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function parse()
var pos = text.indexOf('![');
if (pos === -1)
if (text.indexOf('](', pos) > 0)
if (hasReferences)

* Add an image tag for given text span
* @param {number} startPos Start tag position
* @param {number} endPos   End tag position
* @param {number} endLen   End tag length
* @param {string} linkInfo URL optionally followed by space and a title
* @param {string} alt      Value for the alt attribute
function addImageTag(startPos, endPos, endLen, linkInfo, alt)
var tag = addTagPair('IMG', startPos, 2, endPos, endLen);
setLinkAttributes(tag, linkInfo, 'src');
tag.setAttribute('alt', decode(alt));

// Overwrite the markup
overwrite(startPos, endPos + endLen - startPos);

* Parse inline images markup
function parseInlineImages()
var m, regexp = /!\[(?:[^\x17[\]]|\[[^\x17[\]]*\])*\]\(( *(?:[^\x17\s()]|\([^\x17\s()]*\))*(?=[ )]) *(?:"[^\x17]*?"|'[^\x17]*?'|\([^\x17)]*\))? *)\)/g;
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
var linkInfo = m[1],
startPos = m.index,
endLen   = 3 + linkInfo.length,
endPos   = startPos + m[0].length - endLen,
alt      = m[0].substring(2, m[0].length - endLen);

addImageTag(startPos, endPos, endLen, linkInfo, alt);

* Parse reference images markup
function parseReferenceImages()
var m, regexp = /!\[((?:[^\x17[\]]|\[[^\x17[\]]*\])*)\](?: ?\[([^\x17[\]]+)\])?/g;
while (m = regexp.exec(text))
var startPos = m.index,
endPos   = startPos + 2 + m[1].length,
endLen   = 1,
alt      = m[1],
id       = alt;

if (m[2] > '' && linkReferences[m[2]])
endLen = m[0].length - alt.length - 2;
id     = m[2];
else if (!linkReferences[id])

addImageTag(startPos, endPos, endLen, linkReferences[id], alt);