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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Configurator\RendererGenerators\PHP;

* Optimize the control structures of a script
* Removes brackets in control structures wherever possible. Prevents the generation of EXT_STMT
* opcodes where they're not strictly required.
class ControlStructuresOptimizer extends AbstractOptimizer
    * @var integer Number of braces encountered in current source
protected $braces;

    * @var array Current context
protected $context;

    * Test whether current block ends with an if or elseif control structure
    * @return bool
protected function blockEndsWithIf()
in_array($this->context['lastBlock'], [T_IF, T_ELSEIF], true);

    * Test whether the token at current index is a control structure
    * @return bool
protected function isControlStructure()

    * Test whether current block is followed by an elseif/else structure
    * @return bool
protected function isFollowedByElse()
        if (
$this->i > $this->cnt - 4)
// It doesn't have room for another block
return false;

// Compute the index of the next non-whitespace token
$k = $this->i + 1;

        if (
$this->tokens[$k][0] === T_WHITESPACE)

in_array($this->tokens[$k][0], [T_ELSEIF, T_ELSE], true);

    * Test whether braces must be preserved in current context
    * @return bool
protected function mustPreserveBraces()
// If current block ends with if/elseif and is followed by elseif/else, we must preserve
        // its braces to prevent it from merging with the outer elseif/else. IOW, we must preserve
        // the braces if "if{if{}}else" would become "if{if else}"
return ($this->blockEndsWithIf() && $this->isFollowedByElse());

    * Optimize control structures in stored tokens
    * @return void
protected function optimizeTokens()
        while (++
$this->i < $this->cnt)
            if (
$this->tokens[$this->i] === ';')
            elseif (
$this->tokens[$this->i] === '{')
            elseif (
$this->tokens[$this->i] === '}')
                if (
$this->context['braces'] === $this->braces)

            elseif (

    * Process the control structure starting at current index
    * @return void
protected function processControlStructure()
// Save the index so we can rewind back to it in case of failure
$savedIndex = $this->i;

// Count this control structure in this context's statements unless it's an elseif/else
        // in which case it's already been counted as part of the if
if (!in_array($this->tokens[$this->i][0], [T_ELSE, T_ELSEIF], true))

// If the control structure is anything but an "else", skip its condition to reach the first
        // brace or statement
if ($this->tokens[$this->i][0] !== T_ELSE)


// Abort if this control structure does not use braces
if ($this->tokens[$this->i] !== '{')
// Rewind all the way to the original token
$this->i = $savedIndex;



// Replacement for the first brace
$replacement = [T_WHITESPACE, ''];

// Add a space after "else" if the brace is removed and it's not followed by whitespace or a
        // variable
if ($this->tokens[$savedIndex][0]  === T_ELSE
&& $this->tokens[$this->i + 1][0] !== T_VARIABLE
&& $this->tokens[$this->i + 1][0] !== T_WHITESPACE)
$replacement = [T_WHITESPACE, ' '];

// Record the token of the control structure (T_IF, T_WHILE, etc...) in the current context
$this->context['lastBlock'] = $this->tokens[$savedIndex][0];

// Create a new context
$this->context = [
'braces'      => $this->braces,
'index'       => $this->i,
'lastBlock'   => null,
'parent'      => $this->context,
'replacement' => $replacement,
'savedIndex'  => $savedIndex,
'statements'  => 0

    * Process the block ending at current index
    * @return void
protected function processEndOfBlock()
        if (
$this->context['statements'] < 2 && !$this->mustPreserveBraces())

$this->context = $this->context['parent'];

// Propagate the "lastBlock" property upwards to handle multiple nested if statements
$this->context['parent']['lastBlock'] = $this->context['lastBlock'];

    * Remove the braces surrounding current context
    * @return void
protected function removeBracesInCurrentContext()
// Replace the first brace with the saved replacement
$this->tokens[$this->context['index']] = $this->context['replacement'];

// Remove the second brace or replace it with a semicolon if there are no statements in this
        // block
$this->tokens[$this->i] = ($this->context['statements']) ? [T_WHITESPACE, ''] : ';';

// Remove the whitespace before braces. This is mainly cosmetic
foreach ([$this->context['index'] - 1, $this->i - 1] as $tokenIndex)
            if (
$this->tokens[$tokenIndex][0] === T_WHITESPACE)
$this->tokens[$tokenIndex][1] = '';

// Test whether the current block followed an else statement then test whether this
        // else was followed by an if
if ($this->tokens[$this->context['savedIndex']][0] === T_ELSE)
$j = 1 + $this->context['savedIndex'];

            while (
$this->tokens[$j][0] === T_WHITESPACE
|| $this->tokens[$j][0] === T_COMMENT
|| $this->tokens[$j][0] === T_DOC_COMMENT)

            if (
$this->tokens[$j][0] === T_IF)
// Replace if with elseif
$this->tokens[$j] = [T_ELSEIF, 'elseif'];

// Remove the original else
$j = $this->context['savedIndex'];
$this->tokens[$j] = [T_WHITESPACE, ''];

// Remove any whitespace before the original else
if ($this->tokens[$j - 1][0] === T_WHITESPACE)
$this->tokens[$j - 1][1] = '';

// Unindent what was the else's content
$this->unindentBlock($j, $this->i - 1);

// Ensure that the brace after the now-removed "else" was not replaced with a space
$this->tokens[$this->context['index']] = [T_WHITESPACE, ''];

$this->changed = true;

    * {@inheritdoc}
protected function reset($php)

$this->braces  = 0;
$this->context = [
'braces'      => 0,
'index'       => -1,
'parent'      => [],
'preventElse' => false,
'savedIndex'  => 0,
'statements'  => 0

    * Skip the condition of a control structure
    * @return void
protected function skipCondition()
// Reach the opening parenthesis

// Iterate through tokens until we have a match for every left parenthesis
$parens = 0;
        while (++
$this->i < $this->cnt)
            if (
$this->tokens[$this->i] === ')')
                if (
            elseif (
$this->tokens[$this->i] === '(')