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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/vendor/laminas/laminas-mail/src/Protocol/Imap.php

 * @see for the canonical source repository
 * @copyright
 * @license New BSD License

namespace Laminas\Mail\Protocol;



     * Default timeout in seconds for initiating session

     * socket to imap server
     * @var resource|null
protected $socket;

     * counter for request tag
     * @var int
protected $tagCount = 0;

     * Public constructor
     * @param  string   $host  hostname or IP address of IMAP server, if given connect() is called
     * @param  int|null $port  port of IMAP server, null for default (143 or 993 for ssl)
     * @param  bool     $ssl   use ssl? 'SSL', 'TLS' or false
     * @throws \Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function __construct($host = '', $port = null, $ssl = false)
        if (
$host) {
$this->connect($host, $port, $ssl);

     * Public destructor
public function __destruct()

     * Open connection to IMAP server
     * @param  string      $host  hostname or IP address of IMAP server
     * @param  int|null    $port  of IMAP server, default is 143 (993 for ssl)
     * @param  string|bool $ssl   use 'SSL', 'TLS' or false
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
     * @return string welcome message
public function connect($host, $port = null, $ssl = false)
$isTls = false;

        if (
$ssl) {
$ssl = strtolower($ssl);

        switch (
$ssl) {
$host = 'ssl://' . $host;
                if (!
$port) {
$port = 993;
$isTls = true;
// break intentionally omitted
                if (!
$port) {
$port = 143;

$this->socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, self::TIMEOUT_CONNECTION);
$error = ErrorHandler::stop();
        if (!
$this->socket) {
            throw new
'cannot connect to host %s',
$error ? sprintf('; error = %s (errno = %d )', $error->getMessage(), $error->getCode()) : '')
0, $error);

        if (!
$this->assumedNextLine('* OK')) {
            throw new
Exception\RuntimeException('host doesn\'t allow connection');

        if (
$isTls) {
$result = $this->requestAndResponse('STARTTLS');
$result = $result && stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->socket, true, $this->getCryptoMethod());
            if (!
$result) {
                throw new
Exception\RuntimeException('cannot enable TLS');

     * get the next line from socket with error checking, but nothing else
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
     * @return string next line
protected function nextLine()
$line = fgets($this->socket);
        if (
$line === false) {
            throw new
Exception\RuntimeException('cannot read - connection closed?');


     * get next line and assume it starts with $start. some requests give a simple
     * feedback so we can quickly check if we can go on.
     * @param  string $start the first bytes we assume to be in the next line
     * @return bool line starts with $start
protected function assumedNextLine($start)
$line = $this->nextLine();
strpos($line, $start) === 0;

     * get next line and split the tag. that's the normal case for a response line
     * @param  string $tag tag of line is returned by reference
     * @return string next line
protected function nextTaggedLine(&$tag)
$line = $this->nextLine();

// separate tag from line
list($tag, $line) = explode(' ', $line, 2);


     * split a given line in tokens. a token is literal of any form or a list
     * @param  string $line line to decode
     * @return array tokens, literals are returned as string, lists as array
protected function decodeLine($line)
$tokens = [];
$stack = [];

            We start to decode the response here. The understood tokens are:
                "literal" or also "lit\\er\"al"
            All tokens are returned in an array. Literals in braces (the last understood
            token in the list) are returned as an array of tokens. I.e. the following response:
                "foo" baz {3}<NL>bar ("f\\\"oo" bar)
            would be returned as:
                array('foo', 'baz', 'bar', array('f\\\"oo', 'bar'));

            // TODO: add handling of '[' and ']' to parser for easier handling of response text
        //  replace any trailing <NL> including spaces with a single space
$line = rtrim($line) . ' ';
        while ((
$pos = strpos($line, ' ')) !== false) {
$token = substr($line, 0, $pos);
            if (!
strlen($token)) {
            while (
$token[0] == '(') {
array_push($stack, $tokens);
$tokens = [];
$token = substr($token, 1);
            if (
$token[0] == '"') {
                if (
preg_match('%^\(*"((.|\\\\|\\")*?)" *%', $line, $matches)) {
$tokens[] = $matches[1];
$line = substr($line, strlen($matches[0]));
            if (
$token[0] == '{') {
$endPos = strpos($token, '}');
$chars = substr($token, 1, $endPos - 1);
                if (
is_numeric($chars)) {
$token = '';
                    while (
strlen($token) < $chars) {
$token .= $this->nextLine();
$line = '';
                    if (
strlen($token) > $chars) {
$line = substr($token, $chars);
$token = substr($token, 0, $chars);
                    } else {
$line .= $this->nextLine();
$tokens[] = $token;
$line = trim($line) . ' ';
            if (
$stack && $token[strlen($token) - 1] == ')') {
// closing braces are not separated by spaces, so we need to count them
$braces = strlen($token);
$token = rtrim($token, ')');
// only count braces if more than one
$braces -= strlen($token) + 1;
// only add if token had more than just closing braces
if (rtrim($token) != '') {
$tokens[] = rtrim($token);
$token = $tokens;
$tokens = array_pop($stack);
// special handline if more than one closing brace
while ($braces-- > 0) {
$tokens[] = $token;
$token = $tokens;
$tokens = array_pop($stack);
$tokens[] = $token;
$line = substr($line, $pos + 1);

// maybe the server forgot to send some closing braces
while ($stack) {
$child = $tokens;
$tokens = array_pop($stack);
$tokens[] = $child;


     * read a response "line" (could also be more than one real line if response has {..}<NL>)
     * and do a simple decode
     * @param  array|string  $tokens    decoded tokens are returned by reference, if $dontParse
     *                                  is true the unparsed line is returned here
     * @param  string        $wantedTag check for this tag for response code. Default '*' is
     *                                  continuation tag.
     * @param  bool          $dontParse if true only the unparsed line is returned $tokens
     * @return bool if returned tag matches wanted tag
public function readLine(&$tokens = [], $wantedTag = '*', $dontParse = false)
$tag  = null;                         // define $tag variable before first use
$line = $this->nextTaggedLine($tag); // get next tag
if (! $dontParse) {
$tokens = $this->decodeLine($line);
        } else {
$tokens = $line;

// if tag is wanted tag we might be at the end of a multiline response
return $tag == $wantedTag;

     * read all lines of response until given tag is found (last line of response)
     * @param  string       $tag       the tag of your request
     * @param  bool         $dontParse if true every line is returned unparsed instead of
     *                                 the decoded tokens
     * @return null|bool|array tokens if success, false if error, null if bad request
public function readResponse($tag, $dontParse = false)
$lines = [];
$tokens = null; // define $tokens variable before first use
while (! $this->readLine($tokens, $tag, $dontParse)) {
$lines[] = $tokens;

        if (
$dontParse) {
// last to chars are still needed for response code
$tokens = [substr($tokens, 0, 2)];
// last line has response code
if ($tokens[0] == 'OK') {
$lines ? $lines : true;
        } elseif (
$tokens[0] == 'NO') {

     * send a request
     * @param  string $command your request command
     * @param  array  $tokens  additional parameters to command, use escapeString() to prepare
     * @param  string $tag     provide a tag otherwise an autogenerated is returned
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
public function sendRequest($command, $tokens = [], &$tag = null)
        if (!
$tag) {
$tag = 'TAG' . $this->tagCount;

$line = $tag . ' ' . $command;

        foreach (
$tokens as $token) {
            if (
is_array($token)) {
                if (
fwrite($this->socket, $line . ' ' . $token[0] . "\r\n") === false) {
                    throw new
Exception\RuntimeException('cannot write - connection closed?');
                if (!
$this->assumedNextLine('+ ')) {
                    throw new
Exception\RuntimeException('cannot send literal string');
$line = $token[1];
            } else {
$line .= ' ' . $token;

        if (
fwrite($this->socket, $line . "\r\n") === false) {
            throw new
Exception\RuntimeException('cannot write - connection closed?');

     * send a request and get response at once
     * @param  string $command   command as in sendRequest()
     * @param  array  $tokens    parameters as in sendRequest()
     * @param  bool   $dontParse if true unparsed lines are returned instead of tokens
     * @return mixed response as in readResponse()
public function requestAndResponse($command, $tokens = [], $dontParse = false)
$tag = null; // define $tag variable before first use
$this->sendRequest($command, $tokens, $tag);
$response = $this->readResponse($tag, $dontParse);


     * escape one or more literals i.e. for sendRequest
     * @param  string|array $string the literal/-s
     * @return string|array escape literals, literals with newline ar returned
     *                      as array('{size}', 'string');
public function escapeString($string)
        if (
func_num_args() < 2) {
            if (
strpos($string, "\n") !== false) {
                return [
'{' . strlen($string) . '}', $string];
            } else {
'"' . str_replace(['\\', '"'], ['\\\\', '\\"'], $string) . '"';
$result = [];
        foreach (
func_get_args() as $string) {
$result[] = $this->escapeString($string);

     * escape a list with literals or lists
     * @param  array $list list with literals or lists as PHP array
     * @return string escaped list for imap
public function escapeList($list)
$result = [];
        foreach (
$list as $v) {
            if (!
is_array($v)) {
$result[] = $v;
$result[] = $this->escapeList($v);
'(' . implode(' ', $result) . ')';

     * Login to IMAP server.
     * @param  string $user      username
     * @param  string $password  password
     * @return bool success
public function login($user, $password)
$this->requestAndResponse('LOGIN', $this->escapeString($user, $password), true);

     * logout of imap server
     * @return bool success
public function logout()
$result = false;
        if (
$this->socket) {
            try {
$result = $this->requestAndResponse('LOGOUT', [], true);
            } catch (
Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {
// ignoring exception
$this->socket = null;

     * Get capabilities from IMAP server
     * @return array list of capabilities
     * @throws \Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function capability()
$response = $this->requestAndResponse('CAPABILITY');

        if (!
$response) {
            return [];

$capabilities = [];
        foreach (
$response as $line) {
$capabilities = array_merge($capabilities, $line);

     * Examine and select have the same response. The common code for both
     * is in this method
     * @param  string $command can be 'EXAMINE' or 'SELECT' and this is used as command
     * @param  string $box which folder to change to or examine
     * @return bool|array false if error, array with returned information
     *                    otherwise (flags, exists, recent, uidvalidity)
     * @throws \Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function examineOrSelect($command = 'EXAMINE', $box = 'INBOX')
$tag = null; // define $tag variable before first use
$this->sendRequest($command, [$this->escapeString($box)], $tag);

$result = [];
$tokens = null; // define $tokens variable before first use
while (! $this->readLine($tokens, $tag)) {
            if (
$tokens[0] == 'FLAGS') {
$result['flags'] = $tokens;
            switch (
$tokens[1]) {
$result[strtolower($tokens[1])] = $tokens[0];
$result['uidvalidity'] = (int) $tokens[2];
// ignore

        if (
$tokens[0] != 'OK') {

     * change folder
     * @param  string $box change to this folder
     * @return bool|array see examineOrselect()
     * @throws \Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function select($box = 'INBOX')
$this->examineOrSelect('SELECT', $box);

     * examine folder
     * @param  string $box examine this folder
     * @return bool|array see examineOrselect()
     * @throws \Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function examine($box = 'INBOX')
$this->examineOrSelect('EXAMINE', $box);

     * fetch one or more items of one or more messages
     * @param  string|array $items items to fetch from message(s) as string (if only one item)
     *                             or array of strings
     * @param  int|array    $from  message for items or start message if $to !== null
     * @param  int|null     $to    if null only one message ($from) is fetched, else it's the
     *                             last message, INF means last message available
     * @param  bool         $uid   set to true if passing a unique id
     * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
     * @return string|array if only one item of one message is fetched it's returned as string
     *                      if items of one message are fetched it's returned as (name => value)
     *                      if one items of messages are fetched it's returned as (msgno => value)
     *                      if items of messages are fetched it's returned as (msgno => (name => value))
public function fetch($items, $from, $to = null, $uid = false)
        if (
is_array($from)) {
$set = implode(',', $from);
        } elseif (
$to === null) {
$set = (int) $from;
        } elseif (
$to === INF) {
$set = (int) $from . ':*';
        } else {
$set = (int) $from . ':' . (int) $to;

$items = (array) $items;
$itemList = $this->escapeList($items);

$tag = null;  // define $tag variable before first use
$this->sendRequest(($uid ? 'UID ' : '') . 'FETCH', [$set, $itemList], $tag);

$result = [];
$tokens = null; // define $tokens variable before first use
while (! $this->readLine($tokens, $tag)) {
// ignore other responses
if ($tokens[1] != 'FETCH') {

// find array key of UID value; try the last elements, or search for it
if ($uid) {
$count = count($tokens[2]);
                if (
$tokens[2][$count - 2] == 'UID') {
$uidKey = $count - 1;
                } else {
$uidKey = array_search('UID', $tokens[2]) + 1;

// ignore other messages
if ($to === null && ! is_array($from) && ($uid ? $tokens[2][$uidKey] != $from : $tokens[0] != $from)) {

// if we only want one item we return that one directly
if (count($items) == 1) {
                if (
$tokens[2][0] == $items[0]) {
$data = $tokens[2][1];
                } elseif (
$uid && $tokens[2][2] == $items[0]) {
$data = $tokens[2][3];
                } else {
// maybe the server send an other field we didn't wanted
$count = count($tokens[2]);
// we start with 2, because 0 was already checked
for ($i = 2; $i < $count; $i += 2) {
                        if (
$tokens[2][$i] != $items[0]) {
$data = $tokens[2][$i + 1];
            } else {
$data = [];
                while (
key($tokens[2]) !== null) {
$data[current($tokens[2])] = next($tokens[2]);

// if we want only one message we can ignore everything else and just return
if ($to === null && ! is_array($from) && ($uid ? $tokens[2][$uidKey] == $from : $tokens[0] == $from)) {
// we still need to read all lines
while (! $this->readLine($tokens, $tag)) {
$result[$tokens[0]] = $data;

        if (
$to === null && ! is_array($from)) {
            throw new
Exception\RuntimeException('the single id was not found in response');


     * get mailbox list
     * this method can't be named after the IMAP command 'LIST', as list is a reserved keyword
     * @param  string $reference mailbox reference for list
     * @param  string $mailbox   mailbox name match with wildcards
     * @return array mailboxes that matched $mailbox as array(globalName => array('delim' => .., 'flags' => ..))
     * @throws \Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function listMailbox($reference = '', $mailbox = '*')
$result = [];
$list = $this->requestAndResponse('LIST', $this->escapeString($reference, $mailbox));
        if (!
$list || $list === true) {

        foreach (
$list as $item) {
            if (
count($item) != 4 || $item[0] != 'LIST') {
$result[$item[3]] = ['delim' => $item[2], 'flags' => $item[1]];


     * set flags
     * @param  array       $flags  flags to set, add or remove - see $mode
     * @param  int         $from   message for items or start message if $to !== null
     * @param  int|null    $to     if null only one message ($from) is fetched, else it's the
     *                             last message, INF means last message available
     * @param  string|null $mode   '+' to add flags, '-' to remove flags, everything else sets the flags as given
     * @param  bool        $silent if false the return values are the new flags for the wanted messages
     * @return bool|array new flags if $silent is false, else true or false depending on success
     * @throws \Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function store(array $flags, $from, $to = null, $mode = null, $silent = true)
$item = 'FLAGS';
        if (
$mode == '+' || $mode == '-') {
$item = $mode . $item;
        if (
$silent) {
$item .= '.SILENT';

$flags = $this->escapeList($flags);
$set = (int) $from;
        if (
$to !== null) {
$set .= ':' . ($to == INF ? '*' : (int) $to);

$result = $this->requestAndResponse('STORE', [$set, $item, $flags], $silent);

        if (
$silent) {
            return (bool)

$tokens = $result;
$result = [];
        foreach (
$tokens as $token) {
            if (
$token[1] != 'FETCH' || $token[2][0] != 'FLAGS') {
$result[$token[0]] = $token[2][1];


     * append a new message to given folder
     * @param string $folder  name of target folder
     * @param string $message full message content
     * @param array  $flags   flags for new message
     * @param string $date    date for new message
     * @return bool success
     * @throws \Laminas\Mail\Protocol\Exception\ExceptionInterface
public function append($folder, $message, $flags = null, $date = null)
$tokens = [];
$tokens[] = $this->escapeString($folder);
        if (
$flags !== null) {
$tokens[] = $this->escapeList($flags);
        if (
$date !== null) {
$tokens[] = $this->escapeString($date);
$tokens[] = $this->escapeString($message);

$this->requestAndResponse('APPEND', $tokens, true);

     * copy message set from current folder to other folder
     * @param string   $folder destination folder
     * @param $from
     * @param int|null $to     if null only one message ($from) is fetched, else it's the
     *                         last message, INF means last message available
     * @return bool success
public function copy($folder, $from, $to = null)
$set = (int) $from;
        if (
$to !== null) {
$set .= ':' . ($to == INF ? '*' : (int) $to);

$this->requestAndResponse('COPY', [$set, $this->escapeString($folder)], true);

     * create a new folder (and parent folders if needed)
     * @param string $folder folder name
     * @return bool success
public function create($folder)
$this->requestAndResponse('CREATE', [$this->escapeString($folder)], true);

     * rename an existing folder
     * @param string $old old name
     * @param string $new new name
     * @return bool success
public function rename($old, $new)
$this->requestAndResponse('RENAME', $this->escapeString($old, $new), true);

     * remove a folder
     * @param string $folder folder name
     * @return bool success
public function delete($folder)
$this->requestAndResponse('DELETE', [$this->escapeString($folder)], true);

     * subscribe to a folder
     * @param string $folder folder name
     * @return bool success
public function subscribe($folder)
$this->requestAndResponse('SUBSCRIBE', [$this->escapeString($folder)], true);

     * permanently remove messages
     * @return bool success
public function expunge()
// TODO: parse response?
return $this->requestAndResponse('EXPUNGE');

     * send noop
     * @return bool success
public function noop()
// TODO: parse response
return $this->requestAndResponse('NOOP');

     * do a search request
     * This method is currently marked as internal as the API might change and is not
     * safe if you don't take precautions.
     * @param array $params
     * @return array message ids
public function search(array $params)
$response = $this->requestAndResponse('SEARCH', $params);
        if (!
$response) {

        foreach (
$response as $ids) {
            if (
$ids[0] == 'SEARCH') {
        return [];