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Root |
 * @brief        Front Navigation Handler
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @subpackage    Core
 * @since        30 Jun 2015

namespace IPS\core;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Front Navigation Extension: Custom Item
class _FrontNavigation
     * @brief    Singleton Instances
     * @note    This needs to be declared in any child classes as well, only declaring here for editor code-complete/error-check functionality
protected static $instance = NULL;
     * @brief    This is a hacky flag to indicate if active page is a club area so we know which tab to highlight in the menu
public static $clubTabActive = FALSE;
     * @brief    Store root objects for re-use later
protected $roots = NULL;
     * @brief    Store subBars objects for later use
protected $subBars = NULL;
     * Get instance
     * @return    static
public static function i()
        if( static::
$instance === NULL )
$classname = get_called_class();
$instance = new $classname;
        return static::
     * Get data store
     * @param    bool    $noStore    If true, will skip datastore and get from DB (used for ACP preview)
     * @return    array
public static function frontNavigation( $noStore=FALSE )
        if (
$noStore or !isset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->frontNavigation ) )
$frontNavigation = array( 0 => array(), 1 => array() );
$select = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_menu', NULL, 'position' );
            if (
count( $select ) )
                foreach (
$select as $item )
                    if ( \
IPS\Application::appIsEnabled( $item['app'] ) )
$frontNavigation[ intval( $item['parent'] ) ][ $item['id'] ] = $item;
            if (
$noStore )
IPS\Data\Store::i()->frontNavigation = $frontNavigation;
        return \
     * Delete front navigation items by application
     * @param    \IPS\Application    $app    Application deleted
     * @return    void
public static function deleteByApplication( \IPS\Application $app )
        foreach( \
IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_menu', array( array( 'extension=?', 'CustomItem' ) ) ) as $row )
$config = json_decode( $row['config'], TRUE );
            if ( isset(
$config['menu_custom_item_url'] ) and $config['menu_custom_item_url'] and isset( $config['internal'] ) and $config['internal'] )
parse_str( $config['menu_custom_item_url'], $data );
                    if ( ! empty(
$data['app'] ) and $data['app'] === $app->directory )
IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_menu', array( 'id=?', $row['id'] ) );
                catch( \
Exception $e ) { }
IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_menu', array( 'app=?', $app->directory ) );
        unset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->frontNavigation );
     * Build default front navigation
     * @return    void
public static function buildDefaultFrontNavigation()
IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_menu' );
$position = 1;
/* Browse */
\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_menu', array(
'id'            => 1,
'app'            => 'core',
'extension'        => 'CustomItem',
'config'        => json_encode( array( 'menu_custom_item_url' => '', 'internal' => '' ) ),
'position'        => $position++,
'parent'        => NULL,
'permissions'    => NULL,
        ) );

/* Activity */
\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_menu', array(
'id'            => 2,
'app'            => 'core',
'extension'        => 'CustomItem',
'config'        => json_encode( array( 'menu_custom_item_url' => 'app=core&module=discover&controller=streams', 'internal' => 'discover_all' ) ),
'position'        => $position++,
'parent'        => NULL,
'permissions'    => NULL,
        ) );
/* Loop */
$waiting = array();
        foreach ( \
IPS\Application::applications() as $app )
            if ( \
IPS\Application::appIsEnabled( $app->directory ) )
$defaultNavigation = $app->defaultFrontNavigation();
                foreach (
$defaultNavigation as $type => $tabs )
                    foreach (
$tabs as $config )
                        switch (
$type )
$parent = NULL;
$parent = 1;
$parent = 2;
$config['real_app'] = $app->directory;
                        if ( !isset(
$config['app'] ) )
$config['app'] = $app->directory;
                        if (
$type == 'browseTabsEnd' )
$waiting[] = $config;
insertMenuItem( $parent, $config, $position );
        foreach (
$waiting as $config )
insertMenuItem( 1, $config, $position );
     * Insert a menu item
     * @param    int        $parent            Parent ID
     * @param    array    $config            Configuration
     * @param    int        $position        Position
     * @param    bool    $isMenuChild    Is item in a menu?
     * @return    void
public static function insertMenuItem( $parent, $config, $position, $isMenuChild=FALSE )
$insertedId = \IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_menu', array(
'app'            => $config['app'],
'extension'        => $config['key'],
'config'        => json_encode( isset( $config['config'] ) ? $config['config'] : array() ),
'position'        => ( intval( $position ) + 1 ),
'parent'        => $parent,
'permissions'    => NULL,
'is_menu_child'    => $isMenuChild,
        ) );
        if ( isset(
$config['title'] ) )
IPS\Lang::copyCustom( $config['real_app'], $config['title'], "menu_item_{$insertedId}" );
        if ( isset(
$config['children'] ) )
            foreach (
$config['children'] as $childConfig )
$childConfig['real_app'] = $config['real_app'];
                if ( !isset(
$childConfig['app'] ) )
$childConfig['app'] = $config['real_app'];
insertMenuItem( $insertedId, $childConfig, $position, $config['app'] == 'core' and $config['key'] == 'Menu' );
     * @brief    The active primary navigation bar
public $activePrimaryNavBar = NULL;
     * Get roots
     * @param    bool    $noStore    If true, will skip datastore and get from DB (used for ACP preview)
     * @return    array
public function roots( $noStore=FALSE )
        if (
$this->roots === NULL )
$this->roots = array();
$frontNavigation = static::frontNavigation( $noStore );
$return = array();
            foreach (
$frontNavigation[0] as $item )
$class = 'IPS\\' . $item['app'] . '\extensions\core\FrontNavigation\\' . $item['extension'];
                if (
class_exists( $class ) )
$object = new $class( json_decode( $item['config'], TRUE ), $item['id'], $item['permissions'] );
                    if ( !
$this->activePrimaryNavBar )
$this->activePrimaryNavBar = $item['id'];
$this->roots[ $item['id'] ] = $object;

     * Get sub-bars
     * @param    bool    $noStore    If true, will skip datastore and get from DB (used for ACP preview)
     * @return    array
public function subBars( $noStore=FALSE )
        if (
$this->subBars === NULL )
$this->subBars = array();
$frontNavigation = static::frontNavigation( $noStore );
$parentIDs = array();
// Changed so that empty sub bars don't add an array to their parent, allowing us to do count( $subBars ) and figure
            // out if there's any to show.
foreach ( $frontNavigation[0] as $item )
$parentIDs[] = $item['id'];

            foreach (
$parentIDs as $i )
                if ( isset(
$frontNavigation[$i] ) )
                    foreach (
$frontNavigation[$i] as $item )
                        if ( empty(
$item['is_menu_child'] ) )
$class = 'IPS\\' . $item['app'] . '\extensions\core\FrontNavigation\\' . $item['extension'];
                            if (
class_exists( $class ) )
$this->subBars[ $item['parent'] ][ $item['id'] ] = new $class( json_decode( $item['config'], TRUE ), $item['id'], $item['permissions'] );
