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<?php declare(strict_types=1);


Comment implements \JsonSerializable

     * Constructs a comment node.
     * @param string $text          Comment text (including comment delimiters like /*)
     * @param int    $startLine     Line number the comment started on
     * @param int    $startFilePos  File offset the comment started on
     * @param int    $startTokenPos Token offset the comment started on
public function __construct(
string $text,
int $startLine = -1, int $startFilePos = -1, int $startTokenPos = -1,
int $endLine = -1, int $endFilePos = -1, int $endTokenPos = -1
) {
$this->text = $text;
$this->startLine = $startLine;
$this->startFilePos = $startFilePos;
$this->startTokenPos = $startTokenPos;
$this->endLine = $endLine;
$this->endFilePos = $endFilePos;
$this->endTokenPos = $endTokenPos;

     * Gets the comment text.
     * @return string The comment text (including comment delimiters like /*)
public function getText() : string {

     * Gets the line number the comment started on.
     * @return int Line number (or -1 if not available)
public function getStartLine() : int {

     * Gets the file offset the comment started on.
     * @return int File offset (or -1 if not available)
public function getStartFilePos() : int {

     * Gets the token offset the comment started on.
     * @return int Token offset (or -1 if not available)
public function getStartTokenPos() : int {

     * Gets the line number the comment ends on.
     * @return int Line number (or -1 if not available)
public function getEndLine() : int {

     * Gets the file offset the comment ends on.
     * @return int File offset (or -1 if not available)
public function getEndFilePos() : int {

     * Gets the token offset the comment ends on.
     * @return int Token offset (or -1 if not available)
public function getEndTokenPos() : int {

     * Gets the line number the comment started on.
     * @deprecated Use getStartLine() instead
     * @return int Line number
public function getLine() : int {

     * Gets the file offset the comment started on.
     * @deprecated Use getStartFilePos() instead
     * @return int File offset
public function getFilePos() : int {

     * Gets the token offset the comment started on.
     * @deprecated Use getStartTokenPos() instead
     * @return int Token offset
public function getTokenPos() : int {

     * Gets the comment text.
     * @return string The comment text (including comment delimiters like /*)
public function __toString() : string {

     * Gets the reformatted comment text.
     * "Reformatted" here means that we try to clean up the whitespace at the
     * starts of the lines. This is necessary because we receive the comments
     * without trailing whitespace on the first line, but with trailing whitespace
     * on all subsequent lines.
     * @return mixed|string
public function getReformattedText() {
$text = trim($this->text);
$newlinePos = strpos($text, "\n");
        if (
false === $newlinePos) {
// Single line comments don't need further processing
return $text;
        } elseif (
preg_match('((*BSR_ANYCRLF)(*ANYCRLF)^.*(?:\R\s+\*.*)+$)', $text)) {
// Multi line comment of the type
            //     /*
            //      * Some text.
            //      * Some more text.
            //      */
            // is handled by replacing the whitespace sequences before the * by a single space
return preg_replace('(^\s+\*)m', ' *', $this->text);
        } elseif (
preg_match('(^/\*\*?\s*[\r\n])', $text) && preg_match('(\n(\s*)\*/$)', $text, $matches)) {
// Multi line comment of the type
            //    /*
            //        Some text.
            //        Some more text.
            //    */
            // is handled by removing the whitespace sequence on the line before the closing
            // */ on all lines. So if the last line is "    */", then "    " is removed at the
            // start of all lines.
return preg_replace('(^' . preg_quote($matches[1]) . ')m', '', $text);
        } elseif (
preg_match('(^/\*\*?\s*(?!\s))', $text, $matches)) {
// Multi line comment of the type
            //     /* Some text.
            //        Some more text.
            //          Indented text.
            //        Even more text. */
            // is handled by removing the difference between the shortest whitespace prefix on all
            // lines and the length of the "/* " opening sequence.
$prefixLen = $this->getShortestWhitespacePrefixLen(substr($text, $newlinePos + 1));
$removeLen = $prefixLen - strlen($matches[0]);
preg_replace('(^\s{' . $removeLen . '})m', '', $text);

// No idea how to format this comment, so simply return as is
return $text;

     * Get length of shortest whitespace prefix (at the start of a line).
     * If there is a line with no prefix whitespace, 0 is a valid return value.
     * @param string $str String to check
     * @return int Length in characters. Tabs count as single characters.
private function getShortestWhitespacePrefixLen(string $str) : int {
$lines = explode("\n", $str);
$shortestPrefixLen = \INF;
        foreach (
$lines as $line) {
preg_match('(^\s*)', $line, $matches);
$prefixLen = strlen($matches[0]);
            if (
$prefixLen < $shortestPrefixLen) {
$shortestPrefixLen = $prefixLen;

     * @return       array
     * @psalm-return array{nodeType:string, text:mixed, line:mixed, filePos:mixed}
public function jsonSerialize() : array {
// Technically not a node, but we make it look like one anyway
$type = $this instanceof Comment\Doc ? 'Comment_Doc' : 'Comment';
        return [
'nodeType' => $type,
'text' => $this->text,
// TODO: Rename these to include "start".
'line' => $this->startLine,
'filePos' => $this->startFilePos,
'tokenPos' => $this->startTokenPos,
'endLine' => $this->endLine,
'endFilePos' => $this->endFilePos,
'endTokenPos' => $this->endTokenPos,