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Root |
 * @brief        Friendly URL
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        11 May 2015

namespace IPS\Http\Url;
/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Friendly URL
class _Friendly extends \IPS\Http\Url\Internal
     * @brief    Base
public $base = 'front';
     * @brief    SEO Template
public $seoTemplate;
     * @brief    SEO Titles (unencoded)
public $seoTitles = array();
     * @brief    The friendly URL component, which may be for the path or the query string (e.g. "topic/1-test")
public $friendlyUrlComponent;
/* !Factory methods */
     * Create a friendly URL from a query string
     * @param    int                $protocol                Protocol (one of the PROTOCOL_* constants)
     * @param    string            $friendlyUrlComponent    The friendly URL component, which may be for the path or the query string (e.g. "topic/1-test")
     * @param    array            $queryString            Additional query string data
     * @return    \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly
     * @throws    \IPS\Http\Url\Exception
public static function friendlyUrlFromComponent( $protocol, $friendlyUrlComponent, $queryString )
        if ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->htaccess_mod_rewrite )
            return static::
$friendlyUrlComponent ? "{$friendlyUrlComponent}/" : '',
            return static::
$friendlyUrlComponent ? array( "/{$friendlyUrlComponent}/" => NULL ) : array() ) + $queryString
     * Create a friendly URL from a full URL, working out friendly URL data
     * @param    array        $components            An array of components as returned by componentsFromUrlString()
     * @param    string        $potentialFurl        The potential FURL slug (e.g. "topic/1-test")
     * @return    \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly|NULL
public static function createFriendlyUrlFromComponents( $components, $potentialFurl )
/* Loop each of our friendly URL definitions */
$matchedFurlDefinition = NULL;
$seoTitles = array();
        foreach ( static::
furlDefinition() as $seoTemplate => $furlDefinition )
            if (
$returnedMatches = static::getMatchedParamsFromFriendlyUrlComponent( $furlDefinition, $potentialFurl ) )
$matchedFurlDefinition = $furlDefinition;
$matchedParams, $seoTitles ) = $returnedMatches;
/* If we didn't get one return NULL */
if ( !$matchedFurlDefinition )
/* If we did, create our object... */
return static::createFromComponents( $components[ static::COMPONENT_HOST ], $components[ static::COMPONENT_SCHEME ], $components[ static::COMPONENT_PATH ], $components[ static::COMPONENT_QUERY ], $components[ static::COMPONENT_PORT ], $components[ static::COMPONENT_USERNAME ], $components[ static::COMPONENT_PASSWORD ], $components[ static::COMPONENT_FRAGMENT ] )
setFriendlyUrlData( $seoTemplate, $seoTitles, $matchedParams, $potentialFurl );
     * Create a friendly URL from a query string with known friendly URL data
     * @param    string            $queryString    The query string
     * @param    string            $seoTemplate    The key for making this a friendly URL
     * @param    string|array    $seoTitles        The title(s) needed for the friendly URL
     * @param    int                $protocol        Protocol (one of the PROTOCOL_* constants)
     * @return    \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly
     * @throws    \IPS\Http\Url\Exception
     * @todo    Currently this will silently return a non-friendly URL if $seoTemplate is not valid, for backwards compatibility. Remove this in a major update.
public static function friendlyUrlFromQueryString( $queryString, $seoTemplate, $seoTitles, $protocol )
/* Get the friendly URL component */
$friendlyUrlComponent = static::buildFriendlyUrlComponentFromData( $queryString, $seoTemplate, $seoTitles );
        catch ( \
IPS\Http\Url\Exception $e )
            if (
$e->getMessage() === 'INVALID_SEO_TEMPLATE' and !\IPS\IN_DEV )
                return static::
createInternalFromComponents( 'front', $protocol, 'index.php', $queryString );
/* Extract the hidden query string parameters inside it */
$matchedParams = array();
$furlDefinition = static::furlDefinition();
        if ( !isset(
$furlDefinition[ $seoTemplate ] ) )
            throw new \
IPS\Http\Url\Exception( 'INVALID_SEO_TEMPLATE' );
        if (
$returnedMatches = static::getMatchedParamsFromFriendlyUrlComponent( $furlDefinition[ $seoTemplate ], $friendlyUrlComponent ) )
$matchedParams, $_seoTitles ) = $returnedMatches;
            if ( \
                throw new \
/* Return */
return static::friendlyUrlFromComponent( $protocol, $friendlyUrlComponent, $queryString )->setFriendlyUrlData( $seoTemplate, $seoTitles, $matchedParams, $friendlyUrlComponent );
/* !Instance */
     * Set friendly URL data
     * @param    string            $seoTemplate            The key for making this a friendly URL
     * @param    string|array    $seoTitles                The title(s) needed for the friendly URL
     * @param    array            $matchedParams            The values for hidden query string properties
     * @param    string            $friendlyUrlComponent    The friendly URL component, which may be for the path or the query string (e.g. "topic/1-test")
     * @return    \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly
     * @throws    \IPS\Http\Url\Exception
protected function setFriendlyUrlData( $seoTemplate, $seoTitles, $matchedParams=array(), $friendlyUrlComponent )
/* Get the definition */
$furlDefinition = static::furlDefinition();
        if ( !isset(
$furlDefinition[ $seoTemplate ] ) )
            throw new \
IPS\Http\Url\Exception( 'INVALID_SEO_TEMPLATE' );
/* Set basic properties */
$this->seoTemplate = $seoTemplate;
$this->seoTitles = is_string( $seoTitles ) ? array( $seoTitles ) : $seoTitles;
$this->friendlyUrlComponent = $friendlyUrlComponent;
/* Set hidden query string */
parse_str( $furlDefinition[ $seoTemplate ]['real'], $hiddenQueryString );
$this->hiddenQueryString = $hiddenQueryString + $matchedParams;
/* Return */
return $this;
     * Validate that the SEO title is correct
     * @return    mixed    The correct URL if incorrect, TRUE is correct, or NULL if unknown
public function correctFriendlyUrl()
/* Get the definition */
$furlDefinition = static::furlDefinition();
/* If we don't have a validate callback, we can return NULL */
if ( !isset( $furlDefinition[ $this->seoTemplate ]['verify'] ) or !$furlDefinition[ $this->seoTemplate ]['verify'] )
/* Load it */
            if (
$correctUrl = $this->correctUrlFromVerifyClass( $furlDefinition[ $this->seoTemplate ]['verify'] ) )
/* IP.Board 3.x used /page-x in the path rather than a query string argument - we support this so as not to break past links */
if( mb_strpos( (string) $this, '/page-' ) )
preg_match( "/\/page\-(\d+)/", (string) $this, $matches );

                    if( isset(
$matches[1] ) )
$correctUrl = $correctUrl->setQueryString( 'page', $matches[1] );

/* IP.Board 3.x also used to do /page__x__y__a__b for /?x=y&a=b ... let's extract those parameters */
if( mb_strpos( (string) $this, '/page__' ) )
preg_match( "/\/page__([^\/$]+?)(?:$|\/)/", (string) $this, $matches );

                    if( isset(
$matches[1] ) )
$params    = explode( '__', $matches[1] );
$key    = NULL;

$params as $param )
$key === NULL )
$key = $param;
$correctUrl = $correctUrl->setQueryString( $key, $param );
$key = NULL;
/* And it also used to do index.php?/topic/123-example/?p=456 - with the double ? */
foreach ( $correctUrl->queryString as $k => $v )
                    if (
preg_match( '/^\/' . preg_quote( $correctUrl->friendlyUrlComponent, '/' ) . '\/\?(.+)$/', $k, $matches ) )
$correctUrl = $correctUrl->setQueryString( array(
$matches[0]    => NULL,
$matches[1]    => $v
) );
                if ( (string)
$correctUrl->normaliseForEqualityCheck() !== (string) $this->normaliseForEqualityCheck() )
/* It doesn't exist */
catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e )
     * Normalise the URL for comparing if the "correct" URL is different to the accessed URL
     * @return    \IPS\Http\Url
public function normaliseForEqualityCheck()
/* Strip the query string except the FURL component */
$return = $this->stripQueryString();
/* Make it schema-relative */
$return = $return->setScheme( NULL );
/* Return */
return $return;
     * Strip Query String
     * Overrides main method so that the FURL slug isn't lost
     * @param    string|array    $keys    The key(s) to strip - if omitted, entire query string is wiped
     * @return    \IPS\Http\Url
public function stripQueryString( $keys=NULL )
        if (
$keys === NULL and !\IPS\Settings::i()->htaccess_mod_rewrite )
$keys = $this->queryString;
$keys[ "/{$this->friendlyUrlComponent}/" ] );
$keys = array_keys( $keys );
parent::stripQueryString( $keys );
/* !Utilities */
     * Get friendly URL component (e.g. "topic/1-test") from a query string and SEO template
     * @param    string            $queryString    The query string - is passed by reference and any parts used are removed, which can be used to detect extraneous parts
     * @param    string            $seoTemplate    The key for making this a friendly URL
     * @param    string|array    $seoTitles        The title(s) needed for the friendly URL
     * @return    string
     * @throws    \IPS\Http\Url\Exception
public static function buildFriendlyUrlComponentFromData( &$queryString, $seoTemplate, $seoTitles )
/* Get the definition */
$furlDefinition = static::furlDefinition();
        if ( !isset(
$furlDefinition[ $seoTemplate ] ) )
            throw new \
IPS\Http\Url\Exception( 'INVALID_SEO_TEMPLATE' );
$component = $furlDefinition[ $seoTemplate ]['friendly'];
/* Parse the query string into an array */
parse_str( $queryString, $queryString );
/* For each query string component, replace it out */
foreach ( $queryString as $k => $v )
            if (
mb_strpos( $component, "{#{$k}}" ) !== FALSE or mb_strpos( $component, "{@{$k}}" ) !== FALSE )
$component = str_replace( "{#{$k}}", intval( $v ), $component );
$component = str_replace( "{@{$k}}", $v, $component );
$queryString[ $k ] );
/* Parse out the titles */
$seoTitles = is_null( $seoTitles ) ? array() : ( is_string( $seoTitles ) ? array( $seoTitles ) : array_values( $seoTitles ) );
$seoTitlesCount = count( $seoTitles );
        for (
$i = 0; $i < $seoTitlesCount; $i++ )
            if (
$i === 0 )
$component = str_replace( '{?}', $seoTitles[ $i ], $component );
$component = str_replace( "{?{$i}}", $seoTitles[ $i ], $component );
/* Remove the "real" parts in the query string */
parse_str( $furlDefinition[ $seoTemplate ]['real'], $realQueryString );
        foreach (
$realQueryString as $k => $v )
            if ( isset(
$queryString[ $k ] ) and $queryString[ $k ] == $v )
$queryString[ $k ] );
/* Return */
return $component;
     * Convert a value into an "SEO Title" for friendly URLs
     * @param    string    $value    Value
     * @return    string
     * @note    Many places require an SEO title, so we always need to return something, so when no valid title is available we return a dash
public static function seoTitle( $value )
/* Ensure there are no HTML tags */
$value = strip_tags( $value );
/* Always lowercase */
$value = mb_strtolower( $value );

/* Get rid of newlines/carriage returns as they're not cool in friendly URL titles */
$value = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r", "\n" ), ' ', $value );

/* Just for readability */
$value = str_replace( ' ', '-', $value );
/* Disallowed characters which browsers may try to automatically percent-encode */
$value = str_replace( array( '!', '*', '\'', '(', ')', ';', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '%', '\\', '"', '<', '>', '^', '{', '}', '|', '.', '`' ), '', $value );
/* Trim */
$value = preg_replace( '/\-+/', '-', $value );
$value = trim( $value, '-' );
$value = trim( $value );
/* Return */
return $value ?: '-';
     * Get the matched parameters and SEO titles from a friendly URL component for a particular
     * @param    array        $furlDefinition            The FURL definition from the furl.json file
     * @param    string        $friendlyUrlComponent    The friendly URL component, which may be for the path or the query string (e.g. "topic/1-test")
     * @return    array|NULL    array( $matchedParams, $seoTitles ) if matched, NULL if the $friendlyUrlComponent does not match this $furlDefinition
protected static function getMatchedParamsFromFriendlyUrlComponent( $furlDefinition, $friendlyUrlComponent )
/* See if it matches */
$seoTitles = array();
$matchedParams = array();
        foreach (
$furlDefinition['regex'] as $_regex )
            if (
preg_match( '/^' . $_regex . '$/i', $friendlyUrlComponent, $matches ) )
                foreach (
$furlDefinition['params'] as $k => $param )
                    if (
$param )
$matchedParams[ $param ] = $matches[ $k + 1 ];
$seoTitles[] = $matches[ $k + 1 ];
                return array(
$matchedParams, $seoTitles );
/* Still here? No match */
return NULL;
     * @brief    FURL Definition
protected static $furlDefinition = NULL;
     * Get FURL Definition
     * @param    bool    $revert    If TRUE, ignores all customisations and reloads from json
     * @return    array
public static function furlDefinition( $revert=FALSE )
        if ( static::
$furlDefinition === NULL or $revert )
$furlCustomizations    = ( \IPS\Settings::i()->furl_configuration AND !$revert ) ? json_decode( \IPS\Settings::i()->furl_configuration, TRUE ) : array();
$furlConfiguration = ( isset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->furl_configuration ) AND \IPS\Data\Store::i()->furl_configuration ) ? json_decode( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->furl_configuration, TRUE ) : array();

            if ( ( \
IPS\IN_DEV and !\IPS\DEV_USE_FURL_CACHE ) or !count( $furlConfiguration ) or $revert )
$furlConfiguration = static::buildFurlConfiguation();
$furlDefinition = array_merge( $furlConfiguration, $furlCustomizations );
        return static::
     * Rebuild and return \IPS\Data\Store::i()->furl_configuration with default, uncustomised values
     * @return    array
protected static function buildFurlConfiguation()
/* Init */
$furlConfiguration = array();
/* Load apps, prioritising the default (otherwise if two apps both have "/category/..." the app which is higher in the list may steal from the default app) */
$applications = \IPS\Application::applications();
        foreach (
$applications as $k => $app )
            if (
$app->default )
$applications[ $k ] );
array_unshift( $applications, $app );
/* Loop each app... */
foreach ( $applications as $app )
/* If it has a furl.json file... */
if( file_exists( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$app->directory}/data/furl.json" ) )
/* Open it up */
$data = json_decode( preg_replace( '/\/\*.+?\*\//s', '', \file_get_contents( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$app->directory}/data/furl.json" ) ), TRUE );
$topLevel = $data['topLevel'];
/* Process them */
$definitions = array();
                foreach (
$data['pages'] as $k => $page )
$definitions[ $k ] = static::buildFurlDefinition( $page['friendly'], $page['real'], $topLevel, $app->default, isset( $page['alias'] ) ? $page['alias'] : NULL, FALSE, isset( $page['verify'] ) ? $page['verify'] : NULL, isset( $page['seoTitles'] ) ? $page['seoTitles'] : NULL );
/* Add it in */
$furlConfiguration = array_merge( $furlConfiguration, $definitions );
/* Store */
\IPS\Data\Store::i()->furl_configuration = json_encode( $furlConfiguration );
/* Return */
return $furlConfiguration;

     * Build the friendly URL definition
     * @param    string        $friendly        Friendly URL pattern
     * @param    string        $real            Non-friendly URL pattern
     * @param    NULL|string    $appTopLevel    FURL slug if the app is not the default app
     * @param    bool        $appIsDefault    Flag to indicate if the app is default or not
     * @param    NULL|string    $alias            Friendly URL alias
     * @param    bool        $custom            Flag to indicate if this is a custom FURL definition
     * @param    string        $verify            The name of a class that contains a loadFromUrl() and an url() method for verifying the friendly URL is correct
     * @param    array        $seoTitles        The class, query param and property to load from to rebuild seo titles
     * @return    array
public static function buildFurlDefinition( $friendly, $real, $appTopLevel = NULL, $appIsDefault = FALSE, $alias = NULL, $custom = FALSE, $verify = NULL, $seoTitles = NULL )
/* Init */
$return = array(
'friendly'    => $friendly,
'real'        => $real
        if (
$verify )
$return['verify'] = $verify;
        if (
$custom )
$return['custom'] = TRUE;
        if (
$seoTitles )
$return['seoTitles'] = $seoTitles;
/* If it has a top-level (e.g. "/forums") we need to store the definition either with that if it's the default app, or
            without it if it isn't, so that if the default app changes we can redirect accordingly */
if ( $appTopLevel )
            if (
$appIsDefault )
$return['with_top_level'] = $appTopLevel . ( $friendly ? '/' . $friendly : '' );
$return['without_top_level'] = $friendly;
$return['friendly'] = $appTopLevel . ( $friendly ? '/' . $friendly : '' );
/* Figure out the regexes */
$return['regex'] = array( preg_quote( $return['friendly'], '/' ) );
        if (
$alias )
$return['regex'][] = str_replace( '\{\!\}', '(?!&)(?:.+?)', preg_quote( $alias, '/' ) );
        if ( isset(
$return['without_top_level'] ) and $return['without_top_level'] )
$return['regex'][] = preg_quote( $return['without_top_level'], '/' );
        elseif ( isset(
$return['with_top_level'] ) )
$return['regex'][] = preg_quote( $return['with_top_level'], '/' );
/* Parse out variables */
$return['params'] = array();
preg_match_all( '/{(.+?)}/', $return['friendly'], $matches );
        foreach (
$matches[1] as $tag )
            switch (
mb_substr( $tag, 0, 1 ) )
$return['regex'] = array_map( function( $_regex ) use ( $tag ) {
str_replace( '\{#' . mb_substr( $tag, 1 ) . '\}', '(\d+?)', $_regex );
$return['regex'] );
$return['params'][] = mb_substr( $tag, 1 );
$return['regex'] = array_map( function( $_regex ) use ( $tag ) {
str_replace( '\{@' . mb_substr( $tag, 1 ) . '\}', '(.+?)', $_regex );
$return['regex'] );
$return['params'][] = mb_substr( $tag, 1 );
$return['regex'] = array_map( function( $_regex ) use ( $tag ) {
str_replace( '\{\?\}', '(?!&)(.+?)', $_regex );
$return['regex'] );
$return['params'][]    = '';
/* Return */
return $return;
/* !Deprecated */
     * @brief        Is internal?
     * @deprecated    Using this property is deprecated. Check if instance of \IPS\Http\Url\Internal
public $isInternal = TRUE;
     * @brief    Is friendly?
     * @deprecated    Using this property is deprecated. Check if instance of \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly
public $isFriendly = TRUE;