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 * @brief        Blog Entry Comment Model
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @subpackage    Blog
 * @since        3 Mar 2013

namespace IPS\blog\Entry;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Blog Entry Comment Model
class _Comment extends \IPS\Content\Comment implements \IPS\Content\EditHistory, \IPS\Content\Hideable, \IPS\Content\Searchable, \IPS\Content\Embeddable
    use \
IPS\Content\Reactable, \IPS\Content\Reportable;
     * @brief    [ActiveRecord] Multiton Store
protected static $multitons;
     * @brief    [Content\Comment]    Item Class
public static $itemClass = 'IPS\blog\Entry';
     * @brief    [ActiveRecord] Database Table
public static $databaseTable = 'blog_comments';
     * @brief    [ActiveRecord] Database Prefix
public static $databasePrefix = 'comment_';
     * @brief    Database Column Map
public static $databaseColumnMap = array(
'item'                => 'entry_id',
'author'            => 'member_id',
'author_name'        => 'member_name',
'content'            => 'text',
'date'                => 'date',
'ip_address'        => 'ip_address',
'edit_time'            => 'edit_time',
'edit_member_name'    => 'edit_member_name',
'edit_show'            => 'edit_show',
'approved'            => 'approved'
     * @brief    Application
public static $application = 'blog';
     * @brief    Title
public static $title = 'blog_entry_comment';
     * @brief    Icon
public static $icon = 'file-text';
     * @brief    [Content]    Key for hide reasons
public static $hideLogKey = 'blog-entries';
     * Get items with permisison check
     * @param    array        $where                Where clause
     * @param    string        $order                MySQL ORDER BY clause (NULL to order by date)
     * @param    int|array    $limit                Limit clause
     * @param    string        $permissionKey        A key which has a value in the permission map (either of the container or of this class) matching a column ID in core_permission_index
     * @param    mixed        $includeHiddenItems    Include hidden comments? NULL to detect if currently logged in member has permission, -1 to return public content only, TRUE to return unapproved content and FALSE to only return unapproved content the viewing member submitted
     * @param    int            $queryFlags            Select bitwise flags
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member                The member (NULL to use currently logged in member)
     * @param    bool        $joinContainer        If true, will join container data (set to TRUE if your $where clause depends on this data)
     * @param    bool        $joinComments        If true, will join comment data (set to TRUE if your $where clause depends on this data)
     * @param    bool        $joinReviews        If true, will join review data (set to TRUE if your $where clause depends on this data)
     * @return    \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator|int
public static function getItemsWithPermission( $where=array(), $order=NULL, $limit=10, $permissionKey='read', $includeHiddenItems=\IPS\Content\Hideable::FILTER_AUTOMATIC, $queryFlags=0, \IPS\Member $member=NULL, $joinContainer=FALSE, $joinComments=FALSE, $joinReviews=FALSE, $countOnly=FALSE, $joins=NULL )
        if (
in_array( $permissionKey, array( 'view', 'read' ) ) )
$joinContainer = TRUE;
$member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn();
            if (
$member->member_id )
$where[] = array( '( blog_blogs.blog_social_group IS NULL OR blog_blogs.blog_member_id=' . $member->member_id . ' OR ( ' . \IPS\Content::socialGroupGetItemsWithPermissionWhere( 'blog_blogs.blog_social_group', $member ) . ' ) )' );
$where[] = array( "(" . \IPS\Content::socialGroupGetItemsWithPermissionWhere( 'blog_blogs.blog_social_group', $member ) . " OR blog_blogs.blog_social_group IS NULL )" );
            if ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->clubs )
$joins[] = array( 'from' => 'core_clubs', 'where' => '' );
                if (
$member->member_id )
$where[] = array( '( blog_blogs.blog_club_id IS NULL OR ' . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'blog_blogs.blog_club_id', $member->clubs() ) . ' OR core_clubs.type=? OR core_clubs.type=? )', \IPS\Member\Club::TYPE_PUBLIC, \IPS\Member\Club::TYPE_READONLY );
$where[] = array( '( blog_blogs.blog_club_id IS NULL OR core_clubs.type=? OR core_clubs.type=? )', \IPS\Member\Club::TYPE_PUBLIC, \IPS\Member\Club::TYPE_READONLY );
parent::getItemsWithPermission( $where, $order, $limit, $permissionKey, $includeHiddenItems, $queryFlags, $member, $joinContainer, $joinComments, $joinReviews, $countOnly, $joins );
     * Check Moderator Permission
     * @param    string                        $type        'edit', 'hide', 'unhide', 'delete', etc.
     * @param    \IPS\Member|NULL            $member        The member to check for or NULL for the currently logged in member
     * @param    \IPS\Node\Model|NULL        $container    The container
     * @return    bool
public static function modPermission( $type, \IPS\Member $member = NULL, \IPS\Node\Model $container = NULL )
$member = $member ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn();
        if (
in_array( $type, array( 'edit', 'delete', 'lock' ) ) and $container and $container->member_id === $member->member_id )
parent::modPermission( $type, $member, $container );
     * Reaction Type
     * @return    string
public static function reactionType()

     * Get content for embed
     * @param    array    $params    Additional parameters to add to URL
     * @return    string
public function embedContent( $params )
IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'embed.css', 'blog', 'front' ) );
        return \
IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'blog' )->embedEntryComment( $this, $this->item(), $this->item()->container(), $this->url()->setQueryString( $params ) );