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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/XF/Service/Phrase/Compile.php

namespace XF\Service\Phrase;


Compile extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
    public function
recompile(Phrase $phrase)
$languageIds = $phrase->getApplicableLanguageIds();
$title = $phrase->title;
$text = $phrase->phrase_text;

$output = [];
        foreach (
$languageIds AS $languageId)
$language = $this->app->language($languageId);
            if (
$phrase->global_cache || $phrase->getPhraseGroup())
// We must immediately cache the phrase if it's in a group. Not doing this can lead to old phrases
                // being seen as phrase groups are recompiled with a delay to prevent writing the cache file multiple
                // times. However, editing a phrase will immediately recompile any templates that use it so they
                // could be written before the cache is updated. If we keep the new version, we prevent that issue.
$language->cachePhrase($phrase->title, $phrase->phrase_text);
// Ensure any failed attempts to get this phrase will work later. We could of course just cache the
                // phrase, but this could lead to all phrases being cached for all languages, which isn't ideal.

$output[] = [
'language_id' => $languageId,
'title' => $title,
'phrase_text' => $text

        if (
$this->db()->insertBulk('xf_phrase_compiled', $output, false, 'phrase_text = VALUES(phrase_text)');

    public function
$phrases = $this->app->em()->getFinder('XF:Phrase')->where('title', $title)->fetch();
        foreach (
$phrases AS $phrase)

    public function
$templateIds = $this->db()->fetchAllColumn("
            SELECT template_id
            FROM xf_template_phrase
            WHERE phrase_title = ?
, $title);
        if (
/** @var \XF\Service\Template\Compile $compileService */
$compileService = $this->service('XF:Template\Compile');
$templates = $this->app->em()->findByIds('XF:Template', $templateIds);
            foreach (
$templates AS $template)

    public function
deleteCompiled(Phrase $phrase, $newValue = true)
$title = $newValue ? $phrase->getValue('title') : $phrase->getExistingValue('title');
$languageIds = $phrase->getApplicableLanguageIds();

        if (
$db = $this->db();
$db->delete('xf_phrase_compiled', 'title = ? AND language_id IN (' . $db->quote($languageIds) . ')', $title);


    protected function
finalize(Phrase $phrase)