Seditio Source
Root |
var setextLines = {};

function parse()

var blocks       = [],
blocksCnt    = 0,
codeIndent   = 4,
lineIsEmpty  = true,
lists        = [],
listsCnt     = 0,
newContext   = false,
textBoundary = 0,

// Capture all the lines at once so that we can overwrite newlines safely, without preventing
// further matches
var matches = [],
regexp = /^(?:(?=[-*+\d \t>`~#_])((?: {0,3}>(?:(?!!)|!(?![^\n>]*?!<)) ?)+)?([ \t]+)?(\* *\* *\*[* ]*$|- *- *-[- ]*$|_ *_ *_[_ ]*$)?((?:[-*+]|\d+\.)[ \t]+(?=\S))?[ \t]*(#{1,6}[ \t]+|```+[^`\n]*$|~~~+[^~\n]*$)?)?/gm;
while (m = regexp.exec(text))

// Move regexp.lastIndex if the current match is empty
if (m.index === regexp.lastIndex)

var blockMarks = [],
matchPos   = m.index,
matchLen   = m[0].length,

ignoreLen  = 0;
blockDepth = 0;

// If the last line was empty then this is not a continuation, and vice-versa
continuation = !lineIsEmpty;

// Capture the position of the end of the line and determine whether the line is empty
lfPos       = text.indexOf("\n", matchPos);
lineIsEmpty = (lfPos === matchPos + matchLen && !m[3] && !m[4] && !m[5]);

// If the match is empty we need to move the cursor manually
if (!matchLen)

// If the line is empty and it's the first empty line then we break current paragraph.
breakParagraph = (lineIsEmpty && continuation);

// Count block marks
if (m[1])
blockMarks = getBlockMarks(m[1]);
blockDepth = blockMarks.length;
ignoreLen  = m[1].length;
if (codeTag && codeTag.hasAttribute('blockDepth'))
blockDepth = Math.min(blockDepth, codeTag.getAttribute('blockDepth'));
ignoreLen  = computeBlockIgnoreLen(m[1], blockDepth);

// Overwrite block markup
overwrite(matchPos, ignoreLen);

// Close supernumerary blocks
if (blockDepth < blocksCnt && !continuation)
newContext = true;
var startTag = blocks.pop();
addEndTag(startTag.getName(), textBoundary, 0).pairWith(startTag);
while (blockDepth < --blocksCnt);

// Open new blocks
if (blockDepth > blocksCnt && !lineIsEmpty)
newContext = true;
var tagName = (blockMarks[blocksCnt] === '>!') ? 'SPOILER' : 'QUOTE';
blocks.push(addStartTag(tagName, matchPos, 0, -999));
while (blockDepth > ++blocksCnt);

// Compute the width of the indentation
var indentWidth = 0,
indentPos   = 0;
if (m[2] && !codeFence)
indentStr = m[2];
indentLen = indentStr.length;

if (indentStr[indentPos] === ' ')
indentWidth = (indentWidth + 4) & ~3;
while (++indentPos < indentLen && indentWidth < codeIndent);

// Test whether we're out of a code block
if (codeTag && !codeFence && indentWidth < codeIndent && !lineIsEmpty)
newContext = true;

if (newContext)
newContext = false;

// Close the code block if applicable
if (codeTag)
if (textBoundary > codeTag.getPos())
// Overwrite the whole block
overwrite(codeTag.getPos(), textBoundary - codeTag.getPos());
codeTag.pairWith(addEndTag('CODE', textBoundary, 0, -1));
// The code block is empty
codeTag = null;
codeFence = null;

// Close all the lists
closeList(list, textBoundary);
lists    = [];
listsCnt = 0;

// Mark the block boundary
if (matchPos)
markBoundary(matchPos - 1);

if (indentWidth >= codeIndent)
if (codeTag || !continuation)
// Adjust the amount of text being ignored
ignoreLen = (m[1] || '').length + indentPos;

if (!codeTag)
// Create code block
codeTag = addStartTag('CODE', matchPos + ignoreLen, 0, -999);

// Clear the captures to prevent any further processing
m = {};
else if (!codeTag)
var hasListItem = !!m[4];

if (!indentWidth && !continuation && !hasListItem)
// Start of a new context
listIndex = -1;
else if (continuation && !hasListItem)
// Continuation of current list item or paragraph
listIndex = listsCnt - 1;
else if (!listsCnt)
// We're not inside of a list already, we can start one if there's a list item
listIndex = (hasListItem) ? 0 : -1;
// We're inside of a list but we need to compute the depth
listIndex = 0;
while (listIndex < listsCnt && indentWidth > lists[listIndex].maxIndent)

// Close deeper lists
while (listIndex < listsCnt - 1)
closeList(lists.pop(), textBoundary);

// If there's no list item at current index, we'll need to either create one or
// drop down to previous index, in which case we have to adjust maxIndent
if (listIndex === listsCnt && !hasListItem)

if (hasListItem && listIndex >= 0)
breakParagraph = true;

// Compute the position and amount of text consumed by the item tag
tagPos = matchPos + ignoreLen + indentPos;
tagLen = m[4].length;

// Create a LI tag that consumes its markup
var itemTag = addStartTag('LI', tagPos, tagLen);

// Overwrite the markup
overwrite(tagPos, tagLen);

// If the list index is within current lists count it means this is not a new
// list and we have to close the last item. Otherwise, it's a new list that we
// have to create
if (listIndex < listsCnt)
addEndTag('LI', textBoundary, 0).pairWith(lists[listIndex].itemTag);

// Record the item in the list
lists[listIndex].itemTag = itemTag;

if (listIndex)
minIndent = lists[listIndex - 1].maxIndent + 1;
maxIndent = Math.max(minIndent, listIndex * 4);
minIndent = 0;
maxIndent = indentWidth;

// Create a 0-width LIST tag right before the item tag LI
var listTag = addStartTag('LIST', tagPos, 0);

// Test whether the list item ends with a dot, as in "1."
if (m[4].indexOf('.') > -1)
listTag.setAttribute('type', 'decimal');

var start = +m[4];
if (start !== 1)
listTag.setAttribute('start', start);

// Record the new list depth
listTag   : listTag,
itemTag   : itemTag,
itemTags  : [itemTag],
minIndent : minIndent,
maxIndent : maxIndent,
tight     : true

// If we're in a list, on a non-empty line preceded with a blank line...
if (listsCnt && !continuation && !lineIsEmpty)
// ...and this is not the first item of the list...
if (lists[0].itemTags.length > 1 || !hasListItem)
// ...every list that is currently open becomes loose
list.tight = false;

codeIndent = (listsCnt + 1) * 4;

if (m[5])
// Headers
if (m[5][0] === '#')
startLen = m[5].length;
startPos = matchPos + matchLen - startLen;
endLen   = getAtxHeaderEndTagLen(matchPos + matchLen, lfPos);
endPos   = lfPos - endLen;

addTagPair('H' + /#{1,6}/.exec(m[5])[0].length, startPos, startLen, endPos, endLen);

// Mark the start and the end of the header as boundaries

if (continuation)
breakParagraph = true;
// Code fence
else if (m[5][0] === '`' || m[5][0] === '~')
tagPos = matchPos + ignoreLen;
tagLen = lfPos - tagPos;

if (codeTag && m[5] === codeFence)
codeTag.pairWith(addEndTag('CODE', tagPos, tagLen, -1));
addIgnoreTag(textBoundary, tagPos - textBoundary);

// Overwrite the whole block
overwrite(codeTag.getPos(), tagPos + tagLen - codeTag.getPos());
codeTag = null;
codeFence = null;
else if (!codeTag)
// Create code block
codeTag   = addStartTag('CODE', tagPos, tagLen);
codeFence = m[5].replace(/[^`~]+/, '');
codeTag.setAttribute('blockDepth', blockDepth);

// Ignore the next character, which should be a newline
addIgnoreTag(tagPos + tagLen, 1);

// Add the language if present, e.g. ```php
var lang = m[5].replace(/^[`~\s]*/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
if (lang !== '')
codeTag.setAttribute('lang', lang);
else if (m[3] && !listsCnt && text[matchPos + matchLen] !== "\x17")
// Horizontal rule
addSelfClosingTag('HR', matchPos + ignoreLen, matchLen - ignoreLen);
breakParagraph = true;

// Mark the end of the line as a boundary
else if (setextLines[lfPos] && setextLines[lfPos].blockDepth === blockDepth && !lineIsEmpty && !listsCnt && !codeTag)
// Setext-style header
matchPos + ignoreLen,

// Mark the end of the Setext line
markBoundary(setextLines[lfPos].endPos + setextLines[lfPos].endLen);

if (breakParagraph)

if (!lineIsEmpty)
textBoundary = lfPos;

if (ignoreLen)
addIgnoreTag(matchPos, ignoreLen, 1000);

* Close a list at given offset
* @param {!Object} list
* @param {number}  textBoundary
function closeList(list, textBoundary)
addEndTag('LIST', textBoundary, 0).pairWith(list.listTag);
addEndTag('LI',   textBoundary, 0).pairWith(list.itemTag);

if (list.tight)

* Compute the amount of text to ignore at the start of a block line
* @param  {string} str           Original block markup
* @param  {number} maxBlockDepth Maximum block depth
* @return {number}               Number of characters to ignore
function computeBlockIgnoreLen(str, maxBlockDepth)
var remaining = str;
while (--maxBlockDepth >= 0)
remaining = remaining.replace(/^ *>!? ?/, '');

return str.length - remaining.length;

* Return the length of the markup at the end of an ATX header
* @param  {number} startPos Start of the header's text
* @param  {number} endPos   End of the header's text
* @return {number}
function getAtxHeaderEndTagLen(startPos, endPos)
var content = text.substring(startPos, endPos),
m = /[ \t]*#*[ \t]*$/.exec(content);

return m[0].length;

* Capture and return block marks from given string
* @param  {string} str Block markup, composed of ">", "!" and whitespace
* @return {!Array<string>}
function getBlockMarks(str)
var blockMarks = [],
regexp     = />!?/g,
while (m = regexp.exec(str))

return blockMarks;

* Capture and store lines that contain a Setext-tyle header
function matchSetextLines()
// Capture the underlines used for Setext-style headers
if (text.indexOf('-') === -1 && text.indexOf('=') === -1)

// Capture the any series of - or = alone on a line, optionally preceded with the
// angle brackets notation used in block markup
var m, regexp = /^(?=[-=>])(?:>!? ?)*(?=[-=])(?:-+|=+) *$/gm;

while (m = regexp.exec(text))
var match    = m[0],
matchPos = m.index;

// Compute the position of the end tag. We start on the LF character before the
// match and keep rewinding until we find a non-space character
var endPos = matchPos - 1;
while (endPos > 0 && text[endPos - 1] === ' ')

// Store at the offset of the LF character
setextLines[matchPos - 1] = {
endLen     : matchPos + match.length - endPos,
endPos     : endPos,
blockDepth : match.length - match.replace(/>/g, '').length,
tagName    : (match[0] === '=') ? 'H1' : 'H2'