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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/vendor/league/event/src/EmitterInterface.php

namespace League\Event;

     * Add a listener for an event.
     * The first parameter should be the event name, and the second should be
     * the event listener. It may implement the League\Event\ListenerInterface
     * or simply be "callable".
     * @param string                     $event
     * @param ListenerInterface|callable $listener
     * @return $this
public function addListener($event, $listener);

     * Add a one time listener for an event.
     * The first parameter should be the event name, and the second should be
     * the event listener. It may implement the League\Event\ListenerInterface
     * or simply be "callable".
     * @param string                     $event
     * @param ListenerInterface|callable $listener
     * @return $this
public function addOneTimeListener($event, $listener);

     * Remove a specific listener for an event.
     * The first parameter should be the event name, and the second should be
     * the event listener. It may implement the League\Event\ListenerInterface
     * or simply be "callable".
     * @param string                     $event
     * @param ListenerInterface|callable $listener
     * @return $this
public function removeListener($event, $listener);

     * Remove all listeners for an event.
     * The first parameter should be the event name. All event listeners will
     * be removed.
     * @param string $event
     * @return $this
public function removeAllListeners($event);

     * Check weather an event has listeners.
     * The first parameter should be the event name. We'll return true if the
     * event has one or more registered even listeners, and false otherwise.
     * @param string $event
     * @return bool
public function hasListeners($event);

     * Get all the listeners for an event.
     * The first parameter should be the event name. We'll return an array of
     * all the registered even listeners, or an empty array if there are none.
     * @param string $event
     * @return array
public function getListeners($event);

     * Emit an event.
     * @param string|AbstractEvent $event
     * @return AbstractEvent
public function emit($event);

     * Emit a batch of events.
     * @param array $events
     * @return array
public function emitBatch(array $events);