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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/XF/Api/Controller/Alerts.php

namespace XF\Api\Controller;


 * @api-group Alerts
class Alerts extends AbstractController
    protected function
preDispatchController($action, ParameterBag $params)
        if (
strtolower($action) == 'postmarkall')

        if (
strtolower($action) != 'post')

     * @api-desc Gets the API user's list of alerts
     * @api-in int $page
     * @api-in int $cutoff Unix timestamp of oldest alert to include. Note that unread or unviewed alerts are always included.
     * @api-in bool $unviewed If true, gets only unviewed alerts. Unviewed alerts have not been seen (in the standard UI).
     * @api-in bool $unread If true, gets only unread alerts. Unread alerts may have been seen but the content they relate to has not been viewed.
     * @api-out UserAlert[] $alerts
     * @api-out pagination $pagination
public function actionGet()
$page = $this->filterPage();
$perPage = $this->options()->alertsPerPage;

$alertsFinder = $this->setupAlertsFinder();
$alerts = $alertsFinder->limitByPage($page, $perPage)->fetch();

$totalAlerts = $alertsFinder->total();

$this->assertValidApiPage($page, $perPage, $totalAlerts);

$alerts = $alerts->filterViewable();

$alertResults = $alerts->toApiResults();

$return = [
'alerts' => $alertResults,
'pagination' => $this->getPaginationData($alertResults, $page, $perPage, $totalAlerts)

     * @return \XF\Mvc\Entity\Finder
protected function setupAlertsFinder()
$cutOff = $this->filter('cutoff', 'uint');

$alertsFinder = $this->getAlertRepo()->findAlertsForUser(\XF::visitor()->user_id, $cutOff)

$unviewed = $this->filter('unviewed', 'bool');
        if (
$alertsFinder->where('view_date', 0);

$unread = $this->filter('unread', 'bool');
        if (
$alertsFinder->where('read_date', 0);


     * @api-desc Sends an alert to the specified user. Only available to super user keys.
     * @api-in int $to_user_id <req> ID of the user to receive the alert
     * @api-in str $alert <req> Text of the alert. May use the placeholder "{link}" to have the link automatically inserted.
     * @api-in int $from_user_id If provided, the user to send the alert from. Otherwise, uses the current API user. May be 0 for an anonymous alert.
     * @api-in str $link_url URL user will be taken to when the alert is clicked.
     * @api-in str $link_title Text of the link URL that will be displayed. If no placeholder is present in the alert, will be automatically appended.
     * @api-out true $success
public function actionPost()
$this->assertRequiredApiInput(['to_user_id', 'alert']);

$input = $this->filter([
'from_user_id' => '?uint',
'to_user_id' => 'uint',
'alert' => 'str',
'link_url' => 'str',
'link_title' => 'str'

$toUser = $this->assertRecordExists('XF:User', $input['to_user_id']);

        if (
$input['from_user_id'] !== null)
            if (!
$fromUser = $this->repository('XF:User')->getGuestUser();
$fromUser = $this->assertRecordExists('XF:User', $input['from_user_id']);
$fromUser = \XF::visitor();

$alert = $this->setupAlertFromInput($input);

$fromUser->user_id, $fromUser->username,
'user', $toUser->user_id,
'from_admin', $alert


    protected function
setupAlertFromInput(array $input): array
$alertText = $input['alert'];

        if (
            if (
strpos($alertText, '{link}') === false)
$alertText .= ' {link}';

$link = '<a href="' . $input['link_url'] . '" class="fauxBlockLink-blockLink">'
. ($input['link_title'] ? $input['link_title'] : $input['link_url'])
$alertText = str_replace('{link}', $link, $alertText);

        return [
'alert_text' => $alertText,
'link_url' => $input['link_url'],
'link_title' => $input['link_title']

     * @api-desc Marks all of the API user's alerts as read or viewed. Must specify "read" or "viewed" parameters.
     * @api-in bool $read If specified, marks all alerts as read.
     * @api-in bool $viewed If specified, marks all alerts as viewed. This will remove the alert counter but keep unactioned alerts highlighted.
     * @api-out true $success
public function actionPostMarkAll()
$visitor = \XF::visitor();

        if (
$this->filter('viewed', 'bool'))
        else if (
$this->filter('read', 'bool'))
$this->assertRequiredApiInput(['viewed', 'read']);


     * @return \XF\Repository\UserAlert
protected function getAlertRepo()