Column Map
public static $databaseColumnMap = array(
'title'                    => 'name',
'container'                => 'group',
'featured'                => 'featured',
'num_reviews'            => 'reviews',
'unapproved_reviews'    => 'unapproved_reviews',
'hidden_reviews'        => 'hidden_reviews',
'rating'                => 'rating',
'meta_data'                => 'meta_data',
'date'                    => 'date_added',
'updated'                => 'date_updated'
     * @brief    Title
public static $title = 'product';
     * @brief    Icon
public static $icon = 'archive';
     * @brief    Include In Sitemap
public static $includeInSitemap = FALSE;
     * @brief    Can this content be moderated normally from the front-end (will be FALSE for things like Pages and Commerce Products)
public static $canBeModeratedFromFrontend = FALSE;
     * Get title
     * @return    string
public function get_title()
        return \
     * Get description
     * @return    string
public function content()
        return \
IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get("nexus_package_{$this->id}_desc"); // Has to be get() rather than addToStack() so we can reliably strips tags, etc.
     * Can view?
     * @param    \IPS\Member|NULL    $member    The member to check for or NULL for the currently logged in member
     * @return    bool
public function canView( $member=NULL )
        if ( !
$this->store )
$member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn();
$this->member_groups === '*' or $member->inGroup( explode( ',', $this->member_groups ) );
     * Get items with permisison check
     * @param    array        $where                Where clause
     * @param    string        $order                MySQL ORDER BY clause (NULL to order by date)
     * @param    int|array    $limit                Limit clause
     * @param    string|NULL    $permissionKey        A key which has a value in the permission map (either of the container or of this class) matching a column ID in core_permission_index or NULL to ignore permissions
     * @param    mixed        $includeHiddenItems    Include hidden items? NULL to detect if currently logged in member has permission, -1 to return public content only, TRUE to return unapproved content and FALSE to only return unapproved content the viewing member submitted
     * @param    int            $queryFlags            Select bitwise flags
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member                The member (NULL to use currently logged in member)
     * @param    bool        $joinContainer        If true, will join container data (set to TRUE if your $where clause depends on this data)
     * @param    bool        $joinComments        If true, will join comment data (set to TRUE if your $where clause depends on this data)
     * @param    bool        $joinReviews        If true, will join review data (set to TRUE if your $where clause depends on this data)
     * @param    bool        $countOnly            If true will return the count
     * @param    array|null    $joins                Additional arbitrary joins for the query
     * @param    mixed        $skipPermission        If you are getting records from a specific container, pass the container to reduce the number of permission checks necessary or pass TRUE to skip conatiner-based permission. You must still specify this in the $where clause
     * @param    bool        $joinTags            If true, will join the tags table
     * @param    bool        $joinAuthor            If true, will join the members table for the author
     * @param    bool        $joinLastCommenter    If true, will join the members table for the last commenter
     * @param    bool        $showMovedLinks        If true, moved item links are included in the results
     * @return    \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator|int
public static function getItemsWithPermission( $where=array(), $order=NULL, $limit=10, $permissionKey='read', $includeHiddenItems=\IPS\Content\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags=0, \IPS\Member $member=NULL, $joinContainer=FALSE, $joinComments=FALSE, $joinReviews=FALSE, $countOnly=FALSE, $joins=NULL, $skipPermission=FALSE, $joinTags=TRUE, $joinAuthor=TRUE, $joinLastCommenter=TRUE, $showMovedLinks=FALSE )
$member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn();

$where[] = "( p_member_groups='*' OR " . \IPS\Db::i()->findInSet( 'p_member_groups', $member->groups ) . ' )';
$where[] = array( 'p_store=?', 1 );

$return = parent::getItemsWithPermission( $where, $order, $limit, $permissionKey, $includeHiddenItems, $queryFlags, $member, $joinContainer, $joinComments, $joinReviews, $countOnly, $joins, $skipPermission, $joinTags, $joinAuthor, $joinLastCommenter, $showMovedLinks );
$return->classname = 'IPS\nexus\Package';

     * @brief    Cached URLs
protected $_url    = array();

     * Get URL
     * @param    string|NULL        $action        Action
     * @return    \IPS\Http\Url
public function url( $action=NULL )
$_key    = md5( $action );

        if( !isset(
$this->_url[ $_key ] ) )
$this->_url[ $_key ] = \IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=nexus&module=store&controller=product&id={$this->id}", 'front', 'store_product', \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::seoTitle( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( 'nexus_package_' . $this->id ) ) );
            if (
$action )
$this->_url[ $_key ] = $this->_url[ $_key ]->setQueryString( 'do', $action );
$this->_url[ $_key ];

     * Can review?
     * @param    \IPS\Member\NULL    $member    The member (NULL for currently logged in member)
     * @return    bool
public function canReview( $member=NULL )
        if ( !
$this->reviewable )
$member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn();
        if ( !
parent::canReview( $member ) )
        if ( !\
IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'nexus_purchases', array( 'ps_app=? AND ps_type=? AND ps_item_id=? AND ps_member=?', 'nexus', 'package', $this->id, $member->member_id ) )->first() )
     * Should new reviews be moderated?
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member    The member posting
     * @return    bool
public function moderateNewReviews( \IPS\Member $member )
        if (
$this->review_moderate )
parent::moderateNewReviews( $member );
     * Images
     * @return    \IPS\File\Iterator
public function images()
        return new \
IPS\File\Iterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'image_location', 'nexus_package_images', array( 'image_product=?', $this->id ),'image_primary desc' ), 'nexus_Products', NULL, TRUE );
/* !Embeddable */
     * Get content for embed
     * @param    array    $params    Additional parameters to add to URL
     * @return    string
public function embedContent( $params )
$memberCurrency = ( ( isset( $_SESSION['currency'] ) and in_array( $_SESSION['currency'], \IPS\nexus\Money::currencies() ) ) ? $_SESSION['currency'] : \IPS\nexus\Customer::loggedIn()->defaultCurrency() );
$package = \IPS\nexus\Package::load( $this->id );

/* Do we have renewal terms? */
$renewalTerm = NULL;
$renewOptions = $package->renew_options ? json_decode( $package->renew_options, TRUE ) : array();
        if (
count( $renewOptions ) )
$renewalTerm = TRUE;
            if (
count( $renewOptions ) === 1 )
$renewalTerm = array_pop( $renewOptions );
$renewalTerm = new \IPS\nexus\Purchase\RenewalTerm( new \IPS\nexus\Money( $renewalTerm['cost'][ $memberCurrency ]['amount'], $memberCurrency ), new \DateInterval( 'P' . $renewalTerm['term'] . mb_strtoupper( $renewalTerm['unit'] ) ), $package->tax ? \IPS\nexus\Tax::load( $package->tax ) : NULL, $renewalTerm['add'] );

IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'embed.css', 'nexus', 'front' ) );
        return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'nexus' )->embedProduct( $this, $renewalTerm, $this->url()->setQueryString( $params ), $this->embedImage() );
     * Get image for embed
     * @return    \IPS\File|NULL
public function embedImage()
$product = \IPS\nexus\Package::load( $this->id );
$product->_data['image'] ? \IPS\File::get( 'nexus_Products', $product->_data['image'] ) : NULL;

     * Get mapped value
     * @param    string    $key    date,content,ip_address,first
     * @return    mixed
public function mapped( $key )
        if (
$key === 'title' )
        elseif (
$key === 'date' )
     * Supported Meta Data Types
     * @return    array
public static function supportedMetaDataTypes()
        return array();
/* !Search */
     * Title for search index
     * @return    string
public function searchIndexTitle()
$titles = array();
        foreach ( \
IPS\Lang::languages() as $lang )
$titles[] = $lang->get("nexus_package_{$this->id}");
implode( ' ', $titles );
     * Content for search index
     * @return    string
public function searchIndexContent()
$descriptions = array();
        foreach ( \
IPS\Lang::languages() as $lang )
$descriptions[] = $lang->get("nexus_package_{$this->id}_desc");
            catch ( \
UnderflowException $e ) { }
implode( ' ', $descriptions );
     * Search Index Permissions
     * @return    string    Comma-delimited values or '*'
     *     @li            Number indicates a group
     *    @li            Number prepended by "m" indicates a member
     *    @li            Number prepended by "s" indicates a social group
public function searchIndexPermissions()
$this->store ? $this->member_groups : '';
     * Columns needed to query for search result / stream view
     * @return    array
public static function basicDataColumns()
        return array(
'p_id', 'p_base_price', 'p_reviews', 'p_discounts', 'p_renew_options', 'p_tax', 'p_stock' );
     * Get URL from index data
     * @param    array        $indexData        Data from the search index
     * @param    array        $itemData        Basic data about the item. Only includes columns returned by item::basicDataColumns()
     * @return    \IPS\Http\Url
public static function urlFromIndexData( $indexData, $itemData )
        return \
IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=nexus&module=store&controller=product&id={$indexData['index_item_id']}", 'front', 'store_product', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'nexus_package_' . $indexData['index_item_id'], FALSE, array( 'seotitle' => TRUE ) ) );
     * Get HTML for search result display
     * @param    array        $indexData        Data from the search index
     * @param    array        $authorData        Basic data about the author. Only includes columns returned by \IPS\Member::columnsForPhoto()
     * @param    array        $itemData        Basic data about the item. Only includes columns returned by item::basicDataColumns()
     * @param    array|NULL    $containerData    Basic data about the container. Only includes columns returned by container::basicDataColumns()
     * @param    array        $reputationData    Array of people who have given reputation and the reputation they gave
     * @param    int|NULL    $reviewRating    If this is a review, the rating
     * @param    bool        $iPostedIn        If the user has posted in the item
     * @param    string        $view            'expanded' or 'condensed'
     * @param    bool        $asItem    Displaying results as items?
     * @param    bool        $canIgnoreComments    Can ignore comments in the result stream? Activity stream can, but search results cannot.
     * @param    array        $template    Optional custom template
     * @param    array        $reactions    Reaction Data
     * @return    string
public static function searchResult( array $indexData, array $authorData, array $itemData, array $containerData = NULL, array $reputationData, $reviewRating, $iPostedIn, $view, $asItem, $canIgnoreComments=FALSE, $template=NULL, $reactions=array() )
$indexData['index_title'] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'nexus_package_' . $indexData['index_item_id'] );
parent::searchResult( $indexData, $authorData, $itemData, $containerData, $reputationData, $reviewRating, $iPostedIn, $view, $asItem, $canIgnoreComments, $template, $reactions );
     * Query to get additional data for search result / stream view
     * @param    array    $items    Item data (will be an array containing values from basicDataColumns())
     * @return    array
public static function searchResultExtraData( $items )
$images = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( array( 'image_product', 'image_location' ), 'nexus_package_images', array( array( \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'image_product', array_keys( $items ) ) ), array( 'image_primary=1' ) ) )->setKeyField( 'image_product' )->setValueField( 'image_location' ) );
$taxIds = array();
        foreach (
$items as $k => $data )
            if (
$data['p_tax'] )
$taxIds[ $data['p_tax'] ] = $data['p_tax'];
$taxData = array();
        if (
$taxIds )
$taxData = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'nexus_tax', \IPS\Db::i()->in( 't_id', $taxIds ) )->setKeyField('t_id') );
$return = array();
        foreach (
$items as $k => $data )
$return[ $k ]['image'] = isset( $images[ $k ] ) ? $images[ $k ] : NULL;
$return[ $k ]['tax'] = ( $data['p_tax'] and isset( $taxData[ $data['p_tax'] ] ) ) ? $taxData[ $data['p_tax'] ] : NULL;
     * Get snippet HTML for search result display
     * @param    array        $indexData        Data from the search index
     * @param    array        $authorData        Basic data about the author. Only includes columns returned by \IPS\Member::columnsForPhoto()
     * @param    array        $itemData        Basic data about the item. Only includes columns returned by item::basicDataColumns()
     * @param    array|NULL    $containerData    Basic data about the container. Only includes columns returned by container::basicDataColumns()
     * @param    array        $reputationData    Array of people who have given reputation and the reputation they gave
     * @param    int|NULL    $reviewRating    If this is a review, the rating
     * @param    string        $view            'expanded' or 'condensed'
     * @return    callable
public static function searchResultSnippet( array $indexData, array $authorData, array $itemData, array $containerData = NULL, array $reputationData, $reviewRating, $view )
$url = static::urlFromIndexData( $indexData, $itemData );
/* Work out the price to display @todo - make this more efficient */
$customer = \IPS\nexus\Customer::loggedIn();
$currency = ( isset( $_SESSION['currency'] ) and in_array( $_SESSION['currency'], \IPS\nexus\Money::currencies() ) ) ? $_SESSION['currency'] : $customer->defaultCurrency();
$priceMayChange = FALSE;
$priceNotIncludingDiscounts = NULL;
$renewOptions = $itemData['p_renew_options'] ? json_decode( $itemData['p_renew_options'], TRUE ) : array();
$price = \IPS\nexus\Package::lowestPriceFromData( $customer, $currency, $indexData['index_item_id'], json_decode( $itemData['p_base_price'], TRUE ), json_decode( $itemData['p_discounts'], TRUE ), $renewOptions, $itemData['p_stock'], $itemData['extra']['tax'] ? \IPS\nexus\Tax::constructFromData( $itemData['extra']['tax'] ) : NULL, $priceMayChange, $priceNotIncludingDiscounts );
            if (
$price < $priceNotIncludingDiscounts )
$price = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'store', 'nexus' )->priceDiscounted( new \IPS\nexus\Money( $priceNotIncludingDiscounts, $currency ), new \IPS\nexus\Money( $price, $currency ), $priceMayChange, TRUE, 'ipsStream_price' );
$price = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'store', 'nexus' )->price( new \IPS\nexus\Money( $price, $currency ), $priceMayChange, TRUE, 'ipsStream_price' );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
$price = NULL;
/* Display */
return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'nexus', 'front' )->searchResultProductSnippet( $indexData, $itemData, isset( $itemData['extra']['image'] ) ? $itemData['extra']['image'] : NULL, $url, $price, $view == 'condensed' );

     * Check Moderator Permission
     * @param    string                        $type        'edit', 'hide', 'unhide', 'delete', etc.
     * @param    \IPS\Member|NULL            $member        The member to check for or NULL for the currently logged in member
     * @param    \IPS\Node\Model|NULL        $container    The container
     * @return    bool
public static function modPermission( $type, \IPS\Member $member = NULL, \IPS\Node\Model $container = NULL )
/* Commerce Items have no own content type, so we can use only the general mod permissions */
$member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn();
        if (
in_array( $type, array( 'hide', 'unhide', 'delete' ) ) and $container )
            if (
$member->modPermission( "can_{$type}" ) )

parent::modPermission( $type, $member, $container );