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 * @brief        GeoLocation
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        19 Apr 2013

namespace IPS;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * GeoLocation
class _GeoLocation
     * @brief    Country Code List
public static $countries = array(
'AF', // Afghanistan
'AX', // Åland Islands
'AL', // Albania
'DZ', // Algeria
'AS', // American Samoa
'AD', // Andorra
'AO', // Angola
'AI', // Anguilla
'AQ', // Antarctica
'AG', // Antigua and Barbuda
'AR', // Argentina
'AM', // Armenia
'AW', // Aruba
'AU', // Australia
'AT', // Austria
'AZ', // Azerbaijan
'BS', // Bahamas
'BH', // Bahrain
'BD', // Bangladesh
'BB', // Barbados
'BY', // Belarus
'BE', // Belgium
'BZ', // Belize
'BJ', // Benin
'BM', // Bermuda
'BT', // Bhutan
'BO', // Bolivia, Plurinational State Of
'BA', // Bosnia and Herzegovina
'BW', // Botswana
'BV', // Bouvet Island
'BR', // Brazil
'IO', // British Indian Ocean Territory
'BN', // Brunei Darussalam
'BG', // Bulgaria
'BF', // Burkina Faso
'BI', // Burundi
'KH', // Cambodia
'CM', // Cameroon
'CA', // Canada
'CV', // Cape Verde
'BQ', // Caribbean Netherlands
'KY', // Cayman Islands
'CF', // Central African Republic
'TD', // Chad
'CL', // Chile
'CN', // China
'CX', // Christmas Island
'CC', // Cocos (Keeling) Islands
'CO', // Colombia
'KM', // Comoros
'CG', // Congo
'CD', // Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
'CK', // Cook Islands
'CR', // Costa Rica
'CI', // Côte d’Ivoire
'HR', // Croatia
'CU', // Cuba
'CW', // Curaçao
'CY', // Cyprus
'CZ', // Czech Republic
'DK', // Denmark
'DJ', // Djibouti
'DM', // Dominica
'DO', // Dominican Republic
'EC', // Ecuador
'EG', // Egypt
'SV', // El Salvador
'GQ', // Equatorial Guinea
'ER', // Eritrea
'EE', // Estonia
'ET', // Ethiopia
'FK', // Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
'FO', // Faroe Islands
'FJ', // Fiji
'FI', // Finland
'FR', // France
'FX', // France, Metropolitan
'GF', // French Guiana
'PF', // French Polynesia
'TF', // French Southern Territories
'GA', // Gabon
'GM', // Gambia
'GE', // Georgia
'DE', // Germany
'GH', // Ghana
'GI', // Gibraltar
'GR', // Greece
'GL', // Greenland
'GD', // Grenada
'GP', // Guadeloupe
'GU', // Guam
'GT', // Guatemala
'GG', // Guernsey
'GN', // Guinea
'GW', // Guinea-Bissau
'GY', // Guyana
'HT', // Haiti
'HM', // Heard Island and McDonald Islands
'VA', // Holy See (Vatican City State)
'HN', // Honduras
'HK', // Hong Kong
'HU', // Hungary
'IS', // Iceland
'IN', // India
'ID', // Indonesia
'IR', // Iran, Islamic Republic Of
'IQ', // Iraq
'IE', // Ireland
'IM', // Isle Of Man
'IL', // Israel
'IT', // Italy
'JM', // Jamaica
'JP', // Japan
'JE', // Jersey
'JO', // Jordan
'KZ', // Kazakhstan
'KE', // Kenya
'KI', // Kiribati
'KP', // Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of
'KR', // Korea, Republic Of
'KW', // Kuwait
'KG', // Kyrgyzstan
'LA', // Laos People's Democratic Republic
'LV', // Latvia
'LB', // Lebanon
'LS', // Lesotho
'LR', // Liberia
'LY', // Libya
'LI', // Liechtenstein
'LT', // Lithuania
'LU', // Luxembourg
'MO', // Macao
'MK', // Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of
'MG', // Madagascar
'MW', // Malawi
'MY', // Malaysia
'MV', // Maldives
'ML', // Mali
'MT', // Malta
'MH', // Marshall Islands
'MQ', // Martinique
'MR', // Mauritania
'MU', // Mauritius
'YT', // Mayotte
'MX', // Mexico
'FM', // Micronesia, Federated States Of
'MD', // Moldova, Republic Of
'MC', // Monaco
'MN', // Mongolia
'ME', // Montenegro
'MS', // Montserrat
'MA', // Morocco
'MZ', // Mozambique
'MM', // Myanmar
'NA', // Namibia
'NR', // Nauru
'NP', // Nepal
'NL', // Netherlands
'NC', // New Caledonia
'NZ', // New Zealand
'NI', // Nicaragua
'NE', // Niger
'NG', // Nigeria
'NU', // Niue
'NF', // Norfolk Island
'MP', // Northern Mariana Islands
'NO', // Norway
'OM', // Oman
'PK', // Pakistan
'PW', // Palau
'PS', // Palestine, State of
'PA', // Panama
'PG', // Papua New Guinea
'PY', // Paraguay
'PE', // Peru
'PH', // Philippines
'PN', // Pitcairn
'PL', // Poland
'PT', // Portugal
'PR', // Puerto Rico
'QA', // Qatar
'RE', // Réunion
'RO', // Romania
'RU', // Russian Federation
'RW', // Rwanda
'BL', // Saint Barthélemy
'SH', // Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
'KN', // Saint Kitts and Nevis
'LC', // Saint Lucia
'MF', // Saint Martin
'PM', // Saint Pierre and Miquelon
'VC', // Saint Vincent and The Grenadines
'WS', // Samoa
'SM', // San Marino
'ST', // Sao Tome and Principe
'SA', // Saudi Arabia
'SN', // Senegal
'RS', // Serbia
'SC', // Seychelles
'SL', // Sierra Leone
'SG', // Singapore
'SX', // Sint Maarten
'SK', // Slovakia
'SI', // Slovenia
'SB', // Solomon Islands
'SO', // Somalia
'ZA', // South Africa
'GS', // South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands
'SS', // South Sudan
'ES', // Spain
'LK', // Sri Lanka
'SD', // Sudan
'SR', // Suriname
'SJ', // Svalbard and Jan Mayen
'SZ', // Swaziland
'SE', // Sweden
'CH', // Switzerland
'SY', // Syrian Arab Republic
'TW', // Taiwan, Province Of China
'TJ', // Tajikistan
'TZ', // Tanzania, United Republic Of
'TH', // Thailand
'TL', // Timor-Leste
'TG', // Togo
'TK', // Tokelau
'TO', // Tonga
'TT', // Trinidad and Tobago
'TN', // Tunisia
'TR', // Turkey
'TM', // Turkmenistan
'TC', // Turks and Caicos Islands
'TV', // Tuvalu
'UG', // Uganda
'UA', // Ukraine
'AE', // United Arab Emirates
'GB', // United Kingdom
'US', // United States
'UM', // United States Minor Outlying Islands
'UY', // Uruguay
'UZ', // Uzbekistan
'VU', // Vanuatu
'VE', // Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of
'VN', // Vietnam
'VG', // Virgin Islands, British
'VI', // Virgin Islands, U.S.
'WF', // Wallis and Futuna
'EH', // Western Sahara
'YE', // Yemen
'ZM', // Zambia
'ZW', // Zimbabwe

     * @brief    State List
public static $states = array(
'AU' => array(
'Australian Capital Territory',
'New South Wales',
'Northern Territory',
'South Australia',
'Western Australia',
'BR' => array(
'Distrito Federal',
'Espírito Santo',
'Mato Grosso',
'Mato Grosso do Sul',
'Minas Gerais',
'Rio de Janeiro',
'Rio Grande do Norte',
'Rio Grande do Sul',
'Santa Catarina',
'São Paulo',
'CA' => array(
"British Columbia",
"New Brunswick",
"Newfoundland and Labrador",
"Northwest Territories",
"Nova Scotia",
"Prince Edward Island",
'PT' => array(
"Castelo Branco",
"Madeira Islands",
"Viana do Castelo",
"Vila Real",
'US' => array(
"American Samoa",
"District of Columbia",
"Federated States Of Micronesia",
"Marshall Islands",
"New Hampshire",
"New Jersey",
"New Mexico",
"New York",
"North Carolina",
"North Dakota",
"Northern Mariana Islands",
"Puerto Rico",
"Rhode Island",
"South Carolina",
"South Dakota",
"Virgin Islands",
"West Virginia",
"Armed Forces - Americas",
"Armed Forces - Europe",
"Armed Forces - Pacific",

     * @brief    Latitude
public $lat;
     * @brief    Longitude
public $long;
     * @brief    Address Lines
public $addressLines = array( NULL );
     * @brief    City
public $city;
     * @brief    Region
public $region;
     * @brief    Country (2 character code)
public $country;
     * @brief    Postal Code
public $postalCode;
     * @brief    Map
protected $map;
     * Get by IP address
     * @param    string    $ip    IP Address
     * @return    \IPS\GeoLocation
     * @throws    \BadFunctionCallException        Service is not available
     * @throws    \IPS\Http\Request\Exception        Error communicating with external service
     * @throws    \RuntimeException                Error within the external service
     * @throws    \OutOfRangeException            IP address has no data
public static function getByIp( $ip )
/* If the service is not turned on - throw an exception */
if ( !\IPS\Settings::i()->ipsgeoip )
            throw new \
/* If the license key is invalid or expired the service won't work, so throw an exception */
$licenseData = \IPS\IPS::licenseKey();
        if( !
$licenseData or !$licenseData['active'] )
            throw new \
/* Check the cache */
$data = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'data', 'core_geoip_cache', array( 'ip_address=?', $ip ) )->first();
            if ( !
$data )
/* @note This was changed from an \UnderflowException to be consistent with the \OutOfRangeException thrown later on, otherwise the system will keep trying even when it should not. cleanup task will remove out of date entries and it can try again then. */
throw new \OutOfRangeException;
/* Not in the cache - get from tge external service */
catch ( \UnderflowException $e )
/* Fetch */
$response = \IPS\Http\Url::ips( 'geoip/' . urlencode( $ip ) )->request()->login( \IPS\Settings::i()->ipb_reg_number, '' )->get();
/* If it's a 404, the IP doesn't exist, we still store NULL to prevent multiple calls */
if ( $response->httpResponseCode == 404 )
$data = NULL;
/* If it's anything other than a 200, log it and throw exception */
elseif ( $response->httpResponseCode != 200 )
IPS\Log::log( "GeoIP Error\n\nRequested IP: {$ip}\n\nResponse:\n" . print_r( $response, TRUE ), 'geoip' );
                throw new \
/* Otherwise it's fine */
$data = (string) $response;
/* Cache */
\IPS\Db::i()->replace( 'core_geoip_cache', array(
'ip_address'    => $ip,
'data'            => $data,
'date'            => time()
            ) );
/* If there's nothing, throw an exception */
if ( !$data )
            throw new \
/* Return */
return static::buildFromJson( $data );

     * @brief Cached lookups to prevent duplicate lookups
static protected $lookupCache = array( 'latlong' => array(), 'address' => array() );

     * Get by latitude and longitude
     * @param    float    $lat    Latitude
     * @param    float    $long    Longitude
     * @return    \IPS\GeoLocation
     * @throws    \BadFunctionCallException
     * @throws    \IPS\Http\Request\Exception
public static function getByLatLong( $lat, $long )
        if( isset( static::
$lookupCache['latlong'][ $lat . 'x' . $long ] ) )
            return static::
$lookupCache['latlong'][ $lat . 'x' . $long ];

$lookupCache['latlong'][ $lat . 'x' . $long ] = \IPS\GeoLocation\GeoCoder::i()->decodeLatLong( $lat, $long );

        return static::
$lookupCache['latlong'][ $lat . 'x' . $long ];

     * Get the latitude and longitude for the current object. Address must be set.
     * @param    bool    $setAddress    Whether or not to update the address information from the GeoCoder service
     * @return    void
     * @throws    \BadMethodCallException
public function getLatLong( $setAddress = FALSE )
$lookupKey = md5( $this->toString() );

        if( isset( static::
$lookupCache['address'][ $lookupKey ] ) )
json_decode( static::$lookupCache['address'][ $lookupKey ], true ) as $property => $value )
$property == 'lat' OR $property == 'long' OR $setAddress === TRUE )
$this->$property = $value;

IPS\GeoLocation\GeoCoder::i()->setLatLong( $this, $setAddress );

$lookupCache['address'][ $lookupKey ] = json_encode( $this );

     * Build from JSON
     * @param     string    $json    JSON data
     * @return    |IPS\GeoLocation
public static function buildFromJson( $json )
$json = json_decode( $json, TRUE );
$obj = new static;
        if ( !empty(
$json ) )
            foreach (
$json as $k => $v )
$obj->$k = $v;
     * Get location
     * @return    string
public function __toString()

     * Convert to string
     * @param    string    $separator    Separator
     * @param    string|null    $name    Optional name to add to the address
     * @return    string
     * @note    While some places like France capitalize the surname, this cannot be done automatically because the surname could be supplied as the first or last
    name value, and the name could contain more than one string that constitutes the surname.
public function toString( $separator=', ', $name=NULL )
$output    = array();

$name !== NULL )
$output[]    = $name;

        foreach ( array(
'addressLines', 'city', 'region', 'postalCode' ) as $k )
            if (
$this->$k )
                if (
is_array( $this->$k ) )
                    foreach (
$this->$k as $v )
$v )
$output[] = htmlspecialchars( $v, ENT_DISALLOWED, 'UTF-8', FALSE );
$output[] = htmlspecialchars( $this->$k, ENT_DISALLOWED, 'UTF-8', FALSE );
        if (
$this->country and $this->country !== static::buildFromJson( \IPS\Settings::i()->site_address )->country )
$output[] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( htmlspecialchars( 'country-' . $this->country, ENT_DISALLOWED, 'UTF-8', FALSE ), FALSE, array( 'strtoupper' => TRUE ) );
            catch ( \
UnderflowException $e )
$output[] = htmlspecialchars( $this->country, ENT_DISALLOWED, 'UTF-8', FALSE );

        if ( !empty(
$output ) )
implode( $separator, $output );
        elseif (
$this->lat and $this->long )

     * Build Map
     * @return    \IPS\GeoLocation\Map
     * @throws    \BadMethodCallException
public function map()
        if (
$this->map === NULL )
            if ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->googlemaps and \IPS\Settings::i()->google_maps_api_key )
$this->map = new \IPS\GeoLocation\Maps\Google( $this );
            else if ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->mapbox and \IPS\Settings::i()->mapbox_api_key)
$this->map = new \IPS\GeoLocation\Maps\Mapbox( $this );
                throw new \


     * Return value to use in template
     * @param    string    $data    Data to parse
     * @return    string
public static function parseForOutput( $data )
$address    = json_decode( $data, TRUE );
$mapper        = new static;

        if (
is_array( $address ) )
$address as $k => $v )
$mapper->$k = $v;

        return (string)
     * Get output for API
     * @param    \IPS\Member|NULL    $authorizedMember    The member making the API request or NULL for API Key / client_credentials
     * @return    array
     * @apiresponse    float        lat                Latitude
     * @apiresponse    float        long            Longitude
     * @apiresponse    [string]    addressLines    Lines of the street address
     * @apiresponse    string        city            City
     * @apiresponse    string        region            State/Region
     * @apiresponse    string        country            2-letter country code
     * @apiresponse    string        postalCode        ZIP/Postal Code
public function apiOutput( \IPS\Member $authorizedMember = NULL )

     * GeoLocation is enabled
     * @return    bool
public static function enabled()
        return ( ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->googlemaps and \IPS\Settings::i()->google_maps_api_key ) || ( \IPS\Settings::i()->mapbox and \IPS\Settings::i()->mapbox_api_key ) );