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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/XF/Api/Controller/Auth.php

namespace XF\Api\Controller;


use function
is_array, is_string, strlen;

 * @api-group Auth
class Auth extends AbstractController
    protected function
preDispatchController($action, ParameterBag $params)

     * @api-desc Tests a login and password for validity. Only available to super user keys. We strongly recommend the login and password parameters are passed into the request body rather than the query string.
     * @api-in <req> str $login The username or email address of the user to test
     * @api-in <req> str $password The password of the user
     * @api-in str $limit_ip The IP that should be considered to be making the request. If provided, this will be used to prevent brute force attempts.
     * @api-out User $user If successful, the user record of the matching user
public function actionPost()
$this->assertRequiredApiInput(['login', 'password']);

$input = $this->filter([
'login' => 'str',
'password' => 'str',
'limit_ip' => 'str'

/** @var \XF\Service\User\Login $loginService */
$loginService = $this->service('XF:User\Login', $input['login'], $input['limit_ip']);
        if (

$user = $loginService->validate($input['password'], $error);
        if (!

        if (

'user' => $user->toApiResult(Entity::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, ['full_profile' => true])

     * @api-desc Looks up the active XenForo user based on session ID or remember cookie value.
     *      This can be used to help with seamless SSO with XF, assuming the session or remember cookies are
     *      available to your page. At least one of session_id and remember_cookie must be provided.
     *      Only available to super user keys.
     * @api-in str $session_id If provided, checks for an active session with that ID.
     * @api-in str $remember_cookie If provided, checks to see if this is an active "remember me" cookie value.
     * @api-out bool $success If false, no session or remember cookie could be found
     * @api-out User $user If successful, the user record of the matching user. May be a guest.
public function actionPostFromSession()
$sessionId = $this->filter('session_id', 'str');
$rememberCookie = $this->filter('remember_cookie', 'str');

        if (!
$sessionId && !$rememberCookie)
$this->assertRequiredApiInput(['session_id', 'remember_cookie']);

        if (
/** @var \XF\Session\StorageInterface $publicSessions */
$publicSessions = $this->app->get('');
$sessionData = $publicSessions->getSession($sessionId);

            if (
$sessionIpLimit = $this->filter('session_ip_limit', '?str');
                if (
$ipValidated = $this->validateIpAgainstSession($sessionData, $sessionIpLimit);
$ipValidated = true;

                if (
$user = $this->getUserFromSessionData($sessionData);

'user' => $user->toApiResult(Entity::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, ['full_profile' => true])

        if (
/** @var \XF\Repository\UserRemember $rememberRepo */
$rememberRepo = $this->repository('XF:UserRemember');

            if (
$rememberRepo->validateByCookieValue($rememberCookie, $remember))
$user = $this->em()->find('XF:User', $remember->user_id, 'api');

'user' => $user->toApiResult(Entity::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, ['full_profile' => true])


    protected function
validateIpAgainstSession(array $sessionData, string $expectedIp): bool
// this is basically copied out of the session class...

if (!isset($sessionData['_ip']) || empty($sessionData['_ip']) || empty($expectedIp))
true; // no IP to check against

$expectedIp = \XF\Util\Ip::convertIpStringToBinary($expectedIp);

$cidr = strlen($expectedIp) == 4 ? 24 : 64;

        if (empty(
$sessionData['userId']) || $cidr <= 0)
true; // IP check disabled

        return \
XF\Util\Ip::ipMatchesCidrRange($expectedIp, $sessionData['_ip'], $cidr);

    protected function
getUserFromSessionData(array $sessionData): \XF\Entity\User
        if (!empty(
$user = $this->em()->find('XF:User', $sessionData['userId'], 'api');
            if (
$userPasswordDate = $user->Profile ? $user->Profile->password_date : 0;
                if (!isset(
$sessionData['passwordDate']) || $sessionData['passwordDate'] == $userPasswordDate)
// we have a user and the password date matches, so we can consider them logged in
return $user;


     * @api-desc Generates a token that can automatically log into a specific XenForo user when the login URL
     *      is visited. If the visitor is already logged into a XenForo account, they will not be logged into
     *      the specified account. Only available to super user keys.
     * @api-in <req> int $user_id
     * @api-in str $limit_ip If provided, locks the token to the specified IP for additional security
     * @api-in str $return_url If provided, after logging the user will be returned to this URL. Otherwise they'll go to the XenForo index.
     * @api-in bool $force If provided, the login URL will forcibly replace the currently logged in user if a user is already logged in and different to the currently logged in user. Defaults to false.
     * @api-in bool $remember Controls whether the a "remember me" cookie will be set when the user logs in. Defaults to true.
     * @api-out str $login_token
     * @api-out str $login_url Direct user to this URL to trigger a login
     * @api-out int $expiry_date Unix timestamp of when the token expires. An error will be displayed if the token is expired or invalid
public function actionPostLoginToken()

$userId = $this->filter('user_id', 'uint');

/** @var \XF\Entity\User $user */
$user = $this->assertRecordExists('XF:User', $userId, 'api');

/** @var \XF\Entity\ApiLoginToken $loginToken */
$loginToken = $this->em()->create('XF:ApiLoginToken');
$loginToken->user_id = $user->user_id;

$limitIp = $this->filter('limit_ip', 'str');
        if (
$loginToken->limit_ip = $limitIp;


$returnUrl = $this->filter('return_url', 'str');
$returnUrl = $returnUrl ? $this->request->convertToAbsoluteUri($returnUrl, true) : null;

$force = $this->filter('force', 'bool', false);
$remember = $this->filter('remember', 'bool', true);

$publicRouter = $this->app->router('public');

'login_token' => $loginToken->login_token,
'login_url' => $publicRouter->buildLink(
'token' => $loginToken->login_token,
'return_url' => $returnUrl,
'force' => $force ? 1 : 0,
'remember' => $remember ? 1 : 0,
'expiry_date' => $loginToken->expiry_date,