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* @package   s9e\TextFormatter
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2010-2021 The s9e authors
* @license The MIT License
namespace s9e\TextFormatter\Plugins\BBCodes\Configurator;


    * Expression that matches a regexp such as /foo/i
const REGEXP = '(.).*?(?<!\\\\)(?>\\\\\\\\)*+\\g{-1}[DSUisu]*';

    * @var array List of pre- and post- filters that are explicitly allowed in BBCode definitions.
    *            We use a whitelist approach because there are so many different risky callbacks
    *            that it would be too easy to let something dangerous slip by, e.g.: unlink,
    *            system, etc...
public $allowedFilters = [

    * @var Configurator Instance of Configurator;
protected $configurator;

    * @var array Regexps used in the named subpatterns generated automatically for composite
    *            attributes. For instance, "foo={NUMBER},{NUMBER}" will be transformed into
    *            'foo={PARSE=#^(?<foo0>\\d+),(?<foo1>\\d+)$#D}'
public $tokenRegexp = [
'ANYTHING'   => '[\\s\\S]*?',
'COLOR'      => '[a-zA-Z]+|#[0-9a-fA-F]+',
'EMAIL'      => '[^@]+@.+?',
'FLOAT'      => '(?>0|-?[1-9]\\d*)(?>\\.\\d+)?(?>e[1-9]\\d*)?',
'ID'         => '[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+',
'IDENTIFIER' => '[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+',
'INT'        => '0|-?[1-9]\\d*',
'INTEGER'    => '0|-?[1-9]\\d*',
'NUMBER'     => '\\d+',
'RANGE'      => '\\d+',
'SIMPLETEXT' => '[-a-zA-Z0-9+.,_ ]+',
'TEXT'       => '[\\s\\S]*?',
'UINT'       => '0|[1-9]\\d*'

    * @var array List of token types that are used to represent raw, unfiltered content
public $unfilteredTokens = [

    * Constructor
    * @param  Configurator $configurator Instance of Configurator
public function __construct(Configurator $configurator)
$this->configurator = $configurator;

    * Create a BBCode and its underlying tag and template(s) based on its reference usage
    * @param  string          $usage    BBCode usage, e.g. [B]{TEXT}[/b]
    * @param  string|Template $template BBCode's template
    * @return array                     An array containing three elements: 'bbcode', 'bbcodeName'
    *                                   and 'tag'
public function create($usage, $template)
// Parse the BBCode usage
$config = $this->parse($usage);

// Create a template object for manipulation
if (!($template instanceof Template))
$template = new Template($template);

// Replace the passthrough token in the BBCode's template
            function (
$m) use ($config)
$tokenId = substr($m[0], 1, -1);

// Acknowledge {@foo} as an XPath expression even outside of attribute value
                // templates
if ($tokenId[0] === '@')
                    return [
'expression', $tokenId];

// Test whether this is a known token
if (isset($config['tokens'][$tokenId]))
// Replace with the corresponding attribute
return ['expression', '@' . $config['tokens'][$tokenId]];

// Test whether the token is used as passthrough
if ($tokenId === $config['passthroughToken'])
                    return [

// Undefined token. If it's the name of a filter, consider it's an error
if ($this->isFilter($tokenId))
                    throw new
RuntimeException('Token {' . $tokenId . '} is ambiguous or undefined');

// Use the token's name as parameter name
return ['expression', '$' . $tokenId];

// Prepare the return array
$return = [
'bbcode'     => $config['bbcode'],
'bbcodeName' => $config['bbcodeName'],
'tag'        => $config['tag']

// Set the template for this BBCode's tag
$return['tag']->template = $template;


    * Create a BBCode based on its reference usage
    * @param  string $usage BBCode usage, e.g. [B]{TEXT}[/b]
    * @return array
protected function parse($usage)
$tag    = new Tag;
$bbcode = new BBCode;

// This is the config we will return
$config = [
'tag'              => $tag,
'bbcode'           => $bbcode,
'passthroughToken' => null

// Encode maps to avoid special characters to interfere with definitions
$usage = preg_replace_callback(
            function (
$m[1] . base64_encode($m[2]);

// Encode regexps to avoid special characters to interfere with definitions
$usage = preg_replace_callback(
'#(\\{(?:PARSE|REGEXP)=)(' . self::REGEXP . '(?:,' . self::REGEXP . ')*)#',
            function (
$m[1] . base64_encode($m[2]);

$regexp = '(^'
. '\\[(?<bbcodeName>\\S+?)'
// ={TOKEN}
. '(?<defaultAttribute>=.+?)?'
// foo={TOKEN} bar={TOKEN1},{TOKEN2}
. '(?<attributes>(?:\\s+[^=]+=\\S+?)*?)?'
// ] or /] or ]{TOKEN}[/BBCODE]
. '\\s*(?:/?\\]|\\]\\s*(?<content>.*?)\\s*(?<endTag>\\[/\\1]))'
. '$)i';

        if (!
preg_match($regexp, trim($usage), $m))
            throw new
InvalidArgumentException('Cannot interpret the BBCode definition');

// Save the BBCode's name
$config['bbcodeName'] = BBCode::normalizeName($m['bbcodeName']);

// Prepare the attributes definition, e.g. "foo={BAR}"
$definitions = preg_split('#\\s+#', trim($m['attributes']), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

// If there's a default attribute, we prepend it to the list using the BBCode's name as
        // attribute name
if (!empty($m['defaultAttribute']))
array_unshift($definitions, $m['bbcodeName'] . $m['defaultAttribute']);

// Append the content token to the attributes list under the name "content" if it's anything
        // but raw {TEXT} (or other unfiltered tokens)
if (!empty($m['content']))
$regexp = '#^\\{' . RegexpBuilder::fromList($this->unfilteredTokens) . '[0-9]*\\}$#D';

            if (
preg_match($regexp, $m['content']))
$config['passthroughToken'] = substr($m['content'], 1, -1);
$definitions[] = 'content=' . $m['content'];
$bbcode->contentAttributes[] = 'content';

// Separate the attribute definitions from the BBCode options
$attributeDefinitions = [];
        foreach (
$definitions as $definition)
$pos   = strpos($definition, '=');
$name  = substr($definition, 0, $pos);
$value = preg_replace('(^"(.*?)")s', '$1', substr($definition, 1 + $pos));

// Decode base64-encoded tokens
$value = preg_replace_callback(
                function (
$m[1] . base64_decode($m[2]);

// If name starts with $ then it's a BBCode/tag option. If it starts with # it's a rule.
            // Otherwise, it's an attribute definition
if ($name[0] === '$')
$optionName = substr($name, 1);

// Allow nestingLimit and tagLimit to be set on the tag itself. We don't necessarily
                // want every other tag property to be modifiable this way, though
$object = ($optionName === 'nestingLimit' || $optionName === 'tagLimit') ? $tag : $bbcode;

$object->$optionName = $this->convertValue($value);
            elseif (
$name[0] === '#')
$ruleName = substr($name, 1);

// Supports #denyChild=foo,bar
foreach (explode(',', $value) as $value)
$attrName = strtolower(trim($name));
$attributeDefinitions[] = [$attrName, $value];

// Add the attributes and get the token translation table
$tokens = $this->addAttributes($attributeDefinitions, $bbcode, $tag);

// Test whether the passthrough token is used for something else, in which case we need
        // to unset it
if (isset($tokens[$config['passthroughToken']]))
$config['passthroughToken'] = null;

// Add the list of known (and only the known) tokens to the config
$config['tokens'] = array_filter($tokens);


    * Parse a string of attribute definitions and add the attributes/options to the tag/BBCode
    * Attributes come in two forms. Most commonly, in the form of a single token, e.g.
    *   [a href={URL} title={TEXT}]
    * Sometimes, however, we need to parse more than one single token. For instance, the phpBB
    * [FLASH] BBCode uses two tokens separated by a comma:
    *   [flash={NUMBER},{NUMBER}]{URL}[/flash]
    * In addition, some custom BBCodes circulating for phpBB use a combination of token and static
    * text such as:
    *   [youtube]{SIMPLETEXT}[/youtube]
    * Any attribute that is not a single token is implemented as an attribute preprocessor, with
    * each token generating a matching attribute. Tentatively, those  of those attributes are
    * created by taking the attribute preprocessor's name and appending a unique number counting the
    * number of created attributes. In the [FLASH] example above, an attribute preprocessor named
    * "flash" would be created as well as two attributes named "flash0" and "flash1" respectively.
    * @link
    * @link
    * @param  array  $definitions List of attributes definitions as [[name, definition]*]
    * @param  BBCode $bbcode      Owner BBCode
    * @param  Tag    $tag         Owner tag
    * @return array               Array of [token id => attribute name] where FALSE in place of the
    *                             name indicates that the token is ambiguous (e.g. used multiple
    *                             times)
protected function addAttributes(array $definitions, BBCode $bbcode, Tag $tag)
        * @var array List of composites' tokens. Each element is composed of an attribute name, the
        *            composite's definition and an array of tokens
$composites = [];

        * @var array Map of [tokenId => attrName]. If the same token is used in multiple attributes
        *            it is set to FALSE
$table = [];

        foreach (
$definitions as list($attrName, $definition))
// The first attribute defined is set as default
if (!isset($bbcode->defaultAttribute))
$bbcode->defaultAttribute = $attrName;

// Parse the tokens in that definition
$tokens = $this->parseTokens($definition);

            if (empty(
                throw new
RuntimeException('No valid tokens found in ' . $attrName . "'s definition " . $definition);

// Test whether this attribute has one single all-encompassing token
if ($tokens[0]['content'] === $definition)
$token = $tokens[0];

                if (
$token['type'] === 'PARSE')
                    foreach (
$token['regexps'] as $regexp)
$tag->attributePreprocessors->add($attrName, $regexp);
                elseif (isset(
                    throw new
RuntimeException("Attribute '" . $attrName . "' is declared twice");
// Remove the "useContent" option and add the attribute's name to the list of
                    // attributes to use this BBCode's content
if (!empty($token['options']['useContent']))
$bbcode->contentAttributes[] = $attrName;

// Add the attribute
$tag->attributes[$attrName] = $this->generateAttribute($token);

// Record the token ID if applicable
$tokenId = $token['id'];
$table[$tokenId] = (isset($table[$tokenId]))
: $attrName;
$composites[] = [$attrName, $definition, $tokens];

        foreach (
$composites as list($attrName, $definition, $tokens))
$regexp  = '/^';
$lastPos = 0;

$usedTokens = [];

            foreach (
$tokens as $token)
$tokenId   = $token['id'];
$tokenType = $token['type'];

                if (
$tokenType === 'PARSE')
// Disallow {PARSE} tokens because attribute preprocessors cannot feed into
                    // other attribute preprocessors
throw new RuntimeException('{PARSE} tokens can only be used has the sole content of an attribute');

// Ensure that tokens are only used once per definition so we don't have multiple
                // subpatterns using the same name
if (isset($usedTokens[$tokenId]))
                    throw new
RuntimeException('Token {' . $tokenId . '} used multiple times in attribute ' . $attrName . "'s definition");
$usedTokens[$tokenId] = 1;

// Find the attribute name associated with this token, or create an attribute
                // otherwise
if (isset($table[$tokenId]))
$matchName = $table[$tokenId];

                    if (
$matchName === false)
                        throw new
RuntimeException('Token {' . $tokenId . "} used in attribute '" . $attrName . "' is ambiguous");
// The name of the named subpattern and the corresponding attribute is based on
                    // the attribute preprocessor's name, with an incremented ID that ensures we
                    // don't overwrite existing attributes
$i = 0;
$matchName = $attrName . $i;
                    while (isset(

// Create the attribute that corresponds to this subpattern
$attribute = $tag->attributes->add($matchName);

// Append the corresponding filter if applicable
if (!in_array($tokenType, $this->unfilteredTokens, true))
$filter = $this->configurator->attributeFilters->get('#' . strtolower($tokenType));

// Record the attribute name associated with this token ID
$table[$tokenId] = $matchName;

// Append the literal text between the last position and current position.
                // Replace whitespace with a flexible whitespace pattern
$literal = preg_quote(substr($definition, $lastPos, $token['pos'] - $lastPos), '/');
$literal = preg_replace('(\\s+)', '\\s+', $literal);
$regexp .= $literal;

// Grab the expression that corresponds to the token type, or use a catch-all
                // expression otherwise
$expr = (isset($this->tokenRegexp[$tokenType]))

// Append the named subpattern. Its name is made of the attribute preprocessor's
                // name and the subpattern's position
$regexp .= '(?<' . $matchName . '>' . $expr . ')';

// Update the last position
$lastPos = $token['pos'] + strlen($token['content']);

// Append the literal text that follows the last token and finish the regexp
$regexp .= preg_quote(substr($definition, $lastPos), '/') . '$/D';

// Add the attribute preprocessor to the config
$tag->attributePreprocessors->add($attrName, $regexp);

// Now create attributes generated from attribute preprocessors. For instance, preprocessor
        // #(?<width>\\d+),(?<height>\\d+)# will generate two attributes named "width" and height
        // with a regexp filter "#^(?:\\d+)$#D", unless they were explicitly defined otherwise
$newAttributes = [];
        foreach (
$tag->attributePreprocessors as $attributePreprocessor)
            foreach (
$attributePreprocessor->getAttributes() as $attrName => $regexp)
                if (isset(
// This attribute was already explicitly defined, nothing else to add

                if (isset(
$newAttributes[$attrName] !== $regexp)
                    throw new
RuntimeException("Ambiguous attribute '" . $attrName . "' created using different regexps needs to be explicitly defined");

$newAttributes[$attrName] = $regexp;

        foreach (
$newAttributes as $attrName => $regexp)
$filter = $this->configurator->attributeFilters->get('#regexp');

// Create the attribute using this regexp as filter


    * Convert a human-readable value to a typed PHP value
    * @param  string      $value Original value
    * @return bool|string        Converted value
protected function convertValue($value)
        if (
$value === 'true')

        if (
$value === 'false')


    * Parse and return all the tokens contained in a definition
    * @param  string $definition
    * @return array
protected function parseTokens($definition)
$tokenTypes = [
'choice' => 'CHOICE[0-9]*=(?<choices>.+?)',
'map'    => '(?:HASH)?MAP[0-9]*=(?<map>.+?)',
'parse'  => 'PARSE=(?<regexps>' . self::REGEXP . '(?:,' . self::REGEXP . ')*)',
'range'  => 'RANGE[0-9]*=(?<min>-?[0-9]+),(?<max>-?[0-9]+)',
'regexp' => 'REGEXP[0-9]*=(?<regexp>' . self::REGEXP . ')',
'other'  => '(?<other>[A-Z_]+[0-9]*)'

// Capture the content of every token in that attribute's definition. Usually there will
        // only be one, as in "foo={URL}" but some older BBCodes use a form of composite
        // attributes such as [FLASH={NUMBER},{NUMBER}]
'#\\{(' . implode('|', $tokenTypes) . ')(?<options>\\??(?:;[^;]*)*)\\}#',

$tokens = [];
        foreach (
$matches as $m)
            if (isset(
preg_match('#^(?:CHOICE|HASHMAP|MAP|REGEXP|PARSE|RANGE)#', $m['other'][0]))
                throw new
RuntimeException("Malformed token '" . $m['other'][0] . "'");

$token = [
'pos'     => $m[0][1],
'content' => $m[0][0],
'options' => (isset($m['options'][0])) ? $this->parseOptionString($m['options'][0]) : []

// Get this token's type by looking at the start of the match
$head = $m[1][0];
$pos  = strpos($head, '=');

            if (
$pos === false)
// {FOO}
$token['id'] = $head;
// {FOO=...}
$token['id'] = substr($head, 0, $pos);

// Copy the content of named subpatterns into the token's config
foreach ($m as $k => $v)
                    if (!
is_numeric($k) && $k !== 'options' && $v[1] !== -1)
$token[$k] = $v[0];

// The token's type is its id minus the number, e.g. NUMBER1 => NUMBER
$token['type'] = rtrim($token['id'], '0123456789');

// {PARSE} tokens can have several regexps separated with commas, we split them up here
if ($token['type'] === 'PARSE')
// Match all occurences of a would-be regexp followed by a comma or the end of the
                // string
preg_match_all('#' . self::REGEXP . '(?:,|$)#', $token['regexps'], $m);

$regexps = [];
                foreach (
$m[0] as $regexp)
// remove the potential comma at the end
$regexps[] = rtrim($regexp, ',');

$token['regexps'] = $regexps;

$tokens[] = $token;


    * Generate an attribute based on a token
    * @param  array     $token Token this attribute is based on
    * @return Attribute
protected function generateAttribute(array $token)
$attribute = new Attribute;

        if (isset(
$this->appendFilters($attribute, $token['options']['preFilter']);

        if (
$token['type'] === 'REGEXP')
$filter = $this->configurator->attributeFilters->get('#regexp');
        elseif (
$token['type'] === 'RANGE')
$filter = $this->configurator->attributeFilters->get('#range');
$attribute->filterChain->append($filter)->setRange($token['min'], $token['max']);
        elseif (
$token['type'] === 'CHOICE')
$filter = $this->configurator->attributeFilters->get('#choice');
explode(',', $token['choices']),
        elseif (
$token['type'] === 'HASHMAP' || $token['type'] === 'MAP')
// Build the map from the string
$map = [];
            foreach (
explode(',', $token['map']) as $pair)
$pos = strpos($pair, ':');

                if (
$pos === false)
                    throw new
RuntimeException("Invalid map assignment '" . $pair . "'");

$map[substr($pair, 0, $pos)] = substr($pair, 1 + $pos);

// Create the filter then append it to the attribute
if ($token['type'] === 'HASHMAP')
$filter = $this->configurator->attributeFilters->get('#hashmap');
$filter = $this->configurator->attributeFilters->get('#map');

// Remove options that are not needed anymore
        elseif (!
in_array($token['type'], $this->unfilteredTokens, true))
$filter = $this->configurator->attributeFilters->get('#' . $token['type']);

        if (isset(
$this->appendFilters($attribute, $token['options']['postFilter']);

// Set the "required" option if "required" or "optional" is set, then remove
        // the "optional" option
if (isset($token['options']['required']))
$token['options']['required'] = (bool) $token['options']['required'];
        elseif (isset(
$token['options']['required'] = !$token['options']['optional'];

        foreach (
$token['options'] as $k => $v)
$attribute->$k = $v;


    * Append a list of filters to an attribute's filterChain
    * @param  Attribute $attribute
    * @param  string    $filters   List of filters, separated with commas
    * @return void
protected function appendFilters(Attribute $attribute, $filters)
        foreach (
preg_split('#\\s*,\\s*#', $filters) as $filterName)
            if (
substr($filterName, 0, 1) !== '#'
&& !in_array($filterName, $this->allowedFilters, true))
                throw new
RuntimeException("Filter '" . $filterName . "' is not allowed in BBCodes");

$filter = $this->configurator->attributeFilters->get($filterName);

    * Test whether a token's name is the name of a filter
    * @param  string $tokenId Token ID, e.g. "TEXT1"
    * @return bool
protected function isFilter($tokenId)
$filterName = rtrim($tokenId, '0123456789');

        if (
in_array($filterName, $this->unfilteredTokens, true))

// Try to load the filter
            if (
$this->configurator->attributeFilters->get('#' . $filterName))
        catch (
Exception $e)
// Nothing to do here


    * Parse the option string into an associative array
    * @param  string $string Serialized options
    * @return array          Associative array of options
protected function parseOptionString($string)
// Use the first "?" as an alias for the "optional" option
$string = preg_replace('(^\\?)', ';optional', $string);

$options = [];
        foreach (
preg_split('#;+#', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $pair)
$pos = strpos($pair, '=');
            if (
$pos === false)
// Options with no value are set to true, e.g. {FOO;useContent}
$k = $pair;
$v = true;
$k = substr($pair, 0, $pos);
$v = substr($pair, 1 + $pos);

$options[$k] = $v;
