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// In order to use Grunt:
// - first install NodeJS on your system (, which includes the npm tool.
// - then install the Grunt CLI on your system: (sudo) npm install -g grunt-cli
// - then switch to the folder where this file resides and install (locally in this dir) everything that is needed:
//   Just type "npm install" - this will use the package.json file to know what to install each of the required packages
//   with "npm install xxx" for each of the Dependencies listed in package.json
// - then, in order to be able to invoke 'grunt' on your system, type "sudo npm install -g grunt-cli". This will make
//   grunt available from the Command Line Interface.
// - ONCE IN A WHILE: run "npm update" to update all youe packages
// In order to use Sass:
// - Make sure Ruby is installed on your system (should be preinstalled on MacOSX. On windows:
// - Type: "sudo gem install sass"
// Once this is done, you can:
// - type 'grunt' (in this dir) and run the default tasks
// - type 'grunt xxx' where xxx is a specific task name
// - type 'grunt watch' and grunt will start listening for file edits and run automatically
// Note for devs: when adding new plugins, use for example "npm install grunt-contrib-less --save-dev"
// to update the package.json file with the new plugin reference.

module.exports = function(grunt) {

// Project configuration:

// Read project settings into the pkg property:
// (Will allow to refer to the values of the properties below)
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

// Configuration for the less->css compiling tasks:
less: {
style: {
options: {
compress: false,
//yuicompress: true,
//optimization: 2
files: {
'style.css': [ 'style.less' ],

// CSS minification:
cssmin: {
style: {
nonull: true, // Display missing files
files: {
'style.min.css': [ 'style.css' ],

// Configuration for the watch tasks:
watch: {
less: {
// Which files to watch (all .less files recursively in the whole blogs directory)
files: ['*.less'],
tasks: ['less','cssmin'],
options: {
nospawn: true,


// Load the plugin that provides the tasks ( "uglify", "less", "sass", etc. ):

// Default task(s):
grunt.registerTask('default', ['less','cssmin']);
