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 * @brief        API Dispatcher
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        3 Dec 2015

namespace IPS\Dispatcher;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * @brief    API Dispatcher
class _Api extends \IPS\Dispatcher
     * @brief Controller Location
public $controllerLocation = 'api';
     * @brief Path
public $path = NULL;
     * @brief Raw API Key
public $rawApiKey = NULL;
     * @brief Raw Access Token
public $rawAccessToken = NULL;
     * @brief API Key Object
public $apiKey = NULL;
     * @brief Access Token Details
public $accessToken = NULL;
     * @brief Language
public $language = NULL;
     * Init
     * @return    void
     * @throws    \DomainException
public function init()
/* Get the path */
/* Check our IP address isn't banned */
/* Set our credentials */
            if (
$this->rawAccessToken )
            elseif (
$this->rawApiKey )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_API_KEY', '2S290/6', 401 );
/* Set other data */
        catch ( \
IPS\Api\Exception $e )
/* Build resonse */
$response = json_encode( array( 'errorCode' => $e->exceptionCode, 'errorMessage' => $e->getMessage() ), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );
/* Do we need to log this? */
if ( $this->rawApiKey !== 'test' and in_array( $e->exceptionCode, array( '2S290/8', '2S290/B', '3S290/7', '3S290/9' ) ) )
$this->_log( $response, $e->getCode(), in_array( $e->exceptionCode, array( '3S290/7', '3S290/9', '3S290/B' ) ) );
/* Output */
$this->_respond( $response, $e->getCode(), $e->oauthError );
     * Set the path and request data
     * @return    void
protected function _setPath()
/* Decode URL */
if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->use_friendly_urls and \IPS\Settings::i()->htaccess_mod_rewrite and mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->url()->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], -14 ) !== '/api/index.php' )
/* We are using Mod Rewrite URL's, so look in the path */
$this->path = mb_substr( \IPS\Request::i()->url()->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], mb_strpos( \IPS\Request::i()->url()->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_PATH ], '/api/' ) + 5 );
/* nginx won't convert the 'fake' query string to $_GET params, so do this now */
if ( ! empty( \IPS\Request::i()->url()->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_QUERY ] ) )
parse_str( \IPS\Request::i()->url()->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_QUERY ], $params );
                foreach (
$params as $k => $v )
                    if ( ! isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->$k ) )
IPS\Request::i()->$k = $v;
/* Otherwise we are not, so we need the query string instead, which is actually easier */
$this->path = \IPS\Request::i()->url()->data[ \IPS\Http\Url::COMPONENT_QUERY ];

/* However, if we passed any actual query string arguments, we need to strip those */
if( mb_strpos( $this->path, '&' ) )
$this->path = mb_substr( $this->path, 0, mb_strpos( $this->path, '&' ) );
     * Work out if this is an API Key request, or an OAuth request
     * @note    OAuth requires Access Tokens only be transmitted over TLS, so if the request isn't secure, we ignore OAuth credentials
     * @return    void
public function _setRawCredentials()
/* Check if an API Key or Access Token has been passed as a parameter in the query string. Because of the
            obvious security issues with this, we do not recommend it, but sometimes it is the only choice */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->key ) )
$this->rawApiKey = \IPS\Request::i()->key;
        if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->access_token ) and ( !\IPS\OAUTH_REQUIRES_HTTPS or \IPS\Request::i()->isSecure() ) )
$this->rawAccessToken = \IPS\Request::i()->access_token;
/* Look for an API key in an automatically decoded HTTP Basic header */
if ( isset( $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ) )
$this->rawApiKey = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
/* If we're still here, try to find an Authorization header - start with $_SERVER... */
$authorizationHeader = NULL;
        foreach (
$_SERVER as $k => $v )
            if (
mb_substr( $k, -18 ) == 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' )
$authorizationHeader = $v;
/* ...if we didn't find anything there, try apache_request_headers() */
if ( !$authorizationHeader and function_exists('apache_request_headers') )
$headers = @apache_request_headers();
            if ( isset(
$headers['Authorization'] ) )
$authorizationHeader = $headers['Authorization'];
/* If we managed to get one, set if it's an API Key or an Access Token */
if ( $authorizationHeader )
            if (
mb_substr( $authorizationHeader, 0, 7 ) === 'Bearer ' and ( !\IPS\OAUTH_REQUIRES_HTTPS or \IPS\Request::i()->isSecure() ) )
$this->rawAccessToken = mb_substr( $authorizationHeader, 7 );
$exploded = explode( ':', base64_decode( mb_substr( $authorizationHeader, 6 ) ) );
                if ( isset(
$exploded[0] ) )
$this->rawApiKey = $exploded[0];
     * Check the IP Address isn't banned
     * @return    void
     * @throws    \IPS\Api\Exception
protected function _checkIpAddressIsAllowed()
/* Check the IP address is banned */
if ( \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddressIsBanned() )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'IP_ADDRESS_BANNED', '1S290/A', 403 );
/* If we have tried to access the API with a bad key more than 10 times, ban the IP address */
if ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'core_api_logs', array( 'ip_address=? AND is_bad_key=1', \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress() ) )->first() > 10 )
/* Remove the flag from these logs so that if the admin unbans the IP we aren't immediately banned again */
\IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_api_logs', array( 'is_bad_key' => 0 ), array( 'ip_address=?', \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress() ) );
/* Then insert the ban... */
\IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_banfilters', array(
'ban_type'        => 'ip',
'ban_content'    => \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress(),
'ban_date'        => time(),
'ban_reason'    => 'API',
            ) );
            unset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->bannedIpAddresses );
/* And throw an error */
throw new \IPS\Api\Exception( 'IP_ADDRESS_BANNED', '1S290/C', 403 );
/* If we have tried to access the API with a bad key more than once in the last 5 minutes, throw an error to prevent brute-forcing */
if ( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'core_api_logs', array( 'ip_address=? AND is_bad_key=1 AND date>?', \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress(), \IPS\DateTime::create()->sub( new \DateInterval( 'PT5M' ) )->getTimestamp() ) )->first() > 1 )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'TOO_MANY_REQUESTS_WITH_BAD_KEY', '1S290/D', 429 );
     * Set API Key
     * @return    void
public function _setApiKey()
$this->apiKey = \IPS\Api\Key::load( $this->rawApiKey );
            if (
$this->apiKey->allowed_ips and !in_array( \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress(), explode( ',', $this->apiKey->allowed_ips ) ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'IP_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED', '2S290/8', 403 );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_API_KEY', '3S290/7', 401 );
     * Set Access Token
     * @return    void
public function _setAccessToken()
$exploded = explode( '_', $this->rawAccessToken );
            if ( !isset(
$exploded[0] ) or !isset( $exploded[1] ) )
                throw new \
$this->accessToken = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_oauth_server_access_tokens', array( 'client_id=? AND access_token=?', $exploded[0], $exploded[1] ) )->first();
            if (
$this->accessToken['access_token_expires'] and $this->accessToken['access_token_expires'] < time() )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'EXPIRED_ACCESS_TOKEN', '1S290/E', 401, 'invalid_token' );
            if ( !
$this->accessToken['scope'] or !json_decode( $this->accessToken['scope'] ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_SCOPES', '3S290/B', 401, 'insufficient_scope' );
        catch ( \
UnderflowException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN', '3S290/9', 401, 'invalid_token' );
     * Set Language
     * @return    void
public function _setLanguage()
            if ( isset(
$this->language = \IPS\Lang::load( intval( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_IPS_LANGUAGE'] ) );
$this->language = \IPS\Lang::load( \IPS\Lang::defaultLanguage() );
        catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_LANGUAGE', '2S290/9', 400, 'invalid_request' );
     * Run
     * @return    void
public function run()
$shouldLog = FALSE;
/* Work out the app and controller. Both can only be alphanumeric - prevents include injections */
$pathBits = array_filter( explode( '/', $this->path ) );
$app = array_shift( $pathBits );
            if ( !
preg_match( '/^[a-z0-9]+$/', $app ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_APP', '3S290/3', 400 );
$controller = array_shift( $pathBits );
            if ( !
preg_match( '/^[a-z0-9]+$/', $controller ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_CONTROLLER', '3S290/4', 400 );
/* Load the app */
$app = \IPS\Application::load( $app );
            catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_APP', '2S290/1', 404 );
/* Check it's enabled */
if ( !$app->enabled )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'APP_DISABLED', '1S290/2', 503 );
/* Get the controller */
$class = 'IPS\\' . $app->directory . '\\api\\' . $controller;
            if ( !
class_exists( $class ) )
                throw new \
IPS\Api\Exception( 'INVALID_CONTROLLER', '2S290/5', 404 );
/* Run it */
$controller = new $class( $this->apiKey, $this->accessToken );
$response = $controller->execute( $pathBits, $shouldLog );
/* Send Output */
$output = json_encode( $response->getOutput(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT );
$this->language->parseOutputForDisplay( $output );
$this->_respond( $output, $response->httpCode, NULL, $shouldLog, TRUE );
        catch ( \
IPS\Api\Exception $e )
$this->_respond( json_encode( array( 'errorCode' => $e->exceptionCode, 'errorMessage' => $e->getMessage() ), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ), $e->getCode(), $e->oauthError, $shouldLog );
        catch ( \
Exception $e )
IPS\Log::log( $e, 'api' );
$this->_respond( json_encode( array( 'errorCode' => 'EX' . $e->getCode(), 'errorMessage' => \IPS\IN_DEV ? $e->getMessage() : 'UNKNOWN_ERROR' ), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ), 500 );
     * Log
     * @param    array    $response            Response to output
     * @param    int        $httpResponseCode    HTTP Response Code
     * @param    bool    $isBadKey            Was the ley invalid?
     * @return    void
protected function _log( $response, $httpResponseCode, $isBadKey=FALSE )
IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_api_logs', array(
'endpoint'            => $this->path,
'method'            => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'],
'api_key'            => $this->rawApiKey,
'ip_address'        => \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress(),
'request_data'        => json_encode( $_REQUEST, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ),
'response_code'        => $httpResponseCode,
'response_output'    => $response,
'date'                => time(),
'is_bad_key'        => $isBadKey,
'client_id'            => $this->accessToken ? $this->accessToken['client_id'] : NULL,
'member_id'            => $this->accessToken ? $this->accessToken['member_id'] : NULL,
'access_token'        => $this->rawAccessToken,
            ) );
        catch ( \
IPS\Db\Exception $e ) {}
     * Output response
     * @param    string    $response            Response to output
     * @param    int        $httpResponseCode    HTTP Response Code
     * @param    bool    $parseLanguage        If response should be language parsed
protected function _respond( $response, $httpResponseCode, $oauthError=NULL, $log=FALSE )
$headers = array();
        if (
$this->rawAccessToken and $oauthError )
$headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = "Bearer error=\"{$oauthError}\"";
        if (
$log )
$this->_log( $response, $httpResponseCode );
IPS\Output::i()->sendOutput( $response, $httpResponseCode, 'application/json', $headers );
     * Destructor
     * @return    void
public function __destruct()