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 * @brief        FTP Details input class for Form Builder
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @subpackage    Nexus
 * @since        17 Apr 2014

namespace IPS\Helpers\Form;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * FTP input class for Form Builder
class _Ftp extends \IPS\Helpers\Form\FormAbstract
     * @brief    Default Options
     * @code
             'validate'                => TRUE,        // Should details be validated?
             'allowBypassValidation'    => TRUE,        // If TRUE, the user will be allowed to use value even if the validation fails
             'rejectUnsupportedSftp'    => FALSE,        // If SFTP deatils are provided, but the server doesn't support it, should validation fail?
     * @endcode
protected $defaultOptions = array(
'validate'                => TRUE,
'allowBypassValidation'    => FALSE,
'rejectUnsupportedSftp'    => FALSE,
     * Get HTML
     * @return    string
public function html()
IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'global_forms.js', 'nexus', 'global' ) );
$value = is_array( $this->value ) ? $this->value : json_decode( \IPS\Text\Encrypt::fromTag( $this->value )->decrypt(), TRUE );
$defaultValue = is_array( $this->defaultValue ) ? $this->defaultValue : json_decode( \IPS\Text\Encrypt::fromTag( $this->defaultValue )->decrypt(), TRUE );
        if ( isset(
$value['pw'] ) and isset( $defaultValue['pw'] ) and $value['pw'] and $value['pw'] === $defaultValue['pw'] and !$this->error )
$value['pw'] = '********';
        return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->ftp( $this->name, $value, $this->options['allowBypassValidation'] and $this->error );
     * Get Value
     * @return    mixed
public function getValue()
$value = parent::getValue();
        if ( isset(
$value['pw'] ) and $value['pw'] === '********' )
$defaultValue = is_array( $this->defaultValue ) ? $this->defaultValue : json_decode( \IPS\Text\Encrypt::fromTag( $this->defaultValue )->decrypt(), TRUE );
$value['pw'] = $defaultValue['pw'];
     * Validate
     * @param    array    $value    The value
     * @return    \IPS\Ftp
public static function connectFromValue( $value )
        if (
$value['protocol'] == 'sftp' )
$ftp = new \IPS\Ftp\Sftp( $value['server'], $value['un'], $value['pw'], $value['port'] );
$ftp = new \IPS\Ftp( $value['server'], $value['un'], $value['pw'], $value['port'], ( $value['protocol'] == 'ssl_ftp' ), 3 );
$ftp->chdir( $value['path'] );
     * Validate
     * @return    bool
public function validate()
/* Do we have a value? */
if ( $this->value['server'] or $this->value['un'] or $this->value['pw'] )
/* And is it different to what it was originally, or do we need to establish the connection for custom validation? */
$defaultValue = is_array( $this->defaultValue ) ? $this->defaultValue : json_decode( \IPS\Text\Encrypt::fromTag( $this->defaultValue )->decrypt(), TRUE );
            if (
$defaultValue['protocol'] != $this->value['protocol'] or $defaultValue['server'] != $this->value['server'] or $defaultValue['port'] != $this->value['port'] or $defaultValue['un'] != $this->value['un'] or $defaultValue['pw'] != $this->value['pw'] or $defaultValue['path'] != $this->value['path'] or $this->customValidationCode !== NULL )
/* And are we supposed to be validating? */
if ( $this->options['validate'] and ( !$this->options['allowBypassValidation'] or !isset( $this->value['bypassValidation'] ) ) )
/* Do normal validation */
$ftp = static::connectFromValue( $this->value );
                    catch ( \
IPS\Ftp\Exception $e )
                        throw new \
DomainException( 'ftp_err-' . $e->getMessage() );
                    catch ( \
BadMethodCallException $e )
// This means we tried an SFTP connection, but the server doesn't support it. We'll have to assume it's correct unless we've specifically set not to
if ( $this->options['rejectUnsupportedSftp'] )
                            throw new \
DomainException( 'ftp_err_no_sftp' );
/* Do any custom validation */
if( $this->customValidationCode !== NULL )
call_user_func( $this->customValidationCode, $ftp );
/* If not, should we? */
elseif ( $this->required )
            throw new \
DomainException( 'form_required' );

     * String Value
     * @param    mixed    $value    The value
     * @return    string
public static function stringValue( $value )
        return \
IPS\Text\Encrypt::fromPlaintext( json_encode( $value ) )->tag();