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 * @brief        Dashboard extension: Income
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @subpackage    Nexus
 * @since        18 Sep 2014

namespace IPS\nexus\extensions\core\Dashboard;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Dashboard extension: Income
class _Income
    * Can the current user view this dashboard item?
    * @return    bool
public function canView()
        return \
IPS\Member::loggedIn()->hasAcpRestriction( 'nexus' , 'transactions', 'transactions_manage' );

     * Return the block HTML show on the dashboard
     * @return    string
public function getBlock()
$chart = new \IPS\Helpers\Chart;
$chart->addHeader( "Day", 'date' );
        foreach ( \
IPS\nexus\Money::currencies() as $currency )
$chart->addHeader( $currency, 'number' );
$thirtyDaysAgo = \IPS\DateTime::create()->sub( new \DateInterval('P30D') );
$results = array();
        foreach( \
IPS\Db::i()->select( "t_currency, DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( t_date ), '%e %c %Y' ) AS date, SUM(t_amount)-SUM(t_partial_refund) AS amount", 'nexus_transactions', array( 't_date>? AND (t_status=? OR t_status=?)', $thirtyDaysAgo->getTimestamp(), \IPS\nexus\Transaction::STATUS_PAID, \IPS\nexus\Transaction::STATUS_PART_REFUNDED ), NULL, NULL, array( 't_currency', 'date' ) ) as $result )
$results[ $result['date'] ][ $result['t_currency'] ] = $result['amount'];
$monthAndYear = date( 'n' ) . ' ' . date( 'Y' );
        foreach (
range( 30, 0 ) as $daysAgo )
$datetime = new \IPS\DateTime;
$datetime->setTime( 0, 0, 0 );
$datetime->sub( new \DateInterval( 'P' . $daysAgo . 'D' ) );
$resultString = $datetime->format('j n Y');
            if ( isset(
$results[ $resultString ] ) )
$row = array( $datetime );
                foreach ( \
IPS\nexus\Money::currencies() as $currency )
                    if ( !isset(
$results[ $resultString ][ $currency ] ) )
$row[] = 0;
$row[] = $results[ $resultString ][ $currency ];
$chart->addRow( $row );
$row = array( $datetime );
                foreach ( \
IPS\nexus\Money::currencies() as $currency )
$row[] = 0;
$chart->addRow( $row );
$chart->render( 'AreaChart', array(
'backgroundColor'     => '#ffffff',
'colors'            => array( '#10967e' ),
'hAxis'                => array( 'gridlines' => array( 'color' => '#f5f5f5' ) ),
'lineWidth'            => 1,
'areaOpacity'        => 0.4,
        ) );

     * Return the block information
     * @return    array    array( 'name' => 'Block title', 'key' => 'unique_key', 'size' => [1,2,3], 'by' => 'Author name' )
public function getInfo()
        return array();

     * Save the block data submitted.  This method is only necessary if your block accepts some sort of submitted data to save (such as the 'admin notes' block).
     * @return    void
     * @throws    \LogicException
public function saveBlock()