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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/vendor/pelago/emogrifier/src/Emogrifier/HtmlProcessor/HtmlPruner.php

namespace Pelago\Emogrifier\HtmlProcessor;


 * This class can remove things from HTML.
 * @author Oliver Klee <>
 * @author Jake Hotson <>
class HtmlPruner extends AbstractHtmlProcessor
     * We need to look for display:none, but we need to do a case-insensitive search. Since DOMDocument only
     * supports XPath 1.0, lower-case() isn't available to us. We've thus far only set attributes to lowercase,
     * not attribute values. Consequently, we need to translate() the letters that would be in 'NONE' ("NOE")
     * to lowercase.
     * @var string
= '//*[@style and contains(translate(translate(@style," ",""),"NOE","noe"),"display:none")'
. ' and not(@class and contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " -emogrifier-keep "))]';

     * Removes elements that have a "display: none;" style.
     * @return self fluent interface
public function removeElementsWithDisplayNone()
$elementsWithStyleDisplayNone = $this->xPath->query(self::DISPLAY_NONE_MATCHER);
        if (
$elementsWithStyleDisplayNone->length === 0) {

/** @var \DOMNode $element */
foreach ($elementsWithStyleDisplayNone as $element) {
$parentNode = $element->parentNode;
            if (
$parentNode !== null) {


     * Removes classes that are no longer required (e.g. because there are no longer any CSS rules that reference them)
     * from `class` attributes.
     * Note that this does not inspect the CSS, but expects to be provided with a list of classes that are still in use.
     * This method also has the (presumably beneficial) side-effect of minifying (removing superfluous whitespace from)
     * `class` attributes.
     * @param string[] $classesToKeep names of classes that should not be removed
     * @return self fluent interface
public function removeRedundantClasses(array $classesToKeep = [])
$elementsWithClassAttribute = $this->xPath->query('//*[@class]');

        if (
$classesToKeep !== []) {
$this->removeClassesFromElements($elementsWithClassAttribute, $classesToKeep);
        } else {
// Avoid unnecessary processing if there are no classes to keep.


     * Removes classes from the `class` attribute of each element in `$elements`, except any in `$classesToKeep`,
     * removing the `class` attribute itself if the resultant list is empty.
     * @param \DOMNodeList $elements
     * @param string[] $classesToKeep
     * @return void
private function removeClassesFromElements(\DOMNodeList $elements, array $classesToKeep)
$classesToKeepIntersector = new ArrayIntersector($classesToKeep);

/** @var \DOMNode $element */
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$elementClasses = \preg_split('/\\s++/', \trim($element->getAttribute('class')));
$elementClassesToKeep = $classesToKeepIntersector->intersectWith($elementClasses);
            if (
$elementClassesToKeep !== []) {
$element->setAttribute('class', \implode(' ', $elementClassesToKeep));
            } else {

     * Removes the `class` attribute from each element in `$elements`.
     * @param \DOMNodeList $elements
     * @return void
private function removeClassAttributeFromElements(\DOMNodeList $elements)
/** @var \DOMNode $element */
foreach ($elements as $element) {

     * After CSS has been inlined, there will likely be some classes in `class` attributes that are no longer referenced
     * by any remaining (uninlinable) CSS.  This method removes such classes.
     * Note that it does not inspect the remaining CSS, but uses information readily available from the `CssInliner`
     * instance about the CSS rules that could not be inlined.
     * @param CssInliner $cssInliner object instance that performed the CSS inlining
     * @return self fluent interface
     * @throws \BadMethodCallException if `inlineCss` has not first been called on `$cssInliner`
public function removeRedundantClassesAfterCssInlined(CssInliner $cssInliner)
$classesToKeepAsKeys = [];
        foreach (
$cssInliner->getMatchingUninlinableSelectors() as $selector) {
preg_match_all('/\\.(-?+[_a-zA-Z][\\w\\-]*+)/', $selector, $matches);
$classesToKeepAsKeys += \array_fill_keys($matches[1], true);

